Doremi Nugget User Manual

U s e r M a n u a l
Version 3.1
This Nugget user manual complies with the following products:
Firmware Version 2.x; Firmware Version 5.x (Nugget Post); and NUG-SDI Version 94
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Table of Contents
1.1Contact.............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Nugget Front Panel........................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Nugget Rear Panel...........................................................................................................12
2.3 Nugget Pro Rear Panel..................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Doremi Asset Manager ....................................................................................................14
3.2 DoremiAM Installation....................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Description.................................................................................................................15
3.2.2 Running DoremiAM for the First Time........................................................................15
3.3 Adding Nugget Units to DoremiAM...................................................................................16
3.4 Nugget IP Address............................................................................................................ 17
3.5 Nugget Configuration and Parameters .............................................................................18
3.5.1 Device Settings Window.............................................................................................18
3.6 Transferring Files to Nugget Units....................................................................................20
Using DoremiAM Database to Transfer a Clip to the Device ..............................................21
3.6.1 Using the Drop-In Folders .........................................................................................22
3.6.2 Drag and Drop ...........................................................................................................22
3.6.3 Transferring files from Nugget to DoremiAM Database..............................................22
3.6.4 Transferring Video Files to the Nugget.......................................................................25
3.6.5 Playlists......................................................................................................................26 Playlist Tab........................................................................................................... 26 Playlist Generation............................................................................................... 26 Editing the Playlist................................................................................................ 27 Playlist Limitation.................................................................................................. 27 Missing clips......................................................................................................... 27
3.6.6 Auto Start...................................................................................................................28
3.7 Timecode Offset...............................................................................................................28
4.1 Generating 3D Side/Side and Top/Bottom Clips...............................................................29
4.1.1 How does it work?......................................................................................................29
4.1.2 Audio Dubbing............................................................................................................30 Duplicating a clip:................................................................................................. 30 Audio Dubbing...................................................................................................... 31
4.2 Supported Formats...........................................................................................................34
4.2.1 Supported Containers................................................................................................34
4.2.2 Supported Video Formats..........................................................................................34
4.2.3 Supported Image Sequences.....................................................................................34
4.2.4 Supported Audio Formats..........................................................................................34
4.3 Nugget Supported Resolutions.........................................................................................35
5.1 Synchronized Playback.................................................................................................... 37
5.1.1 Locking to External Sync Source................................................................................37
5.1.2 Locking to LTC IN......................................................................................................37
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5.1.3 Chase......................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Synchronizing Nugget Units using Chase.........................................................................38
5.3 Synchronizing 2 Nugget Units Automatically.....................................................................38
5.4 Synchronizing more than 2 Nugget Units..........................................................................39
5.5 LTC IN Latency................................................................................................................. 39
6.1 DVI-I Connector................................................................................................................ 40
6.2 HD-SDI Connector............................................................................................................ 40
6.3 SD-SDI Connector............................................................................................................40
6.4 Composite Connector.......................................................................................................40
6.5 Color Space Setting.......................................................................................................... 40
7.1 Best Setup for 1080i, 720p and SD Formats..................................................................... 41
7.2 Best Setup for 1080p Formats..........................................................................................41
7.3 Video Out Auto Mode.......................................................................................................41
7.4 Recommended Settings.................................................................................................... 41
10.1 Logo Overlay................................................................................................................. 44
10.2 Logo Design.................................................................................................................. 44
10.3 Logo File Transfer.......................................................................................................... 45
10.4 Burn In Window.............................................................................................................45
10.4.1 HD-SDI Options are: ...............................................................................................45
10.4.2 SD-SDI Options are:................................................................................................. 45
11.1 Nugget Specific.............................................................................................................. 46
12.1 Nugget........................................................................................................................... 49
12.2 Nugget + Dimension-3D................................................................................................ 49
14.1 Controlling the Nugget using the Serial Port..................................................................51
14.1.1 Wiring of the Standard RS422 Cable.......................................................................52
14.1.2 Wiring of the NUGGET RS422-PC Cable.................................................................53
14.1.3 Wiring of the Nugget RS422-Mac Cable...................................................................54
14.1.4 Wiring of the DB-25 Audio Connector.......................................................................55
15.1 Interface......................................................................................................................... 56
15.2 Audio............................................................................................................................. 56
15.3 Video............................................................................................................................. 56
15.4 TimeCode......................................................................................................................56
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
Hardware Warranty
The hardware warranty can be found at the following location:
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Power requirements for electrical equipment vary from area to area. Please ensure that your NUGGET meets the power requirements in your area. If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician or your Doremi Labs dealer.
Le voltage peut différer d’un pays à l’autre. Il faut que le NUGGET soit ajuste au voltage du pays. LA SOURCE DE PUISSANCE DOIT AVOIR UN CONDUCTEUR CONNECTE A LA TERRE. Toutes réparations doivent être effectuées par une personne qualifiée. AFIN D’EVITER UN CHOC ELECTRIQUE, VEUILLEZ NE PAS ENLEVER LE CAPOT.
Nugget Power Ratings
AC Input: 100-240V~, 4-2A, 60-50Hz
Maximum Power Consumption: 180W
Rack Mount and Thermal Information
Maximum operating ambient temperature is 40°C.
Never restrict the airflow through the device's fan or vents.
When installing equipment into a rack/shelf, distribute the units evenly. Otherwise
hazardous conditions may be created by an uneven weight distribution.
Connect the unit only to a properly rated supply circuit. Reliable earthing (grounding) of
rack-mounted equipment should be maintained
Never touch the AC plug with wet hands.
Always disconnect the NUGGET from the power supply by pulling on the plug, not the
Allow only a Doremi Labs, Inc. dealer or qualified professional engineer to repair or
reassemble the NUGGET. Apart from voiding the warranty, unauthorized engineers might touch live internal parts and receive a serious electric shock.
Do not place, or allow anyone to place any object, especially metal objects into the
NUGGET. Use only an AC power supply. Never use a DC power supply.
If any liquid (including water), is spilled into or onto the NUGGET, immediately
disconnect the power and call your dealer.
Make sure the unit is well ventilated and kept away from direct sunlight. To avoid
damage to the internal circuitry, as well as the external finish, keep the NUGGET away from sources of direct heat (stoves, radiators, etc.).
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Avoid using aerosol, insecticides, etc. near the NUGGET. These products may damage
the surface and cause the Nugget to ignite. Do not use denatured alcohol, thinner or similar chemicals to clean the NUGGET. They will damage the finish.
Modification of this equipment is dangerous, and can result in the functions of the
NUGGET being impaired. Never attempt to modify the equipment in any way.
In order to ensure optimum performance of your NUGGET, select the setup location carefully, and make sure the equipment is used properly. Avoid setting up the NUGGET in the following locations:
In a humid or dusty environment;
In a room with poor ventilation;
On a surface which is not horizontal;
Inside a vehicle such as a car, where it will be subject to vibration; or
In an extremely hot or cold environment.
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To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this
Appliance to rain or moisture!
Risk of Electric Shock
The exclamation point within the triangle alerts the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
When you see a picture of an “arrow lightning rod” as above, it alerts the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure, which may be of sufficient magnitude to
constitute a risk of electric shock.
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Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of the device to the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directive and to the Low Voltage directive of the European Community. The marking is indicative that the device meets or exceeds the following technical standards:
EN 55022 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment."
A "Declaration of Conformity" in accordance with the above standard has been made and is on file at Doremi.
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1 Introduction

