Edwards EXPT2 User Manual

Instruction Manual
EXPT Pumping Station
Issue B Original
Description Item Number
EXPT Pumping Station B723-00-000
B723-00-880 Issue B


Section Page
1 Introduction ........................................................................................1
1.1 Scope and definitions .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Description................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Overview...................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 General description of the EXPT pumping station major components ........................................... 2
1.2.3 Electrical protection ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Accessories ................................................................................................................2
2 Technical data .....................................................................................5
2.1 General..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Electrical data ............................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Legislation and standards ............................................................................................... 7
2.4 Operating and storage data............................................................................................. 7
2.5 Fuse ratings................................................................................................................ 7
2.6 Earth stud.................................................................................................................. 8
2.7 Electrical connections ................................................................................................... 8
2.8 Connections ............................................................................................................... 8
3 Installation ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Safety......................................................................................................................11
3.2 Unpack and inspect .....................................................................................................11
3.3 Locate the EXPT pumping station.....................................................................................12
3.4 Fill the rotary pump with oil...........................................................................................13
3.5 XDS scroll pump silencer ...............................................................................................13
3.6 Fit accessories (optional)...............................................................................................13
3.7 Connect the EXPT pumping station to your vacuum system ......................................................14
3.8 Connect to your exhaust extraction system.........................................................................14
3.9 Connect the electrical supply .........................................................................................14
3.10 Additional earth bonding...............................................................................................14
3.11 Configure the EXPT pumping station .................................................................................14
3.12 Commission the installation............................................................................................16
3.13 Connecting an active gauge............................................................................................16
3.14 Connecting the logic interface ........................................................................................16
3.15 Connecting the serial interface .......................................................................................17
4 Operation......................................................................................... 19
4.1 Use of the backing pump controls ....................................................................................19
4.2 Start-up ...................................................................................................................19
4.3 Shut-down ................................................................................................................19
5 Maintenance...................................................................................... 21
5.1 Safety......................................................................................................................21
5.2 Maintenance plan........................................................................................................21
5.3 Inspect the hoses, pipelines and connections.......................................................................22
5.4 Trouble-shooting.........................................................................................................22
6 Storage and disposal ......................................... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 23
6.1 Storage ....................................................................................................................23
6.2 Disposal ...................................................................................................................23
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7 Spares and accessories ......................................................................... 25
7.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................25
7.2 Spares .....................................................................................................................25
7.3 Accessories ...............................................................................................................25
7.3.1 BX bakeout band.........................................................................................................25
Index............................................................................................... 27


Figure Page
1 Components of the EXPT pumping station (typical system shown)............................................... 3
2 Equipment dimensions (mm) (XDD1 and EXT75DX shown) ......................................................... 9
3 Position the lifting slings/lifting hooks...............................................................................13
4 Turbomolecular pump start delay with XDD1 diaphragm pump..................................................15


Table Page
1 EXPT1 pumping station mass............................................................................................ 5
2 EXPT2 pumping station mass............................................................................................ 5
3 Electrical data ............................................................................................................ 6
4 Operating and storage data............................................................................................. 7
5 Fuse ratings................................................................................................................ 7
6 Earth stud.................................................................................................................. 8
7 Electrical connections ................................................................................................... 8
8 Connections ............................................................................................................... 8
9 Checklist of components ...............................................................................................11

Supplementary publications

Publication title Publication number
XDD1 115/230 Diaphragm Pump A746-01-885 Turbo Instrument Controller (TIC) D397-10-880 EXT75DX Turbomolecular Pump B722-40-880 XDS Scroll Pump A726-01-880 Low Voltage EXT Compound Molecular Pumps EXT70H / 255H 24 V B722-20-880 EXDC Turbomolecular Pump Drive Modules D396-45-880 RV Rotary Vane Pumps A652-01-880 E2M Rotary Vane Pumps A371-22-880 EXPT Pumping Station Instruction Manual (quick guide) B723-00-860 CD ROM Instruction Manual B723-00-879
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Associated publications

Publication title Publication number
EXT Pump Accessories B580-65-880
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1.1 Scope and definitions

