Doremi ShowVault Installer Manual

S h o w V a u l t
Digital Cinema Server
Field Installer Manual
Version 1.3
The information contained herein is confidential and may not be divulged to any person or entity or reproduced, disseminated or disclosed, in whole or in part. By receipt of this material including any exhibits, attachments and spreadsheets the recipient agrees that the information contained herein shall be kept confidential and shall not, without the prior written consent of Doremi Laboratories, be disclosed by the recipient in any manner.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Presentation.................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Applicability...................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Drives Insertion................................................................................................................ 12
1.4.1 General Rules........................................................................................................... 12
1.4.2 HDDs Shipment........................................................................................................ 12
1.5 Proper Power Off.............................................................................................................14
1.6 Contact ............................................................................................................................ 14
2 ShowVault Presentation....................................................................................................... 15
2.1 ShowVault Front Panel.....................................................................................................15
2.2 ShowVault Rear Panel..................................................................................................... 17
3 Rear Panel Connectors........................................................................................................19
3.1 VGA Cable Connection for Server LCD Screen Usage....................................................19
3.2 PCI Express Card On Rear Panel ...................................................................................20
3.2.1 PCI Express Card Overview...................................................................................... 20
3.3 ShowVault Motherboard Connections..............................................................................21
3.3.1 Motherboard Connectors........................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 Keyboard and Mouse PS-2 Connectors....................................................................21
3.3.3 Serial Port................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.4 VGA.......................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.5 USB Ports................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.6 Ethernet.................................................................................................................... 21
4 ShowVault IP Address......................................................................................................... 22
5 Device Manager Set Up.......................................................................................................24
5.1 Projector Management.................................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 Adding a Projector..................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Removing a Projector................................................................................................26
5.2 Automation Libraries Management..................................................................................26
5.2.1 eCNA Device............................................................................................................. 26
5.2.2 JNior Device..............................................................................................................27
5.3 Raw Device..................................................................................................................... 28
5.3.1 Raw Device Addition.................................................................................................28
5.3.2 Raw Device Removal................................................................................................29
5.4 ISE1 Device.....................................................................................................................29
5.5 CSS Device..................................................................................................................... 29
5.6 3D Set Up........................................................................................................................ 29
5.6.1 Projector Configuration for 3D or 48fps.....................................................................29
5.6.2 Dolby 3D Support......................................................................................................30
5.6.3 RealD 3D Support.....................................................................................................30
5.6.4 Sensio 3D Support....................................................................................................30
5.7 Closed Caption Support................................................................................................... 30
6 Automation Set Up: Macro Editor Usage...........................................................................31
6.1 Macro Editor Interface Overview...................................................................................... 31
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6.2 Automation Cue Tab........................................................................................................32
6.2.1 Macro Creation.......................................................................................................... 32
6.2.2 Action Insertion......................................................................................................... 33
6.2.3 Add Delay to the Macro Automation Cue..................................................................34
6.2.4 Add a GPO Action to the Macro Automation Cue......................................................34
6.2.5 IMB Input Macro Creation......................................................................................... 35
6.2.6 Playback Action Insertion.........................................................................................41
6.2.7 Automation Library Usage.........................................................................................41
6.2.8 Resulting Macro Setting............................................................................................42
6.2.9 Action List Management............................................................................................42
6.2.10 Macro Saving.......................................................................................................... 43
6.3 Trigger Cue Tab............................................................................................................... 44
