Dsc NT-9005 V1.0 User Manual

User Guide
NT9005 V1.0
WARNING: This manual contains information on limitations regard­ing product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. Read the entire manual carefully.

Quick Reference Guide

more information.

To Perform This Function: Enter: Page:

Turn on system (Away): ..................... [access code], leave through entry/exit door 9
Turn on system (Stay):........................ [access code], do not leave premises 10
Turn off system:................................. [access code] 8
Turn on system (No Entry Time): ........ [access code] 11
Turn on system (Quick, if enabled): .... (from Ready state) 10
Turn on rest of system (if Stay armed): OR press
Exit premises when system on: .......... OR press
Turn off zones (Bypass): ..................... [two-digit zone number(s)], to exit 15
Some functions may not be available on your system. Ask your installer for
OR press
OR press
(if enabled)
(if enabled)
(if enabled) 10
(if enabled) 12
Test system ........................................ [master code] 18
Send Fire message: ............................ (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 14
Send Auxiliary message: .................... (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 14
Send Panic message: ......................... (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 14
Silence fire alarm: .............................. [access code] 13
Silence intrusion alarm: ..................... [access code] 14
Turn door chime on/off: ...................... to toggle on or off 20
Check alarm memory: ....................... 14
Check troubles .................................. 16
Set time and date: ............................. [master code] 20
OR press
(if enabled)

