WARNING: Use only the 96DC-200BI adapter that Memory Boy comes
supplied with. Do not use any other adapters. Using other adapters, even
those made by Electro-Harmonix, could cause harm to the unit, the adapter or
Congratulations on your purchase of the Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy…a smooth
analog delay that takes its heritage from our 1970’s Memory Man and the legendary
Deluxe Memory Man. The Memory Boy uses the Deluxe Memory Man as a base,
expanding upon it with additional modulation features and an optional Expression
Pedal input allowing external control over Delay Time or Modulation Rate.
Connect your guitar to the INPUT jack of the Memory Boy and the OUTPUT jack to
your amplifier. The Memory Boy can be used in combination with other effects
devices. Experiment with combinations to develop your own unique sounds. The true
bypass footswitch allows you to switch the effect in and out.
START UP TIME: The Memory Boy takes approximately 20 Seconds to fully warm
up. During this time you will hear the delay time slowly increase for a given DELAY
knob setting, especially if the DELAY knob is above 50%. After about 20 Seconds the
Memory Boy settles on the delay time set by the DELAY knob.
DELAY Knob – Controls the delay time of your Memory Boy. The delay time range is
30 mS to 550 mS with the maximum delay time at the full clockwise position of the
knob. Turning the DELAY knob, while listening to your echoes, will bend the pitch of
your notes. The DELAY knob is also used to set the maximum delay time for
expression pedal control.
DEPTH Knob – Sets the amount of modulation that is applied to your delayed
signal. Turning the DEPTH knob clockwise will increase the amount of the
modulation. To completely turn off the modulation, turn the DEPTH knob down to the
full counter-clockwise position.
BLEND Knob – The BLEND knob is a wet/dry control allowing you to vary the mix
between direct and delayed signals at the OUTPUT jack of the Memory Boy. Set the
BLEND knob to the full clockwise position for an output that is 100% Wet. Set the
Blend knob to full counter-clockwise for an output that is 100% dry. Setting BLEND
anywhere in between will mix the wet and dry signals together.
FEEDBACK – Controls the amount of signal that is circulated from the output of the
delay block to its input. Turning the FEEDBACK knob clockwise increases the number
of echoes. Setting the FEEDBACK control to its maximum clockwise position will cause
the Memory Boy to run-away, or self-oscillate. If instead you only want to hear one
echo for each of your notes, turn the FEEDBACK knob down to its full counterclockwise position. Fairly high feedback with short delay settings produces a reverb
type of effect.
Triangle / Square Toggle Switch – This two position toggle switch sets the shape
of the analog modulation waveform. To hear the effects of this switch, the DEPTH
knob must be turned up. When set to Triangle (UP position), Memory Boy’s
modulation will be smooth and continuous, similar to the modulation you would hear
in many Chorus effects. Set the switch to Square (Down position) and the modulation
will jump between two delay times creating a temporary pitch shifting type of effect.
CHORUS, VIBRATO & EXP. PEDAL Toggle Switch – This three position, dual
function toggle switch has two jobs: it sets the rate of modulation and chooses the
parameter for the expression pedal to control.
MODULATION RATE: With nothing plugged into the EXP. PEDAL jack, this switch
selects three different modulation rates: CHORUS for a slow rate, EXP. PEDAL for a
medium rate and VIBRATO for a fast rate. When an expression pedal is plugged into
the EXP. PEDAL jack, the CHORUS and VIBRATO settings remain the same; flipping
the switch to the middle position, EXP. PEDAL, allows the expression pedal to control
the rate of modulation. The full range of the expression pedal extends past the two
rates set by CHORUS and VIBRATO.
EXPRESSION PEDAL CONTROL: An optional expression pedal can control either
the Memory Boy’s delay time or modulation rate. The CHORUS, VIBRATO, EXP.
PEDAL toggle switch selects the parameter for the expression pedal to control. When
this switch is set to either CHORUS or VIBRATO modes, the expression pedal controls
delay time. If the switch is set to EXP. PEDAL, the expression pedal controls the rate
of modulation. The modulation rate increases as the expression pedal moves from
toe up to toe down.

When you control delay time with an expression pedal, the shortest delay time will be
in the toe up position; the longest delay time will be in the toe down position. The
delay knob works in conjunction with the expression pedal to set the maximum delay
time in the toe down position. As you turn the DELAY knob clockwise, the maximum
delay time for the expression pedal will increase. Some expression pedals, such as
the M-Audio EX-P, have a knob on the side of the pedal. This knob can be used to set
the shortest delay time in the toe up position.
FOOTSWICH and STATUS LED – When the status LED is lit, the Memory Boy is in
effect mode, when the LED is off the Memory Boy is in true bypass mode. The
footswitch below the LED toggles between effect and true bypass modes.
INPUT Jack – Connect the output of your instrument or another effects pedal to the
¼” INPUT jack. The input impedance presented at the input jack is 1 M.
OUTPUT Jack – Connect the output of the Memory Boy to the input of an amplifier
or another effects pedal.
EXP. PEDAL Jack – Allows the user to control the delay time or modulation rate
with an optional expression pedal or control voltage. The expression pedal should
have a Tip-Ring-Sleeve plug attached to it. It is important that the expression pedal
have the correct polarity. The tip of the plug must be connected to the wiper of the
potentiometer inside the expression pedal. If you are not sure what type of
expression pedal to use, try to purchase one with a polarity switch, so that it will
work with many different types of instruments. Some suggested Expression Pedals:
Moog EP-2, M-Audio EX-P or Roland EV-5. You may also connect a control voltage to
this jack. The Control Voltage range is 0 V to 5 V.
9V PWR JACK – Connect the output plug of the supplied AC Adaptor into the 9V
power jack at the top of the Memory Boy. The Memory Boy requires 45mA at
9VDC. The polarity of the power jack is center negative. There is also an optional 9V
battery clip inside your Memory Boy. Only use alkaline batteries with the Memory
Boy. You should get 3 to 4 hours use out of one battery.