EFCO 8800 Assembly Instructions Vol.2

EFCO 2012 Page
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Flat Wall Assembly Instructions Volume 2 of 6 - Sections 4 - 6
April 2012
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2

Table of Contents

Volume 1 of 6
1. General Notes and Guidelines
2. Parts Identification
3. Frame Assembly
Volume 2 of 6
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
4. Unit Glazing Preparation : SSG and Captured………….........................................
5. SSG Unit Glazing
A. Temporary Glazing Locators…………………………......................................
B. Setting and Caulking Glazing …………………………………………………… C. Adapter Installation………………….…………………………………………….. D. Weather Seal Application………………………………………………………… E. Jamb Mullion Installation………………………………...……………………….
6. Captured Unit Glazing A. Temporary Glazing Locators…………………………………………………….. B. Setting and Caulking Glazing …………………………………………………… C. Adapter and Cover Installation……….…………………………………………. D. Joint Plug Installation………………….………………………………………….. E. Jamb Mullion Installation………………………………...……………………….
6 - 7
8 9 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19
20 21 - 22 23 -30 31 - 32 33 - 34
Note: Assembly Instructions are provided as a supplement, and should be used in conjunction with
the approved shop drawings.
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Table of Contents
Volume 3 of 6
7. Outside 90° Corner Frame Assembly
8. Inside 90° Corner Frame Assembly
9. Outside 90° Corner Unit Glazing Preparation : SSG and Captured
10. Inside 90° Corner Unit Glazing Preparation : SSG and Captured
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Volume 4 of 6
11. Outside 90° Corner SSG Unit Glazing
12. Inside 90° Corner SSG Unit Glazing
13. Outside 90° Corner Captured Unit Glazing
14. Inside 90° Corner Captured Unit Glazing
Note: Assembly Instructions are provided as a supplement, and should be used in conjunction with
the approved shop drawings.
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EFCO 2009 Page 4
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Table of Contents
Volume 5 of 6
15. General Notes and Guidelines
16. Size Limitations
17. Standard Hardware Identification
18. Frame Assembly - Vent at Fixed Horizontal
19. Frame Assembly - Vent at Stack Sill
20. Unit Glazing Preparation - Vent at Fixed Horizontal
21. Unit Glazing Preparation - Vent at Stack Sill
22. SSG Vent Unit Glazing at Fixed Horizontal
23. SSG Vent Unit Glazing at Stack Sill
24. Captured Vent Unit Glazing at Fixed Sill
25. Captured Vent Unit Glazing at Stack Sill
26. Assembly and Glazing - SSG Vent at Fixed Horizontal
27. Assembly and Glazing - SSG Vent at Stack Sill
28. Assembly and Glazing - Captured Vent at Fixed Horizontal
29. Assembly and Glazing - Captured Vent at Stack Horizontal
30. Hardware Mounting On Unit Assembly
31. Hardware Mounting On Sash
32. Mounting Vent Assembly Into Unit Assembly
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Note: Assembly Instructions are provided as a supplement, and should be used in conjunction with
the approved shop drawings.
EFCO 2009 Page 4
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Table of Contents
Volume 6 of 6
33. Shadow Box Assembly
34. Shadow Box Installation
35. Shadow Box Insulation Installation
36. Back Panel Installation
37. Back Panel Insulation Installation
38. Final Cleaning
Minimizing Condensation
Note: Please reference EFCO's "Understanding Condensation" brochure which can be obtained through your EFCO representative. Condensation will form on any surface when unfavorable conditions (interior temperature and relative humidity and exterior temperature) are present. When the formation of excessive condensation is a concern, it is highly recommend ed that a design professional is utilized to perform an analysis of the shop drawings to recommend the best possible installation methods. Please contact your EFCO representative for information on EFCO's Thermal Analysis Services. Many current installation practices lead to an increase in the possibility of the formation of condensation. Though not all inclusive, the list of examples below illustrates conditions under which condensation is lik ely to occur:
1. Bridging system thermal break with non-thermally broken metal flashing or lintels th at are exposed to the exterior
2. System exposure to cold air cavities
3. Interior relative humidity levels not maintained at recommended levels, see EFCO’s “Understanding Condensation” brochure
4. Inadequate separation between system and surrounding condition at perimeter
5. Product combinations during the shop drawing stage that result in bridging thermal breaks of one or all products involved
Note: Assembly Instructions are provided as a supplement, and should be used in conjunction with
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the approved shop drawings.
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2

