Doremi Rapid, Rapid-2x User Manual

User Manual
Version 1.4
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Doremi Cinema LLC
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..............................................................................................6
2 System Overview.....................................................................................9
3 Launching the RAPID ...........................................................................11
4 Encoding Overview...............................................................................12
4.1.1 File Naming and Numbering Convention.....................................................................13
4.1.2 Audio Files...................................................................................................................14
4.2.1 To Edit the Default Settings..........................................................................................14
4.4.1 Supported Formats......................................................................................................20
4.4.2 Default and Custom File Names...................................................................................20 Video HD-SDI Captures........................................................................................20 Audio HD-SDI Captures........................................................................................21
4.6.1 Timecode for Video Streamer.......................................................................................26
4.7.1 RAPID ..........................................................................................................................27
4.7.2 RAPID 2X.....................................................................................................................27
4.8.1 Default Profiles for Color Space ................................................................................29
4.9.1 Obtaining a 4:4:4 Signal From HD-SDI Capture........................................................30
5 Output Tab.............................................................................................32
5.3.1 How to Form and Crop the Image's "active area" ......................................................34 How to Format and Crop an Image At 4k (4096x2160)........................................35 How to Format and Crop an Image At 4k ("active area").....................................35
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Doremi Cinema LLC How to Upscale HD Scope Image (1920 pixels x 804 lines to 2048 pixels x 858
lines):..................................................................................................................................35 How to Upscale HD Flat Image (1920 pixels x 1038 lines to 1998 pixels x 1080
5.4.1 Default Label ...............................................................................................................37
5.4.2 Custom Label................................................................................................................37
6 Compression Tab..................................................................................38
7 VTR Control Tab....................................................................................41
7.2.1 Main Function..............................................................................................................42
7.2.2 Automatic Commands Sent To Server..........................................................................43
7.2.3 VTR Shuttle Button.......................................................................................................44
8 Job Manager Tab...................................................................................45
9 Report Tab..............................................................................................48
9.3.1 How to Change the Default Settings from the Preferences Window............................51
10 RAPID Player ......................................................................................53
10.5.1 Reel Composition........................................................................................................54
10.5.2 Reel Manager.............................................................................................................55
10.6.1 Playback Functions ...................................................................................................58
11 Software and Firmware Upgrades....................................................61
12 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) .............................................................67
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12.3.1 How To Access a "gFTP" Client From the RAPID....................................................70
13 Network File System (NFS)................................................................72
13.1.1 How To Access NFS From a Linux Desktop .............................................................72
14 Samba Directory for Windows..........................................................77
14.1.1 How To Create A Samba Shared Directory For Windows Users..............................77
14.1.2 How To Create A New Samba Share Directory ........................................................81
15 Useful Commands..............................................................................85
16 Trouble Shooting................................................................................88
17 Acronyms............................................................................................90
18 Document Revision History...............................................................91
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
Hardware Warranty
The hardware warranty can be found at the following location:
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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The RAPID is a Digital Cinema Mastering Station compliant with DCI specifications. Mastering and Generation, of a DCP package, is made in two steps:
Compressing/Encoding video content into JPEG-2000 files following DCI specified standards using the RAPID Encoder.
Generating a DCP package using the JPEG-2000 compressed video content and the audio, subtitle and projector configuration files.
Note: This user manual describes the Encoding Process, refer to the MXF Wrapping User Manual for information on how to generate a DCP package.
This User Manual also describes the RAPID Player (see Section “RAPID Player” below). It is recommended that the RAPID Player be used to preview the encoded files to ensure the quality of the images.
The RAPID Player serves two functions:
1) It can be used to playback compressed and uncompressed files.
2) It can be used to preview the encoded files to ensure their quality (i.e., color, resolution, sharpness, etc).
Note: This user manual describes the encoding process, refer to the MXF Wrapping User Guide for information on how to generate a DCP package.
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1.2 RAPID Encoder Presentation

The RAPID is a hardware accelerated JPEG-2000 compressor. It allows the encoding of uncompressed files, typically, but not restricted to tiff files and JPEG-2000 files compliant with the DCI specification.
The RAPID Encoder GUI is laid out in six tabs:
Source Tab Use this tab to encode frames from a File or HD-SDI (High Definition-
Serial Digital Interface) device. User must choose the source from this tab.
Output Tab Use this tab to view and change the properties of the source for
encoding. Properties such as number of frames, video standard (i.e., pixels and lines), color space, etc.
Compression Tab Use this tab to control the rate at which encoding occurs. The default
rate is set to VBR (Variable Bit Rate) at 250Mb/s (DCI Specified), however, these options can be changed.
VTR Control Use this tab to send commands to the HD-SDI device, either
manually or automatically. The VTR control uses the standard Sony 9Pin protocol to send commands to the device.
Job Manager Use this tab to view, schedule, add, or delete encoding jobs (primarily
available when encoding from a file source).
Report Tab Use this tab to view the various messages encountered by the server
while encoding (i.e.,encoding job started/finished, duration of the job, number of frames encoded, missing frames, etc).

