Echo 73454 Owners Manual v.3

4 inch
MadE WIth pRIdE In thE...
73413 - 13 hp honda 73413S - 13 hp honda 73420 - 20 hp honda 73420f - 20 hp honda 73420S - 20 hp honda 73454 - pto
owner's manual
73454S - pto
Companion to 12128
Before You Begin
ManuFaCtuREd By CRaRy InduStRIES
ManuFaCtuREd In u.S.a.
WESt FaRgo, noRth dakota 58078 u.S.a. SERIal nuMBER
Dear echo Bear caT cusTomer
thank you for purchasing an ECho Bear Cat product. the ECho Bear Cat line is designed, tested, and manufactured to give years of dependable performance. To keep your machine operating at peak efciency, it is necessary to adjust it correctly and make regu­lar inspections. the following pages will assist you in the operation and maintenance of your machine. please read and understand this manual before operating your machine.
If you have any questions or comments about this manual, please call us toll-free at 1-800-247-7335. If you have any questions or problems with your machine, please call or write your local authorized ECho Bear Cat dealer. this document is based on information available at the time of its publication. ECho Bear Cat is continually making improvements
and developing new equipment. In doing so, we reserve the right to make changes or add improvements to our product without obligation for equipment previously sold.
please senD us Your warranTY carD
A warranty card is included in your owner's kit packaged with your machine. Please take the time to ll in the information requested
on the card. When you send your completed card to us, we will register your machine and start your coverage under our limited warranty.
parTs orDerinG inFormaTion
For service assistance or parts, contact your nearest authorized ECho Bear Cat dealer or the factory. your nearest authorized dealer will need to know the serial number of your machine to
provide the most efcient service. See below for information on
how to identify and record the serial number for your machine.
if you need engine service or parts:
For engine service or parts, contact your nearest authorized en­gine dealer. an authorized engine dealer can handle all parts, repairs, and warranty service concerning the engine.
serial numBer locaTion
please record the serial number in the space provided and on the warranty and registration card.
replacemenT parTs
only genuine ECho Bear Cat replacement parts should be used to repair the machine. Replacement parts manufactured by others could present safety hazards, even though they may
t on this machine. Replacement parts are available from your
ECho Bear Cat dealer.
Provide the following when ordering parts:
the SERIal nuMBER of your machine. the paRt nuMBER of the part. the paRt dESCRIptIon. the QuantIty needed.
serial numBer
how To conTacT echo Bear caT
addreSS Phone e-mail hourS
237 nW 12th Street
p.o. Box 849
West Fargo, nd 58078
800-247-7335 701-282-5520
Fax: 701-282-9522
© 2006, CRaRy InduStRIES, all RIghtS RESERvEd. pRoduCEd and pRIntEd In thE u.S.a.
Monday - Friday,
8 am to 5 pm
Central time
limiTed WarranTY
this warranty applies to all ag and outdoor power Equipment manufactured by Crary Industries. Crary Industries warrants to the original owner each new Crary Industries product to be free from defects
in material and workmanship, under normal use and service. the warranty shall extend 1 year from date of delivery for income producing (commercial) applications and 2 years from date of delivery for non-income producing (consumer) use of the product. the product is warranted to the original owner as evidenced by a completed warranty registration on file at Crary Industries. Replacement parts are warranted for (90) days from date of installation.
The WarranTY regiSTraTion muST be comPleTed and reTurned To crarY induSTrieS WiThin 10 daYS of deliverY of The ProducT To The original oWner or The WarranTY Will be void.
In the event of a failure, return the product, at your cost, along with proof of purchase to the selling Crary Industries dealer. Crary Industries will, at its option, repair or replace any parts found to be defective in material or workmanship. Warranty on any repairs will not extend beyond the product warranty. Repair or attempted repair by anyone other than a Crary Industries dealer as well as subsequent failure or damage that may occur as a result of that work will not be paid under this warranty. Crary Industries does not warrant replacement components not manufactured or sold by Crary Industries.
this warranty applies only to parts or components that are defective in material or workmanship.
1. this warranty does not cover normal wear items including but not limited to bearings, belts, pulleys, filters
2. and chipper knives.
This warranty does not cover normal maintenance, service or adjustments.
3. this warranty does not cover depreciation or damage due to misuse, negligence, accident or improper
4. maintenance.
This warranty does not cover damage due to improper setup, installation or adjustment.
5. this warranty does not cover damage due to unauthorized modifications of the product.
