Power requirements for electrical equipment vary from area to area. Please ensure that your V1
meets the power requirements in your area. If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician or Doremi
Labs, Inc. dealer.
120VAC@60Hz for USA and CANADA rating 1A
220-230/240VAC@50Hz for Europe rating 0.5A
240VAC@50Hz for Australia rating 0.5A
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Never touch the AC plug with wet hands
Always disconnect the V1 from the power supply by pulling on the plug, not the cord.
Allow only a Doremi Labs, Inc. dealer or qualified professional engineer to repair or reassemble the
V1. Apart from voiding the warranty, unqualified engineers might touch live internal parts and
receive a serious electric shock
Do not put, or allow anyone to put any object, especially metal objects into the V1
Use only an AC power supply. Never use a DC power supply.
If water or any other liquid is spilled into or onto the V1, disconnect the power, and call your dealer.
Make sure the unit is well ventilated, and away from direct sunlight.
To avoid damage to internal circuitry, as well as the external finish, keep the V1 away from sources
of direct heat (stoves, radiators, etc.).
Avoid using aerosol insecticides, etc. near the V1. They may damage the surface, and may ignite.
Do not use denatured alcohol, thinner or similar chemicals to clean the V1. They will damage the
Modification of this equipment is dangerous, and can result in the functions of the V1 being
impaired. Never attempt to modify the equipment in any way.
In order to ensure optimum performance of your V1, select the setup location carefully, and make
sure the equipment is used properly. Avoid setting up the V1 in the following locations:
1. In a humid or dusty environment
2. In a room with poor ventilation
3. On a surface that is not horizontal
4. Inside a vehicle such as a car, where it will be subject to vibration
5. In an extremely hot or cold environment
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C A U T I O N : T O R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F E L E C T R I C S H O C K ,
D O N O T R E M O V E C O V E R ( O R B A C K ) .
N O U S E R - S E R V I C E A B L E P A R T S I N S I D E .
R E F E R S E R V I C I N G T O Q U A L I F I E D S E R V I C E P E R S O N N E L .
T h e l i g h t n i n g f l a s h w i t h t h e a r r o w h e a d s y m b o l s u p e r i m p o s e d
a c r o s s a g r a p h i c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a p e r s o n , w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l
t r i a n g l e , i s i n t e n d e d t o a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f u n i n s u l a t e d
“ d a n g e r o u s v o l t a g e ” w i t h i n t h e p r o d u c t ’ s e n c l o s u r e ; t h a t m a y b e
o f s u f f i c i e n t m a g n i t u d e t o c o n s t i t u t e a r i s k o f e l e c t r i c s h o c k .
T h e e x c l a m a t i o n p o i n t w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l t r i a n g l e i s i n t e n d e d t o
a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f i m p o r t a n t o p e r a t i n g a n d
m a i n t e n a n c e ( s e r v i c i n g ) i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e l i t e r a t u r e
a c c o m p a n y i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e .
T o p r e v e n t f i r e o r s h o c k h a z a r d , d o n o t e x p o s e t h i s a p p l i a n c e t o r a i n o r m o i s t u r e
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Thank you for your V1 purchase. The V1 is a random access video recorder that uses magnetic
drives (hard drives) as a recording medium.
To record video on a hard drive it should be digitized which means that the analog video information
must be converted to a digital data stream.
The V1 line of products includes uncompressed video recorders (8 and 10 bit encoding) and
compressed video recorders, the trade off is between storage requirement and video quality.
Hopefully this introduction explains to the reader the basic technical principles of digital video disk
1.1 V1 Uncompressed HD
The V1-UHD and V1-UHD/LE (for HDTV video) series records the video directly on the hard drive
without the use of compression. The value priced V1-UHD/LE supports 8bit HD video recording
1.2 V1 Compressed HD: JPEG2000
Doremi’s V1-HD product line uses JPEG2000 video compression.