1.3 RAPID GUI Version

This document is referenced with “RAPID Encoding GUI” version 3.2.0 and with “RAPID Player” GUI version 3.2.0.
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1.4 Contact

If in need of help or assistance, please contact your nearest Doremi Labs Technical Support at:
24/7 Technical Support Line: +1-866-484-4004
Technical Support Email:
24/7 Technical Support Line: +33 (0) 492-952-847
Technical Support Link:
Technical Support Line: +044-966-4855
Technical Support Email:
Australia ~ China ~ India ~ Indonesia ~ Korea ~ Malaysia ~ New Zealand ~ Philippines ~ Singapore ~ Taiwan ~ Thailand
Technical Support Email:
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2 System Overview

The RAPID runs the Linux OS, 64 bit kernel revision 2.6.18. A RAID5 of six 1TB drives provides 5 TB of storage accessible (mounted) on directory “/data”.
There are two username setups by default:
“root”: Used only for administration of the unit. The password is “doremi.” It is recommended to change the root password at the customer site.
“dms2000”: For the encoding sessions and other operations related to encoding including use of the RAPID Player. The password is “doremi”.
Note: It is highly recommended that users be logged in as “root” only when absolutely necessary. Being logged in as “root” increases the risk of fatally damaging the system in case of a wrong operation (i.e., involuntary delete of the system). It might also modify the system permission on some necessary files making the use of the application for the normal RAPID user partial or impossible.

2.1 RAPID Setup

The RAPID has only one Dolphin DCI board with one license installed on it. The RAPID 2x has two Dolphin DCI boards. Currently, all RAPID 2x units are produced and shipped with licenses for both Dolphin DCI boards. However, in the past, RAPID 2x units were shipped with only one license installed on one board only.
Note: Initially, RAPID 2x units were shipped with only one license installed (on the Dol-Enc 2 board). If the Dolphin DCI Dol-Enc 2 board failed then only the first Dolphin card would be detected and the license would have to be re-installed.
Description The RAPID2x has two Dolphin Encoder (Dol-Enc) cards. Each card has
dual link HD-SDI video inputs and outputs. Each Dol-Enc requires 2 bracket spaces. See illustration below on how to connect.
Connect the video source to the HD-SDI input Dol-Enc 1
Connect the output of Dol-Enc 1 to the input of Dol-Enc 2
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Dol-Enc 1
input A
Dol-Enc 1
input B
Dol-Enc 1
output A
Dol-Enc 1
output B
(optional) Connect output of Dol-Enc 2 to a display.
Dol-Enc 2
input A
Dol-Enc 2
input B
Dol-Enc 2
output A
Dol-Enc 2
output B
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3 Launching the RAPID

Launch the RAPID GUI by double-clicking on the “RAPID Encoder GUI” icon on the desktop (see Figure 1 below).
The "Rapid Encoder GUI" will appear as illustrated below:
GUI icon
Figure 1: RAPID Encoding GUI Icon
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4 Encoding Overview

The user can encode data from a file source or an HD-SDI source. Each source will be described in full detail below.
General encoding LCD color schemes when encoding:
Orange: The server is idle (not encoding anything) or has already finished encoding a job (see Figure 2 below).
Green: Encoding in progress (see Figure 3 below).
Red: Server is preparing encoding job (see Figure 4 below).
Figure 2: Server Is Idle
Figure 3: Encoding In Progress
Figure 4: Server Is Preparing Encoding Job
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4.1 Encoding From a File Source

When encoding from a file source (most recommended are TIFF files, although other formats are supported), the user will choose the folder that contains the files to be compressed. The software application will automatically detect the number of frames with a consecutive incrementing index in a file and include it in the extension file name.