6.3.1 Trigger Cue Tab Overview........................................................................................44
6.3.2 Trigger Cue Creation.................................................................................................44
6.3.3 Connection to an Event.............................................................................................45
6.3.4 Trigger Cue Saving................................................................................................... 46
6.4 Pre-defined Macro Usage................................................................................................47
6.5 Default Cues....................................................................................................................47
6.6 Startup Scripts................................................................................................................. 47
7 Time Zone Set Up................................................................................................................. 48
7.1 Checking the Time Zone.................................................................................................. 48
7.2 Changing the Time Zone................................................................................................. 48
8 Control Panel........................................................................................................................ 49
8.1 Account Manager GUI..................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Language Set Up.............................................................................................................54
8.3 License Manager............................................................................................................. 55
8.4 Live Manager ..................................................................................................................58
9 ShowVault Software and Firmware USB Upgrade Instructions.......................................62
9.1 Displaying the Software and Firmware Versions..............................................................62
9.2 Updating the Software and Firmware via USB.................................................................62
10 ShowVault Linux Terminal Commands...........................................................................64
10.1 Linux Login and Terminal Window (Local Connection).................................................64
10.2 Linux Login and Terminal Window (Remote Connection).............................................64
10.2.1 Remote Login From a Linux Computer....................................................................64
10.2.2 Remote Login From a Windows PC........................................................................65
10.3 Generating Status Reports........................................................................................... 65
10.4 Software and Firmware Upgrade..................................................................................65
10.4.1 Sending the Software File to the ShowVault...........................................................65
10.4.2 Performing the Software Upgrade...........................................................................66
10.4.3 Sending the Firmware File to the ShowVault...........................................................66
10.5 Network Restarting....................................................................................................... 67
10.6 RAID (Partitions)........................................................................................................... 67
10.6.1 RAID Failure Identification....................................................................................... 67
10.6.2 RAID Reinitialization ............................................................................................... 68
10.7 Ingest From Ethernet (FTP Server)...............................................................................68
10.7.1 Uploading Files to a Remote ShowVault via FTP....................................................68
10.8 Changing the Linux Login Password............................................................................69
10.9 Changing the Linux Display Resolution........................................................................69
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10.9.1 External VGA.......................................................................................................... 69
10.9.2 ShowVault Front Panel LCD Screen.......................................................................70
11 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................. 71
11.1 ShowVault BIOS Settings.............................................................................................71
11.1.1 BIOS Setting for SuperMicro X7SBE Motherboard..................................................71
11.2 Server LCD Screen Maintenance (3RU only)...............................................................72
11.2.1 “Root” Logging........................................................................................................ 72
11.2.2 Server LCD Screen Calibration...............................................................................72
12 Appendix A: XML Structure Used by Macro Editor........................................................73
12.1 AutomationCueMacroList Sample.................................................................................73
12.2 AutomationCueMacroList Structure..............................................................................74
12.2.1 IssueDate Node...................................................................................................... 75
12.2.2 Issuer Node.............................................................................................................75
12.2.3 Creator Node........................................................................................................... 75
12.2.4 AnnotationText Node............................................................................................... 75
12.2.5 AutomationCueMacro Nodes..................................................................................76
12.2.6 Command Node (optional)...................................................................................... 76
12.2.7 TriggerCue Node (optional).....................................................................................79
12.3 Schema........................................................................................................................ 81
12.4 XML Diagram Legend...................................................................................................83
12.4.1 Element Symbols.................................................................................................... 83
12.4.2 Model Symbols ("compositors")...............................................................................84
