Edwards IS16K Instruction Manual

Issue D Original
Instruction Manual
Vacuum Interlock Switch IS16K
Description Item Number
V acuum Interlock Switch IS16K D059-14-000
© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page i Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.
D059-14-880 Issue D
Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... ................................ 1
1.1 Scope and definitions ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Description ................................................................................................................ 1
2 TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................2
2.1 Operating conditions .................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Performance .............................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Mechanical data .......................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Electrical data ............................................................................................................ 2
2.5 Product item number ................................................................................................... 3
3 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 4
3.1 Unpacking and inspection .............................................................................................. 4
3.2 General .................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Connection to the Vacuum System .................................................................................... 4
3.4 Connection to the Electrical Circuit .................................................................................. 4
4 OPERATION ........................................................................................6
4.1 Adjustment ............................................................................................................... 6
5 MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................... 7
6 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL .........................................................................8
6.1 Storage .................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Disposal ....................................................................................................................8
Index ........................................................... .....................................9
For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.
D059-14-880 Issue D
Page ii © Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.
Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.
Figure Page
1 Vacuum switch plug connections ...................................................................................... 5
2 Dimensions of VS16K vacuum switch .................................................................................. 7
Table Page
1 Maximum switch ratings ................................................................................................ 2
© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page 1 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.
D059-14-880 Issue D
1.1 Scope and definitions
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards IS16K Vacuum Interlock Switch. Read this manual before attempting to install and operate the IS16K.
This manual contains essential safety information which supplements the safety features of the IS16K. Safety procedures are highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions. You must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process.
1.2 General description
The Edwards IS16K Vacuum Interlock Switch is designed for applications where the electrical circuits within the vacuum chamber must be de-energised when the vacuum system is let up to atmosphere.
Typical applications would be the in terlocking of H.T. and R.F. power supplies on va cuum coating systems. The interlocking switch consists o f a positive break microswitch operated by a snap action diaphram to ensure rapid separation of the microswitch cont acts.
The diaphram is enclosed within the vacuum switch housing which is surrounded by atmospheric pressure and is coupled to the vacuum system by a NW16 flange. The absolute switch point pressure will therefore vary by the same amount as the atmospheric pressure.
The set-point is non-adjustable and cannot be tampered with.
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.
D059-14-880 Issue D
Page 2 © Edwards Limited 2 0 09. All rights reserved.
Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.
2.1 Operating conditions
2.2 Performance
2.3 Mechanical data
2.4 Electrical data
Maximum switch ratings for different loads and voltages:
2.5 Product item number
Temperature range - operating -5°C to 40°C Temperature range - storage -20°C to 70°C Relative humidity (non condensing) 10 to 90% Maximum operating altitude 3000 m Installation category (IEC1010) 2 (IEC664/664A) Pollution category (IEC1010) 2 Enclosure rating IP40
Set-point Within the range 250 to 500 mbar below
atmospheric pressure Maximum switch point differential 100 mbar Leak rate < 1 x 10
mbar litre/sec
Maximum overpressure 1 bar gauge (2 bar absolute)
Weight (unpacked) 0.5 kg Weight (packed) 0.6 kg Vacuum connection NW16 Flange Volume added to vacuum system 7 cm
Materials exposed to vacuum system Stainless steel and Armco 17/7PH
Electrical connection mPm 283 plug Accessory supplied mPm 183 mating electrical socket
Table 1 - Maximum switch ratings
a.c. 50/60Hz
Resistive Load
Tungsten Lamp Load
Inductive Load
125 10 5.0 10 250 10 5.5 10
Description Item Number
Vacuum Interlock Switch D059-14-000
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