4.1.1 File Naming and Numbering Convention

By default the server will keep the same base name and number identifier as the original uncompressed file. The server will automatically convert the .”tif” file name extension to a “.j2c” extension.
It is assumed that SPMTE recommended standards were followed when creating the original image sequence files. The basic recommended standards are as follows:
Each image is in a separate file.
An image sequence consists of a series of files in a directory structure.
The file name will end with the extension: “.tif” (delimited by the period character).
Immediately before the file extension is the frame number identifier.
Leading zeros are used to maintain a constant number of digits.
The “base name” (also known as the “pre-number identifier”) is preceded by alphanumeric text and characters (delimited by another period character).
Example: “My_Movie.00192.tif” where “My_Movie.” is the base name, “00192” is the number identifier and “.tif” is the file name extension. When the server has finished compressing the file, the end result will be “My_Movie.00192.j2c”.
The frame number identifiers are in ascending order (i.e.,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...) with no gaps in the sequence for a given image sequence. Zeros are used to keep a constant number of digits.
Post-production reel names and abbreviations may be used. Any alphanumeric text used in the file name will remain constant for all image files intended for the same image sequence. The only characters that will change in a sequence are the frame number identifiers.
When the user(s) selects a file to encode that file will be the first image in that image sequence. By default the server will automatically encode the remaining images in the sequence after it.
Example: If the user(2) has 10,200 frames in an image sequence and you wish to start from frame “002567,” the server will automatically encode the remaining frames until it reaches the last frame in the sequence, i.e., “010200”. If the user(s) does not want to encode all of the remaining frames in the image sequence, then it is possible to change it from the “Output Tab.” See Section “Output Tab” below:
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4.1.2 Audio Files

Audio and “TIFF” files are named in the same manner. The only difference is that audio files are created using “.wav” instead of “.tif”.
Example: “My_Movie.00192.wav” will be compressed to “My_Movie.00192.j2c”

4.2 Encoding From a File Source

To launch the RAPID GUI, double-click on the “RAPID Encoder GUI” on the desktop.
From the “Source” tab select the check-box immediately to the left of the “File Encoding” option.
Choose a file from the “Browse Directory”.
This file will be the first image in the image sequence (see Figure 5 below).
To keep the default settings click the “Apply” button.
Click “Encode” to begin the encoding process.
Figure 5: Browse Directory Button

4.2.1 To Edit the Default Settings

Use the “Common Settings” option to change the “framerate” or to convert from “RGB to XYZ” (see Figure 6 below).
Note: A license is needed to use the “RGB to XYZ” conversion feature. To receive the license contact Doremi Technical Support at
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If the file is a 3D sequence (48fps) select the “48fps” option from the FrameRatedrop- down list (see Figure 6 below).
The user can convert the color of the frames from RGB to XYZ (see Figure 6 below) . It is very important that the user understand the implications of using this option because it will effect the resolution and quality of the images that are generated.
Click the “Apply” button.
Click the “Encode” button to begin the encoding process.
Note: The duration of the encoding process depends on which station is being used (i.e., Rapid 1x or 2x) and how many frames to encode. The RAPID encodes in “Real-Time” (i.e.,1 hour, which equals to 086400 frames, will take approximately 1 hour to encode). The RAPID 2x is half of “Real-Time” (i.e.,1 hour, which equals to 086400 frames, will take approximately 30 minutes).
“RGB to XYZ”
Figure 6: RAPID Encoder GUI - File Encoding Option
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4.3 Stopping the Encoding Job

To stop encoding job, click the “Stop” button.
The “Stopping Video Compression” window will appear (see Figure 9 below).
When the user clicks on “Stop”, the server will begin finalizing the frames in the buffer.
This process takes less than one minute to complete.
To immediately end the encoding job click on the “Terminate Now” button.
Note: The "Terminate Now" option terminates the encoding process without waiting for the server to finalize the frames in the buffer. It is highly recommended that the user allow the server to finalize the frames in the buffer and to use the Terminate Nowoption only when absolutely necessary. The “Terminate Now” option the will still do a quick check of the frames to detect any possible issues (i.e., missing frames, corrupt input files, etc). This check takes approximately 20-30 seconds.
Figure 7: Rapid Encoder GUI - Source Tab
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Encoding in
progress - this
reflects the
number of
Figure 8: Source Tab - File Encoding In Progress
Figure 9: Stopping Video Compression Message
Figure 10: RAPID Encoder GUI - File Encoding Option
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Figure 11: RAPID Encoder GUI - Encoding Missing Frames
After the server is done encoding a “job”(an image sequence), go to the “Report” tab and view the status of that particular encoding job (see Figure 12 below).
Figure 12: RAPID Encoder GUI - Report Tab
The "Job Manager” tab displays information about the “Job” including its source, bit rate, and frame number (see Figure 13 below).
Note: To schedule several “jobs” and to choose which order the server will encode them go to the “Job Manager” tab and enable the “Multiple Jobs”option by clicking “Add Job”. The server will automatically highlight the new job. Go back to the “Source” tab and continue with the instructions as laid out under Section 4.1.
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The job
number and
its source are
displayed in
the “Job
Manager” tab
Figure 13: RAPID Encoder GUI - Job Manager Tab
way to the right
Figure 14: Job Manager Tab - Viewing the Source Information
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Scroll all the
to view the

