Warning: This manual contains information on limitations regardingproduct use andfunctionandinformationon thelimitationsas totheliability of themanufacturer.The entiremanual shouldbe carefully read.
WARNING: Installer please read
Note to Installers
The warningso n thispa ge conta in vitalinfo rmation. As the only individual in contact with system users, it ist he installer’s responsibility to b ring each item in this
warning to the atte ntion ofa llusers ofthissystem.
System Failures
Thissystemh asbe en carefullyd esigned to be aseffe ctivea spossible. There are
circumstances, ho wever, involving fire, burglary, or oth er types of e mergencies
whe re it may not provide p rotection. Any alarm system of an ytype may be compromised deliberat elyo r mayf ailto ope rate as expected for a varietyo f reasons.
Some, but not all,of the reasons may be:
Acc ess by Intruders
Intrud ersmayente r through an unp rotected accesspo int, circumvent a sensing
device, evade detection by moving through an area of insufficient coverage, d isconne ct aw arningdevice, orinterfere with orpreve ntth ep rope rope rationof the
Component Failure
Although every effort has be enmad eto make thissystem asreliable as possible,
the systemmayf ailto function asinte nded due to the failure ofa compone nt.
Comprom ise of Radio Fre quency (Wireless) Devic es
Signalsmay no t reach the receiver und er all circumstances wh ich could include
metal objectsplaced on or near the radio path ord eliberate jamming oro ther inadvertent radio signa linterferen ce.
Criminal Knowledge
Thissystem conta ins security feature s which we re known t o be effective at the
timeo fmanufacture. It is possible forp ersons with criminalintent to develop te chnique swhich redu ce the effectiveness of the se feature s. It is important that the
securitysystemb e reviewed periodicallyto en sureth atits featu res remain effectivea ndt hat it isup dated or replaced if itis found that itd oes not provide the p rotection expected .
Failure of Re placeable Batte ries
Thissystem’s wirelesstransmitters ha ve be en designed t oprovide several years
of batte rylife unde r normal cond itions. The expecte db attery life is a function o f
the device environmen t,usage, and type. Ambient cond itionssuch ashigh humidity,h igh or low tempe rature s, or large tempera turef luctuation s may reduce the
expecte d batte rylife. Wh ile each tra nsmitting device ha sa low b attery monitor
which iden tifies when the batteries ne edt o be replaced, t his monitor may fail to
ope rate as expe cted. Reg ular testing an d maintenan ce willkeep the system in
goo do perating condition.
Inadequate Installation
A security system must be installed properly in orde r to provide a dequat e p rotection. Every installation shou ld be evaluat ed by a security profe ssiona l to
ensure tha t allaccess points an da reas are covered. Lo cks and latches on window sa nd do ors must be secure an d opera te as intend ed. Window s, doo rs,
walls,ceilingsa nd other bu ildingmaterialsmust be of sufficient strengt hand construction toprovide the levelof prote ction expected. Areevaluation must bedon e
during and afte rany con struction activity. Anevaluation by the fire and/o r police
dep artment ishigh lyrecommende dif thisserviceisa vailable.
Inadequate Testing
Mostp roblems that wo uld prevent a n alarm systemf rom ope rating as inten ded
can be found by regular testing and maintena nce.The complete system should
be tested wee klyan d immediatelya ftera brea k-in,a na ttempted b reak-in, a fire,
a storm,an earth quake, an acciden t, ora ny kind of construction activityinside or
outside the premises. The te sting shou ld include a ll sensing devices, keypad s,
consoles, alarm indicating d evices, and any o ther ope rational devices that are
part of the system.
Insufficie nt Time
There may be circumstancesw hen th e systemwillo perate asint ended, yet th e
occupan ts will no t b e p rotected fro m an e mergency due to the ir ina bility to
respon dto the warnings in a timelymann er. If the systemis remotely monitored,
the respon se maynot occur in timeto protect the occupant sor theirbe long ings.
