After installation verify the product fu nctionality with the compa tible receivers
HSM2HOST9, HS2LCDRF (P)9, HS2ICN RF(P)9, PG9920 and WS900- 29,
Note: For detailed placemen t instructions see the alarm systems Installation
Manu al.
If you en counter one of the f ollowing prob lems with the PGx914, pe rform
the sugg ested solution from t he following table:
Problem Solution
Attempt to enroll the sensor is
Ensure that t he detecto ris within
wirelesscom munication range of the
receiver. Ensure that the enroll
butto n on the d evice is held until the
LED flash is seen, and t hen
The sensor an d the pa nel do not
commun icate.
Perform a p lacemen t test as
described in the a larm systems
Installation Man ual. Ensure that th e
device isw ithinw ireless
commun ication rang e of the receiver
and rem ove any possible sources of
interference. I f necessary, replace
the sensor's batt ery.
The sensor send sa low battery
To ensure con tinuous proper
operation , replace the ba ttery within
two we ekso f the first low batte ry
Panel does no t arm becau se of a
sensor malfunction.
Follow the diagn osticte st procedure
from Section 3 a bove to te st the
detector. Re place the ba ttery if
flashing LEDs are not see n during
this test. If th e system still cannot be
armed, con sultw ith your alarm
system technician for a solution.
The PG8914 model comp lies with the fo llowing stand ards:
Europe: EN 30 0220, EN 30 1489, EN 60 950-1, EN 50 130-4,
EN 50131 -1, EN 50131 -2-2 Grade 2 Class II, EN 50 130-5, EN
5013 1-6 Type C
UK: The PG8914 m odel is suitable for use in systems installed
to confo rm to PD6662 :2010 a t Grade 2 an d environmenta l
CLASSI I. DD243 a nd BS8243 Certified by Applica Test &
Certification ASin a ccordance w ith EN 501 31-2-2, EN 501 315-3, EN 501 31-6, EN 501 30-4, EN 5013 0-5
Applica T & C has certified on lythe 868 M Hz variant of th is
The PG4914 a nd PG8914 m odels are compa tible with the
RED Directive 201 4/53/EU of t he European Parliament a nd
of the Council of 16 April 2014
UL/ULC Notes
Only model PG9914 o perating in the f requency band 9 12919M Hz isUL/ cUL listed. The PG991 4 has been listed by UL
for comm ercial and residential burg lary applications and by
ULC fo r residential burglary app lications in accordance with the
requiremen ts in the Standards UL 639 an d ULC-S306 fo r
Intrusion Det ection Units.
For UL/cUL installations use th isdevice only in conjunction with
compatible DSC wireless receivers:H SM2HOST9, HS2LCD
HS2ICNRF(P)9, PG9920 a nd WS900-29, WS900-1 9. After
installation verifythe product fun ctionality in conjunction with
the com patible receiver used.
This device compliesw ith Part 15 of th e FCC Rules and R SS-247 of I SED.
Operation is subject to th e following two cond itions: (1) This device may not
cause harm ful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interfe rence
received, including interference th at may cause u ndesired operation.
Le présen t appareil est conform e aux CNR d 'ISED applicables aux appa reils
radio exemp ts de licence. L'e xploitation est au torisée aux deux cond itions
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne do itp as produire de b rouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur
de l'appare ildoit accepte r tout brou illage radioélectrique subi, mê me si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en com promettre le fo nctionnemen t.
WARNING! Chang es orm odifications to this unit not expressly appro ved
by the party responsible for compliance could void the u ser’s authority to
operate the equ ipment .
To comply with FCC and IC RF expo sure compliance requireme nts, the
device should be located at a d istance of at least 20 cm from allp ersons
during norma lop eration. The ante nnas used for this product must not b e
co-located or operate d in conjunction with any oth era ntenna or
Le dispositif doit être p lacé à une distance d 'au moins 20 cm à partir de
toute sles pe rsonnes a u cours de son fo nctionnemen t normal. Les
anten nes utilisées pour ce p roduit ne do ivent pa sê tre situés ou exploités
conjointemen t avec une au tre anten ne ou tran smetteur.
NOTE: This equipment h as been te sted and f ound to com plywith th e limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 o f the FCC R ules. These
limitsare d esigned to pro vide reasona ble protection ag ainst harmful
interference in a residen tialinstallation. This equipm ent gene rates, uses and
can radiate ra dio frequency ene rgy and, if not installed an d used in
accordance with th e instructions, may cause harm ful interference to rad io
commun ications. Howe ver, there is no gua rantee th at interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipme nt does cause h armful
interference to radio or television reception, which can b e determine d by
turning th e equipme nt off an d on, the user ise ncouraged to try to correct
the interfe rence by one o r more of th e following mea sures:
-Reorient or relocate t he receiving an tenna.