Table of Contents

Quick Reference Guide i
Table of Contents ii
Limited Warranty iii
About This Guide 1
NT9005 Controller Features 2
Section 1: Introduction
How Your System Works ................................................ 4
IMPORTANT NOTICE....................................................... 4
Fire Detection.................................................................5
Testing ...........................................................................5
Remote Monitoring ........................................................5
Maintenance ..................................................................5
Section 2: Using Your NT9005 System
Operating the System from the NT9005 Controller .........6
Section 3: Turning Your System On (Arming) and Off (Disarming)
Turning On Your System.................................................7
Turning Off Your System ................................................8
Other Ways to Turn Your System On .............................. 8
Turning On Your System When Everyone is Away
(Away Mode)..................................................................9
What to do if the Siren Sounds Immediately
After You Exit................................................................. 9
Turning On Your System While You Are At Home (Stay
Mode) ..........................................................................10
Turning On Your System With No Access Code
(Quick Arm).................................................................. 10
Turing On Your System with No Entry Time .................. 11
Turning On Your System Automatically
(Automatic Arming) ......................................................11
Exiting When the System is On (Quick Exit)...................12
Section 4: Dealing With Alarms and Emergencies
Fire Alarms ................................................................... 13
Intrusion (Burglary) Alarms............................................14
Checking Alarms in Memory.........................................14
Calling for Help ............................................................14
Section 5: Using Advanced Functions
Turning Off Part of Your System (Bypassing Zones)...... 15
Checking Trouble Conditions ....................................... 16
Testing Your System..................................................... 18
Allowing Computer Access to Your System .................. 18
Section 6: Customizing Your System
Programming Access Codes......................................... 19
Setting the Time and Date............................................ 20
Turning the Door Chime On or Off............................... 20
Changing the Pitch of the Keypad Tone ....................... 20
Section 7: Fire Safety
Household Fire Safety Audit ......................................... 21
Fire Escape Planning..................................................... 21
Section 8: Guidelines for Locating Smoke Detectors 23
Section 9: Replacing Batteries
Tips for Buying Batteries ............................................... 24
After Installing New Batteries ....................................... 24
Door/Window Contacts................................................ 25
Motion Detectors......................................................... 25
Glassbreak Detectors.................................................... 26
Smoke Detectors.......................................................... 26
Wireless Keys ............................................................... 26
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
System Information
For Service ................................................................... 29
Access Codes............................................................... 29
System Information...................................................... 29
Zone Information ......................................................... 30
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FCC Compliance Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Industry Canada Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Limited Warranty
Digital Security Controls Ltd. warrants the original purchaser that for a period of twelve months from the date of purchase, the product shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. During the warran ty period, Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall, at its option, repair or replace any defective product upon return of the product to its factory, at no charge for labour and materials. Any replacement and/or repaired parts are warranted for the r emainder of the original warranty or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. The original owner must promptly notify Digital Security Controls Ltd. in writing that there is defect in material or workmanship, such written notice to be received in all events prior to expiration of the warranty period .
International Warranty
The warranty for international customers is the same as for any customer within Canada and the United States, with the exception that Di gital Security Controls Ltd. shall not be responsible for any customs fe es, taxes, or VAT that may be due.
Warranty Procedure
To obtain service under this warranty, please retur n the item(s) in question to the point of purchase. All authorized distributors and dealers have a warranty pro­gram. Anyone returning goods to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first obtain an authorization number. Digital Security Contro ls Ltd. will not accept any ship­ment whatsoever for which prior auth orization has not been obtai ned.
Conditions to Void Warranty
This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workm anship relating to norma l use. It does not c over:
•damage incurred in shipping or handling;
•damage caused by disaster such as fire, flood, wind, earthquake or lightning;
•damage due to causes beyond the control of Digital Security Controls Ltd. such as excessive voltage, mecha nical shock or water damage;
•damage caused by unauthorized atta chment, altera tions, modifications or foreign objects;
•damage caused by peripherals ( unless such peripherals wer e supplied by Digi tal Security Controls Ltd.);
•defects caused by failure to provi de a suitable installation environment for the products;
•damage caused by use of the products for purposes other than those for which it was designed;
•damage from improper mainte nance;
•damage arising out of any other abuse, mishandling or improper application of the products.
Digital Security Controls Ltd .’s liability for failure to repair the product under this warranty after a reasonable number of attempts will be limited to a replacement of the product, as the exclusive remedy for breach of warranty. Under no circum­stances shall Digital Security Controls Ltd. be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages base d upon breach of warranty, breach of contract, negli­gence, strict liability, or any other legal theory. Such damages include, but are not limited to, loss of pr ofits, loss of the prod uct or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute or replacement equipment, facilities or services, down time, purchaser’s time, the claims of third parties, including customers, and injury to property.
Disclaimer of Warranties