6. Engines are warranted by the respective engine manufacturer and are not covered by this warranty.
Crary Industries is not liable for any property damage, personal injury or death resulting from the unauthorized
modification or alteration of a Crary product or from the owner’s failure to assemble, install, maintain or operate the product in accordance with the provisions of the owner’s manual.
Crary Industries is not liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages or injuries including but not
limited to loss of crops, loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or other commercial loss. this warranty gives you specific legal rights. you may have other rights that may vary from area to area. Crary Industries makes no warranties, representations or promises, expressed or implied as to the performance
of its products other than those set forth in this warranty. neither the dealer nor any other person has any authority to make any representations, warranties or promises on behalf of Crary Industries or to modify the terms or limitations of this warranty in any way. Crary Industries, at its discretion, may periodically offer limited, written enhancements to this warranty.
crarY induSTrieS reServeS The righT To change The deSign and/or SPecificaTionS of iTS ProducTS aT anY Time WiThouT obligaTion To PreviouS PurchaSerS of iTS ProducTS.
Table of conTenTS
deScriPTion Page deScriPTion Page
SafeTY .................................................................5
1.1 SaFEty alERt SyMBol ..............................................5
1.2 EMISSIon InFoRMatIon ............................................ 5
1.3 BEFoRE opERatIng ...................................................6
1.4 opERatIon SaFEty .................................................... 6
1.5 pto SaFEty ..................................................................7
1.6 BattERy SaFEty .........................................................7
1.7 MaIntEnanCE/StoRagE SaFEty ............................ 8
1.8 toWIng SaFEty .......................................................... 8
1.9 SaFEty dECal loCatIonS (73413, 73420, 73454) 12
1.10 SaFEty dECal loCatIonS (73413S, 73420S,
73454S) ........................................................................12
1.11 SaFEty dECalS ......................................................... 12
aSSemblY ..........................................................15
2.1 EngInE ModEl aSSEMBly .......................................15
2.1.1 attaCh tRaIlER axlE ................................... 15
2.1.2 attaCh tRaIlER WhEElS ............................. 15
2.1.3 attaCh tRaIlER hItCh .................................15
2.1.4 attaCh ChIppER ChutE ............................... 16
2.1.5 attaCh ExtEnSIon tRay ("S" ModElS) .....16
2.1.6 attaCh BloWER dISChaRgE tuBE ............16
2.1.7 BattERy InStallatIon (73420) ...................17
2.1.8 ChECkIng/addIng MotoR oIl .................... 17
2.1.9 FIllIng thE FuEl tank .................................17
2.2 pto ModEl aSSEMBly ............................................18
2.2.1 attaCh ChIppER ChutE ............................... 18
2.2.2 attaCh ExtEnSIon tRay ("S" ModElS) .....18
2.2.3 attaCh BloWER dISChaRgE tuBE ............18
2.2.4 ConnECt pto ShaFt ....................................19
conTrolS and oPeraTion ...........................20
3.1 EngInE ModEl ContRolS .....................................20
3.1.1 ChIppER ContRolS ......................................20
3.1.2 13 hp honda EngInE ContRolS ............... 21
3.1.3 20 hp honda EngInE ContRolS ............... 21
3.2 pto ModEl ContRolS ............................................ 22
3.3 StaRtIng .................................................................... 23
3.3.1 StaRtIng 13 hp ModElS ..............................23
3.3.2 StaRtIng 20 hp ModElS ..............................23
3.3.3 StaRtIng pto ModElS................................. 23
3.4 StoppIng ...................................................................24
3.4.1 StoppIng EngInE ModElS .........................24
3.4.2 StoppIng pto ModElS ................................ 24
3.5 ChIppIng .....................................................................24
Service & mainTenance ...............................25
4.1 SERvICE & MaIntEnanCE SChEdulE ...................25
4.2 ShaRpEnIng ChIppER BladES ..............................26
4.3 SEttIng BladE ClEaRanCE...................................27
4.4 adJuStIng/REplaCIng dRIvE BElt ...................... 27
4.4.1 EngInE ModEl dRIvE BElt ..........................27
4.4.2 pto ModEl dRIvE BEltS ..............................27
4.5 ClEaRIng pluggEd RotoR ...................................28
4.6 REplaCIng RotoR BEaRIngS ................................28
4.6.1 REplaCIng EngInE ModEl BEaRIngS ......28
4.6.2 REplaCIng pto ModEl BEaRIngS.............28
4.7 gREaSEaBlE BEaRIngS .......................................... 29
4.8 pto luBRICatIon ......................................................29
TroubleShooTing .........................................30
SPecificaTionS ................................................