12.5 Types............................................................................................................................84
12.6 Model Groups and References.....................................................................................85
13 Annex A: Netmap Configuration File...............................................................................86
13.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 86
13.2 Netmap File Structure...................................................................................................86
13.3 Sample Netmap File..................................................................................................... 88
13.4 Known Issues............................................................................................................... 88
14 Annex B: Device Manager Configuration for Licensed Features...................................89
14.1 Dolby 3D Configuration................................................................................................. 89
14.2 RealD 3D Configuration................................................................................................89
14.3 Subtitle Engine Configuration........................................................................................ 91
15 IMB Certainty Presentation............................................................................................... 94
15.1 Revision E..................................................................................................................... 94
16 IMB Certainty and Barco Series 2 Projector Set Up........................................................95
16.1 IMB Certainty and Barco Series 2 Projector Set Up (Revision E)..................................96
16.1.1 ShowVault Hardware Components.........................................................................96
16.1.2 IMB Certainty Installation........................................................................................ 97
16.1.3 Audio CAT5 Cable Installation.................................................................................97
16.1.4 GPIO CAT5 Cable Installation................................................................................. 98
16.1.5 ShowVault Server Set Up......................................................................................... 98
16.1.6 IMB Marriage Procedure.......................................................................................102
17 IMB Certainty and NEC Series 2 Projector Set Up......................................................... 104
17.1 IMB Certainty and NEC Series 2 Projector Set Up (Revision E)..................................104
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17.1.1 IMB Certainty Set Up............................................................................................. 104
17.1.2 ShowVault Server Set Up..................................................................................... 104
17.1.3 IMB Marriage Procedure.......................................................................................109
18 IMB Certainty and Christie Series 2 Projector Set Up..................................................110
18.1 IMB Certainty and Christie Series 2 Projector Set Up (Revision E)..............................110
18.1.1 IMB Certainty Set Up............................................................................................ 110
18.1.2 ShowVault Server Set Up...................................................................................... 110
18.1.3 IMB Marriage Procedure.......................................................................................114
19 GPIO and Audio Pin-Out Schema...................................................................................115
19.1 GPIO Pin-Out............................................................................................................... 115
19.1.1 GPI Pin-Out Information........................................................................................115
19.1.2 GPO Pin-Out Information......................................................................................115
19.2 Audio AES Pin-Out Information....................................................................................116
20 HD-SDI Input .................................................................................................................... 116
21 Acronyms......................................................................................................................... 117
22 Document Revision History............................................................................................ 118
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
Hardware Warranty
The hardware warranty can be found at the following location:
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Power requirements for electrical equipment vary from area to area. Please ensure that the ShowVault meets the power requirements in the surrounding area. If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician or a Doremi Labs dealer.
Le voltage peut différer d’un pays a l’autre. Il faut que le ShowVault soit ajusté au voltage du pays. LA SOURCE DE PUISSANCE DOIT AVOIR UN CONDUCTEUR CONNECTE A LA TERRE. Toutes réparations doivent être effectuées par une personne qualifiée. AFIN D’EVITER UN CHOC ELECTRIQUE, VEUILLEZ NE PAS ENLEVER LE CAPOT.
ShowVault Power Ratings
AC Input: 100-240V~, 6-3A, 60-50Hz
Maximum Power Consumption: 300W
ShowVault Rack Mount and Thermal Information
Maximum operating ambient temperature is 35°C.
Never restrict the air flow through the devices’ fan or vents.
When installing equipment into a rack, distribute the units evenly. Otherwise hazardous
conditions may be created by an uneven weight distribution.
Connect the unit only to a properly rated supply circuit. Reliable earthing (grounding) of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained.
Protecting Yourself and the ShowVault
Never touch the AC plug with wet hands. Always disconnect the ShowVault from the power supply by pulling on the plug not the cord. Allow only a Doremi Labs, Inc. dealer or qualified professional engineer to repair or reassemble the ShowVault. Apart from voiding the warranty, unauthorized engineers might touch live internal parts and receive a serious electric shock. Do not put, or allow anyone to put any object, especially metal objects, into the ShowVault. Use only an AC power supply. Never use a DC power supply.
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If water or any other liquid is spilled into or onto the ShowVault, disconnect the power and call a Doremi dealer. The unit must be well ventilated and away from direct sunlight. To avoid damage to internal circuitry, as well as the external finish, keep the ShowVault away from direct sources of heat (heater vents, stoves, radiators). Avoid using flammable aerosols near the ShowVault. They can damage the surface area and may ignite. Do not use denatured alcohol, paint thinner, or similar chemicals to clean the ShowVault. This can damage the unit.