Motion Det ectors
Motion detecto rscan on lyde tectmotion within the designate da reas assho wn in
their respective installation instructions. Th ey cann ot discriminate betw een
intrude rs and intend ed occupa nts. Motion detectors do not provide volumetric
area prote ction. Th eyha ve multipleb eams of detection a nd motion can only be
dete cted in unobstructe d areas covered by th ese beams. The y canno t dete ct
motion wh ich occurs beh ind wa lls, ceilings, f loor, closed d oors, glass partitions,
glass doors o r windo ws. Any type of tampering w hether inte ntional or un intent ional sucha smasking, painting, or spraying of any materialo nth elen ses, mirrors, windo ws or a ny ot her p art of th e detection system will impair its proper
ope ration.
Passive infrared motion de tectors opera teb y sensing cha nges in tempe rature.
However the ir effe ctiveness can be redu ced w hen the ambient tempera ture
rises near or above bodyte mperature o rif there are intention alor un inten tiona l
sources ofh eat in or near the d etection area. Someo f these heat sources could
be hea ters,radiat ors, stoves, barbe cues, fireplaces, sunlight, steamven ts, lighting and soo n.
Power Failure
Con trol units, intru sion det ectors, smoke de tectors a nd many oth er security
devicesre quirean ad equate po wersup plyfor proper opera tion. If ad eviceo perates fromb atteries,it is possible forth e batteriesto fail. Even if the batteries have
not failed, they must be charge d, in goo d condition a nd installed correctly. If a
device operate sonly by AC po wer, any inte rruption , however brief, will render
that de vice inop erative whileit d oesn oth ave powe r.Powe r interrupt ions of any
length are ofte n accompanied by voltage fluctuation swhich may damag e electronic equ ipment such a s a security system. Afte r a power interruption has
occurred, immediatelycon duct a complete systemte st to ensure that the system
ope rates asintend ed.
Security and Insurance
Reg ardlessof itscapa bilities, ana larmsystemis not asub stitute for property or life
insurance. Analarmsystema lsois not asub stitute for property owners,ren ters,o r
othe roccupa ntsto act pruden tlyto preven tor minimize the harmful effects of an
emergen cysituat ion.
Smoke Det ect ors
Smoked etectorst hat area pa rt oft hissystemmaynot properly alert occupants o f
a fire fo r an umber o f reasons, some of wh ich follow. The smoke de tectors may
have bee nimproperly installed orpo sitioned. Smoke mayno tbe able to reach the
smoked etectors, such aswhen the fireis in a chimney, w alls orroo fs, or on t he
othe rside of closed do ors. Smoke det ectorsmay not det ect smoke from fires on
ano ther levelof the residence or building.
Everyfire isd ifferent in the amoun t of smoke prod uced and th erate of burning .
Smoked etectorscan not sense alltype sof fireseq uallywell.Smoke detectors may
not provide timelywa rning of fires caused by carelessnessor safety hazards such
as smoking in bed , violent e xplosions, escaping gas, imprope r storag e of flammable materials, overloaded e lectrical circuits, children playing w ith matches, or
Even if the smoke dete ctor op erates as inte nded, there may be circumstances
whe nth ereis insufficient warning to allow allo ccupan tsto escape int imeto avoid
injuryor death.
Telephone Lines
If telepho nelines are used to transmita larms, they may be out of serviceo r busy
for certainp eriods of time. Also an intrud ermay cut the telepho neline or defeat its
ope ration by more soph isticated means which mayb ed ifficultto detect.
Warning Devices
Warning devices sucha s sirens,bells, horns, or strobes may not warn p eople or
waken someone sleeping ift here isan interven ing wallor door. If warning devices
are located on a differen tlevel oft he residence orpremise,t hen it islesslikely that
the occupan ts will be alerted or awaken ed. Audible wa rning d evices may be
interfere dwith by other noisesou rces such asstereos, radios,te levisions, air conditioners, other appliances, o rpassing tra ffic. Audible wa rning devices, howe ver
loud, maynot be heard by ahe aring-impaired person.