6.1 ChIppER SpECIFICatIonS .......................................32
6.2 Bolt toRQuE ............................................................. 33
1.1 SafeTY alerT SYmbol 1.2 emiSSion informaTion
Warning To all california and oTher STaTeS oPeraTing ouTdoor PoWer eQuiPmenT
under California law and under the laws of several other states, you are not permitted to operate an internal combustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels on any forest covered, brush covered or grass covered land or on land
covered with grain, hay or other ammable agricultural
the owner/operator's manual uses this symbol to alert you of potential hazards. Whenever you see this symbol, read and obey the safety message that follows it. Failure
to obey the safety message could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
crops, without an engine spark arrester in continuous ef­fective working order.
the engine on your power equipment, like most outdoor power equipment, is an internal combustion engine that burns gasoline (a hydrocarbon fuel). therefore, your power equipment must be equipped with a spark arrester
mufer in continuous effective working order. The spark
arrester must be attached to the engine exhaust system
in such a manner that ames or heat from the system will not ignite ammable material.
Failure of the owner/operator of the equipment to comply with this regulation is a misdemeanor under California law and may also be a violation of other state and/or federal regulations, laws, ordinances, or codes. Contact your lo-
cal re marshal or forest service for specic information
about which regulations apply in your area.
The standard mufer installed on the 13 HP Honda engine is equipped with a spark arrester. The mufer
installed on the 20 hP honda engine is noT equipped with a spark arrester. one must be added to the 20 hP
engine mufer before using this machine in an area
where a spark arrester is required by law. Contact the local authorities if these laws apply to you. See your au­thorized engine dealer for spark arrester options.
1.3 before oPeraTing
Read and understand this owner/operators manual.
1. Be completely familiar with the controls and the proper use of this equipment.
Familiarize yourself with all of the safety and operating
2. decals on this equipment and on any of its attachments or accessories.
keep safety decals clean and legible. Replace missing
3. or illegible safety decals.
obtain and wear safety glasses and use hearing pro-
4. tection at all times when operating this machine.
avoid wearing loose fitted clothing. never operate this
5. machine wearing clothing with drawstrings that could wrap around or get caught in the machine.
do not operate this machine
6. if you are under the influence of alcohol, medications, or substances that can affect your
vision, balance or judgement.
do not operate if tired or ill. you must be in good health to oper­ate this machine safely.
do not operate this equipment in
7. the vicinity of bystanders. keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children. It is recommended that bystanders keep at least 50 feet (15 meters) away from the area of operation.
do not allow children to operate this equipment.
8. use only in daylight or good artificial light.
9. do not run this equipment in an enclosed area. Engine
10. exhaust contains carbon monoxide gas, a deadly poi­son that is odorless, colorless and tasteless. do not operate this equipment in or near buildings, windows or air conditioners.
always use an approved fuel container. do not remove
11. gas cap or add fuel when engine is running. add fuel to a cool engine only.
do not fill fuel tank indoors. keep open flames, sparks,
12. smoking materials and other sources of combustion away from fuel.
do not operate machine without shields in place. Fail-
ure to do so may cause serious injury or death.
keep all guards, deflectors, and
14. shields in good working condition.
Before inspecting or servicing any part
15. of this machine, shut off power source, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Check that all screws, nuts, bolts, and
16. other fasteners are secured, tightened and in proper working condition before starting the machine and once every 8 hours of operation.
do not transport or move machine
17. while the machine is operating or running.
1.4 oPeraTion SafeTY
always stand clear of discharge area when operating
1. this machine. keep face and body away from feed and discharge openings.
keep hands and feet out of feed and
2. discharge openings while machine is operating to avoid serious personal
injury. Stop and allow machine to
come to a complete stop before clearing obstructions.
Set up your work site so you are not endangering traffic
3. and the public. take great care to provide adequate warnings.
do not climb on machine when operating. keep proper
4. balance and footing at all times.
Check cutting chamber to verify it is empty before
5. starting the machine.
the rotor will continue to rotate when belt is disen-
6. gaged.
do not insert branches larger than 4 inches in diameter
7. into chipper or machine damage may occur.
When feeding material into machine, do not allow
8. metal, rocks, bottles, cans or any other foreign material to be fed into the machine.
Ensure debris does not blow into traffic, parked cars,
9. or pedestrians.
keep the machine clear of debris and other accumula-
10. tions.
do not allow processed material to build up in the
11. discharge area. this may prevent proper discharge and can result in kickback of material through the feed opening.
danger / PoiSon
ExploSIvE gaSES Can CauSE BlIndnESS oR InJuRy
• SpaRkS
• FlaMES
• SMokIng
FluSh EyES IMMEdIatEly WIth WatER
gEt MEdICal hElp FaSt
kEEp out oF thE REaCh oF ChIldREn. do not tIp. kEEp vEnt CapS tIght and lEvEl.
