Elecraft K60XV User Manual

Assembly and Operating Instructions
Revision B, May 2, 2012. Copyright © 2012, Elecraft; All Rights Reserved
The K60XV adds 60-meter ham-band coverage to the K2 and K2/100 transceivers. In addition, it provides a low-level (0 dBm) split-path interface for use with transverters such as the Elecraft XV Series.
60 meters is an interesting alternative to 40 and 80 meters. It's a useful band for field and emergency communications, and has been adopted by the "HF Pack" group for nighttime calling. But the band has an equally interesting set of limitations. In the U.S.: USB only, five fixed channels, and maximum power equivalent to 50 watts into a dipole. Revision 2.04 K2 firmware allows the operator to quickly hop among the five fixed channels, as well as do channel-based scanning. The KPA100 option can be also used on 60 meters, but units shipped prior to March, 2004 will require modification (see page 2).
Transverter Interface
The transverter interface allows the K2 to be used with VHF/UHF/microwave transverters that require separate receive and transmit connectors. Such transverters generally require a low-level I.F. signal. The K60XV's low-level output is nominally 0 dBm (1 milliwatt), adjustable using the K2's POWER control. More importantly, the K60XV provides full closed-loop ALC that works in both SSB and CW modes. Control outputs are provided for use with third-pa rt y transv ert e rs, inclu di n g an ope n -d rai n key l i ne and three band-select logic outputs (neither are required for use with Elecraft's XV Series transverters).
Revision 2.04 K2 firmware provides a number of transverter-related enhancements, including up to six transverter bands, 0.1-mW increments on the bar graph, 0.01 mW units on the LCD in TUNE mode, and user-programmable transverter addressing (to allow more than one band display to be used with each transverter). With the K60XV installed, each transverter band display can be individually programmed to use the low-power/split-path interface or the K2's normal high-power output.
60-meter coverage Approx. 5.0 to 5.5 MHz; see text for permitted transmit frequencies Transverter T/R control PIN diode switching Transverter output Low-level, approx. 0.1-1.0 mW (-10 to 0 dBm); linearized RF/ALC detector Current drain Typically 1 to 2 mA in receive mode, 2 to 15 mA transmit PCB size 2.0 x 2.6" (5.1 x 6.6 cm)
Your K2 and some of its options will not function correctly with the K60XV
unless they meet the requirements listed here. Please read all items carefully.
Firmware Requirements
K2: Revision 2.04P or later main microcon troller firmware is required (U6, Control board), and
revision 1.09 or later I/O Controller firmware (U1, RF board). Serial number 4060 and higher K2s already have these revisions. To check the revision, hold any switch while turning the K2 on. Two numbers will be displayed: your main microcontroller revision on the left (e.g. 2.03D), and the IOC revision (e.g. 1.07). If either is not current, you must obtain an update from Elecraft (order #FWK2MCIO). This new firmware is included free of charge with the purchase of the K60XV kit on request.
KAT2 and KAT100 ATUs: For 60-meter use, the KAT2 requires revision 1.07 or later (order
#FWKAT2). The KAT100 requires revision 1.05 or late r (#FWKAT100). To determine your KAT2 or KAT100 firmware revision, use the K2's ATU menu entry. Note: In the U.S., CW operation is not allowed on 60 m at present. Technically, this means you can't use an ATU (see page 16).
KSB2 SSB Adapter: Revision 1.07 or later (#FWSSB) is required if you plan to use SSB modes with
low-power transverter I/O. To determine the revision, set the SSBA menu entry to BAL, exit the menu; the hold VOX. (Be sure to return SSBA to its original value after checking the firmware revision.)
Hardware Requirements
K2 Rear Panel: Starting with K2 serial number 4088, two holes for phono (RCA) jacks were added to
the K2's lower rear panel/heat sink, near the transverter I/O connector (J13 on the K2 RF board). Jacks of this type are often used for transverter I.F. connections, and have satisfactory characteristics at 28 MHz. They provide a more convenient connection point for transverters than the BNC jacks provided in the original K2 top cover, and can be used even with a KPA100 installed. You can order the new rear panel (order #E100075SS), or use the top-cover connectors. NOTE: The rear panel is removed during K60XV installation, so you must obtain the new panel before you start K60XV kit assembly.
