Congratulations on your purchase of the Electro-Harmonix remote 2880 Foot
Controller accessory that was designed work with the 2880 Super Multi-
track Looper! The 2880 Foot Controller allows you to use your 2880
remotely, with your feet! The perfect performance pedal giving you total
hands free control as you play. It gives you foot access to the following
switches: Track select, New Loop, Record, Play, Octave and Reverse.
Important: The Electro-Harmonix 2880 Foot Controller obtains all of its
power from the 2880 Super Multi-track Looper. Use only a standard ¼”
guitar cable to connect the Foot Controller to the 2880. A standard guitar
cable has Tip and Sleeve conductors. The Foot Controller does not require
batteries or an AC Adapter.
To properly setup the Foot Controller with a 2880 you will need one standard
guitar cable with a ¼” plug on each end:
Plug one end of the guitar cable into the 2880 Footswitch jack.
Plug the other end of the guitar cable into the Foot Controller’s jack.
Upon connecting the 2880 Foot Controller to the main unit, all 6 LEDs (on
the FC) will light briefly for 1 second.
The following descriptions detail the functions of all of the Footswitches and
LEDs (lights) on the 2880 Foot Controller. All 6 switches and LEDs on the
Foot Controller duplicate the switches and LEDs on the 2880 with the same
1. NEW LOOP Footswitch – When you press the NEW LOOP footswitch,
you will enter record ready mode. Press the NEW LOOP switch again and you
Foot Controller
will exit the record ready mode. If you press the NEW LOOP switch while
recording, it will end the recording and put you into playback mode.
2. NEW LOOP LED – Will blink rapidly when you are in record ready mode.
3. RECORD Footswitch – The RECORD Footswitch (FSW) is a duplicate of
the RECORD FSW on the 2880 itself. Please refer to the 2880 User Manual
for instructions on how the RECORD FSW works.
4. PLAY Footswitch – The PLAY FSW is a duplicate of the PLAY FSW on
the 2880. Please refer to the 2880 User Manual for instructions on how the
PLAY FSW works.
5. RECORD and PLAY LEDs – These two LEDs duplicate the Recording
and Playing LEDs on the 2880.
6. TRACK SELECT Footswitch – The track select switch is used to select
the active track. Each press of this footswitch will advance you to the next
track. Pressing the TRACK SELECT Footswitch while Track 4 is active will
cycle you back to Track 1.
7. TRACK SELECT LED – The TRACK SELECT LED will light only when
Track 1 is the active track, otherwise this LED will be off.
8. REVERSE Footswitch – Hitting the REVERSE FSW toggles between
Forward and Reverse modes.
9. REVERSE LED – When the REVERSE LED is lit, you are in REVERSE
mode and your loop will play backwards. When the REVERSE LED is off, you
are in FORWARD mode and your loop will play forwards.
10. OCTAVE Footswitch –. If you are Playing back a loop at its original
pitch and tempo and then hit the OCTAVE FSW, the loop’s tempo and pitch
will be lowered by exactly one octave. Hit the OCTAVE FSW again and the
loop will return to its original pitch and tempo.
11. OCTAVE LED – The Octave LED will light up when the octave function
is engaged.
12. ¼” Jack – Plug the guitar cable that is plugged into the 2880
Footswitch jack into this ¼” jack on the Foot Controller. Both power and
data will travel through the single guitar cable.