1.4 oPeraTion SafeTY (conT.)
Shut off machine immediately if the machine becomes
12. clogged, the cutting mechanism strikes any foreign
object, or the machine starts vibrating or making an
unusual noise. Shut off power source, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop. after machine stops:
Inspect for damage.
Replace or repair any damaged
Check for and tighten any loose
parts. on electric start models, disconnect spark plugs before
13. doing any inspection or service.
Check blade bolts for proper torque after every 8 hours
14. of operation. Check blades and rotate or resharpen daily or as required to keep blades sharp. Failure to do so may cause poor performance, damage or personal
injury and will void the machine warranty.
1.5 PTo SafeTY
Read and follow instructions on pto safety decals.
1. Stay alert and pay attention when pto is operating.
2. keep bystanders, especially children, away from pto
3. driveline.
Check the driveline to ensure it is attached securely
4. to the power supply.
keep guards and shields in place at all times while
5. operating. disengage pto, shut off power source, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop before removing guards or shields.
Clothing worn by opera-
6. tor must be fairly tight. never wear loose fitted
jackets, shirts, or pants
when working around the pto. tie long hair back or put under a cap.
Before inspecting or ser-
9. vicing the pto drive area, disengage the driveline, shut off power source, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
keep hands, feet, and
10. clothing away from all pto drive parts.
Do not clean, lubricate or adjust the PTO shaft when
11. it is running.
1.6 baTTerY SafeTY
Improper use and care of the battery on electric start mod­els can result in serious personal injury or property dam­age. always observe the following safety precautions.
poison/danger - Causes Severe Burns. the battery
1. contains sulfuric acid. avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. keep out of reach of children.
antIdotE-External Contact: Flush immediately with lots of water.
antIdotE-Internal: drink large quantities of water or milk. Follow with milk of magnesia, beaten egg or vegetable oil. Call a physician im­mediately.
antIdotE-Eye Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes. get prompt medical attention.
the battery produces explosive gases. keep sparks,
3. flame or cigarettes away. ventilate area when charg­ing battery. always wear safety goggles when working near battery.
the battery contains toxic materials. do not damage
4. battery case. If case is broken or damaged, avoid contact with battery contents.
neutralize acid spills with a baking soda and water
5. solution. properly dispose of a damaged or worn­out battery. Check with local authorities for proper disposal methods.
do not short circuit battery. Severe fumes and fire
6. can result.
Before working with electrical wires or components,
7. disconnect battery ground (negative) cable first. dis­connect positive cable second. Reverse this order when reconnecting battery cables.
keep hydraulic hoses, electric cords, chains and other
7. items from contacting the driveline.
do not exceed the recommended 540 RpM pto op-
8. erating speed.
1.7 mainTenance/STorage SafeTY
Before inspecting, servicing, storing, or changing an
1. accessory, shut off power source, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Replace any missing or unreadable safety decals. Re-
2. fer to the parts manual for part numbers when ordering safety decals from your chipper dealer.
allow machine to cool before storing in an enclosure.
3. Store the machine out of reach of children and where
4. fuel vapors will not reach an open flame or spark.
never store this machine with fuel in the fuel tank
5. inside a building where fumes may be ignited by an open flame or spark. Ignition sources can be hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.
drain the fuel and dispose of it in a safe manner for
6. storage periods of three months or more.
1.8 ToWing SafeTY
towing laws may vary in different countries/regions/
1. states. It is recommended that you contact your local motor vehicle department for any special rules that pertain to towing and to know the rules of any coun­try/region/state you may travel through.
Connect hitch safety chains. tighten and secure trailer
2. hitch bolts. do not attempt to tow the trailer if vehicle is not equipped with the proper size hitch ball.
Check wheel lug bolts periodically to ensure they are
3. tight and secure.
Place the jack stand on the trailer in the UP position
to clear the ground while towing. Place the jack stand
on a level surface and secure it in the doWn position before using.
never allow passengers to ride on the chipper.
5. If applicable, shut off fuel supply when towing.
ThiS Page inTenTionallY lefT blanK
1.9 SafeTY decal locaTionS (73413, 73420, 73454)
See pages 12-13 for numbered decal pictures and descriptions.
* dECal 15, #17423, IS loCatEd on thE dRIvE BElt ShIEld undERnEath thE BElt guaRd.
+ 28 hidden pages