4.4 Encoding From HD-SDI

HD-SDI (“High-Definition Serial Digital Interface”) is a standard used for transmission of uncompressed and unencrypted digital video signals. When encoding from a HD-SDI source the RAPID unit will automatically detect the HD-SDI unit connected to it and display the corresponding information in the “Source" tab.
The RAPID will automatically extract the format and the time code from the ancillary data for both single and dual link HD-SDI video inputs. However, the user must manually set the appropriate frame rate to correspond to the HD-SDI input (see Figure 15 below).

4.4.1 Supported Formats

Supported in Real-Time Capture Mode HD-SDI format for the RAPID and RAPID 2x:
2Ksf 24fps and 25fps
2Kp 24fps and 25fps
1080i 24fps and 25fps
1080p 24fps and 25fps
Supported only in Non-Real Time Capture Mode on the RAPID (less than 50% speed):
2Ksf 30fps
2Kp 30fps
1080i 30fps
1080p 30fps
Formats not supported:

4.4.2 Default and Custom File Names Video HD-SDI Captures
The RAPID uses the HD-SDI embedded time code and converts each frame to a “j2c” file using an incrementing index. See Section 4.6 for more information on how this works.
The default name of the compressed files will be “hdsdi_capture_0000254.j2c”.
Example: One j2c file per image: hdsdi_capture_nnnnnnn.j2c” where 'nnnnnnn' is the index corresponding to the time code of the image. See Section 4.6 for more information.
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To customize the “hdsdi_capture” base name to a user defined string use the “Label” field from the “Output" tab. See Section 5 for more information. Audio HD-SDI Captures
Audio is embedded in the HD-SDI stream. Each channel is captured into a specific file.
Audio files are created in the following way:
One wave file per audio channel: “hdsdi_capture_chnn.wav” where 'nn' is the channel number.
Figure 15: Encoding From HD-SDI
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Time code field
when encoding
from HD-SDI

4.5 Encoding From a HD-SDI Source

Double-click on the “RAPID Encoder GUI” from the desktop to launch the RAPID GUI.
From the “Source” tab select the check-box immediately to the left of the “HD-SDI Capture” (see Figure 16 below).
Enter the Time-In (time-code of the first image to capture) and the Time-Out (time-code of the last image to capture).
Note: It is highly recommended to enter a “Time-In” and “Time-Out” before encoding, otherwise the server will encode the entire duration of the video which may be up to 24 hours. See Section 4.6 below for more information.
To keep all of the server's default settings, click “Apply” and then click “Encode”.
If the “Video Format” or “Audio Channels” fields are blank click the “Reset SDI Detection” button and the server will search for the SDI connection and display the corresponding information (see Figure 16 below).
Note: The HD-SDI device must be properly connected.
The “Video Format” can only be changed from the source not from the server.
By default, the server will automatically enable the number of audio channels the device has (usually 4 or 8). However, the user can manually select the channels to encode by checking or unchecking the boxes (see Figure 16 below). If the user does not wish to encode any audio, then make sure none of the channels are selected. The server supports up to 8 audio channels (see Figure 16 below).
Note : If the user wishes to encode only audio files, then select at least one audio channel and check the “Audio Only” box. If the user does not select any audio channel, then the user will be prompted to an error message (see Figure 17 below).
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Format” and
“Reset SDI
Figure 16: Source Tab and the Reset SDI Detection Button
Figure 17: Error Message - “No Audio Channel Selected”
The number of Audio Channels detected by the server will be represented by “A” characters on the source tab in the “Audio Channels” field (see Figure 17 above).
Example: “AAAA____” represents four channels detected (see Figure 18 below) “AAAA AAAA” represents eight channels (see Figure 17 above).
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Time code field for HD­SDI devices
Figure 18: Source Tab - Time Code Field