Thank you for purchasing the Doremi Nugget player. The Nugget is a high quality HD and SD MPEG2 video player that decodes MPEG2 files up to 80Mbits/sec. The Nugget decodes both MPEG2 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 files.
Using the Doremi Asset Manager application (which can be downloaded at the following link, you can transfer
MPEG2 stream files, Quick Time, AVI, WMV and MXF, etc. to the Nugget.
The Nugget-Pro is equipped with HD-SDI & SD-SDI, Genlock and LTC IN/OUT. Genlock can be used to synchronize several units to play at the same speed. LTC IN/OUT can be used to chase several units to keep them in frame accurate sync. The HD-SDI and SD-SDI outputs can be used to connect to professional monitors or to high definition recorders.
The Nugget-Post (version 5.x) was designed to work in post applications (applications used mainly for editing content, audio, effects, etc.) The Nugget-Post works with I-Only files to provide full machine control, which include Jog, Shuttle, and Variable speed. For audio post applications, visual cues can be used instead of the legacy audible cues. The DVB/ASI input is used as a general purpose input to trigger the visual cue. The Nugget Post does not have playlist capabilities.
This manual is written for the Nugget Firmware version 2.x (non-post), but it also applies to the Nugget-Post version 5.x, with some exceptions:
Playlist tab is disabled on 5.x version.
Main output is always Auto on 5.x; files will only play at their native frame rate.
Visual Cues section is not present on 2.x
Local/Remote section is not present on 2.x
Doremi Asset Manager:
There are certain sections from the Doremi Asset Manager (DoremiAM) that are incorporated into this manual (Nugget), for the sole purpose of expanding on and or giving instructions on how to use the Nugget in conjunction with DoremiAM. These sections are not meant to replace nor include all of DoremiAm's features/capabilities. This is done for your convenience only and we recommend that you read and use the DoremiAM manual apart from this manual for all of its valuable capabilities (see Section 3 below for more information on DoremiAM).
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1.1 Contact

