Elecraft KXAT1 User Manual

Assembly and Operating Instructions
Revision B, July 27, 2011. Copyright © 2011, Elecraft; All Rights Reserved
The KXAT1 internal automatic antenna tuner (ATU) allows random-length, end-fed wire antennas to be connected directly to the Elecraft KX1 transceiver and used on one or more bands. It can be also be used with most coax-fed antennas, or with balanced feedlines via a balun. Like our KAT1, KAT2, and KAT100 auto-tuners, the KXAT1 functions on receive as well as transmit. This provides an increase in receive sensitivity and improves rejection of out-of-band signals.
The KXAT1 uses latching relays to reduce current drain to nearly zero except when tuning. The se relays select appropriate combinations of inductance and capacitance, as well as either a capacitor-in or capacitor­out L-network configuration. Tune-up is controlled by the KXAT1's microprocessor, which also supplies SWR and power information to be displayed on the KX1's 3-digit LED display. Once a match has been found, matching parameters are saved so that the settings can be recalled immediately on any band change.
ATU parameters (L, C, SWR, etc.) can be viewed using the KX1’s ATU menu entry. Additional settings are provided to perform component-level troubleshooting of all relays and L-network components.
In addition to being one of the world’s smallest automatic antenna tuners, the KXAT1 is very easy to build and install. The KXAT1 module plugs directly into the KX1’s main board with no additional wiring. Gold plated connectors and redundant connector pins are used to provide excellent reliability for field operation.
L/C Ranges L (inductance): 0-4.5 µH in 7 steps; C (capacitance): 0-140 pF in 7 steps Network Type L-network (series L, shunt C); C switchable to transceiver or antenna side Tuning time 1 to 3 seconds typical for initial tune-up; < 1/2 sec. to recall per-band settings SWR Display 1.0:1 to 9.9:1 Current Drain Approx. 10-30 mA during TUNE; < 1 mA at all other times Size 4.8" (L) x 1.0" (D) x 0.5" (H) (12.2 x 2.5 x 1.3 cm) Weight 1 oz.
ution: Some components in this kit can be damaged by static discharge. Before handling any transistors or integrated circuits, always put on an anti-static wrist strap or touch any grounded, unpainted metal surface.
Parts Inventory
The table below lists all parts in the kit. The KX1 Owner's manual has photographs of similar parts.
Ref. Description Qty Part No.
C1 Capacitor, 20 or 22 pF ("20," "22," "200," or "220") 1 E530017 C2 Capacitor, 39 pF ("39" or "390") 1 E530036 C3 Capacitor, 82 pF ("82" or "820") 1 E530038 C4-C8,C11 Capacitor, .01 µF ("103") 6 E530019 C10 Capacitor, 100 pF, 200 V, NPO disc ("101") 1 E530034 C9 Capacitor, 1-40 pF trimmer 1 E540002 D1,D2 Diode, 1N5711 2 E560004 K1-K7 Relay, DPDT 7 E640010 L1,2,3 T37-2 toroid core, red, 0.37" diameter
(L1=0.64 µH,12T; L2=1.3 µH, 17T; L3 = 2.6 µH, 25 T) P1 Connector, 3 pin male, 0.1" spcg 1 E620071 P2 Connector, 2 pin male, 0.1" spcg 1 E620072 P3 Connector, 5 pin male, 0.1" spcg 1 E620073 R1,R2 Potentiometer, 100 k trimmer, low-profile 2 E520012 R3 Resistor, 200 ohms, 1/4-W, 5% (red-black-brown) 1 E500020 R4 Resistor, 3.3 k, 1/4-W, 5% (orange-orange-red) 1 E500017 RFC1 Miniature RF choke, 15 µH (brown-green-black) 1 E690012 T1 Transfor mer on FT37-43 core, 10 turns bifilar (see text) 1 E680003 U1 MCU, KXAT1, PIC16C716 1 E610016 Z1 Ceramic resonator, 4.0MHz +/- 0.2% 1 E660001 MISC KXAT1 PC board (part of KX1 PC board set) 1 E100175 MISC Enamel wire, #26 red 5 ft. E760002 MISC Enamel wire, #26 green 2 ft. E760004 MISC Solid, insulated hookup wire, green 1 ft. E760008 MISC Socket for U1, 18 pins 1 E620031 MISC Foot, self-adhesive (spacer between ATU/bottom cover) 1 E700024
3 E680006
Parts Placement Drawings
Parts placement drawings for both sides of the KXAT1 PC board can be found in Appendix F of the KX1 manual.