KPA100 (K2/100's 100-watt stage): The KPA100 cannot be used on 60 m unless it includes (1) the
circuit updates made recently to improve high-SWR handling; (2) the newer version of the KPA100 shield, which includes grounding clips. If your KPA100 manual is revision C or later, both sets of change s are already in place. (Another way to tell if your unit has the circuit changes is to look at toroid L18 on the KPA100; it was recently replaced by a jumper.) The SWR-related update kit is order #KPA100MODKT. The shield upgrade is order #KPA100SHLDKT. Once these changes are in place, you can use the KPA100 on 60 meters, and can optionally upgrade to KPA100 firmware revision 1.09. This revision allows up to a 2:1 SWR before reducing power. (Use the K2's PA menu entry to check your present KPA100 revision.)
CAUTION: Some components in this kit can be damaged by static discharge.
Before handling, put on an anti-static wrist strap or touch a grounded surface.
Parts Inventory The table below lists all parts in the kit. Parts prefixed with "RF-" are for use on the K2 RF board.
Photographs of similar items can be found in the K2 Owner's Manual. All resistors are 5%, 1/4-watt.
Ref. Description Qty Part No.
C1, C2 Cap., trimmer, 8-50 pF, bottom adj. 2 E540005 C5 Cap., 2.2 pF (alt: 2 pF) 1 E530047 C6 Cap., 4.7 pF (alt: 5 pF) 1 E530048 C3,C4 Cap., 47 pF ("47" or "470") 2 E530014 RF-C71 Cap., 120 pF ("121") 1 E530041 C10, C12 Cap., .001 µF ("102") 2 E530129 C7,C8,C9,C11,C13-C16 Cap., 0.01 µF ("103") 8 E530130
D1,D2 D3,D4 Diode, small-signal shottky, 1N5711 2 E560004
RF-D19, RF-D20 Diode, varactor, MV2109 2 E560006 J1, J2 Conn., 0.1" spacing (pads only; see text) 0 n/a J3, J4 Conn., phono jack, panel mount 2 E620078 J5, J6 Conn., BN C (altern ative to J3, J4) 2 E620001
RF-J13 Conn., 8-pin female, 0.1" spacing 1 E620005 RF-J15 Conn., 3-pin female, 0.1" spacing 1 E620009
K1,K2 Relay, DPDT latching 2 E640001 P1 Conn., 8-pin male, extended pins 1 E620076 P2 Conn., 3-pin male, extended pins 1 E620077 Q1 Transistor, PNP, 2N3906 1 E580000 Q2 Transistor, NPN, PN2222A 1 E580001 Q3 Transistor, MOSFET, 2N7000 1 E580002 R1 Res., 100 ohms (brown-black-brown) 1 E500010 R7,R8 Res., 470 ohms (yellow-violet-brown) 2 E500003 R9,R10,RF-R29 Res, 10 k (brown-black-orange) 3 E500015 R6 Res, 91 k (white-brown-orange) 1 E500131 R4 Res, 100 k (brown-black-yellow) 1 E500006 R3 Res, 470 k (yellow-violet-yellow) 1 E500132 R2,R5 Res, 1M (brown-black-green) 2 E500024 RFC1,RFC2 RF choke, 15 µH (brown-green-black) 2 E690046 U1 IC, microcontroller, PIC16C621A 1 E610018 U2 IC, dual op-amp,LM358 1 E600010 Z1 Ceramic re sonator, 4 MHz, 0.2% tolerance 1 E660001
SMT1B: SMC PIN diodes on pc daugherboard
(continued on next page)
2 E120014
Ref. Description Qty Part No.
