Doro WT86 User Manual

Batter y indicator and charging
The symbol | in the display indicates when the batteries require charg ing. The i ndicator has three segments which disappear as the battery
charge decreases, and will  ash when the battery
is run ning low. Charge the equ ipment as soon as
The battery indicator wil l show | when charging is complete (approx imately 10 hours/ init ially 24 hours). Fully-charged bat teries will last for approximately 35 hours in st andby or 2 hours operation al time. These ti mes apply at norma l room temperat ure.
Please note!
Never charge ord inary (non-rechargeable) batteries in the handset, since this will ruin the equipment. The guarantee does not cover this type of damage. The equipment must be charged initially for 24 hours before use during which time the handset cannot be used. The recharging system used in this model may result in it becoming warm. This is normal and will not damage the equipment.
Important! Please note when programming all references to press = to press and then immed iately release the button.
Switching the Handset on/off
Press and hold 1 for a few seconds to turn the handset on or off.
To communicate
1. Make sure that all handsets (and mon itor unit)
are set to the same channel and transfer code. See below.
2. Press and hold PT T (Push To Talk) to speak.
Please note! If you are unable to communicate it may be because d ifferent channels or transfer codes have been sel ected, the battery is running low or the units are too far apart.
Channel selection
All UHF/CB radio equipment share the available designated channels. If the chosen channel is in use select an alternate channel, t he selected channel number wi ll be displayed in standby mode.
1. Press w. The cur rent selected channel ashes.
2. Select the desired cha nnel using v/V.
3. Press PTT.
Monitor function
The monitor f unction can be used in weak signa l areas to locate any other signal bei ng transmitted.
1. Press w and V at the same t ime.
2. To stop monitoring press w.
Transfer code selection
There are 38 transfer codes available which can be
used to lter out unwanted signals. However, your
conversation may still be overheard irrespect ive of which code is used. To enable communication between handsets (as well as monitor to handset), the same transfer code must be used on a ll units. In order to communicate with equipment that cannot select a code, enter code 0.
1. Press w repeatedly until the smal l digits in the
top right ha nd corner of the d isplay ash.
2. Scroll to t he desired t ransfer code using v/V.
3. Press PTT to con rm.
You can scan all ava ilable channels to locate any signa ls being t ransmitted. Once a signal has been located the d isplay wi ll show the channel number, and a signal will be heard for a few seconds. You can press PTT to stop at the located channel. Please note: while search ing battery consumption will
be sign icantly higher t han norma l.
1. Press w and { at the same t ime. The unit will
start searching.
2. To stop scanning press w.
Voice control (VOX)
This handset can be used without hav ing to press t he PTT button to t ransmit . By setting the correct level, the handset can automatically determine when you are speak ing. Test different settings until t he sensitiv ity selected is acceptable. Please note that however accurate your setti ng there is a lways a smal l risk that i ncreased noise from the surroundings may activate the t ransmit ter, this may result in the initial word being unclear. The transm itter wi ll shut off two seconds after you have
nished speaki ng.
VOX will be displayed wh ile the function is active. If the handset transm its by itself the sensitivity is set too high and will need to be adjusted. Press w to be able to temporar ily inter rupt and change the setting.
1. Press w repeatedly until VOX is displayed.
2. Scroll to t he desired setting using v/V (
=off, 1=least sensitive....3=most sensitive).
3. Press PTT to con rm.
Call melody
You can select different call melodies (
1. Press w repeatedly until CA is displayed.
2. Scroll to t he desired melody (1 -5) using v/V.
3. Press PTT to con rm.
1 Headset socket 2 Push to Talk (PTT)
3 Call button
4 DOWN 5 Menu button 6 UP 7 On/Of f button
Area of use
The handset is intended for bot h indoor and outdoor use, it is NOT resistant to ra in, water, rough or other careless treatment. In ideal conditions ie: l ine of sight with no obstructions between handset/s and monitor, the range ca n be up to 6 km.
Batteri es
1. Remove the belt clip by lifting t he small
locating tab and push ing the clip upwards.
2. Before removi ng the battery cover release the
locking clasp at the base of the handset.
3. Insert t he rechargeable batter y pack ensur ing
correct battery pola rity is observed.
4. Ret the battery cover and belt clip. Charge the
handset for 24 hou rs before use.
Please note!
The rechargeable battery pack has been installed the handset must be charged for 24 hours before use.
Connect t he mains adapter to the socket on the rear of the charging stand and to a n electrical wal l socket. Place the handset i n the charger with t he buttons faci ng out.
Termination (Roger) tone
If selected a beep tone wil l be heard when you release the PTT button. This can be used as a
reminder to the other person that you have  nished
talk ing and are waiting for a response.
1. Press w repeatedly until ro is displayed.
2. Scroll to t he desired setting using v/V (
=off, On=on).
3. Press PTT to con rm.
Key tone
If selected a tone will be heard when the handset buttons are pressed, this can be switched on or off.
1. Press w repeatedly until to is displayed.
2. Scroll to t he desired setting using v/V (
=off, On=on).
3. Press PTT to con rm.
Searching t wo channels
You can enter a different channel for simultaneous listen ing whi le using t he selected operating channel.
1. Press w repeatedly until DCM is displayed.
2. Scroll to t he desired setting using v/V (
=off). Press w.
3. Scroll to t he desired t ransfer code using v/V. Press PTT.
4. Press PTT to con rm.
Key lock
This f unction locks buttons
prevent unintentional usage.
1. To activate the key lock press w until the display shows the key symbol.
2. To deactivate the key lock press and hold w until the key symbol d isappears.
Declaration of conformity
Doro declares that the apparatus Doro wt86 complies with the essent ial requ irements and other relevant positions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Decla ration of Confor mity can be found at
This product is guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase . Proof of purchase is requ ired for any service or su pport required during the guarantee period . This guarantee shall not apply to a fault caused by an acc ident or a similar inc ident or damage, liquid ingress, negligence, abnormal usage, not reasonably mainta ined or any other circumstances on the purchaser’s part. Furthermore , this guarantee shall not apply to a faults caused by the use of poor quality bat teries, battery leakage, corrosion or similar events related to non DORO bat teries. This guarantee does not in any way affec t your statutory rights.
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