1.3 The CBS Algorithm
The V1 uses a constant block size (CBS) algorithm. With traditional compression algorithms,
depending on video complexity, the size of each compression field can vary thus requiring
maintaining a list to indicate the start of each field on the drive. With CBS all fields have the same
maximum size. Consequently, CBS does not require maintaining a list indicating the start of each
field because they are all the same size. This results in a more reliable video recorder with faster
video access and frame accurate recording.
1.4 Audio and Time Code
In addition to the video, and regardless of the compression ratio used, the V1 records 2, 4, 6 or 8
tracks of uncompressed audio (sampled at 48Khz). It also records the LTC and digital-VITC
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1.5 Contact Information
If in need of help or assistance, please contact Doremi Labs Technical Services at + 1-818-5621101 or email at proavsupport@doremilabs.com.
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2Design of Manual
2.1 Product Series
This user manual covers the V1 JPEG2000 and Uncompressed HD series. Although the basic
operation of all V1 products is the same, there are minor differences. When a feature refers to only
one product series, that function will be highlighted in bold with the name of the product as seen in
the examples below:
>>V1-UHD Only– for the HDTV Uncompressed product series only. If features are
supported on the V1-UHD and not on the V1-UHD/LE that will be
highlighted in the text.
>>V1-HD Only– for the JPEG2000 compression product series only (V1-HD)
2.2 Firmware Versions
This manual was written with the product firmware numbers below:
The V1 firmware can be checked by going to the OPTION MENU (hold the OPTION button then
press the MENU button). Press the up or down Menu buttons till you reach menu number 00.
Press ++ until you see the version number V1 (no.).
Check the front panel firmware in the CONTROLLER MENU. Hold the ESCAPE button and press
MENU. And then scroll to Firmware.
If you have a newer firmware than shown above, check the addendum pages on the back of this
manual for a list of changes and additions. If you have recently upgraded your firmware please print
out the README document included in the zip file with the new firmware. You can also download
the latest V1 manual from our tech support page “manual” section on the Doremi website
If you will not be upgrading, you can download older manuals from the Doremi FTP page.
2.3 Menu Customs
CAPITAL & BOLD text is used when referring to buttons on the front panel.
Menu (no.) text provides the MENU, OPTION MENU, or CONTROLLER MENU name and the menu
function #.
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The procedures provided in this section are the following:
Connections for basic operation, see paragraph 3.1
Power on and shut down, see paragraph 3.2
Ethernet, see paragraph 3.3
Connecting RS422, see paragraph 3.4
Connecting GPI, see paragraph 3.5
3.1 Connections for Basic Operation
Depending on the option, additional connector can be available on the rear panel. This paragraph
provides only a common connection setup for basic operations only. In order to facilitate the
understanding, some parts are shadowed on the figures below.
3.1.1 Basic Input Connections
Analog Audio
Channel 1 (L)
Channel 2 (R)
Figure 1: Audio Inputs – V1 Rear Panel
SDI Video: IN-A
Figure 2: Video Input – V1 Rear Panel
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3.1.2 Basic Output Connections
Analog Audio
Channel 1 (L)
Channel 2 (R)
Figure 3: Audio Outputs – V1 Rear Panel
SDI Video: OUT-A1
Figure 4: Video Output – V1 Rear Panel
3.1.3 Power Connection
Please connect the power connector as shown on the figure below:
Figure 5: Power Connection – V1 Rear Panel
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3.2 Power On and Shut Down
To power the V1 on or to shut it down, just press on the power button located on the front panel –
make sure the V1 is connected to power according to paragraph 3.1.3.