HDWR Lock washer, 1/4" ID, internal tooth 4 E700091 HDWR Lock washer, #4 split lock (1 spare) 2 E700004 HDWR Screw, 1/4" panhead 1 E700005 HDWR Standoff, 9/16" long, 3/16" dia., nylon 1 E700090 MISC Thermal pad set (for K2 PA transistors) 1 E850135 MISC Socket, 18 pins 1 E620031 MISC Coax cable, RG174 2 ft. E760010 MISC Hookup wire, #24, black, stranded 6 in. E760016 MISC Hookup wire, #24, green, solid 6 in. E760008 MISC Heat-shrink tubing, 3/16" 3 in. E980028 MISC PC board, K60XV 1 E100193
this kit. A non-temperature-controlled iron or one with a wide tip may damage components, pads, or traces. Use a minimum amount of solder to avoid ground shorts.
labeled with "K60XV," "ELECRAFT," and the board revision. The only components on the top side are the resistors, diodes, and connectors J1 and J2.
Install each of the resistors listed below on the top side of the board. Check the color codes carefully
(for example, don't confuse 470 ohms with 470 k). After cutting the soldered leads flush with the board, save several excess leads that are at least 1/2” long. They will be used later.
__ R1, 100 ohms (brown-black-brown) __ R9 and __ R10, 10 k (brown-black-orange) __ R8 and __ R7, 470 ohms (yellow-violet-br ow n ) __ R3, 470 k (yellow-violet-yellow) __ R4, 100 k (brown-black-yellow) __ R5 and __ R2, 1 M (brown-black-gree n) __ R6, 91 k (white-brown-orange)
Install D3 and D4 (1N5711). Orient the banded end (cathode) of each diode as indicated by its
component outline.
Install RFC1 and RFC2 (15 µH, brown-green-black) on the bottom side of the board.
Place relays K1 and K2 on the board, with the striped end of each relay aligned with the striped end of
its outline. Then use a flat object such as a book to aid in flipping the PC board over without allowing the relays to fall out. Verify that the relays are seated flat against the board, then solder.
A fine-point, temperature-controlled soldering iron (700-800 degrees F) is required to assemble
Most components will be installed on the bottom side of the K60XV board, which is also the side
Install trimmer capacitors C1 and C2 on the bottom side, aligning the flat side of each trimmer with the
flat side of its component outline. (These trimmers will be adjusted from the top side of the board via the provided holes.) Make sure the trimmers are seated flat against the board, then solder.
Sort all of the remaining capacitors by value, using a magnifying glass if necessary to read the values.
Install the capacitors in the order listed below. In one or two cases you may have to form the leads to
fit the provided pad spacing on the PC board. Note: Seat each capacitor as far down against the board as it will go, but no farther. Some lead length may remain exposed due to bends in the leads or epoxy coating. This will not affect performance.
__ C6, 4.7 pF (alt.: 5 pF) __ C5, 2.2 pF (alt.: 2 pF) __ C3 and __ C4, 47 pF ("47" or "470") __ C10 and __ C12, .001 µF ("102")
__ C7, __ C8, __ C9, __ C11, __ C13, __ C14, __ C15, and __ C16, .01 µF ("103")
Install ceramic resonator Z1, which looks like a capacitor with three leads.
  Install the socket for U1 (18 pins). Orient the notched end of the socket with the notched end of th e
PCB outline for U1. To ensure that the socket is seated flush against the PCB, solder just two pins, then turn the board over and examine the socket closely. If it isn't flat, re-heat each pin and press down on the socket (it should drop into place). Then solder the remaining pins.
Use a discarded component lead to form a U-shaped jumper, and install it on the top side of the board
at the location near J1 marked with a ground symbol. The installed height of the jumper should be no more than 1/8" (3 mm).
Before handling transistors or ICs in the following steps, put on an anti-static wrist
strap or touch a grounded surface.
Install transistor Q1 (2N3906), orienting the flat side as indicated by its PC board outline. The
transistor must be seated close to the board, with no more than about 1/8" (3 mm) of lead length exposed.
Install Q2 (PN2222A) and Q3 (2N7000) in the same mann er as Q1. Carefully straighten the leads of the 8-pin integrated circuit, U2 (LM358), using the method shown in
Figure 4-9 of the K2 owner's manual.
Install U2. The notched or dimpled end of the IC must be oriented toward the notched end of its
component outline.