Modification of this equipment is dangerous and can result in the functions of the ShowVault being impaired. Never attempt to modify the equipment in any way. In order to ensure optimum performance of the ShowVault, select the setup location carefully and make sure the equipment is used properly. Avoid setting up the ShowVault in the following locations:
In a humid or dusty environment.
In a room with poor ventilation.
On a surface which is not level.
Inside a moving vehicle where it will be subject to vibration.
In an extremely hot or cold environment.
Removable Drives Warning
Removal of the hot swappable hard drives allows access to pins and traces supplying power to the hard drive backplane. This is considered an energy hazard. Removal of the hard drives must be performed by a trained service specialist or by trained personnel. The equipment may only be used in a restricted access area which is not accessible to the general public.
Battery is located on the motherboard.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
SHV.OM.001293.DRM Page 8 Version 1.3
C A U T I O N : T O R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F E L E C T R I C S H O C K ,
D O N O T R E M O V E C O V E R ( O R B A C K ) .
N O U S E R - S E R V I C E A B L E P A R T S I N S I D E . R E F E R S E R V I C I N G T O Q U A L I F I E D S E R V I C E P E R S O N N E L .
T h e l i g h t n i n g f l a s h w i t h t h e a r r o w h e a d s y m b o l s u p e r i m p o s e d a c r o s s a g r a p h i c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a p e r s o n , w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l t r i a n g l e , i s i n t e n d e d t o a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f u n i n s u l a t e d “ d a n g e r o u s v o l t a g e ” w i t h i n t h e p r o d u c t ’ s e n c l o s u r e ; t h a t m a y b e o f s u f f i c i e n t m a g n i t u d e t o c o n s t i t u t e a r i s k o f e l e c t r i c s h o c k .
T h e e x c l a m a t i o n p o i n t w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l t r i a n g l e i s i n t e n d e d t o a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f i m p o r t a n t o p e r a t i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n c e ( s e r v i c i n g ) i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e l i t e r a t u r e a c c o m p a n y i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e .
W A R N I N G ! !
T o p r e v e n t f i r e o r s h o c k h a z a r d , d o n o t e x p o s e t h i s a p p l i a n c e t o r a i n o r m o i s t u r e
SHV.OM.001293.DRM Page 9 Version 1.3
Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of the device to the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directive and to the Low Voltage directive of the European Community. The marking is indicative that the device meets or exceeds the following technical standards:
EN 55022 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment".
A "Declaration of Conformity" in accordance with the above standard has been made and is on file at Doremi.
SHV.OM.001293.DRM Page 10 Version 1.3
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This manual is designed to guide the user through the set up and installation of the ShowVault.
1.2 Presentation
This document is structured according to the following sections:
Section 1: Introduction - Overall presentation of the document
Section 2: ShowVault Presentation - Overview of the ShowVault
Section 3: Rear Panel Connectors - Overview of the connections on the ShowVault
Section 4: ShowVault IP Address - How to set up the IP address on the ShowVault
Section 5: Device Manager Set Up - How to set up and use the Device Manager utility
Section 6: Automation Set Up: Macro Editor Usage
Section 7: Time Zone Set Up - How to check and update the Time Zone
Section 8: Control Panel - Overview of the utilities in the Control Panel
Section 9: ShowVault Software and Firmware USB Upgrade Instructions
Section 10: ShowVault Linux Commands - Basic Linux terminal commands
Section 11: Troubleshooting
Section 12: Appendex A: XML Structure
Section 13: Annex A: Netmap Configuration File
Section 14: Annex B: Device Manager Configuration
Section 15: IMB Certainty Presentation
Section 16: IMB Certainty and Barco Series 2 Projector Set Up
Section 17: IMB Certainty and NEC Series 2 Projector Set Up
Section 18: IMB Certainty and Christie Series 2 Projector Set Up
Section 19: GPIO and Audio Pin-Out Schema
Section 20: Acronyms
Section 21: Document Revision History
1.3 Applicability
This document complies with software version 2.0.10 and with IMB Certainty Revision E. For previous version of the software and earlier IMB Certainty revisions, see version 1.0 of this document.