This installation manual shall be used in conjunction with the control panel. All the safety instructions specified within that
manual shall be observed. The control panel is referenced as the “panel” throughout this document. This installation guide
provides the basic wiring, programming and troubleshooting information.
The HSPA(3G)/dual-path alarm communicator is a fixed, wall-mounted unit, and shall be installed in the location specified in
these instructions.The equipment enclosure must be fully assembled and closed, with all the necessary screws/tabs, and
secured to a wall before operation. Internal wiring must be routed in a manner that prevents:
l Excessive strain on wire and on terminal connections,
l Interference between power limited and non power limited wiring,
l Loosening of terminal connections,or
l Damage ofconductor insulation.
WARNING: Never installthis equipment during a lightningstorm!
Safety Information
The installer mustinstructthe system user on each ofthe following:
l Do notattemptto service this product.Opening or removing coversmay expose the user to dangerous voltagesor other
l Any servicing shall be referred to service personsonly.
l Use authorized accessories only with this equipment.
l Do notstayclose to the equipment during device operation.
l Do nottouch the external antenna.
Model Information
This manual covers the following models of alarm communicators: TL2803GR, TL2803G, 3G2080R, 3G2080 (850/1900MHz
operation),TL2803GR-EU, TL2803G-EU, 3G2080R-EU, 3G2080-EU (900/2100MHz operation), TL2803G-AU, 3G2080- AU,
TL2803GR-AU, and 3G2080R- AU (850/2100MHz operation). References to model names TL2803G (R) and 3G2080 (R)
throughout this manual apply to all specified models unless stated differently. Models ending in “R” include a built-in RS-232
interface for connecting to local third party applications.
The TL2803G(R)/3G2080(R) supportsintegration over cellular/IP, available with licensed third partyproduct solutions.Specific
programming for the related programming sections is to be provided by the third party. A current list of compatible third party
solutions can be found atwww.dsc.com.
3G2080(R): Is a HSPA(3G) cellular alarm communicator that sends alarm communication to Sur- Gard System I, II, III (SGDRL3IP),IV (SG-DRL4IP),and 5 (SG-DRL5IP) central station receivers via a HSPA(3G)/GPRS digital cellular network.
TL2803G(R): Isa dual-path HSPA(3G) Ethernet alarm communicator that sends alarm communication to Sur-Gard System I,
II,III,IV,and 5 central station receivers through Ethernet/Internetor a HSPA(3G)/GPRS digital cellular network.
The communicator can be used aseither a backup or primary communicator.The communicator supports Internet Protocol (IP)
transmission ofpanel and communicator events over Ethernet/Internet and/or HSPA/GPRS.
The cellular performanceof the 3G2080(R) or TL2803G(R) communicator depends greatly on HSPA(3G)/GPRS network coverage in the local area. The unit should not be mounted in the final location without first performing the communicator placement testbelow to determine the bestlocation for radio reception (minimumof one green LED ON). Optional antenna kits (GS15ANTQ, GS-25ANTQ and GS-50ANTQ) are available from DSC to improve signal strength asrequired.
NOTE: Prior to installation of the 3G2080(R) or TL2803G (R) communicator, confirm with the local service provider that the
HSPA(3G)/GPRS network is available and active in the area where the communicator will be installed, and that radio
signal strength (CSQ) isadequate.