Section 4 - Unit Glazing Preparation : SSG and Captured

1. Using an approved solvent or cleaner, clean the surfaces of the mullions to receive the WC18 spacer gasket and sealant of all oils and other contaminants. The sealant manufacturer’s preparation and application instructions should be followed exactly.
2. If sealant primer is required, apply it per the primer/sealant manufacturer’s instructions. See the note in Figure 1 below.
3. Frames must be true and square before being structurally glazed. Improperly squared units will ca use significant problems during the erection process. Check the frame for squareness by comparing the difference between the two diagonal measurements of the frame by measuring from corner to opposing corner for the two diagonal dimensions. The maximum out of square tolerance for a 10’-0” unit frame dimension is a dia gonal dimens ion difference of 1/16”. If frames are found to exceed this tolerance limit, the frame must be squared using bar clamps. Additionally, individual D.L.O. squareness should be checked using the procedure above. If bar clamps or other methods are used to square the frame, the device may need to remain on the frame until the sealant is cured (8 hours minimum).
4. Inspect the I.G. units for the frame. Any excessive sealant or irregularities in the dual seal or glass edge should be cleaned and trimmed. Check for glass damage, particularly along the glass edges and discard any unacceptable units. At this time, the secondary sealant joints of the insulated glass units should be checked for proper size. The approved shop drawings will indicate the required secondary sealant joint size on the general information page. Check the alignment of each pane making up the I.G. unit to ensure they are within acceptable limits. The I.G. unit overall dimensions should be verified for proper size.
Note: After cleaning and priming the glazing substrates (priming when required), the glazing must be set immediately and the structural silicone applied. The time between cleaning, priming and applying the structural silicone should be less than two hours. Otherwise, the substrates may become contaminated, and the primer will oxidize. If units have been prepared for glazing at the end of the day, and sealant has not yet been applied, cleaning and priming must be redone prior to glazing the next day.
Apply the WC18 spacer
gasket to the mullions.
Figure 1
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Section 4 - Unit Glazing Preparation : SSG and Captured
5. Apply the WC18 spacer gasket to the mullions as shown below and on page 6. The gasket will run through vertically, and butt together at the corners (see Figure 4). “Crowd” in extra gasket, (approximately 10% extra) where it runs between the vertical gaskets to ensure a snug butt joint at the corners. It is important that there are no gaps in the gaskets where they meet in the corners. Note that the gasket is not symmetrical, and must be installed so that it is flush with the side of the mullions (see Figure 2).
6. A 3/8” backer rod should be applied into the isolator reglet to prevent sealant from getting into the reglet. Remove the backer rod immediately after the sealant is applied, and before the sealant begins to cure and skin over (See Figure 3).
Insert a 3/8” backer rod into isolator reglets to
keep free of sealant. Remove the backer rod
immediately, before sealant begins to skin over.
Apply WC18 gaskets
flush with the side of
the mullions.
Isolator Reglet
Figure 2
Butt gaskets at D.L.O. corners.
Butt gaskets at D.L.O. corners.
Figure 4
Figure 3
Butt gaskets at D.L.O. corners.
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2

Section 5 - SSG Unit Glazing : A. Temporary Glazing Locators

1. In order to properly locate the glazing, temporary adapters must be used at the bottom edge of the glazing. Apply two temporary glazing locators (KV01, KV02) at approximate quarter points at the sill and intermediate horizontal locations as shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7.
2. Using an approved
solvent or cleaner, thoroughly clean the edges of the glazing that will contact the structural silicone and spacer of all oils and other contaminants.
Once the glass has been cleaned, it should be handled with gloves to avoid contaminating the edges that come into contact with the structural silicone glazing joint.
Temporary Glazing
Figure 5
Figure 6 - SSG Intermediate Horizontal
HS32 17B7
EFCO 2009 Page 8
Figure 7 - SSG Stack Sill
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2