-Increase the sep aration betwe en the e quipment a nd receiver.
-Connect t he equipm ent into an o utlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the d ealer or an experienced ra dio/TVt echnician for he lp.
Cet éq uipement a é té testé et jug é conforme a ux limites s’appliquant à u n
appa reilnum érique de classe B, conformé ment à la Partie 15 des
réglemen tations de la FCC. C es limites ont ét é élaborées po ur offrir une
protection raisonna ble contre les interferences nuisibles dans une installation
Cet éq uipement g énère, utilize et peut é mettre de l’énergie de fréquence
radio et, s’il n’est pas installé et u tilize conforméme nt aux instructions du
fabricant, pe ut provoque rd es interférences dan gereuses pour les
commun ications radio. Tou tefois, rien ne gara ntit l’absence d’interféren ces
dans un e installation pa rticuliére. Sicet é quipement p rovoque de s
interférences nu isiblesa u niveau de la récep tion radio ou te levision, ce qui
peut é tre determine p ar la mise hors, puis sous tension de l’équipme nt, vous
étes invite à essayer de corriger les interferences en pregnan t les mesures
• Réorientez ou d éplaces l’anten ne réceptrice.
• Augmente z la distance qu isép are l’équipement e t le récepteur.
• Branchez l’équipem ent à u ne prise d’un circuit different d e celuia uquel est
branché le récep teur.
• Consultez le revende ur ou un te chnician radio/te levision expérime nté pour
obten irde l’aide
W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
For information regard ing the recycling of this p roduct you mu st
contact the compan y f rom w hich you o riginally purchased it. If
you are d iscarding this product an d not retu rning it for repair th en
you must e nsure th at it is returne d as iden tified by your sup plier.
This product is not to b e thrown a way with everyday waste.
Directive 200 2/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
6. Special Comments
Even the m ost sophisticated d etectors can sometime s be defea ted or ma y
fail to warn b ecause of DC p ower failure or imprope r connection, ma licious
masking of th e lens, tamp ering with the op tical system, decreased sen sitivity
in ambient t emperatu resclose to th at of the human body and u nexpected
failure of a com ponent p art.
The ab ove list includes the mo st common rea sons for failure to dete ct
intrusion, but is by no m eans compre hensive. It is recommend ed that t he
detector a nd the e ntire alarm system be che cked wee kly, to ensure p roper
performa nce.
An alarm system mu st not be reg arded as a sub stitute fo r insurance.
Property owners or ren ters should be prud ent to cont inue insuring their
property, even though t hey are protecte d by an alarm system.
Detector Type Dual eleme nt low-noise pyroelectric
Lens Data
Fresnel and cylinder type
lens with optical
atten uation (PETm ask)in
the lowe rp attern pa rt of
the lens.
Numb er of beam s /
curtains: 27 Fresnel far,
18 cylinder “mid” and 1 0
cylinder “close”.
Figure 12 – C overage
Pattern Walk Test
Max. cove rage 12 x 12 m (39 x 39 ft) / 9 0°.
Pet Immunity Up to 3 8 kg (85 lb).
Power Supply The po wer supply istype C in a ccordance
with EN 5013 1-6 Docume ntation – Clau se
Internal Battery 3VL ithium battery, type C R-123A. For UL
installations, use Panasonic and GP
Wireless only.
Nominal Battery
Capaci ty
1450 m Ah.
Battery Life (for typica l
6 to 8 years, (not verified by UL).
Low Batter y Threshold 2.4 V.
Note: Inability to connect with a w ireless network,
or low signal strength can significantly
reduce th e expected ba ttery life.
Battery Power Test Performed imm ediately upon b attery
insertion and p eriodicallye veryseveral
True Motion Event
2 remo te sensitivity selections at pa nel –
Alarm Per iod
2 seconds.
LED Switch
LED Enable (red LED lights for 2 sec.
upon a larm detection).
Frequency Europe an d rest of world: 43 3-434, 86 8-
869 .
North an d Latin America: 912 -919.
Note: Onlyd evices in frequen cyba nd 912919 M Hz are UL/UL C listed.
Communication Protocol
Signaling at 4-min. inte rvals.
Tamper Ale rt
Reporte d when a tamper e vent occurs
and in a ny subsequent m essage, until the
tamp er switch is restored.
1.8-2.4 m (6 - 8 ft.). Fo rp et immunity, th e
optimal he ight is2 .1 m (7 ft. ). At2 .4 m
(7.87 ft .) height installation, remove t he
pet m aska s pet immun ityis not supp orted
at this height .