If in need of help or assistance, please contact your nearest Doremi Labs Technical Support at:
24/7 Technical Support Line: +1-866-484-4004
Technical Support Email:
24/7 Technical Support Line: +33 (0) 492-952-847
Technical Support Link:
Technical Support Line: +044-966-4855
Technical Support Email:
Australia ~ China ~ India ~ Indonesia~ Korea ~ Malaysia ~ New Zealand ~ Phillippines ~ Singapore ~ Taiwan ~ Thailand
Technical Support Email:
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2 Nugget Models

There are six different Nugget players: Nugget, Nugget-Pro, Nugget-ProSD, Nugget-2u, Nugget-2uPro, and Nugget-Post.
The following is a list of all the features of each of the listed Nugget versions:
Nugget: MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video
Nugget-Pro: MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video, plus, HD-SDI
out, Sync in and LTC in/out.
Nugget-ProSD:MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video, plus HD- SDI out, Sync in and LTC in/out. Can only load SD files. Can be upgraded to Nugget­Pro.
Nugget-2u: MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video; 2RU high with a removable drive
Nugget-2uPro: MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video, plus HD- SDI out, Sync in and LTC in/out; 2RU high with a removable drive.
Nugget-Post:MPEG2 player 422/420 up to 80 Mbits/sec with DVI-I video, plus HD-SDI
out, Sync in and LTC in/out; with special firmware designed for Post Production applications.

2.1 Nugget Front Panel

PWR: Lights up when the unit is on HDD: Indicates hard drive access LAN: Indicates network access via Ethernet

2.2 Nugget Rear Panel

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2.3 Nugget Pro Rear Panel

Specifications of the Nugget Pro Rear Panel:
The audio breakout cable is manufactured by Hosa, part number DTM-803, it will provide 3 pairs of AES/EBU on XLR's 1,2,3. It also provides 3 pairs of unbalanced analog channels for monitoring purpose on XLRs 5,6,7 (two unbalanced analog audio channels per XLR. Pin1=GND, Pin2=Left, Pin3=Right).
The RS422 port can be used to control the Nugget players using the Odetics protocol.
Ethernet (Gigabit) is used for file transfer, firmware update and control.
The DVB-ASI-IN is non-functional.
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3 Controlling the Nugget

3.1 Doremi Asset Manager

The Nugget player comes with a software program called Doremi Asset Manager (DoremiAM). DoremiAM is designed to help the user take full advantage of the Nugget player by enabling the user to transfer files, make setting modifications, and have control capabilities. The Doremi Asset Manager simplifies the selection and Ethernet transfer of video files such as QuickTime, MXF, AVI, and WMV to the Nugget's internal hard drive. The operator simply adds the desired files into Asset Manager's clip database and the software will transparently handle the synchronization and transfer of content to the Nugget's hard drive. Note: The Doremi Asset Manager will be referred to as DoremiAM throughout this manual. Please see the actual DoremiAM manual for all features, capabilities, and instructions at the following site: The Asset Manager is the only software utility you need to manage your database, playback, and firmware upgrades.
The Major Features added to the Asset Manager Version 4.4.x include:
1. Multi-Thread support
2. Apple ProRes422 Support
3. Encoding 3D material for the Nugget as: side/side or top/bottom

3.2 DoremiAM Installation

How to install the DoremiAM application:You will see a compressed folder that looks like this: “Doremi Asset Manager 4.3.25_1.4.28-38_1.5.0” NOTE: This is just an example, the numbers you will see may vary.
To unzip the file and start the install process double click on the “Doremi Asset Manager” Icon. Note: If you are using a Mac, you will see
The first character (e.g. 4.3.25) indicates the DoremiAM version number
The second character (e.g. 1.4.28-38) indicates the Nugget Firmware number
The third character (e.g..5.0-42) indicates the Nugget Post Firmware number
The fourth character (e.g. 94) indicates the NUG-SDI (serial digital interface)
The fifth character (e.g. 4.66f)” indicates the V1 Firmware number (Note: this does not
have anything to do with Nugget players).
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3.2.1 Description

