Advanced Operating Features
Special VFO B Displays
The KX2 can display time of day and other parameters
on the VFO B display. To access these displays, tap
DISP , then rotate the OFS/B control.
The following special displays are available:
§ 24-hour time, obtained from the real-time-clock
on the KXIO2 option module. If a KXIO2 is not
installed, the time since last power-on will be
displayed. Set the time using MENU:TIME.
§ Power supply voltage. If you have both an
internal battery and an external power source
connected to the KX2, the display will show the
higher of the two voltages. This display, as well as
the next two, stay visible even when using TUNE,
so you can check key-down conditions.
§ Supply current. Typical receive-mode current is
0.15-0.20 A. It can be reduced by turning off the
LCD backlight and preamp, and by using
headphones. Transmit current is typically 1 to 3 A.
§ Power Amplifier (PA) temperature. The KX2’s
internal PA temperature is shown as PA.I nnC
(Internal). If a KXPA100 is connected via the
remote-control cable, MENU:PA MODE is ON,
PWR is set to > 10 W, the KXPA100’s PA
temperature is shown, as PA.X nnC (eXternal).
PA temperatures rise gradually as you transmit.
§ Audio Signal level (AFV). Shows the KX2’s
audio output level, prior to the AF gain control
(the AF gain control has no effect on this reading).
The reading will vary with preamp and attenuator
settings. AFV is used along with dBV (below).
§ Relative audio signal (dBV). Used to measure
receiver sensitivity or or to compare signals. First
select AFV (described above) and allow the
voltage reading to stabilize. (This may not be
possible with rapidly changing signals.) Once the
signal appears stable, select dBV. You should now
see a reading of around 0 dBV (see Glossary)
relative to the last AFV reading. If you change the
setting of the preamp or attenuator, you should see
this reading change. However, it may not change
as much as you expect unless you also turn AGC
off using the AGC menu entry. (Be sure to turn
AF gain down before turning AGC off, as the
signal may become very loud.)
§ Amp hours: Shows total amp hours used since
the value was last reset (for details, see
MENU:AMP HRS). Used to test batteries or
estimate remaining battery charge.
Hold CLR while in the AMP HRS menu
entry to zero the amp hours value.
§ Log Data: Use VFO A to scroll through recorded
outgoing CW/DATA text. Also shows time stamps
and band/mode. See MENU:LOGGING.
Hold CLR to erase all log data.