Wireless LAN / Fast Ethernet
Motion JPEG Internet Camera
(IC-1500Wg / IC-1500)
QQuuiicckk IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee
Version 1.0

MMuullttii--LLaanngguuaaggee QQIIGG iinn ddrriivveerr CCDD
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1. Check your package contents
z One Internet Camera / with antenna (IC-1500Wg only)
z One external power adapter
z One camera stand and 100M Cat.5 Ethernet cable
z One Quick Installation Guide and User’s CD
Please contact your dealer if any items above are missing.
2. System Requirements
System requirements for PC, MAC or Notebook to access the
Internet Camera are:
z OS: Windows 98SE, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003
z CPU: Intel Pentium III 750MHz or Celeron 1GHz above
z Memory Size: 128MB (256MB recommended)
z VGA Card Resolution: 800 x 600 or above
3. Hardware Installation
3.1. LED and Focusing
The Camera head and its focus ring allow you to modify the aim
and focus of the Camera, to adjust the Camera’s focus, rotate
the dark focus ring. There are three or four LEDs indicating the
camera status and networking status.
z Monitoring : When someone is viewing the camera, the
LED will light.
z Ready : When the camera is powered on and ready for
access, the LED will light on.
z LAN : When the Internet Camera is linked to the wired
network, the LED light will turn on. The LED will flash when a
video is transmitting or receiving through the wired network.
z WLAN (IC-1500Wg only) : When the Internet Camera is
linked to a Wireless LAN AP or a Wireless Station, the LED
light will turn on. The LED will flash when a video is
transmitting or receiving through wireless network.

3.2. Camera Ports
The Camera features three ports and a Reset button.
y Antenna Connector : (IC-1500Wg only) Standard reverse
SMA connector where any antennas with reverse SMA
connector can connect to the Internet Camera.
y Power : Connect to the power adapter.
y LAN : Connect to the Ethernet network cable.
y Reset : If problems occur with your Internet Camera, press
the reset button with a pencil tip (for less than 2 seconds)
and the Internet Camera will re-boot itself, keeping your
original configurations.
If you experience extreme problems or you forget your
password, press the reset button for longer than 5 seconds to
reset the Internet Camera to the factory default settings
(warning: your original configurations will be replaced with the
factory default settings).