Elecraft KBT1 User Manual

D e c e mber 5 , 2 0 0 6 ( r e v . A - 6 )
Errata Items:
1. Page 1, footnote 1: Change the AA cell diameter specification to 0.56" (14.2 mm).
2. Page 5, last assembly step: This step describes the installation of two self-adhesive neoprene spacers
(Figure 4). The correct location of the spacers is shown, but the figure does not clearly identify which surface the spacers must be adhered to. The spacers must be attached to the wall of the battery bracket that is nearest the battery on/off switch (i.e., in the plane of the drawing).
3. Page 6, fifth assembly step: Replace the existing step with the following text:
Prepare the neoprene washer by removing and discarding the inner ring. Remove the protective paper
covering the adhesive side of the washer and carefully slide the washer over the speaker magnet with the adhesive side toward the speaker frame. (See Figure 6, next page.)
4. Page 8, fifth assembly step: Your KBT1 kit includes a 3 x 3" piece of speaker grille cloth. Cut a portion of
the grille cloth large enough to cover the speaker, and attach it to the inside top cover using tape or a long­lasting adhesive. Double-backed transparent tape may work best. Avoid using thick tape, as this will interfere with proper installation of the top cover.
Important Notes:
1. Cell Leakage: Damage caused to the K1 due to battery leakage or excess current drain is not covered by the Elecraft warranty. Always remove the batteries from the K1 when not in use. Also, be sure to use an insulator between the batteries and the battery bracket as described below.
2. Checking Battery Holder Springs: An exposed spring contact on the 8-AA battery holder could cause a short within the battery pack. To avoid possible shorts, look closely at your battery holder's spring contacts. If any spring protrudes beyond the edge of the plastic holder, bend it back into position using long-nose pliers. Springs should be about 1/16" (1.5 mm) from the outer edge of the holder.
3. Battery Pack Insulator: To protect against possible shorts due to exposed battery holder springs, you'll
need to fabricate an insulator from the supplied piece of Mylar. See instructions on the back of this sheet.
4. Battery Installation: The battery holder should be installed as shown in Figure 6 of the manual. The ends
of the batteries must face towards the front and back of the K1, not the sides. The red and black wires should be oriented towards the left side panel of the K1 as shown.
5. Speaker Volume: The replacement speaker supplied with the KBT1 kit does not attach directly to the top
cover. Instead, it is mounted in a hole in the battery bracket. The speaker will thus appear to have very low volume if you operate the transceiver with the cover off.
(IMPORTANT: See battery insulator fabrication instructions on back)
Battery Pack Insulator: To protect against possible shorts due to exposed battery holder springs, you'll need to
fabricate an insulator from the supplied piece of clear Mylar (part number E980041). Use the following steps:
1. Lay the Mylar over the cutting template below. Use a ruler or straight edge and a fine-tip felt pen to draw
the insulator's outline on the Mylar.
BatteryInsulator Template
2.3" x7.3" (5.84 x18.54 cm)
2. Using a straight edge and a sharp tool such as an Xacto knife, carefully cut out the Mylar insulator. Keep the lines as straight as possible during cutting.
3. Install a set of AA batteries (new, old, charged or uncharged) into the holder.
4. Wrap the insulator tightly around the batteries and battery holder as shown below, forming a sleeve. The ends will overlap approximately 1/2" (12 mm).
5. Use ordinary household transparent tape to tape the outer seam. NOTE: If you wrap the sleeve too tightly, you may not be able to remove and install it easily. Re-position the tape slightly if necessary.
6. Remove the insulating sleeve from the battery pack. Add a second piece of transparent tape on the inner seam. The sleeve can be re-installed on the battery pack at the appropriate point in KBT1 assembly.
Always use this insulating sleeve when installing batteries in the K1. It will protect against accidental shorts due to the misaligned spring contacts.
Mylar Sheet
Wrap tightly
Tape seam