This warranty contains the entire warranty and shall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied (including all implied warranties of mer­chantability or fitness for a partic ular purpose) and of all other obl igations or lia­bilities on the part of Digital S ecurity Controls Ltd. Digital Security Co ntrols Ltd. neither assumes responsibili ty for, nor authorizes any ot her person purporting to act on its behalf to modify or t o change this warranty, nor to assume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this product. This disclaimer of warranties and limited warranty are governed by the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada.
WA R N I N G :
completely tested on a regula r basis. However, despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, criminal tampering or elect rical disruption, it is possible for this product to fail to perform as expe cted.
Installer’s Lockout
Any products returned to DSC w hich have the Installer’s Lockout optio n enabled and exhibit no other problems wi ll be subject to a service ch arge.
Out of Warranty Repairs
Digital Security Controls Lt d. will at its op tion repair or replace out-of-warranty products which are returned to its fact ory according to the following condit ions. Anyone returning goods to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first obtain an authorization number. Digital Security Controls Ltd. will not accept any shipment whatsoever for which prior authorization has not been obtained.
Products which Digital Securi ty Controls Ltd. determines to be repairabl e will be repaired and returned. A set fee which Digital Se curity Controls Ltd. has predeter­mined and which may be revised from time to time, will be charged for each unit repaired. Products which Digital Sec urity Controls Ltd. determines not to be repairable will be replaced by the nearest equivalent product available at that time. The current market price of the replacemen t product will be charged for e ach replacemen t unit.
Digital Security Controls L td. recommen ds that the entire system be
About This Guide
This NT9005 Read this guide thoroughly to learn how to use your security system. Ensure that all users of this system are fully instructed in its use.
Important information about fire and burglary alarms is in Section 4: Deal­ing With Alarms and Emergencies, beginning on page 13. Read this section carefully!
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for each function. Each key you need to press will be indicated by its symbol (e.g., to turn door chime On/Off).
To access some functions, you will need to enter your access code (indicated by [access code]). To program other access codes, or to perform advanced functions, you will need to enter your master code (indicated by [master code]). You can also use the master code to turn the system on and off.
The NT9005 controller and its lights and functions are described on pages 2 and 3. The
Quick Reference Guide
required to access basic system functions, and the page number on which each function is described.
See the
Fill out the System Information on pages 29 and 30 with all of your zone information and access codes, and store this manual in a safe place for future reference.
User Guide
on page 27 to learn more about special terms used in this manual.
is designed for anyone using an NT9005 Security System.
inside the front cover shows you the commands
NT9005 controller Features
This is the NT9005 controller. It controls and monitors all devices on your NT9005 security system. You can access all system functions using the buttons on the NT9005. Please familiarize yourself with your new system console and its features.
The NT9005 uses the siren to warn you about fire and burglary alarms.
Status Lights
The NT9005’s Ready, Armed and Trouble status lights provide instant visual feedback on the sta­tus of your security system.
Green Ready Light
If the Ready light is ON, the system is ready to be turned on. You will not be able to turn the sys­tem on unless the Ready light is ON (see
ing On Your System
Red Armed Light
If the Armed light is ON, the system has been turned on successfully.
Yellow Trouble Light
If the Trouble light is ON, one or more trouble conditions could be present on the system. See
Checking Trouble Conditions
Emergency Keys:
In an emergency, you can use these keys to con­tact your central station instantly:
Press both keys for two seconds to send a Fire message.
on page 7).
on page 16.
Turn -
Press both Keys for two seconds to send an Auxiliary message.
Press both Keys for two seconds to send a Panic message.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Fire, Auxiliary and Panic keys will NOT function unless pro­grammed by the installer. If these keys are in service and the installer has enabled audible feedback, holding down both keys for two seconds will cause the keypad sounder to beep indicating that the input has been accepted and sent.
Number Pad
Use the number pad to enter your access code and system commands. Press to exit a func­tion.
Function Buttons
If your installer has enabled them, you can use the function buttons to access the Stay, Away, Door Chime, Interior, and Quick Exit features. To use a feature, press and hold one of the buttons for two seconds. Refer to this information on these features.
for more
Section 1: Introduction
Your installer has set up your system with your home or business in mind. You may not need all of the features described in this manual. Your installer will only turn on the features that you need, and should explain all the active features to you. If you have any questions about which features are active on your system, ask your installer.
How Your System Works
Your security system consists of a DSC NT9005 controller and various wireless devices.
The controller is the “brain” of your security system. It controls and checks all the detectors, and communicates with the central station (if remote monitoring is enabled). You will access system functions with your NT9005 controller, which is described on pages 2 and 3 of this manual. Each NT9005 has a siren, number pad, emergency keys, and five function keys.
Using the NT9005 keypad you can send commands to the system and check the current system status. Your installer will mount the NT9005 in a convenient loca­tion inside your premises.
Your security system can provide monitoring of intrusion, fire, and emergency. The security system has several zones (monitored areas). Each of these zones will
have a detector (motion detector, glassbreak detector, door contact, etc.). A detec­tor sends signals to the NT9005 which will respond according to programming.
A security system cannot prevent emergencies. It is only intended to alert you and – if the system is remotely monitored – your central station of an emergency situation. Security systems are generally very reliable but they may not work under all conditions and they are not a substitute for pru­dent security practices or life and property insurance. Your security system should be installed and serviced by qualified security professionals who should instruct you on the level of protection that has been provided and on system operations. For important warnings and cautions, see page 32.