Section 5 - SSG Unit Glazing: B. Setting and Caulking Glazing

3. Set the glazing on the silicone spacer gaskets positioned as shown below. The edge of the gla zing i s flush with the edge of the vertical mullion. Refer to Figure 9 below. Ensure the glazing is pressed firmly onto the setting blocks of the temporary retainers as shown in Figures 10 and 11.
4. Align the glazing as shown and noted. Ensure the glazing is positioned with the exterior side out, and the bottom of the glazing to the setting blocks. Care should be exercised to avoid shifting or rolling the spacer gaskets when adjusting the position of the glass.
5. After the glass is aligned and in the final position, remove the setting blocks and temporary glazing locators.
6. Apply structural silicone sealant into the void between the glass and mullion per the sealant manufacturer’s application instructions. A 3/8” backer rod should be applied into the isolator reglet to prevent sealant from getting into the reglet (see Figure 9). See additional notes, and Figures 12, 13, and 14 on page 10 for sealant application and tooling instructions.
7. Immediately tool the sealant joint after application to insure the joint is completely filled with sealant on all four sides of each piece of glazing. Make sure no air bubbles or voids are present in the sealant joint.
8. Remove the backer rod, before the sealant begins to cure and skin over.
Note: Only silicone sealants which have been developed and tested specifically for structural glazing applications should be used for glazing purposes.
Apply structural silicone sealant into the void and
tool the joint to fill the
void completely.
Insert a 3/8” backer rod
into isolator reglet to keep
free of sealant. Remove the
backer rod immediately
before sealant begins to
skin over.
Glass is flush with
edge of mullion.
Figure 10
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 8
Set glazing onto the silicone spacer gaskets and against the setting blocks at the temporary glazing locators.
EFCO 2009 Page 9
Figure 9
Figure 10 Figure 11
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2
Section 5 - SSG Unit Glazing: B. Setting and Caulking Glazing
9. Follow the sealant manufacturer’s instructions for application equipment preparation and qu ality control procedures.
10. Apply sealant and tool the frames as required per the sealant manufacturer’s application instructions in the Structural Sealant Glazing Manual. Care should be taken to insure that the sealant void at the glass edge is completely filled. The sealant gun operator should visually confirm that this void is being filled at the time of application (See figures 12, 13 and 14). Clean up any excess sealant that may get into the gasket reglets or any other areas that sealant would be undesirable.
11. Frames should not be moved until the sealant has cured and per the sealant manufacturer’s recommendations.
Figure 12
Note: Only silicone sealants which have been developed and tested specifically for structural glazing applications should be used for glazing purposes.
Figure 13
Per Side Add Dimensions
Standard Mullions - D.L.O. + 13/16”
Inside Corner Mullion - D.L.O. + 13/16”
Outside Corner Mullion - D.L.O. + 1 7/16”
Note: Job specific corner conditions may
vary glass bite. Refer to final approved
shop drawings.
Figure 14
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Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Assembly Instructions - Volume 2

Section 5 - SSG Unit Glazing: C. Adapter Installation

1. After sealant has cured, cut L142 to length with vinyl cutters. Apply the thermal isolator L142 into the verticals and horizontals. L142 is supplied in 1 0’-0” lengths. L142 may be used in several pieces to accommodate the required length. By butting multiple pieces together, waste will be avoided and the desired length can be obtained.
2. Apply the preset thermal isolator (WC16) to the head, running the gasket continuously between the vertical mullions (See Figure 18).
3. Figure 17 shows the various isolators and gaskets used in this section.
L142 Thermal
Isolator Clip
Vinyl Cutters
Figure 15
Figure 17
L142 Thermal
Isolator Clip
Figure 16
Figure 18
WC16 Isolator Gasket
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+ 23 hidden pages