Edimax Technology EW-7317LDg User Manual

802.11g Wi--
802.11g Wi
Wireless LAN Signal Detector +
Wireless LAN Signal Detector +
Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Adapter
Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Adapter
Fi Detector / USB Adapter
Fi Detector / USB Adapter
Wi-Fi Detecto r
When you push the scan button on the Wi-Fi detector, it will immedia te l y display detailed infor mat ion about any 802. 11b/ g wireless network such as SSID, signal strength, what kind of
security (if any is enabled), the current operating channel and also what kind of network is available (infrastructure or Ad-hoc). The LCM with backlight also displays the number of access points you can connect to and battery indicator so you know when it needs to be recharged. When the battery power indicator is low, you can easily recharge the built in Li-Polymer battery by plugging it into any USB port on your computer.
WLAN USB Adapter
This Wi-Fi Detector also acts as a WLAN USB adapter which complies wi th IE EE 80 2.11 b/g standards and suppo r ts up to 54Mbps high-speed wireless network connections. It is suitable for any laptop or desktop computer for user to go online wirelessly.
Fo r securit y, It su pports 64/128/256 - bi t WEP dat a encryption that protects your wireless network from eavesdropping. It also supports WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) that combines IEEE
802.1x and TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) technologies. Client users are required to authorize before accessing to APs or AP Routers, and the data transmitted in the ne twork is encrypted/decrypted by a dynamic all y changed secret key. Moreover, this adapter supports WPA2 which uses AES technology to ensure the highest degree of security and authenticity for digital information and is the most advanced solution defined by IEEE 802.11i for the security in the wireless network.
802.11g Wi--
802.11g Wi
Taiwan / Headqua r t er s
Edima x Tech nology Co., LTD. TEL:886-2-7739-6888 FAX:886-2-7739-6887 sales@edimax.com.tw
Fi Detector / USB Adapter
Fi Detector / USB Adapter
Complies with IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g (2.4GHz, OFDM)
Immediately indicates whether the environment has availab le wireless
network or equipm ents.
A LCM with backlight indicates type of net wor k ( 802.11b/g), signal
str ength, SS ID, operating channel, network m ode, number of APs, battery strength and type of security enabled on the detected network.
Recharg eable Li-Pol y m er battery.
High data transfer rate –up to 54Mbps.
High th r oughput support s multi-media data bandwidth r equiremen t.
Supp orts WEP, WPA (TKIP with IEEE 802.1 x) and WP A2 (AES wit h
IEEE 802.1 x) W LAN securit ies.
Suppor ts Software AP function, whic h turns the wireless station into a
wirel es s AP.
Sup ports USB 2. 0/1.1 int er face.
Edimax Technol ogy Europe B.V. TEL:31-499-377344 FAX:31-499-372647 sales@edimax.nl
Lati n Amer ica
TEL:1-786-845-8099 FAX:1-786-331-8490 sales_latinamerica@edimax.com
Edimax Technology Europe B.V. SP. Z O. O. Tel: +48(22)-6060-255 Fax: +48( 22)-6060-254 sales@edimax.nl
Edima x Computer Co m p any TEL:1-408-496-1105 FAX:1-408-980-1530 sales@edimax.com
Edimax T e chnol ogy (UK) Ltd . TEL:44-870-7740226 FAX:44-870-7740227 info@edimax.co.uk
Beij ing Edimax Sc ie nce & Technology Co., LTD. TEL:8610-8226-5815 FAX:8610-8266-5795 sales@edimax.com.cn
802.11b/g W LAN USB Ad apter with
Wi-Fi Detector
Standards IEEE 802.11b/g
USB Port USB 2. 0 Type A
Frequency Band
(Industrial Scientific Medical Band) OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM (11g)
BPSK, QPSK, CCK (11b) 54/48/36/24/18/12/11/9/6/5.5/2/1Mbps
Data Rate
auto fallback
64/128/ 256-bit WEP Data Encryption, WPA/WP A2 (TKIP with IEEE 802.1x) and AES
Antenna Internal Antenn a
Dimension 14(H) x 28.5(W) x 91(D) mm
Trans m it Power 16 dBm (Typical)
Temperature 0~60oC
Humidity 10~85% (Non-Con dens ing)
Certification FCC, CE