Color Matching Tool
Simple color matching
between your monitor and photo prints
Even with a high-quality monitor, color
mismatch with photo prints can occur
unless it is profiled correctly. EIZO
EasyPIX allows you to do just that even
if you don’t have any expertise in color
EIZO EasyPIX Software
EX1 Color Sensor
With EIZO EasyPIX software and
the EX1 color sensor, you can quickly
and easily make a color profi le of your
monitor’s settings. Just use the software
to match your monitor’s color and brightness to that of your photo paper, and then
create the profi le with the EX1 sensor.
Once you’ve created a profi le for your
monitor, you can share it with your
retouching software. The color of your
photo prints will match those displayed
on your monitor.
Color Matching Tool
Color Matching in Three Easy Steps
Adjust the monitor’s color and brightness
with EasyPIX software to match paper
Measure and save the monitor’s settings
with the EX1 sensor to make color profi les.
Three Adjustment and Viewing Modes
Matching Mode
For more accurate fi nal photo print color, Matching mode
lets you adjust the monitor’s color and brightness to match
the white of photo paper.
View adjustments to
the monitor’s color and
brightness here.
Colors of fi nal photo prints match the image
on the monitor with proper printer setting.
Adjust the monitor’s
color and brightness
using this dial and your
visual perception.
Further modify color
and brightness with
these fi ne adjustment
Photo Viewing Mode
This mode sets the monitor’s color temperature to 5500 K, a
common default setting at which many digital cameras take
photos. It also lets you adjust the monitor’s brightness.
Web Viewing Mode
Ideal for previewing how others will see your photos when
shared online, Web Viewing mode’s 6500 K default color
temperature is the same as most web browsers. Or, adjust
the brightness manually for greater control.
Copyright© 2008 Eizo Nanao Corporation
EasyPIX is a trademark, and FlexScan, ColorEdge, and EIZO are registered trademarks of Eizo Nanao Corporation
Published on chlorine-free paper
(081101) Printed in Japan 11, 2008, 8K
Specifi cations
Macintosh Windows
Compatible Operating Systems
Additional Requirements
Compatible Monitors
Package Contents
Certifi cations and Standards
Monitors and printe rs are sold separately. Availability of compati ble monitors varies by country and territory,
please contact t he nearest EIZO distributor fo r details. Final print co lor and quality may vary a ccording
to printer and its setti ng. Pigment-based ink p ri nters are recommended for use with EIZO EasyPIX. The
ColorEdge produ ct family is intended for color manag ement, graphic design, and photo graphy professionals.
The FlexScan product fa mily is intended for prosu mers, and home and offi ce users.
153 Shimokashiwano, Hakusan, Ishikawa 924-8566 Japan
Phone +81-76-277-6792 Fax: +81-76-277-6793
OS X 10.3.9 and above Windows XP, Windows
Apple Macintosh
system that fulfi lls Mac
OS X requirements
(16.7 million colors),
one available USB
2.0 port
FlexScan: S2232W, S2432W, SX2461W, SX2761W,
ColorEdge: CE210W, CE240W, CG210, CG211,
CG220, CG221, CG222W, CG241W, CG242W,
EIZO EasyPIX CD-ROM, EX1 color sensor
1GHz or faster Pentium
processor, 128 MB
of RAM, (16.7 million
colors), one available
USB 2.0 port