Installation Options
Surface or corner.
RF Immunity
20 V/m u p to 100 0 MHz, 10 V/m u p to
2700 M Hz (not evaluated by UL).
Operating Temper atures
-10°C t o 50°C (14 °F to 122 °F).
Note: UL only verified ope ration over the
range 0 °C to 49 °C.
Storage Tempera tures
-20°C t o 60°C (-4° F to 140° F).
Average relative humidity of up to
approximate ly75 % non-conden sing. For
30 da yspe r year the relative hum idity may
vary between 85% and 95% non condensing.
For UL installations: 5 % to 93 % no ncondensing. For I ndoor use on ly.
Size (H x W x D)
83 x 61 x 42 mm (3.2 7 x 2.4 x 1.66 ").
Weight (withba ttery)
90 g (3.1 7 oz).
PATENTS U.S. Patents 5,6 93,943 ● 6 ,211,52 2 .
Bandwidth in
Recei vers
PG4920; WS901-14 EU; WS901-24
PG8920; WS901-18 EU; WS901-28; WP801 0;
912-91 9 MHz HSM2HOST9; HS2LCD RF(P)9; HS2ICNRF(P)9;
PG9920; WS900-29 ; WS900-19
Note: Onlyd evices operating in band 9 12-919 MHz are UL /ULC listed.
Limited Warranty
Digital Security Co ntrols warrants that for a period of 12 months from the date of purc hase, the
product shall be free of de fects in materials and w orkmanship under normal us e and that in
fulfillmentof any breach of s uch warranty, Digital Security Controls shall, at its option,rep air or
replace the d efective equipment upon return of the equipment to its r epair depot. This warranty
applies only to defects in parts and workmanship and not to damage incurred in shipping o r
handling, or damage due to c auses beyond the c ontrol of D igital Sec urity C ontrols suc h as
lightning,exc essive voltage, mechanical s hock, water damage, or damage aris ing out of abuse,
alterationor improper application of the equipment.
The foregoing warr anty shall apply only to the original buy er, and is and s hall be in lieu of any
and all o ther warranties, whether expr essed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities
on the part of Digital Security Controls. Digital Secur ity Controls neither assumes, nor
authorizes any other person purpor tingto act on its beha lfto modify or to c hange this warranty,
nor to as sume for it any other w arranty or liability concer ning this produc t.
In no event shall Digital Se curity Controls be liable for any d irect, indirect or c onsequential
damages, loss of anticipated profits, loss of time or any other losses incur red by the buyer in
connection with the pur chase, installation or operation or failure of this produc t.
Motion detectors c an only detect motion within the des ignated areas as shown in their
respective installation instruc tions. They cannot discriminate between intruders and intended
occupants. Motion detectors do not prov ide volumetric area protection. They hav e multiple
beams of detection and motion can only be detected in unobstructed ar eas c overed by these
beams. They cannot detect motion which occur s beh ind w alls, c eilings, floor, close d doors,
glass par titions, glass doors or window s. Any type of tampering whe ther intentional or
unintentional su ch as masking, p ainting, or s praying of any material on the lens es, mirrors,
windows or any other par t of the detection system will impair its prop er operation.
Passiv e infrared motion detectors operate by sensing c hanges in temperature. However their
effectiveness can b e reduced w hen the ambient temperature r ises near or abov e body
temperature or if there are intentional or un intentional s ources of heat in or near the detection
area. Some of these heat so urces could be heaters , radiators, s toves, barbeques , fireplaces,
sunlight,s team vents, lightingan d so o n.
WARNING: Digital Security Controls recommends that the entire
system be c ompletely tested on a re gular bas is. However , despite
frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, c riminal tamper ing
or ele ctrical disruption, it is poss ible for this product to fail to
perform as expecte d.
Important Information: Changes or modific ations not expr essly
approved by Di gital Security Controls could v oid the user’s
authority to opera te this e quipment.
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The trad emarks, logos, and service marks displayed on th isdo cument are
registered in the U nited States [or oth er countries]. Any misuse of the
tradem arksis strictly prohibited and Tyco will aggressivelyen force its
intellectual property rights to th e fullest extent of t he law, including pursuit of
criminalp rosecution wherever necessary. Allt rademarks not ow ned by Tyco
are the p roperty of the irrespective own ers, and are u sed with permission or
allowed und er applicable laws. Product offerings an d specifications are
subject to chang e without n otice. Actualp roducts may vary from ph otos. Not
all products include all features.
Availabilityvaries by region; cont act your sales representative.
Tech Support: 1-800-387-3630 (Canada & U.S.) or+800-2255-8926
Printed in Israel •
D-30663 3PGx914 InstallationI nstructions 2