4.6 HD-SDI Timecode

By default, the RAPID uses the HD-SDI embedded time code detected from the device and converts the compressed files with a incrementing frame index. The time code will be in the following format 15:41:18:17. This reflects Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and the Frame Number (see Figure 18 above).
Depending on the frame rate and format, the HD-SDI device is set at (i.e., 24, 25 or 30fps). The server will automatically capture the time code of the frames and embed them with an incrementing frame index. See the Section 4.4.1 above for all supported formats.
Example: If the frame is captured at time code “00:00:10:04” (this indicates the frame at 10 Seconds and Frame Number 4), and the source's frame rate is at 25fps the server will automatically compress this file to “hdsdi_capture_0000254.j2c.
If the video encoding does not have its own time code, the server will generate an internal time code for the video starting at 00:00:00:00 using the RAPID's “Internal Sync” feature.
Note: The user must manually adjust the video/tape start from the first frame (the beginning of the video). To command the server to apply an internal time code check the “Internal Sync” box and click “Apply” and then click “Encode.”
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Note: It is highly recommended to enter a “Time-In” and “Time-Out” before beginning encoding, otherwise the server will encode the entire duration of the video which may be up to 24 hours. The user cannot exceed more than 24 hours of encoding at a time. If entering a “Time-In” or “Time-Out” value that exceeds a value greater than 23 hours (i.e.,23hr:59min:59sec), the server will not allow it. If entering a value that exceeds 20 hours (i.e., 30 , 31, 32, 40...), the Timecode field will turn red (see Figure 20 below).
24 hours
Figure 19: HD-SDI Capture Field
Figure 20: Time Code For Video Streamer
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4.6.1 Timecode for Video Streamer

When encoding from a Video Streamer (i.e., satellite reception or camera feed), the RAPID detects the streaming video from the source and the frames will begin to “roll” automatically. The main RAPID Encoder GUI will therefore always show the time code field as “rolling”. The user must set the “Time-In” and “Time-Out” values. Begin encoding by selecting the preferred settings and then clicking on “Apply”. Click on “Encode” to begin the encoding process.
Note: When the server has finished encoding the user specified frames (time-in and time-out), the time code field will still continue to be “rolling” (see Figure 21 below). Notice that the “Time­Out” value set on the server has been passed, however, the server will still continue to “roll” the video.
Figure 21: Time Code For Video Streamer
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4.7 Real-Time and Non-Real Time Capture

4.7.1 RAPID

When in Real-Time capture mode, a very high bandwidth of data in the hardware compressor accelerator can be generated. Some frames that are extremely difficult to encode, such as random noise, will overflow the hardware accelerator causing it to possibly crash. To avoid crashes, a filtering process is done in real-time capture mode. This filtering might cause a degradation of the quality of the resulting picture.
To keep the best quality possible, encode in “Non-Real Time” capture mode (see Figure 22 below). In this mode, the source must be set to run at less than 50% speed. If the “VTR Control” (Video Tape Recorder) is selected, the application will automatically set the source at 48%. This will cause the RAPID-1X encoding process to be approximately half of “Real-Time”. Audio cannot be captured in “Non-Real Time” Mode. The “Non-Real Time” capture mode has been tested with HDCAM-SR. Test the equipment first to ensure that it will output proper progressive frames in this mode and not repeat fields or interpolate (alter) frames.

4.7.2 RAPID 2X

“Non-Real Time” capture mode on the RAPID-2X is not necessary. The RAPID-2X encodes with the best quality possible at “Real-Time” speed without having to slow down. This is possible due to the fact that the RAPID-2X has an additional Dolphin DCI Card.
Note: The “Non-Real Time” capture mode on a RAPID 2X will be viewable, as well as, on the RAPID. However, it is only usable on the RAPID.
Figure 22: Source Tab - HD-SDI Capture Field
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4.8 Color Space Conversion for File and HD-SDI Capture

To be consistent with DCI color and sample space specifications, the RAPID automatically assumes that the frames are encoded to “XYZ” color space. If the frames are not “XYZ”, then convert the frames from “RGB to XYZ” from the “Source Tab” (see Figure 23 below).
Note: A license is needed to use the “RGB to XYZ” conversion feature. To receive the license contact Doremi Technical Support at
Note: If the files are already “XYZ”, then selecting theRGB to XYZ” setting will result in a blurry resolution. At the same time if the user is unsure whether the files are “XYZ” and files have not been converted from “RGB to XYZ”, the compressed files will result in a lower quality resolution. The user must be sure that the frames are actually “RGB” or “XYZ” before encoding. The user should receive this information from the administrator or creator of the files. If the user is unsure what color space the frames are (“RGB” or “XYZ”) then do an encoding test with a small number of frames first to check the resolution of the compressed files.
To convert
images from
“RGB to XYZ”
check this box
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Figure 23: Source Tab - Converting Images From RGB to XYZ
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