802.11b/g/n Draft 2.0
Wireless LAN USB Adapter
User Manual
Version: 1.0 (April, 2007)

Copyright ©2005/2006 by this company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without
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This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
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Any software described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the programs prove defective
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software. Further, this company reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to
time in the contents thereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
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Chapter I: Product Information.............................................................................................. 3
1-1 Introduction and safety information ......................................................................... 3
1-2 Safety Information ................................................................................................... 4
1-3 System Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
1-4 Package Contents ................................................................................................... 5
1-5 Familiar with your new wireless network card ......................................................... 6
CHAPTER II: DRIVER INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ......................................... 7
2-1 Network Card Installation ........................................................................................ 7
2-2 Connect to Wireless Access Point ......................................................................... 13
2-2-1 Using Edimax Utility .................................................................................... 13
2-2-2 Using Windows Zero Configuration............................................................. 19
2-3 Connection Profile Management ........................................................................... 22
2-3-1 Make a profile for an access point or wireless device ................................. 22
2-3-2 Using 802.1x – Certification ........................................................................ 30
2-3-3 Using 802.1x - CA Server............................................................................ 32
2-4 View Network Statistics and Link Status................................................................ 34
2-4-1 Network Statistics........................................................................................ 34
2-4-2 Link Status .................................................................................................. 35
2-5 Advanced Settings................................................................................................. 37
2-6 QoS Setting ........................................................................................................... 40
2-7 WPS Configuration................................................................................................ 42
2-7-1 WPS Setup - PBC (Push-Button Configuration).......................................... 43
2-7-2 WPS Setup - PIN ........................................................................................ 46
2-8 About ..................................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER III: APPENDIX................................................................................................... 50
3-1 Hardware Specification.......................................................................................... 50
3-2 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................... 51
3-3 Glossary ................................................................................................................ 53
3-4 FCC and Other Compliance Statements ............................................................... 56
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Chapter I: Product Information
1-1 Introduction and safety information
Thank you for purchasing this nMAX wireless network card! Excepting common wireless standards 802.11b/g,
this wireless network card is also 802.11 Draft-N compatible - data transfer rate is 300Mbps, and that’s six
times faster than 802.11g wireless network! 802.11 Draft-N also provides wider wireless coverage, so you don’t
have to worry if your computer is far from your wireless access point. This wireless network card also supports
MIMO (Multi-In, Multi-Out) technology, which uses two different radio channels to enhance data transfer rate
and wireless coverage.
With easy-to-install USB 2.0 interface - a very common expansion port of computers - plug this wireless
network card into any empty USB port of your computer, just that simple!
Other features of this router including:
Complies with 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11 Draft 2.0-N standards
Provides high-efficiency antenna, expands the scope of your wireless network.
Provides QoS function: control the bandwidth required for different applications.
Supports major encryption methods like WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption.
Supports USB 2.0 interface - you can get it installed on your computer in just few seconds!
Provides wireless access control - prevent unauthorized network access to your network and
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1-2 Safety Information
In order to keep the safety of users and your properties, please follow the following safety instructions:
1. This USB wireless network card is designed for indoor use only. DO NOT expose this network card to direct
sun light, rain, or snow.
2. DO NOT put this network card at or near hot or humid places, like kitchen or bathroom. Also, do not left this
wireless network card in the car in summer.
3. This network card is small enough to put in a child’s mouth, and it could cause serious injury or could be fatal.
If they throw the network card, the card will be damaged. PLEASE KEEP THIS NETWORK CARD OUT THE
4. This network card will become hot when being used for long time (This is normal and is not a
malfunction). DO NOT put the network card on a paper, cloth, or other flammable objects after the network
card has been used for a long time.
5. There’s no user-serviceable part inside the network card. If you found that the network card is not working
properly, please contact your dealer of purchase and ask for help. DO NOT disassemble the network card by
your self, warranty will be void.
6. If the network card falls into water, DO NOT USE IT AGAIN BEFORE YOU SEND THE CARD TO THE
7. If you smell something strange or even see some smoke coming out from the network card, switch the
computer off immediately, and call dealer of purchase for help.
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1-3 System Requirements
An empty USB 2.0 port (May not work on USB 1.1 port, and performance will be greatly reduced)
Operation system: Windows 2000, XP, XP64,or Vista
CD-ROM drive
At least 100MB of available disk space
1-4 Package Contents
Before you starting to use this wireless network card, please check if there’s anything missing in the package,
and contact your dealer of purchase to claim for missing items:
□ One Wireless LAN USB Adapter
□ One English quick installation guide
□ One CD-ROM (Including all the software utilities, drivers and User’s Manual)
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1-5 Familiar with your new wireless network card
1. USB Connector
2. Connector Cap (To protect USB connector when not in use)
3. Link/Activity LED
LED Name Light Status Description
Link /
Off No wireless activity
Linked to a wireless access point /
Transferring data
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2-1 Network Card Installation
Please follow the following instructions to install your new wireless network card:
1. Insert the USB wireless network card into an empty USB 2.0 port of your computer when computer is
switched on. Never use force to insert the card, if you feel it’s stuck, flip the card over and try again.
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3. The following message will appear on your computer, click ‘Cancel’.