DoremiAM runs as a service indicated by a green circle icon in the right section of the toolbar. The icon will be red if any failure occurs.
When is DoremiAM running?
It is indicated by a Green circle icon in the bottom right section of the tool bar (see Figure 1 below).
If the circle icon does not appear, DoremiAM is not running.
If any error(s) occur, the circle icon will turn Red which indicates that there is at least one
The “Tasks” tab, explained in further detail in Section 3.8 of this manual, will indicate the task(s) that has failed.
If the circle icon turns a Brown/Tan color, this indicates that DoremiAM is processing a task(s).
To quit DoremiAM right-click on the green icon and select “Quit DoremiAM"
Green circle icon
“Green Circle Icon”

3.2.2 Running DoremiAM for the First Time

When you run DoremiAM for the first time, it will prompt you to define a database location (see “DoremiAM Database Folder Prompt” below. The database (DB) folder created inside the folder you specify will hold copies of all files you transfer to the Nugget using DoremiAM. The database location can be on the internal drive, USB or Fire Wire drive or on a NAS connected to the PC running DoremiAM.
“DoremiAM Database Folder Prompt”
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3.3 Adding Nugget Units to DoremiAM

If DoremiAM is minimized, double click on its icon to bring it up. Under the Device tab, select the Default Group or create a new Group then click on New Device.
Type the Name, as you want it to appear, and type the IP address of the Nugget you want to add. You can organize the units by groups if needed.
Add all Nugget units in your facility.
Device Manager
The Device Manager will help you manage the devices that are connected to the DoremiAM. This function is for your convenience and will allow you to easily manage each device. See the “Device Tab Window” located on the DoremiAM's main GUI below, which shows how each connected device will appear in the “Device Manager Window.”
For each device, either a red X or a green check mark will appear.
The red X indicates that the device is currently not connected.
The green check mark indicates that the device is connected.
DoremiAM GUI-Device Tab Window
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To add a new device, click on the “New Device” button as seen in “Device Tab Window” above.
You will now be prompted to add the name of the device you wish to add and enter the IP
address for that device. NOTE: Make sure to select the proper device type in the “type” field as
shown in the “New Device” Window below.
“New device” Window
NOTE: Make sure to select the proper device type in the “type” field as shown immediately

3.4 Nugget IP Address

All Nugget players ship with a default IP address: You can use DoremiAM to
change the IP address of the Nugget. If you have changed the IP address of the Nugget and
don’t remember it, you can use DoremiAM with the RS232 to RS422 cable provided with your
unit to get or change the IP address using the computer’s serial port. The following are brief
instructions on how to change and or “get” the Nugget's IP address. For a full explanation on
how to use this feature please refer to the “Device Control” section of the DoremiAM manual.
NOTE: The default IP and Subnet Mask settings for the Nugget are as follows:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask: 255. 255. 255. 0
How to connect to the Nugget:
To connect to the Nugget your PC has to have an IP Address within the same range
as the Nugget (ex: if the IP is, set your PC to you
can use a crossover cable or an Ethernet switch with 2 standard Ethernet cables.
If you don't know the IP address of your Nugget (Nugget Post):
Connect the provided serial cable between your computer's RS232 COM port and the Nugget's RS-422 port.
You will be prompted to select either “Current device” or “serial port” (see the “Network Device Configuration” Window below)
Select “serial port” and then select “Com1” or “Com2”
The “Device Network Configuration” window (see the“Network Device Configuration-
Nugget Connection” Window below) will show you the current settings and allow you to change the IP Address and Subnet Mask
NOTE: When connected to a Nugget or Nugget Post : to access the Network Configuration Parameters of the device, go to “Device” from the DoremiAM GUI menu, Select “IP Address,” the following window will appear:
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Network Device Configuration Window
“Device Network Configuration” Window – Nugget Connection

3.5 Nugget Configuration and Parameters

3.5.1 Device Settings Window

The “Device Settings” option allows you to view and make changes to the parameters and configuration settings of the device. Please see the following instructions on how to access the “Device Settings” window from the Nugget:
To have access to this “Device settings” window when connected to a Nugget Player, the Nugget should have firmware version 1.4.27-65 or higher – check the Nugget’s firmware version using the “Info” tab (see “DoremiAM GUI-Device Tab Window” above)
To get to the “Device Settings” window, click on the “Info” Tab, which can be
accessed by from the “Device Tab” on the main GUI
If the Nugget does not have the proper firmware, clicking on the “Device settings” button will bring an alert window asking you to upgrade to version
1.4.27-65 or higher.
NOTE: To upgrade the Nugget firmware using DoremiAM, please refer to Section
11 of this manual.
When connected to a Nugget unit (with the appropriate Nugget firmware version, clicking the “Device settings” button will prompt you to the “Device settings” window where you will see two tabs: General and Audio/Video (see the “Device settings for Nugget - General and Audio/Video Tabs” below).
The “General” tab: access general parameters of the connected device.
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