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1.4 Drives Insertion
1.4.1 General Rules
In all cases do not insert or remove drives if the unit is powered on.
Drives are preferably to be of the same make and model, and have the same capacity.
Doremi prohibits mixing SATA I drives with SATA II drives within the same RAID.
1.4.2 HDDs Shipment
Hard disk drives (HDDs) might be shipped out of the chassis. In this case, insert them in
before plugging in the power cables according to the procedure presented below:
Identify the label written on each HDD.
There will be one HDD with "A", one HDD with "B", and one HDD with "C" written on
them (see Figure 1 below) .
HDD Label
Figure 1: HDD Label Location With “A” Label
For each HDD press on the blue button located on its front side in order to release the gray handle.
Open the gray handle all the way until it clicks (see Figure 2 below).
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Gray handle
Blue button
Figure 2: HDD Gray Handle Opening
Open the door covering the HDD case which is located on the right side of the front panel.
Insert each drive all the way – one by one – into the chassis HDD cage according to the A-B-C location defined in the schema below.
The gray handle must remain open all the way.
LCD monitor
HDD Location
Figure 3: ShowVault Front View Schema – HDD
The drive must be inserted all the way inside the HDD cage before trying to close the
gray handle.
"A" HDD inserted into
the HDD cage
"B" and "C" HDDs
already installed
Gray handle opened to
insert the HDD
Figure 4: ShowVault HDD Insertion
Close the gray handle by pushing it toward the HDD until it clicks.
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The HDD properly installed will look like the "A", "B", and "C" HDDs presented in Figure
4 above.
Power cables can now be plugged safely into the ShowVault.
1.5 Proper Power Off
Follow the instruction below to power off the ShowVault safely. Any other method might damage the RAID and result in RAID failure.
Select "Shut Down" from the "Logout" menu: "Menu → Logout... → Shutdown".
Another method to power off the unit is to press and release the power button.
To turn the unit back on simply press and release the power switch.
Note: Do not press and hold the power off button for more than a second. See Section 2.1 for power switch location.
1.6 Contact
If in need of help or assistance, please contact Doremi Labs Technical Support at:
24/7 Technical Support line: +1-866-484-4004
Technical Support Email:
24/7 Technical Support line: +33 (0) 492-952-847
Technical Support Link:
Technical Support line: +044-966-4855
Technical Support Email:
Australia ~ China ~ India ~ Indonesia ~ Korea ~ Malaysia ~ New Zealand ~ Philippines ~ Singapore ~ Taiwan ~ Thailand
Technical Support Email:
SHV.OM.001293.DRM Page 14 Version 1.3
2 ShowVault Presentation
Thank you for choosing the Doremi ShowVault. The ShowVault is a high quality DCI JPEG­2000 server capable of playing movie or trailer packages in MXF format at up to 250Mbits/sec.
The unit features a PCI-Express cable to interface with the IMB unit installed in the projector. This interface is used to transfer digital cinema files to the IMB which is capable of 12-bit 4:4:4 2048x1080p24 or 10-bit 4:2:2 for 48fps and 3D applications. Data storage is done on an internal RAID5 disk array.
The ShowVault also supports MPEG2 Interop movies, pre-show, and alternative content playback.
2.1 ShowVault Front Panel
A silver front panel with a LCD screen is shown below:
Figure 5: ShowVault (3RU) with Silver Front Panel
A blue front panel without LCD screen is shown below:
Figure 6: ShowVault (4RU) with Blue Front Panel
POWER (PWR): The LED lights turn green when the unit is powered on.
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HDD: Red LED light indicate access to the Hard Disk Drives.
The door on the right on both types of units (3RU and 4RU) covers the "POWER" switch
and the three hard disks that make up the RAID5 storage.