Panel Mounting
The following communicators are compatible with HS2016, HS2032, HS2064, and HS2128 panels:
l 128-bit AES encryption via cellular and Ethernet/Internet (NIST validation cert.number 2645).
l Back up or primary cellular alarm communication.
l Automaticallyswitches to 2G (EDGE/GPRS) ifHSPA(3G) service isnot available.
l Ethernet LAN/WAN 10/100 BASE-T (TL2803G(R) only).
l Fully redundant Ethernet/Internet and cellular dual-path alarm communication (TL2803G(R) only).
l Full eventreporting to central station.
l Individual Internet and/or cellular periodic testtransmission.
l Integrated call routing.
l Visual Verification (Requires Sur-Gard System 5 Receiver)
l Remote firmware upgrade capability of the communicator and panel firmware via Ethernet and/or cellular.
l Panel remote uploading/downloading support via cellular and Ethernet/Internet.
l PC-LINK connection.
l Programmable labels.
l SIA and ContactID (CID)formatssupported.
l Signal strength and trouble display LEDs.
l Supervision heartbeats sent via cellular and Ethernet/Internet.
l Command and Control bySMS.
l Third partyintegration over cellular/IP.
Technical Specifications
The TL2803G(R) is also suitable to be used with a compatible control unit listed for dual line security transmission when used
in conjunction with a DACT or a Public Switched Data Network (PSDN) transmitter, where the PSDN provides the line security
and is the primary line. In this mode, alarm signals are to be sent simultaneously over both communication methods.
EN50131-1 Installation Requirements
For EN50131-1 compliant installations,the following programming optionsshall be setas described.
Supervision Heartbeat (required for ATS4 and ATS5):
[851][004] set to 0087h (135s heartbeat).
NOTE: The compatible receiver at ARC location shall have supervision window programmed for 1800s (ATS4) or 180s
[851][005] options 1,2 and 3 shall be enabled
[851][005] option 8 shall be enabled
Testtransmission (required for ATS3):
[851] System test options [026-029] shall be enabled (FF) for the communication paths available.
[851][124-125] and [224-225] shall be programmed with time ofday for test transmission and 1440 minutes(24h) for test
transmission cycle
l Sur-Gard System I-IP Receiver, version 1.13+
l Sur-Gard System II Receiver,version 2.10+
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL3-IP,version 2.30+ (for Sur-Gard System IIIReceiver)
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL4-IP version 1.20+ (for Sur-Gard System IV Receiver)
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL5-IP version 1.00+ (for Sur-Gard System 5 Receiver)
l HS2016
l HS2032
l HS2064
l HS2128
NOTE: Enter [*][8][Installer Code][900] atkeypad to view the panel version number.
Communicator Installation Configuration
This Internet and HSPA dual-path alarm communicator shall be installed by service persons only (service person isdefined as
a person having the appropriate technical training and experience necessary to be aware of hazardsto whichthat person may
be exposed in performing a taskand can also take measures tominimize the risksto that person or other persons). The Communicator shall be installed and used within an environment that providesthe pollution degree max 2, overvoltagescategory II,
in non-hazardous, indoor locations only. This manual shall be used with the installation manual of the panel which is connected to the communicator. All instructionsspecified within the panel manual mustbe observed.
All the local rules imposed by local electrical codes shall be observed and respected during installation.
Installing the Ethernet Cable(TL2803G(R) Only)
A Category5 (CAT 5) Ethernet cable must be run from a source with Internet connectivityto the communicator module, inside
the panel. The communicator end of the cable must be terminated with an RJ45 plug, which will connectto the communicator’s
RJ45 jack after the communicator is installed.All requirementsfor installation of CAT5 Ethernet cable mustbe observed for correct operation ofthe communicator,including, but notlimited to, the following:
l Do NOT strip offcable sheathing more than required for proper termination.
l Do NOT kink/knot cable.
l Do NOT crush cable with cable ties.
l Do NOT untwistCAT5 pairs more than ½ in. (1.2cm).
l Do NOT splice cable.
l Do NOT bend cable atright angles or make any other sharp bends.
NOTE: CAT5 specification requires that any cable bend must have a minimum 2 in. (5 cm) bend radius. Maximum length of
CAT 5 cable is 328 ft.(100 m).
Inserting and Removing the SIM Card
1. Remove the front cover of the panel to accessSIM holder.
2. Remove power from the panel and disconnectthe battery and telephone line.
On the SIM card holder push gentlyto slide the cover downwards to OPEN. This will unlatchthe SIMcard holder on the
top edge ofthe communicator PCB. (See Figure 3).