A fine-point, temperature-controlled soldering iron (700-800 degrees F) is required to assemble this kit. A high-wattage iron or one with a wide tip may damage components, pads, or traces. Use a minimum amount of solder to avoid ground shor ts.
and microcontroller U1). Double-check all values before soldering, since removing parts from double-sided PC boards can be difficult.
bend the relay leads.
soldered pin while pressing down on the relay. Once all relays are properly seated, solder all pins.
All parts are installed on the top side of the board except as noted (the side with the relays, toroids,
Place relays at locations K1-K7 as shown by their component outlines. Do not solder yet. Do not
Using a flat object to hold K1-K7 in place, flip the board over. Solder just one inner pin on each relay. Inspect the relays closely to make sure that they’re seated flat against the PC board. If not, re-heat the
Trim the relay leads as short as possible to provide clearance for folded capacitors in a later step. Install the IC socket at U1. Align the socket's notched end with the notch in the component outline. On the bottom side, install R3 (200 ohms, red-black-brown) and R4 (3.3 k, orange-orange-red). Install D1 and D2, with the banded end of each diode oriented as shown on the board.
Install ceramic resonator Z1, which looks like a capacitor with three leads. It can be installed in either of two orientations. Keep soldering time to 2-3 seconds per lead to avoid overheating the part, which can alter its frequency. Trim the leads after soldering.
Install trimmers R1 and R2 on the bottom side. Make sure they are seated flat against the PC board.
Install RF choke RFC1 (brown-green-black). The leads are fragile—handle carefully.
Install the trimmer capacitor, C9, on the bottom side. The flat side should be oriented as shown by the component outline, and the trimmer must be seated flat against the board.
Install the capacitors listed below on the bottom side of the board, but don't solder them yet. Leave the leads about 0.1" long so the capacitors can be folded down in the next step. All possible value markings are shown in parentheses.
__ C1, 20 or 22 pF (20, 22, 200, or 220) __ C2, 39 pF (39 or 390) __C3, 82 pF (82 or 820) __ C10, 100 pF (101)
Fold down C1, C2, and C3 at about a 45-degree angle, but not so far that they contact the nearby relay pins. C1 should be folded toward K1, C2 toward K4, and C3 toward K2.
Solder C1-C3 and C10 from the bottom side to avoid damaging the relays. Trim the leads on the top.
In the following step, the installed height of the capacitors must be no more than 5/16" (7.5 mm). The leads may be pre-formed so that the capacitors sit a small distance above the board. As long as the installed height is below the limit specified, there's no need to straighten the leads.
should be seated as far down onto the board as possible (see above).
adjust the windings to precisely match the inductances shown on the schematic.
inductor, pass the long end of the wire through the core exactly 12 times. Each pass through the core counts as one turn. The finished winding should look like the illu stration below. Exact turns spacing is not critical.
Install the .01-µF capacitors ("103") on the top side of the board (C6, C4, C5, C7, C8, C11). They
In the following steps, inductors L1 through L3 will be wound and installed. There is no need to
Inductor L1 is wound on a T37-2 core (red) us ing 8" (20 cm) of #26 red enamel wire. To wind the
Spread out the turns of L1 so they occupy about 80-90% of the core’s circumference.
Cut L1's leads to about 1/2" (12 mm) long. Completely remove the enamel insulation from the leads to within 1/8” (3 mm) of the core. The enamel wire provided can be heat-stripped using a small amount of solder on the tip of your iron. Stripping using this method takes 4-6 seconds.
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