Figure 7: ShowVault (3RU) Silver Front Panel Right Door Opened
Figure 8: ShowVault (4RU) Blue Front Panel Right Door Opened
Each hard disk drive has a blue button that allows removal of the drive from the chassis.
Be careful not to remove the hard disk drive when the ShowVault is running.
There is one USB 2.0 connector on the center of the front panel that can accommodate
an external hard drive as well as a mouse or keyboard.
The left side of the front panel contains an LCD screen (3RU only).
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Figure 9: ShowVault (3RU) Silver Front Panel LCD Screen
On the silver front panel the LCD can be turned on or off by pressing on the LCD power button using the stylus attached to the front panel. This button is located behind the stylus (see Figure 9 above).
Note: The use of the LCD screen requires that the two rear panel VGA connectors are linked using the VGA cable provided with the ShowVault. See paragraph 3.1 for details about the VGA cable connections.
2.2 ShowVault Rear Panel
The rear panel will differ on the ShowVault depending on the motherboard used. The SuperMicro motherboard usage is illustrated in Figure 10 below.
Figure 10: ShowVault (3RU) Rear Panel Fitted With A SuperMicro Motherboard
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Figure 11: ShowVault (4RU) Rear Panel Fitted With A SuperMicro Motherboard
On the left side on the rear panel is the dual-redundant power supply
Make sure that two AC power cables are used or the unit will sound an audible alarm
until both power cables are connected
To temporarily disable the audible alarm press the red button next to the AC power connectors
Note: Insert drives before connecting power cables. Powering the ShowVault with only one AC cable is not recommended.
On the left side on the rear panel are the motherboard connections The motherboard
connections are for the keyboard, mouse, VGA, 9-pin serial, Ethernet and USB 2.0 connections - see Section 3.3 for detailed information on motherboard connections
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3 Rear Panel Connectors
3.1 VGA Cable Connection for Server LCD Screen Usage
If the front panel LCD screen needs to be used (3RU only), the server LCD screen VGA connector has to be linked to the motherboard VGA connector using the VGA cable. It is provided with the ShowVault. The VGA cable has to be secured to the ShowVault VGA connectors using the integrated screws.
Figure 12: ShowVault (3RU) Rear Panel With SuperMicro Motherboard VGA Connector
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Figure 13: VGA Cable
3.2 PCI Express Card On Rear Panel
3.2.1 PCI Express Card Overview
On the center of the rear panel are the various card slot connectors. The PCI Express card is used to connect the ShowVault to the IMB in the projector.
Card Slot
Figure 14: ShowVault (3RU) Rear Panel PCI Express Card Slot Connector
Card Slot
Figure 15: ShowVault (4RU) Rear Panel PCI Express Card Slot Connector
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3.3 ShowVault Motherboard Connections
3.3.1 Motherboard Connectors
On the rear panel of both the 3RU and 4RU units are the connections to the motherboard. The motherboard used on the ShowVault is the SuperMicro. The SuperMicro Motherboard connector is presented in paragraph The associated connectors are labeled and described in the paragraphs 3.3.2 to 3.3.6. SuperMicro Motherboard Connectors
VGA Port
Figure 16: ShowVault (3RU) Rear Panel SuperMicro Motherboard Connectors
3.3.2 Keyboard and Mouse PS-2 Connectors
On the left side of the connector panel are the PS-2 connectors for the PC keyboard and mouse. These jacks can be used interchangeably, but traditionally the purple jack is for a PC keyboard and the green jack is for a PS-2 mouse. If the user has a USB keyboard or mouse, then use the USB ports on the left side of the motherboard connector panel.
3.3.3 Serial Port
This is a standard 9-pin male DB-9 serial COM port on the motherboard.
3.3.4 VGA
Connect a standard VGA monitor to display the ShowVault software interface.
This connector can also be linked to the center rear panel VGA connector to facilitate use of the front panel LCD screen. The VGA cable is provided with the Showvault and is further explained in section 3.1.