4. Insert device driver CDROM into the CD/DVD ROM drive of your computer, and execute ‘Setup.exe’
program in ‘Driver’ folder. Please read the end user license agreement and click ‘Yes’ to accept license
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4. You can choose the configuration tool used to configure the wireless network card here. It’s recommended
to select ‘Edimax Configuration Tool’, which provides fully access to all function of this wireless network
card. If you prefer to use the wireless configuration tool provided by Windows XP or Vista, please select
‘Microsoft Zero Configuration Tool’, then click ‘Next’.
5. There are two wireless performance modes you can select here:
Optimize for WiFi mode or
Optimize for performance mode
If you want to enhance wireless performance, please select ‘Optimize for performance mode’. However,
wireless compatibility is not guaranteed in this mode. If you want to use this mode, you may not be able to
communicate with older wireless devices and wireless access point, such as 802.11b devices, but the data
transfer rate will be enhanced in this mode. You can select this mode when you only plan to communicate
with 802.11 Draft-N devices.
If you want to keep compatibility and communicate with older wireless devices, please select ‘Optimize for
WiFi Mode’.
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When you select one mode, please click ‘Next>’ to continue. If you see ‘Found New Hardware’ message
again, please ignore it and wait.
6. Please click ‘install’ to run the driver installation process.
If you see ‘Found New Hardware’ message again, please ignore it and wait.
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7. Please wait while the install procedure is running. When you see this message, please click ‘Finish’ to
complete the driver installation process.
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8. A new icon will appear at lower-right corner of your computer desktop, you can put the mouse cursor on
the icon, and the status of wireless card will be displayed as a popup balloon.
9. When you want to configure your wireless connection, please right click on this icon, and a popup menu
will appear. You can click ‘Launch Config Utilities’ to start configuration program.
If you want to close configuration utility, please click ‘Exit’.
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2-2 Connect to Wireless Access Point
There are two ways you can configure your wireless network card to connect to wireless access point: using
the Ralink configuration utility which comes with wireless card driver, and using built-in windows zero
configuration utility.
2-2-1 Using Edimax Utility
Please follow the following instructions to use Ralink configuration utility to connect to wireless access point.
1. Right-click the Edimax configuration utility icon located at lower-right corner of computer desktop, then
click ‘Launch Config Utilities’.
2. Configuration utility will scan for all wireless access points automatically. Scan results will be displayed
here, please check if the wireless access point with the SSID (the name of wireless access point) you
preferred is shown here.
If the wireless access point you wish to connect does not show here, please click ‘Rescan’ to try again,
until the one you preferred is displayed. You may have to click ‘Rescan’ for more than two times before you
can see the access point you wish to use here sometimes.
If you still can not see the access point you wish to use after clicking ‘Rescan’ for more than five times,
please move your computer closer to the location where the wireless access point is, or see instructions in
chapter 3-2 ‘Troubleshooting’.
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Here are descriptions of every setup item:
SSID: The Service Set IDentifier of wireless access point or other network device.
You can think it as the name of access point of wireless device.
BSSID: The MAC address of wireless access point or other network device. Unlike SSID,
BSSID of every access point or network device is unique, and will not be the same
with others. So you can identify a single access point or wireless device from others
by BSSID, if they all have the same SSID.
Signal: Shows the signal strength of access point or wireless device. Larger number
means better radio strength, which often means you’re not too far from that access
point or wireless device.
Channel: Shows the channel number that access point or wireless device uses.
Encryption: Shows the encryption method that access point or wireless device uses. If the
wireless access point does not enable encryption, you’ll see ‘None’ displayed here.
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Authentication: Shows the authentication mode that access point or wireless device uses. If the
wireless access point does not require authentication, you’ll see ‘Unknown’
displayed here.
Network Type: Shows the type of wireless connection. If it’s a wireless access point, ‘Infrastructure’ will be
displayed here; if it’s a computer or network device, ‘AdHoc’ will be displayed here.
Wireless access point (Infrastructure) is a network device which acts as a bridge, to let
wired and wireless network devices communicate with each other.
AdHoc is another connection type. A computer or network device can establish a direct
wireless link with other computer or network device directly, without the help of
wireless access point.
3. Click the wireless access point or network device you wish to connect, it will be highlighted, then click
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If the access point you selected does not enable encryption (The content of ‘Encryption’ field of the access
point you selected is ‘None’, you’ll be connected to this wireless access point within one minute. Please jump
to step 6.
If the access point you selected enables encryption, please proceed to next step.
4. If the wireless access point does not have SSID, you’ll be prompted to input it here. Please ask the owner
of wireless access point and input the exact SSID here, then click ‘OK’ when ready. If the SSID you
provided here is wrong, you’ll not be able to connect to this access point.
If the wireless access point you selected have SSID, please skip this step.
5. If the wireless access point uses encryption, you have to input WEP passphrase or WPA preshared key.
Please ask the owner of the wireless access point you want to connect, and input the correct passphrase /
preshared key here, then click ‘OK’. If the value you inputted here is wrong, you will not be able to connect
to this wireless access point.
Authentication type is selected automatically, please don’t change it.
If the access point you selected does not enable encryption and does not require authentication,
please skip this step.
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