4. Tiltthe top of the SIM card holder downwards toaccessthe SIMcard.
NOTE: The SIM can be damaged by bending or scratching contacts.Use caution when handling SIMcards.
5. Insert or remove the SIMcard, noting the orientation ofthe notches on the SIM card and the SIM card holder.
6. When inserting a SIMcard, insert the card in the proper orientation and gently push the SIMcard holder down and slide
the holder as indicated by the arrow on SIM holder, to LOCK.
7. Reconnectthe backup battery and telephone line, apply AC power to panel, and replace the panel cover.
Running the RS-232 Cable (R models only)
When installing the communicator for use with third party applications an RS-232 cable must be connected between the third
party device and the communicator module.
NOTE: Maximum cable length for RS-232 cable is8 ft. (2.4 m).
Please refer to the installation manual for the third partydevice for wiring instructions.
Installing Communicator in Panel
Brass Washer
Nylon washer (flat)
Nylon Washer
with bushing
(thicker flat washer)
Brass nut
Mounting Tab
Mounting Holes
Mounting Plate
External Antenna
Screw Thread
Stand Off
Installing Communicator with HS2016, HS2032, HS2064, and HS2128 Panel
NOTE: Before installing communicator or inserting/removing SIM,ensure that system power is OFF and telephone line is dis-
To assemble supplied mounting bracket,perform the following:(See Figure 1).
a. Remove the 4 white plastic standoffsfrom the bag provided with the communicator kit.
b. Insert the 4 standoffsthrough the back ofthe mounting bracket,into the holes ateach corner. (The antenna mount-
ing tab should be facing away fromyou).
c. Placethe bracketon a flat, solid surface.Hold the communicator component side up and orientthe 4 holes on the
communicator with the 4 standoffs protruding from the bracket. Push the communicator firmlyand evenly onto the
standoffs until it issecurely attached to the mounting bracket.
d. Remove the panel frontcover.
e. Remove and discard the circular knockout located in the top-right section ofthe panel. (This hole will be used for con-
nection ofthe supplied radio antenna).
f. Connect the supplied 5” (12.7 cm) antenna cable to the radio, by passing the connector through the hole on backof
the mounting bracketto the communicator board. Pushthe antenna connector firmlyinto the socket on the cellular
radio. (See Figure 3).
Figure 1: Communicator Mounting Bracket
2. Install the Communicator into the panel:
a. Attach one end ofthe PC-LINK cable to the panel PCLINK_2 header on the panel (red wire goes on the right-hand
pin of the panel PCLINK_2 header (see Figure 3)).
b. Insert the assembled communicator intothe panel.
NOTE: Ensure thatthe threaded antenna connection point isvisible through the knockout hole at the top rightof the
c. Place the nylon washer with bushing (thick flat washer) onto the threaded section of the antenna cable. Insert the
threaded section through the antenna mounting knockout hole attop right ofpanel.
d. Place the second nylon washer (flat), followed by the brass washer and the brass nut, onto the threaded section of
the cable, outside the panel. Tighten the assembly byhand only (finger tight only- do not over tighten the antenna
Locate the screw hole on the right side wall of the panel. See Figure 2 "screw". Line up the assembled com-
municator with the right side wall of the panel and, using the screw provided, secure the mounting bracket to the
Attach the other end of the PC-LINK cable to the communicator (red wire goes on the right-hand pin of the com-municatorPC-LINKheader (See Figure 3)).
g. Using light pressure (finger tight only),attach the supplied white quad band whip antenna to the threaded antenna
WARNING! - 3G2080(R)/TL2803G (R) modules are power limited. Do not route any wiring over the circuit board. Maintain
at least 1in. (25.4mm) separation between circuit board and wiring. A minimum of ¼ in.(7mm) separation must be maintained at all points between non-powerlimited wiringand power limited wiring.