Power Button
Figure 6: Power Button - Front Panel
3.3 Ethernet
To set up the Ethernet network, connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port of the V1 unit as
presented below – note that if your unit is fitted with an optional Gigabit Ethernet connector, that
optional connector has to be used instead of the connector presented below:
Default Ethernet
Figure 7: Ethernet Connector – Rear Panel
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3.4 Connecting RS422
To use one of the RS422 port, connect the corresponding cable(s) to the RS422 connector(s)
presented below:
RS-422-2 connector
RS-422-1 connector
Figure 8: RS-422 Connectors – Rear Panel
3.5 Connecting GPI
No GPI connector is directly available on the V1. To use GPI triggers, contact Doremi Labs, Inc in
order to buy a RS422/GPI converter.
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4Quick Start Procedures
The quick start procedures provided in this section are the following:
Navigation, see paragraph 4.1
How to create a video segment, see paragraph 4.2
How to play a video segment, see paragraph 4.3
How to make a single video segment loop, see paragraph 4.4
How to create a playlist, see paragraph 4.5
How to play a playlist, see paragraph 4.6
Basic Menu Operation, see paragraph 4.7
Setting record parameters with the V1 multi-file system (MFS), see paragraph 4.8
Setup V1 for playback, see paragraph 4.9
Setup V1 for record, see paragraph 4.10
Remote Operation, see paragraph 4.11
Save current settings to memory, see paragraph 4.12
Getting the firmware version number of the V1, see paragraph 4.13
4.1 Navigation
The procedure below allows you to navigate within the video on the drive according to a starting
point that you choose.
Step 3: Press “GOTO”
Step 2: Choose the time code using
the keypad numbers
Step 1: Press “CLEAR”
Step 5: Use the Jog/Shuttle wheel in order to view
the video - “JOG” is the inner wheel, “SHUTTLE”
is the ring and “SLO MO” is the ring.
Figure 9: Navigation
Step 4:
Press the
key above the
wheel: “JOG”,
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4.2 How to Create a Video Segment
The procedure below allows you to create a video segment:
Step 2: Press “IN”
Step 1: Locate to desired
start of video
Step 5:
Press “SAVE”
Step 6: Assign a number to the
segment using the keypad numbers
Step 3: Locate to desired
end of video
Figure 10: Video Segment Creation
Note: “IN” and “OUT” can also be pressed while video is playing.
4.3 How to Play a Video Segment
Step 4:
Press “OUT”
Step 7: Press “ENTER”
The procedure below explains how to play a video segment – assuming that the segment exists.
Step 2: Enter the segment number
using the keypad numbers
Step 1:
Press “RECALL”
Step 3:
Press “ENTER”
Figure 11: How to Play a Video Segment
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4.4 How to Make a Single Video Segment Loop
The procedure below explains how to make a single video segment loop – assuming that the
segment exists.
Step 2: Enter the segment number
using the keypad numbers
Step 3: Press “++”
Step 1:
Press “RECALL”
Step 4: Enter the same
segment number again
Step 5: Press “ENTER”
Figure 12: How to Make a Single Video Segment Loop
4.5 How to Create a Playlist
The procedure below explains how to create a playlist:
Step 1: Create all the segments that will be
part of the playlist according to the procedure
“How to create a video segment” presented in
paragraph 4.2.
Step 2:
Press “RECALL”
Step 6: Play the looped segment
according to the procedure presented
in the paragraph 4.3 above.
Step 4: Press “++”
Step 5: Enter the
number of the next
segment you want to put
in the playlist – using the
keypad numbers
Step 3: Enter the number of the first
segment you want to put in the playlist using the keypad numbers
Note: In order to loop the playlist, have the last video segment recall the first video segment.
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Step 6: Press “ENTER”
Step 7: Repeat step 2 to step 6 for the segment entered in step 5
in order to chain that segment to another one. Then, repeat step
7 until all the segments you want to process are entered.
