Edimax Technology Hi-Speed USB2.0 PCI Card User Manual

PCI Card
Thank s for purchas ing High- Sp eed USB2. 0 PCI Card. W it h USB (Univ ersal Ser ia l Bus)
USB2.0 Hi gh -Speed po rts, its ma ke y ou connec ting kinds of U SB device s and periphe ral to
your desk to p compute r instant ly a nd conven iently .
This US B2.0 PCI card a llows you a ttaching 1, 2 , 3, or 4 USB dev ic es instan tly witho ut
to not only p ow er down you r system in st alling ha rdware but al so worry ab ou t running o ut of
slots on yo ur m otherbo ard or thos e co nfusing I RQ's again.
This US B PCI card supp orts USB2 .0 High-Spe ed device a nd b ackward c ompatib le w ith
USB1.1 Fu ll -Speed de vice. Wel come to the U SB Revolu ti on-Make i t simple an d ea sy.
1. Suppor t 32 -bit PCI bu s.
2. Fully co mp liant wit h USB 2.0 & 1.1 d ev ices.
3. High qua li ty VIA chips et for bett er p erforma nce.
4. Suppor t US B periphe ral Plug- n- Play & Hot- Swapping.
5. Suppor t co nnectin g up to 127 USB d ev ices.
6. Data tra ns fer-rat e 1.5/12/ 48 0 Mbps.
7. Fully su pp orts EHCI a nd OHCI Com pl iant stan dards.
8. Driver f re e for Micro soft Wind ow s 2000, XP, and 2003.
MAC 10.3 or lat er and Linux Kerne l 2.5.2 o r l ater.
Package Content
1.High- Sp eed USB2. 0 PCI Card x 1
2.User' s Ma nual x 1
3.CD Driv er x 1
Har dware In stallation
Follow th e in structi on given be lo w to instal l the USB 2.0 PCI C ard
1.Turn your co mp uter off
2.Remov e th e power plu g from the pl ug s ocket.
3.Remov e th e cover fro m the compu te r case.
4.If fitt ed . Remove th e metal cov er p late on the r ear of a free P CI s lot (Whit e).
5.Inser t US B 2.0 PCI car d into the fr ee P CI slot and s crew it fir ml y on the brac ket side.
6.Place t he c over back o nto the com pu ter.
7.Inser t th e plug into t he plug soc ke t.
System Requir ement
1. Pentiu m or e quivale nt comput er w ith an avai lable PCI slo t.
2. CD-ROM / D VD -ROM requ ired for dr iv er instal lation.
3. Micros of t Windows 9 8SE/ME/ 20 00/XP/2 003.
High-Speed USB2.0 PCI Card
Driver i nstallation
Windows 2 000, XP, 2003:
The syste m wi ll automa tically d et ect USB 2.0 P CI Card and ins tall driv er by itself un der
Windows 2 00 3, XP, and 2000 op er ation sys tems .
Right cli ck y our mouse o n "My Compu te r" and sele ct "Prope rt ies" to che ck your
operati on s ystem ser vice pack v er sion as bel ow pictur es s hown. If yo ur operatio n
system is N OT Micros oft Windo ws 2000 ser vice pack 4 and Windows XP servic e pack 1
or later.
on your sys te m to upgrad e the lates t ve rsion ser vice pack of op eration s ystem.
Otherwi se
Please vi si t Microso ft web site ( ) or use upda te f unction
this USB2 .0 P CI card jus t only run US B1 .1 data tra nsfer spe ed .
http:// ww w.micros oft.com
1. Please m ak e sure this P CI card has b ee n plugged i nto the PCI slo t.
2. System w il l detect th e new hardw ar e, and plea se ignore it.
Insert th e CD d river int o the CD-RO M dr ive and run t he "Setup.e xe" progr am
located w it hin folde r of the Driv er C D
When the pr oc ess of inst alling US B dr iver, syst em would ask yo ur origin al o peratio n system CD .
3.Then th is S etup prog ram will in st all the dri ver automat ically. After instal ling driv er
Success fu lly, pre ss "Finis h" to end drive r install at ion proce dure and Re bo ot the
4.After r es tarting , o pen the Dev ic e Manager a nd check if the d evices ca n work proper ly.
98SE and ME :
\USB\US B2 .0-VIA\ DRIVER\ Se tup.exe
St ar t > C on tr oller Panel > Syste m > Device Manag er
No te :
If th ere i s a yel low e xcl ama tio n mar k on "V IA USB U niv ersa l Open
Hos t Contr oller ", please remov e thi s ite m fro m the D evi ce Ma nag er
by cl ick ing t he Un ins tal l but ton a nd cl ick R efr esh t o re -i nst all t his
driver a gai n.
Please vi si t chipset v endor ~ VIA web si te ( ) to get the la te st driver.http:// ww w.v ia.com. tw