To electrically connect the communicator to the panel, performthe following steps(See Figure 3).
a. Disconnectboth AC power and battery connections from the panel, and disconnect telephone line.
b. Confirm that the SIMcard is inserted in the holder and locked.
4. Install NetworkCable (TL2803G(R) only). Route the CAT5 Ethernet cable through back of the panel and plug itinto the
communicator’s RJ45 jack.
NOTE: Before leaving the premises the Ethernet communication lines mustfirst be connected to an approved (acceptable to
local authorities)type NID.All wiring shall be performed according to the local electrical codes.
Figure 3: Communicator Wiring Diagram
5. Install the RS-232 connections (Rmodels only).If using the communicator with a third partydevice, wire the connections
as per the table below:
Table 3: RS-232 Connections
ThirdParty Device Communicator
6. Perform the following steps for initial power on ofthe panel with communicator installed:
a. Reconnect the AC power, telephone line, and battery +connector to the panel.
(The communicator and panel will power up together).
b. Observe that the communicator’s red and yellow LEDs are flashing together while it initializes. The red and yellow
LEDs will continue to flash untilthe communicator hassuccessfullycommunicated to all programmed receivers.If this
is the first time the communicator has been powered up in the panel, the module will initiate communication to C24
Communications to request remote programming.
NOTE: During radio reset,the two green LEDswill flash alternately.
NOTE: Initialization maytake several minutesto complete. Red and yellow LEDswill flash together during initialization. Do not
continue to nextstep until the red and yellow LEDs have stopped flashing. (If only the yellow LED is flashing, there is a
communicator trouble and the green LEDs are not valid for communicator placementtest). Correct trouble indicated by
flasheson yellow LED before continuing. (See Table 8 for troubleshooting assistance).
7. Perform the communicator placementtestbelow.
8. Mount the panel in final location indicated by placementtest.
Communicator Placement Test
3G2080(R) and TL2803G(R) only
To confirm that the cellular antenna location is suitable for radio operation, perform the placement testas follows:
NOTE: If radio signal strength istoo low,relocate the panel or install an optional extension antenna during thisprocedure.
1. Confirm that the yellow LED on the communicator is not flashing. A flashing yellowLED indicates trouble on the communicator.See Table 8 totroubleshoot and correctthe cause ofthis trouble before continuing to the next step.
2. Confirm that the strength of the radio signal on the yellow LEDand the 2 green LEDson the communicator meet or
exceed the minimumsignal level requirement. Minimum signal level: The yellow LED is OFFand the green LED 1(furthestfrom the yellowLED) is ON(i.e.,not flashing) for the panel location to be acceptable. For interpretation ofreceiver
strength on LEDs, refer to the table “Radio Signal Strength”on page 10.
Cellular Signal Strength Display - LCD Keypad only
The cellular network signal strength can be checked on the keypad LCD screen by entering installer programming section
[850].The LCD will indicate the SIM card activation status followed by up to five bars of signal strength. Thisdisplay will automatically update every three seconds. For the relationship between signal strength bars, CSQ level, and signal level in dBm,
refer to“Radio Signal Strength”on page 10.
Table 4: Signal Strength Display
SIM card active and current signal strength
SIM card inactive and current signal strength
Radio not registered
NOTE: If the required signal strength istoo low with the panel in its current location, the panel mustbe relocated or an external
antenna is required.
Ifrequired, the following cellular extension antenna kits are available to the installer:
l GS-15ANTQ - 4.57m (15’) internal antenna extension kit (suitable for interior mounting).
l GS-25ANTQ - 7.62m (25’) external antenna extension kit(suitable for interior/exterior mounting).
l GS-50ANTQ - 15.24m(50’) external antenna extension kit(suitable for interior/exterior mounting).
Specific instructionsfor the installation of the extension antenna are included with the kit. Observe all the electrical safety instructions regarding the installation of the antenna. All the wiring of the equipment shall be fully compliant with the local rules and
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