Figure 13: How to Create a Playlist
Doremi Labs
4.6 How to Play a Playlist
The procedure below presents how to play a playlist:
Step 1:
Press “RECALL”
Step 2: Enter the number of the first segment
of the playlist – using the keypad numbers
Step 3: Press “ENTER”
Figure 14: How to Play a Playlist
4.7 Basic Menu Operations
Basic menu operations are presented below:
Three different menus are available:
oBrowse the MENU by pressing the Menu or key
oBrowse the OPTION MENU by holding the “OPTION”button and press the MENU
or key
oBrowse the CONTROLLER MENU by holding the “ESCAPE” button and press the
MENU or key
Menu Navigation: To scroll from one menu item to the next, press the MENU or keys
Change a value: Use the “TOGGLE”button or Jog Wheel
Navigate the submenus: Use the "++"or "--"keys
Exit the Menu or Abort: Press the “ESCAPE” button
4.8 Setting Record Parameters with the V1 Multi-File System (MFS)
The V1 will always contain one default file (clip). Each file has a default value of 24 hours.
When you create a new file, it will be created with all the settings currently specified in OPTION
MENU(3) New Rec Set.
To change compression ratio, bit rate, NTSC or PAL etc… change the setting in New Rec Set and
then create a new file as described below:
To create a new file: hold OPTIONand press SAVE.Press ENTERto create the file.
To load an existing file: hold OPTIONand press RECALL. Turn the Jog Wheel to browse
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through existing files, press ENTERto load the selected file.
Doremi Labs
To erase a file:hold OPTIONand press CLEAR. Turn the Jog Wheel to browse
through existing files, press ENTERto erase the selected file.
4.9 Setup V1 for Playback
Before performing a playback, make sure the V1 has the correct setting parameters.
Basic playback setup is provided below:
1.Connect one of the V1's video output BNCs to a Video Monitor and the XLR audio output to
a speaker.
2.Select Sync Source in MENU (3)and choose Internal Sync. Or select the sync source
connected to the back panel.
3.Exit the MENU by pressing on “ESCAPE”
4.To play, go to the desired point of the video and press “PLAY”.
4.10 Setup V1 for Record
Before performing a recording, make sure the V1 has the correct setting parameters.
Basic record setup is presented below:
1.Select Audio Source in MENU (6)and select your audio source format (Analog or SDI)
2.To record, locate to the desired point on the drive and hold “RECORD“ then press “PLAY”
or set Rec at: to "End F." in OPTION MENU (1) which will cause the V1 to start recording at
the end of the last recorded video.
4.11 Remote Operation
Basic remote operation setup is provided below:
1.Connect your remote controller to RS-422-1 on the V1 back panel.
2.Select Control in MENU (1) and choose "remote".
3.Select Transport in OPTION MENU (1) and press “++” until you reach "Emulate___"and
select your control protocol.
4.12 Save Current Settings to Memory
To save current setting, do the following:
1.Go to OPTION MENU (5) Save Stngs,
2.Press the “TOGGLE“ key: LCD displays "Are you sure?",
3.Press the “ENTER”key for yes – the V1 will exit the Menu automatically
4.13 Getting the Firmware Version Number of the V1
To get the firmware version number of your V1, do the following:
1.Go to OPTION MENU (00),
2.Press “++” key until you reach "V1 y.xx". This is your firmware number. Note that for the V1HD, there is also a J2K version displayed as follows: “j2k vers y.xx”.
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5Product Description
5.1 Overview: V1-HD vs V1-UHD
Figure 15: V1-UHD and V1-UHD/LE Overview
The V1-UHD offers the superior resolution of high definition video in a compact full featured disk
recorder. Instant access to video, uncompressed recording and networkable operation make the V1UHD the ideal multi-format recorder. The V1-UHD is only three rack units high and is available with
fixed or hot swappable internal drives. An external RAID5 chassis is also available.
The V1-UHD records high definition serial digital video (HD-SDI) and standard definition SDI video.
Frame accurate control via RS-422 makes the V1-UHD a drop-in replacement for any HD video tape
recorder. The available Gigabit Ethernet interface is ideal for fast network transfer of still image and
movie files to/form graphics and editing workstations.