3.3.5 USB Ports
Connect standard USB 2.0 peripherals for a PC USB keyboard, mouse, hard drive, etc.
3.3.6 Ethernet
The Motherboard has two built-in Gigabit Ethernet connectors. The left one is identified as "Eth0" and the right one is identified as "Eth1".
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4 ShowVault IP Address
All ShowVault servers are shipped with a default IP address of on the Ethernet port (Eth1) and a DHCP assigned dynamic IP address on the Ethernet port (Eth0) – see section
3.3 to locate each Ethernet connector.
To change the IP address of the ShowVault server, go to “Menu → System →
Networking Setup” and follow the steps below:
From the ShowVault menu, select “Menu → System → Networking Configuration
A window will appear asking for a password as illustrated below:
Figure 17: Authentication Windows
Follow the steps starting with the following windows:
System hostname -
"dcp2000" used as an
In the steps that follow use the arrow down or the "Tab" key to select “OK” and then
press "Enter".
Enter the desired system’s hostname and select “OK”.
Select “OK” for the system’s domain name.
Select “Yes” for eth0.
Select “No” for "Removable Device".
Figure 18: ShowVault Network Configuration
Select “No” for automatically configure device with DHCP.
Enter the desired IP address for eth0 and select “OK”.
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Enter the desired default gateway or leave empty and select “OK”.
Enter the desired subnet mask and select “OK”.
Enter the desired Ethernet networking configuration and then select “OK”.
Select “Yes” for eth1.
Select “No” for "Removable device".
Select “No” for automatically configure device with DHCP.
Enter the IP address of eth1 and select “OK” – in the example, enter
Enter the desired default gateway or leave empty and select “OK”.
Enter the desired subnet mask and select OK – in our example, enter the same subnet
mask as the projector:
Leave the system’s domain name servers empty and select “OK”.
Exit the set up utility.
To verify the setup go to “Menu → Doremi Apps. → Diagnostic Tool” and verify the IP
Address under the Diagnostic Tool “System” Tab.
Note: The configuration for Ethernet 2 that might be asked by the Ethernet configuration wizard
is not needed at this point. It is ok to skip this step if asked for the configuration.
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5 Device Manager Set Up
The "Device Manager" is a graphical user interface (GUI) used to set up the connection between a ShowVault and cinema projector(s). It also provides for the use of Ethernet commands for the control of theater automation devices.
To run the Device Manager go to “Menu → Doremi Apps. → Device Manager
The following window will appear on the screen:
Figure 19: Device Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI)
5.1 Projector Management
5.1.1 Adding a Projector
To connect a projector to the ShowVault click the “Add” button (see Figure 19 above)
The following window will appear:
Figure 20: Device Manager GUI – Device Selection Window
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Select the item called “Projector” and click the “Add” button as illustrated below:
“Projector” item
“Add” button
Figure 21: Device Selection Window – “Projector” Item Selected
User will then be back to the main configuration window and be able to enter the projector parameters as highlighted below:
Head IP
"Vendor IP"
Field (not
"DLP" Username
and Password
(do not change)
Figure 22: Device Manager GUI – Projector Fields Setup
To perform the projector set up follow the steps below:
Specify a projector identifier (projector name, screen #, 3D-left, and 3D-right) in the first
Choose the correct projector model to connect to the ShowVault using the “Projector model” field(s)
Select "Series 2" for the projector from the drop-down menu on the right
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Enter the "DLP Head IP" address and then click the “test” button
Note: If user enables subtitles without the ShowVault being connected to a projector the server will not operate properly.
Specify if this is the primary projector or not using the corresponding radio button
Note: The "DLP Username and Password" are not used.