Straighten the pins of U1 (PIC16C621A). Install U1 in its socket, with the notched or dimpled end of the IC oriented toward the notched end of
the socket and the "U1" label on the PC board.
Examine U1's pins carefully, looked for bent pins or pins that are not inserted into the socket.
Note: A new RoHS compliant surface mount version of the PIN diodes used at D1 and D2 is supplied pre­installed on tiny printed circuit. Install the new part as follows.
Select three of the resistor leads you saved and solder them in the pads for D1 and D2 as shown below.
Lead 3 goes into the solder pad for the banded end of D1. The solder pad at the banded end of D2 is not used. Trim any excess flush on the opposite (top) side of the board .
ESD-Sensitive! Wear a wrist strap grounded through a 1-meghom resistor or touch an
unpainted metal ground before handling the SMT1B part in the following steps.
Thread leads 2 and 3 through the respective pads on the SMT1B board and position it close to the K60XV board as shown. Be sure the leads go through the like-numbered solder pad s. When installed correctly, the lettering on the SMT1B board will be upside down compared to the lettering on the K60XV board as shown. Solder leads 2 and 3 and trim them flush.
Bend lead 1 over to pad 1 on the SMT1B board and solder. It is not necessary to insert this lead into the pad. If you want to bend the end so it goes into the pad, be sure it is short enough that it won’t pass completely through the SMT1B where it might short to a pad underneath.
SMT1B in place
In the following steps, do not trim the pins of P1 or P2 on the top side of the board.
Install 3-pin male connector P2 on the bottom of the PC board in the position indicated by its
component outline. Do not solder yet. The drawing below shows how P2 should appear viewed from the front edge of the board (with the top side facing up).
Top Sid
Solder just one pin of P2 (but not the center pin, which is harder to re-heat due to the ground plane).
Verify that P2 is not tilted, and is seated completely flat. If not, re-heat the soldered pin and press down on all of P2's pins until the connector drops into place. Once the connector is seated correctly and is not tilted, solder the other two pins.
Install 8-pin male connector P1. (An end view of P1 is shown in the drawing above.) Solder just one
pin of P1, near the middle of the connector. Verify that P1 is now perpendicular to the PC board and is seated completely flat. If not, re-heat the soldered pin and press down on all of P1's pins until the connector drops into place. Once the connector is seated correctly and is not tilted, solder the remaining pins.
At this point only the locations for J1 and J2 should be empty. Use of these connectors is explained in
later steps.
Do a complete visual inspection of the PC board, on both sides, using a magnifying glass. Look for:
__ solder bridges; __ unsoldered pins; __ cold solder joints; __ backwards diodes or ICs.
This completes K60XV PCB assembly.
Installation of the K60XV module may require 1 to 2 hours or more to complete. Before proceeding, you should already have installed and tested new K2 firmware if applicable (you'll need 2.04P or later). Also, if your K2 serial number is 4087 or lower and you plan to install a replacement heatsink/rear-panel with phono connector holes, you should have this panel available before you start. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the installation. (Alternatively, you can use the K2 top-cover "XVTR IN/OUT" holes, or drill two phono connector holes in your existing heatsink panel. Both options are covered in these instructions.)
Remove the K2's top cover or KPA100 module, unplugging all internal cables. Remove the bottom cover panel (the panel with the tilt stand).
The lower rear panel/heat sink must be removed in order to install K60XV module connectors.
Follow the procedure below carefully so that none of the hardware will be lost or reinstalled incorrectly.
Remove the heat sink panel as follows: (1) remove six screws; (2) remove the hardware retaining the
antenna and key jacks; (3) if you have a 160 m module (K160RX), unplug it; (4) tilt the K2 up on its left side, with the front panel facing forward; (5) remove the two nuts and lock washers holding the heatsink to the PA transistors, but do not remove the PA screws; (6) push the PA screws back into the cabinet just enough to allow removal of the heatsink panel, but do not allow the screws to fall out; (7) remove the heatsink panel; (8) push the PA screws back down from the top side of the RF board; (9) install the two nuts removed earlier onto the PA screws (hand tight) to hold all PA hardware in place as you complete the remaining installation steps.
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