The V1-UHD/LE is a value version of the V1-UHD with two removable hot-swap drives. The V1UHD/LE only supports 8bit HD-SDI recording. SD video can be recorded at 10bit or 8bit.
Figure 16: V1-HD Overview
Doremi's V1-HD server sets the standard for affordable high-performance HD video recording. The
V1-HD records HD-SDI and SDI video using JPEG2000 compression at up to 300Mb/s.
For digital cinema applications, the V1-HD is available with dual link 4:4:4 recording and playback at
2K resolution. Dual-synchronized playback is supported for video+key, super-widescreen and 3D
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5.2 Front Panel
The V1 front panel (called the RCV2) contains space for up to 3 Low Profile SCSI drives, keypad,
menu controls, transport controls, LCD display and an optional LCD video confidence monitor.
To disable the front panel and prevent accidental operation, hold the OPTION button then press
ESCAPE. Press again to unlock the RCV2. When the RCV2 is in “disable mode” the letters “DIS”
will be displayed in the top right corner of the LCD.
To reset the controller (soft reset) hold the 1, 2, 3 or 4 buttons and press CLEAR. This may be
necessary to reset the LCD video monitor if you switch between NTSC & PAL formats.
5.2.1 Keypad Area
Figure 17: Keypad Area
1, 2, 3, 4 (Channel Selection): If your V1 is in 1R/P mode, only channel "1" can be selected.
If it is in 1R-1P mode channels “1” and “2” can be selected.
AUD. SEL:Audio Select button: Switches between audio channel pairs for
the headphone connection.
ALPHA-NUMERIC KEYPAD: This keypad is used to enter numeric data such as time code
addresses, in and out points, locate points, etc. To enter data,
simply begin typing the numbers and the display will
automatically overwrite. To abort an operation, press the
ESCAPE button. The display will revert to its previous setting.
The BKSP (Backspace) button can be used to correct typing
errors. The keypad can also be used to name Video Segments
by using the corresponding letters (This Feature is not yet
RECALL: Recall a saved video segment. For more about segments See
paragraph 6.4.
SAVE: Save a video segment into a memory location number or
CLEAR: Clears the display to enter new data.
ENTER: Press after selecting a segment to play. Also to answer YES to
the V1’s “are you sure?” question.
OPTION + SAVE:Creates a new file.
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OPTION + RECALL: Recalls an existing file.
OPTION + CLEAR: Deletes an existing file.
5.2.2 Menu Controls and Jog/Shuttle
Figure 18: Jog/Shuttle Area
IN: Select the In time point for a Video Segment.
OUT: Select the Out time point for a Video Segment.
GOTO: To locate to a specific frame (field) from the V1 front panel, enter the
time code location numbers from the numeric keypad and press
ESCAPE: This is the escape button. Press it when you want to exit the menu
OPTION: Selects the options menu. Hold down option button and press the
MENU button.
TOGGLE: Use this button to change selections within most menus and options.
--Nudge the value backward. Also locates one field or frame back from
the current position. This depends if you are in frame or field mode OPTION MENU (1).
++Nudge the value forward. Also locates one field or frame forward from
the current position. This depends if you are in frame or field mode OPTION MENU (1).
MENU Pressing one of these buttons will engage the V1 MENU (See Section
9). Pressing the ESCAPE button will return the V1 to the time code
display mode. Scroll forward and backward through the menu by
pressing the or keys.
OPTION + MENUHolding the OPTION button and pressing the MENU button will
engage the V1 OPTION MENU (See section 10).
ESCAPE + MENUHolding the ESCAPE button and pressing the MENU button will
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engage the V1 CONTROLLER MENU (See Section 11).
Doremi Labs
OPTION + ESCHolding the OPTON button and pressing ESC will disable/enable the
front panel controls of the V1. “DIS” will appear in the upper right
corner of the LCD when the front panel controls are disabled.