This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards EXPT Pumping Station. You must use the EXPT Pumping Station as specified in this manual.
Read this manual before you install and operate the EXPT Pumping Station. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; you must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process.
A full list of Supplementary Publications is provided at the end of the Contents list of this manual. A number of these Supplementary Publications will be supplied with your EXPT Pumping Station. The Supplementary Publications supplied will be the instruction manuals for the components in your EXPT Pumping Station.
The Supplementary Publications you receive also contain WARNING and CAUTION instructions. When you install and operate the EXPT Pumping Station, you must refer to these Supplementary Publications and obey all of the WARNING and CAUTION instructions which they contain.
The units used throughout this manual conform to the SI international system of units of measurement. The following IEC warning labels appear on the product and in the manual.
Warning – refer to accompanying documentation.
Warning – risk of electric shock.
Warning – hot surfaces.
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1.2 Description

1.2.1 Overview

The EXPT Pumping Station is a fully automatic pumping system which is suitable for a wide range of applications. The system is capable of utilising an extensive range of standard Edwards backing pumps, turbomolecular pumps and controllers from a single compact unit. The open system configuration allows easy maintenance of the main pumping components.
The function of the controller depends on your system configuration and will control the backing pump and turbomolecular pump plus optional accessories. For systems with turbo and instrument controllers, up to three active gauges may be used using the convenient gauge interface incorporated into the system housing. Both controllers are provided with a large clear graphic display and easy-to-use control interface via a touch sensitive keypad. The system incorporates an RS232/485 interface for control and data monitoring on a remote PC and a logic interface for interface with associated system hardware.
Both systems are base mounted and come in two sizes. The EXP T1 base uses rob ust rubber feet as standard, castors are optional. The EXPT2 base uses castors as standard to allow ease of transportation.

1.2.2 General description of the EXPT pumping station major components

For the general description of the major components used on the EXPT Pumping Station, click on the appropriate instruction manual reference against each product type.
Diaphragm pump XDD1 (A746-01-885) Rotary vane pumps E2M0.7 / E2M1.5 (A371-22-880 Section 1.2)
RV3 / RV5 / RV8 / RV12 (A652-01-880 Section 1.2)
Turbomolecular pumps EXT70H / EXT255H 24 V (B722-20-880 Section 1.2)
EXT75DX / EXT255DX (B722-40-880 Section 1.2) Scroll pumps XDS5 / XDS10 (A726-01-880 Section 1.2) TIC controller Turbo controller (D397-12-880 Section 1.2)
Turbo instrument controller (D397-22-880 Section 1.2)

1.2.3 Electrical protection

The EXPT Pumping Station has a double-pole thermal circuit breaker which provides short circuit protection. The backing pump and TIC Controller both have overload protection.

1.2.4 Accessories

A wide range of standard accessories is available for the major components of the EXPT Pumping Station; refer to
Section 7.
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Figure 1 - Components of the EXPT pumping station (typical system shown)
13.Backing line valve
14.Flexible bellows
15.Turbomolecular pump
16.TIC controller
17.Castors (standard on EXP T2 systems)
1. Mains ON/OFF
2. Logic interface
3. Serial communications port
4. Mains input
5. Heater fuse
6. Backing pump fuse
7. TAV vent valve
8. Backing pump
9. Vacuum gauge inputs
10.Backing pump supply
11.Earth stud
12.Heater supply (turbomolecular pump remote use only)
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2Technical data

Note: The operating, storage conditions and performance of the EXPT Pumping Station depends on the major
components fitted to the EXPT Pumping Station; refer to the technical data in the appropriate supplementary publications.

2.1 General

Dimensions Refer to Figure 2 Mass Refer to Tables 1 and 2 Electrical data Refer to Table 3 Degree of protection (to IEC34-5: 1981) IP20 Initial force required to push the EXPT pumping station*
(for systems with castors) * Measured under ideal conditions and will increase on uneven floor surfaces, slopes etc.
Table 1 - EXPT1 pumping station mass
EXT pump TIC controller Backing pump Inlet flange Mass (kg)
70H / 75DX TIC (100W)
255H / 255DX TIC (200W) XDD1
3.5 kgf max.
NW40 22.9
DN63ISO-K 23
DN63CF 24.9
NW40 26.4
DN63ISO-K 26.5
DN63CF 28.4
DN100 ISO-K 25.5
DN100CF 27.75
Technical data
Table 2 - EXPT2 pumping station mass
EXT pump TIC controller Backing pump Inlet flange Mass (kg)
NW40 38
RV3 / 5
RV8 / 12
70H / 75DX TIC (100W)
DN63ISO-K 38.1
DN63CF 40
NW40 42.7
DN63ISO-K 42.8
DN63CF 44.7
NW40 39.4
DN63ISO-K 39.5
DN63CF 41.4
NW40 40.9
DN63ISO-K 41
DN63CF 42.9
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