Fire Detection
Te s ti n g
Remote Monitoring
This NT9005 controller is capable of monitoring fire detection devices such as smoke detectors and providing a warning if a fire condition is detected. Good fire detection depends on having an adequate number of detectors placed in appro­priate locations. The system must be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 (N.F.P.A., Batterymarch Park, Quincey MA 02269). Carefully review
Fire Safety
page 21.
NOTE: Your installer must enable the fire detection portion of this equip­ment for it to work.
To make sure your system continues to work as intended, you must test your sys­tem weekly. Please refer to
Testing your System
on page 18. If your system does
not work correctly, call your installer for service.
This system can send alarms, troubles and emergency messages over telephone lines to a central station. If you accidentally initiate an alarm, immediately call the central station to prevent an unnecessary response.
NOTE: Your installer must enable remote monitoring for it to work.
With normal use, the system requires minimum maintenance, but please note the following points:
1. Do not wash the security equipment with a wet cloth. Light dusting with a slightly moistened cloth should remove normal dust accumulations.
2. Use the system test described on page 18 to check the battery condition of the NT9005 controller. DSC recommends that the standby battery be replaced every three years.
3. Consult the manufacturer’s literature for testing and maintenance instructions for other system devices such as smoke detectors, motion detectors, and glass­break detectors. For instructions on replacing detector batteries, see
on page 24
NOTE: The NT9005 is only compatible with DSC wireless devices.
Section 2: Using Your NT9005 System
Operating the System from the NT9005 Controller
The NT9005 controller provides a large, easy to understand LCD to help you to use your system.
You can check the current status of your system by viewing the LCD. The NT9005 will display the time, whether the system is currently on (armed) or off (disarmed), if any zones are currently open or bypassed (turned off), and if there are any trou­ble conditions currently present on the system.
1 Clock Digits 1, 2
two 7 segment clock digits indicate the hour digits when the local clock is active, and identify the zone when the OPEN or ALARM icons are active. These two digits scroll one zone per second from the lowest zone number to the highest when scrolling through zones.
2 : (Colon)
local clock is active.
3 Clock Digits 3 and 4
41 to 8 5Memory 6Bypass 7Fire 8 Program 9
10 AM, PM
11 Away
12 Stay
– These icons identify Troubles when [*][2] is pressed.
– Indicates that there are zones automatically or manually bypassed.
– Indicates that there are fire alarms in memory.
– This icon turns on when [*][4] or
on the system. Press [*][4] or
– This icon indicates that the local clock is displaying 12 Hr. time. These icons will
not be on if the system is programmed for 24Hr. time.
– Indicates that the panel is armed in the Away mode. It will turn on at the begin-
ning of the exit delay.
– Indicates that the panel is armed in the Stay mode. It will turn on at the beginning
of the exit delay.
– This icon is used with clock digits 1 and 2 to indicate zones in alarm on the sys­tem. When a zone is in alarm, the ALARM icon will turn on, and 7 segment displays 1 and 2 will scroll through the zones in alarm.
– This icon is used with clock digits 1 and 2 to indicate violated zones (not alarm) on the system. When zones are opened, the OPEN icon will turn on, and clock digits 1 and 2 will scroll through the violated zones.
– These
– This icon is the hours/minutes divider and will flash once a second when the
– These two clock digits are the minute digits when the local clock is
– Indicates that there are alarms in memory.
– indicates that the system is in Installer’s Programming, or the keypad is busy.
is pressed to enable Door Chime
to disable Door Chime.
Section 3: Turning Your System On
(Arming) and Off (Disarming)
This section describes how to turn your system on and off. Read this section care­fully.
Tur nin g O n Your System
1. Before you turn on your system, make sure that it is Ready. You can tell that the
system is ready when the green (Ready) light is ON.
see the Note below
2. Enter your access code on the keypad. If you have entered the wrong code, the
keypad will sound one long beep - try again to enter the correct code. When you enter a valid access code:
• The keypad sounds fast beeps.
• The red (Armed) light turns ON.
• The keypad starts to beep once every second. This tells you that the system is turning on (Audible Exit Delay).
If you will be leaving
tem that you are away, and the system turns on completely.
If you will be staying
you are staying, and the system turns on only the perimeter areas.
NOTE: If the green (Ready) light is not ON:
• Close all doors and windows
• Stop motion in all areas with motion detectors
If the yellow (Trouble) light is ON, check for possible trouble conditions (see
Checking Trouble Conditions
turned off unintentionally (see
on page 15).
, go out through the entry/exit door. Doing this tells the sys-
, do not open the entry/exit door. This tells the system that
on page 16), and check that no zones are
Turning Off Part of Your System (Bypassing
If the green light is not on,
Tur nin g O f f Your System
1. If you are outside, enter through the entry/exit door. The keypad beeps to remind you to turn off the system.
NOTE: Entering by any other door will immediately cause an alarm.
2. Enter your [access code]. If you have entered from outside, you must enter the correct access code before the keypad stops beeping. If you do not enter a valid access code during this time, the system will sound an alarm.
NOTE: If you have entered the wrong code the keypad will sound one long beep - try again to enter the correct code.
As soon as you enter the correct code, the red (Armed) light turns OFF and the keypad stops beeping.
3. If an alarm occurred while the system was ON, the NT9005 will display the Memory icon. See
Checking Alarms in Memory
on page 14.
CAUTION: If you return and find that an alarm has occurred while you were away, it is possible that an intruder may still be on the premises. Go to a nearby safe location, and call your central station or the local authorities to investigate. The alarm memory is cleared each time the system is turned on, so any alarms showing have occurred while you were away.
Other Ways to Tur n You r System On
There are two basic methods for turning on your security system.
: Use this method when everyone will be away from the premises. See
page 9.
: Use this method when one or more people will stay on the premises. See
page 10.
You can also use any of the following methods to turn on your system (see pages 10 to 11):
Quick Arming:
Turn on your system without having to enter an access code.
Your installer must turn on this feature before it will work.
No Entry Arming:
Turn on your system with no entry delay time - use this
method when no one else will be entering the premises.
Automatic Arming:
The system will turn itself on at pre-set times.
installer must turn on this feature before it will work.
+ 28 hidden pages