Check the “Enabled” check box at the top right corner of the GUI
Click the “Save” button to record these settings
A password confirmation page will appear, enter the password to save and record the
5.1.2 Removing a Projector
To remove a projector click on its name on the left part of the "Device Manager" GUI
Click the “Delete” button (see Figure 22 above)
5.2 Automation Libraries Management
Support for theater automation control is also provided. The list of currently supported devices is the following:
A pre-built library of supported automation commands is available for each of these two devices. These automation commands can then be added to Macro Cues as presented in Section 6.2.
5.2.1 eCNA Device eCNA Device Addition
To use the eCNA device click the “Add” button and select “eCNA”
Enter the eCNA device IP address in the appropriate field as presented below:
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Figure 23: Device Manager GUI – eCNA Device Setup
The “Enabled” field must be checked in the top-right corner of the GUI
Click the “Save” button to record the settings
A window asking for the password will appear
address field
Enter the password to save settings and proceed eCNA Device Removal
To remove the eCNA device select it in the left pane of the "Device Manager" and click
the “Delete” button (see Figure 23 above)
5.2.2 JNior Device JNior Device Addition
To use the JNior device click the “Add” button and select “JNior”
The "JNior" device setting window will be displayed within the "Device Manager" as
presented below:
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JNior IP
address field
Figure 24: Device Manager GUI – JNior Device Setup
Enter the IP address of the "JNior" device in the “Server IP” field
The port number field should already contain the appropriate value (factory default
Note: The "JNior" device documentation will provide the correct username and password (factory default values).
Click the “Save” button to record the settings
A window will appear asking for a password, enter the password to proceed JNior Device Removal
To remove the JNior device click on its name on the left part of the "Device Manager" GUI
Click the “Delete” button (see Figure 24 above)
5.3 Raw Device
5.3.1 Raw Device Addition
A “Raw” device allows for communication with an external device across an Ethernet connection using "Raw" data formatted as text or binary strings.
To use a "Raw" device click the “Add” button and select “Raw”
The "Raw" device setting window will be displayed within the "Device Manager" as
presented below:
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Figure 25: Device Manager GUI – Raw Device Set Up
Enter the IP address of the "Raw" device in the “Device IP” field (see Figure 25 above)
Chose the protocol to be used (TCP or UDP) and the proper Port number
Click the “Save” button to record the settings (see Figure 25 above)
A window will appear asking for a password, enter the password to proceed
If finished with the configuration then click the "Quit" button and save the settings
5.3.2 Raw Device Removal
To remove the "Raw" device click on its name on the left part of the "Device Manager"
GUI and press the “Delete” button (see Figure 25 above)
5.4 ISE1 Device
The ISE1 Device provides for communication with the IMAX Secure Enclosure. If more information is needed, please contact Doremi Technical Support.
5.5 CSS Device
The CSS Device provides for communication with the Sony Cavity Security System. If more information is needed, please contact Doremi Technical Support.
5.6 3D Set Up
5.6.1 Projector Configuration for 3D or 48fps
When using a ShowVault/IMB configuration for 3D presentation the projector needs to be set to the proper color space. Contact the projector vendor to know how to configure the projector properly.
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5.6.2 Dolby 3D Support
To enable the Dolby 3D support please contact Doremi to purchase the appropriate license. Then go to Section 8.3 to install the license in the ShowVault and to Section 14.1 to know how to configure the Dolby DFC100 device through "Device Manager".
5.6.3 RealD 3D Support
To enable the RealD 3D support, please contact Doremi to get the appropriate license. Then go to Section 8.3 to install the license in the ShowVault and to Section 14.2 to know how to configure the “RealD 3D EQ” device through "Device Manager".
5.6.4 Sensio 3D Support
To enable the Sensio 3D support, please contact Doremi to get the appropriate license. Then go to Section 8.3 to install the license in the ShowVault and contact Doremi Technical Support Services to know how to configure a playback using Sensio 3D.
5.7 Closed Caption Support
To enable the Rear Window devices Closed Caption support, install the appropriate license as explained in Section 8.3. For information about set up contact Doremi Technical Support.
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