OPTION + INHolding the OPTION button and pressing IN will create a time code
JOG/SHUTTLE WHEEL FUNCTIONS: Activates the following function when lit:
JOG: In Jog mode, the rotation of the Internal wheel will generate "Jog"
steps in forward or reverse. Also does the same function as the -- and
the ++ buttons.
SHUTTLE: In Shuttle mode, the angle of the external wheel from its initial position
will control the shuttle speed with 7 different values in each direction:
10%, 20%, 48%, 100%, 200%, 500%, 1000% in >> or <<.
The value used and the direction (">>", "<<") is displayed on the
bottom line of the LCD during the shuttle operation.
SLO MO: Activates the external wheel for slow motion control. The slow motion
is forward only with predefined values of 0%, 3%, 10%, 15%, 20%,
RECRecord control button. This button also has other functions described
elsewhere in this manual.
STOPStop control button. The stop button will cause the V1 to stop any
transport control (Play, record, rewind, fast forward).
PLAYPlay control button. If the active drive has recorded material, pressing
the PLAY button will start playback from the current location at normal
speed. If the sync source selected is present, a dot will appear to the
left of the PLAY message on the 4 lines LCD display.
REWRewind control button with a speed of 40 times normal. When the
rewind is close to the beginning of the recording, the speed is slowed
down to normal until it reaches the start. Pressing this button again
will increase the speed. There are three speed levels
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FFFast forward control button with a speed of 40 times normal. When the
fast forward is close to the end of the recording, the speed is slowed
down to normal until it reaches the end. Pressing this button again will
increase the speed. There are three speed levels FF+FF+FF.
OPTION + REWReverse Play. Holding OPTION and then pressing PLAY will cause
the V1 to play video at 100% reverse speed.
OPTION + PLAYExecutes the Chase Command. Hold OPTION and press PLAY. See
5.2.4 LCD Time Code Display
Figure 20: LCD Time Code Display
The First line of the display shows the following:
Time location of the video material using the following format: “HH:MM:SS:FF F1/F2”
"HH" represent the hours from 00 to 23, "MM" represent the minutes from 00 to 59, "SS"
represents the seconds from 00 to 59, "FF" represents the frames from 00 to 24 in PAL
frame-rates, 00 to 29 in NTSC frame-rates and 00 to 23 in 24P-48i frame-rates - "F1/F2"
represent the field: "F1" for odd fields and "F2" for even fields.
This display shows the Time Code depending upon what the user has selected in MENU (2)
Time Mode. The display also shows Drop/NonDrop information; “.” Means NonDrop and “;”
means DROP frame. Field one shows “.” Field two shows “:” or “;”
The Second line displays the following:
At the V1 start-up, the bottom left displays the firmware version of the V1, then No Disk and
Scanning messages will alternate on the left side, then No MD Found and Scanning
messages will alternate once a disk is detected and Stop is displayed on the right side until
a valid drive is recognized on the SCSI bus of the V1, in such case No Disk, No MD Found
will disappear and only Stop will be displayed indicating that the V1 is now ready to access
the drive. If No Disk/Scanning is still displayed even though a disk was installed, the V1 did
not recognize the disk. If No MD Found / Scanning is still displayed, it is an indication that
the V1 has detected a disk but it cannot be mounted – refer to paragraph 14.7 for details.
During transport controls, the current operation is shown on the right side of the display:
"VAR" is indicated during play in chase on LTC/MTC or in variable speed from RS422.
During shuttle movement, the shuttle speed is shown as:
If forward shuttle: ">> xx %" with xx % = 10%, 20%, 48%, 100%, 200%, 500%, 1000%
If reverse shuttle: "<< xx %" with xx % = 10%, 20%, 48%, 100%, 200%, 500%, 1000%
During segment playback, the remaining time up to the OUT point is shown as "no. :
MM.SS", where "no." is the number of the segment played from 001 to 2047, "MM.SS" is
the remaining time up to the OUT point of the segment played in mn:sec
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