Features and Design
This Multimedia Projector is designed with the most advanced technology for portability, durability, and ease
of use. This projector utilizes built-in multimedia features, a palette of 16.77 million colors, and matrix liquid
crystal display (LCD) technology.
◆ Compact Design
This projector is designed compact in size and
weight. It is easy to carry and work anywhere
you wish to use.
◆ Compatibility
The projector widely accepts various video and
computer input signals including: Computers,
6 Col o r sy ste m s (PA L , SECA M , NT SC,
NTSC4.43, PAL-M, and PAL-N), Component
video, S-video and RGB scart.
◆ Simple Computer System Setting
The projector has the Multi-scan system to
conform to almost all computer output signals
quickly. (p.27)
◆ Digital Zoom (for Computer)
The digital zoom function expands (to approx.
16 times of the screen size) or compresses
(t o a p p rox . a hal f of th e screen si ze) the
image size, allowing you to focus on crucial
information during the presentation. (p.36)
◆ Blackboard Function
Bl a ckb o a rd* can be us e d as a p r ojec t i on
*The board color is limited to Green. (p.32, 40)
◆ Colorboard Function
This enables you to get the close color image
to the color image projected on a white screen.
◆ Quick Termination
T h e AC pow e r co r d can be unp l u gg e d
immediately aft er tur nin g off the p roj ect or
wi t hout wai ting for the termi n ation of th e
cooling fan rotation.
◆ Auto setup Function
Th i s fu ncti o n en abl e s In put sear c h, Aut o
Keystone correction and Auto PC adjustment
by simple pressing the AUTO SETUP button on
the top control. (p.46)
✔ Notes:
• T h e On-S c reen Me nu and fi gure s in this
manual may differ slightly from the product.
• T he contents of this manual are sub ject to
change without notice.
◆ Multilanguage Menu Display
Operation menu is available in 16 languages:
English, Ger ma n, Fren ch, Italia n, Spani sh ,
Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Polish,
Hu ngar ian, R oman ian, R ussi an, Ch ine se,
Korean, and Japanese. (p.45)
◆ Logo Function
The Logo function allows you to customize the
screen logo with the Logo functions. (p.48-49)
You can capture an image for the screen logo,
choose a logo between provided and captured.
◆ Switchable Interface Terminal
The projector provides a switchable interface
terminal. You can use the terminal as computer
input or monitor output conveniently. (p.50)
◆ Power Management
Th e Powe r man age ment f unc tion r edu ces
power consumption and maintains the lamp life.
◆ Lamp Control
Br i g htne s s of the pro j ecti o n lamp can b e
selected. (p.52)
◆ Security Function
The Security function helps you to ensure the
security with the Key lock (p.53) and the PIN
code lock (p.19, 53, 54) functions. You can lock
the operation on the projector and the remote
control. Also you can preven t unauthorized
persons from using the projector.
◆ Closed Caption
Closed Capti on is a fu nct ion t hat displays
the audio portion of a TV program as text on
the screen. The closed captioning service is
available mainly in the U.S. (p.56)