The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other
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Doremi Labs
Power requirements for electrical equipment vary from area to area. Please ensure that the
Dimension-3D meets the power requirements in the surrounding area. If in doubt, consult a
qualified electrician or a Doremi Labs dealer.
Dimension-3D Power Ratings
•AC Input: 100-240V~, 0.12A, 50-60Hz
•Maximum Power Consumption: 15W
Dimension-3D Rack Mount and Thermal Information
•Maximum operating ambient temperature is 30°C.
•Never restrict the air flow through the devices’ fan or vents.
•When installing equipment into a rack, distribute the units evenly. Otherwise hazardous
conditions may be created by an uneven weight distribution.
•Connect the unit only to a properly rated supply circuit. Reliable earthing (grounding) of
rack-mounted equipment should be maintained.
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Doremi Labs
Protecting Yourself and the Dimension-3D
Never touch the AC plug with wet hands. Always disconnect the Dimension-3D from the power
supply by pulling on the plug not the cord. Allow only a Doremi Labs dealer or qualified
professional engineer to repair or reassemble the Dimension-3D. Apart from voiding the warranty,
unauthorized engineers might touch live internal parts and receive a serious electric shock. Do not
put, or allow anyone to put any object, especially metal objects, into the Dimension-3D.
If water or any other liquid is spilled into or onto the Dimension-3D, disconnect the power and call a
Doremi dealer. The unit must be well ventilated and away from direct sunlight. To avoid damage to
internal circuitry, as well as the external finish, keep the Dimension-3D away from direct sources of
heat (heater vents, stoves, radiators). Avoid using flammable aerosols near the Dimension-3D.
They can damage the surface area and may ignite. Do not use denatured alcohol, paint thinner, or
similar chemicals to clean the Dimension-3D. This can damage the unit.
Modification of this equipment is dangerous and can result in the functions of the Dimension-3D
being impaired. Never attempt to modify the equipment in any way. In order to ensure optimum
performance of the Dimension-3D, select the setup location carefully and make sure the equipment
is used properly. Avoid setting up the Dimension-3D in the following locations:
•In a humid or dusty environment.
•In a room with poor ventilation.
•On a surface which is not level.
•Inside a moving vehicle where it will be subject to vibration.
•In an extremely hot or cold environment.
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Doremi Labs
C A U T I O N : T O R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F E L E C T R I C S H O C K ,
D O N O T R E M O V E C O V E R ( O R B A C K ) .
N O U S E R - S E R V I C E A B L E P A R T S I N S I D E .
R E F E R S E R V I C I N G T O Q U A L I F I E D S E R V I C E P E R S O N N E L .
T h e l i g h t n i n g f l a s h w i t h t h e a r r o w h e a d s y m b o l s u p e r i m p o s e d
a c r o s s a g r a p h i c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a p e r s o n , w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l
t r i a n g l e , i s i n t e n d e d t o a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f u n i n s u l a t e d
“ d a n g e r o u s v o l t a g e ” w i t h i n t h e p r o d u c t ’ s e n c l o s u r e ; t h a t m a y b e
o f s u f f i c i e n t m a g n i t u d e t o c o n s t i t u t e a r i s k o f e l e c t r i c s h o c k .
T h e e x c l a m a t i o n p o i n t w i t h i n a n e q u i l a t e r a l t r i a n g l e i s i n t e n d e d t o
a l e r t t h e u s e r t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f i m p o r t a n t o p e r a t i n g a n d
m a i n t e n a n c e ( s e r v i c i n g ) i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e l i t e r a t u r e
a c c o m p a n y i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e .
T o p r e v e n t f i r e o r s h o c k h a z a r d , d o n o t e x p o s e t h i s a p p l i a n c e t o r a i n o r m o i s t u r e
DM3.OM.001026.DRMPage 7Version 1.6
Doremi Labs
1 Introduction
The Dimension-3D is a unique and highly versatile 3D format converter that incorporates HighDefinition Multimedia Interface technology, dual stream HD-SDI, and single stream HD-SDI.
The versatility of the Dimension-3D makes it suitable to fit virtually into all stereoscopic workflows.
•The Dimension-3D allows for 3D input stream format to be used with all types of display
components that are currently available. This includes high end projectors and the latest
generation 3D-ready LCD displays.
•Converts stereoscopic camera rig outputs to recorders and displays.
•Horizontal and Vertical flip allows use with any stereoscopic camera rig configuration.
•Enables double-stack 3D projection via HDMI®.
•By encoding the left and right eye streams into a single HDSDI stream and back again, the
unit becomes ideal for recording 3D content on standard HD tape and server technology.
•When coupled with a Doremi Nugget or V1 server, a cost effective 3D play-out solution is
provided in conjunction with the powerful Doremi Asset Management software.
•A two-lines LCD display and menu wheel simplify the navigation through the Dimension-
3D’s menu. A USB connection for remote operation and an infrared remote control are also
1.1 Purpose
This document provides guidance on how to use the Dimension-3D. It explains the front panel,
infrared remote control, and the Doremi Universal Interface usage. It also details how to upgrade
the firmware via a Secure Digital (SD) memory card or a USB.
1.2 Contact Information
If in need of help or assistance, please contact Doremi Labs Technical Services at
1-818-562-1101 or email at
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Doremi Labs
2 Dimension-3D Overview
2.1 Dimension-3D Description
There are many 3D delivery formats available. The 3D formats that are supported by the
Dimension-3D include the following: Dual Stream HD-SDI, Frame Packing HDMI (as defined in
HDMI specifications), Side/Side, Line/Line, Top/Bottom (Over/Under) and checkerboard. The most
common uses of the Dimension-3D are:
•Converting a Dual Stream HD-SDI to Single Stream HDMI Frame Packing signal to display
the output of a 3D HD server on a 3D LCD monitor.
•Converting a Single Stream HDMI Side/Side to a Dual Stream HD-SDI signal to display the
output of a computer on a professional 3D projector.
2.1.1 Concept
When the user feeds an input signal to the Dimension-3D and selects the proper input interface,
the unit detects the input resolution and frame rate and automatically sets the output resolution to
match the input. The only exception is when the user feeds a 2048x1080 signal on the SDI input, in
that case the output resolution will be trimmed down to 1920x1080 by removing 128 pixels, 64 from
each side. The Dimension-3D allows for selecting the output frame rate (frequency) to fit the
application. It uses the same frame rate conversion methods used on the GHX-10, which is
Doremi's high-end cross converter.
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2.1.2 3D Modes
The Dimension-3D Conversion Formats are illustrated below:
Figure 1: Dimension-3D Conversion Formats
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2.1.3 Dimension-3D Front Panel
•A snap shot of the front panel is illustrated below:
Menu WheelStatus LEDsPower LEDPower Switch
SD Card
Escape Button
Infrared Sensor
Figure 2: Dimension3D Front Panel View
•The front panel LCD screen shows the status of the Dimension-3D. It can also be used in
conjunction with the scroll wheel to modify the device settings.
•The scroll wheel with built in "Select" button and the "ESC" (escape) button can be used to
navigate the menu structure and modify the settings (Figure 2).
•The four LED indicators reflect the status of the various input signals.
•The “PWR” (power) button LED lights up when the Dimension-3D is powered on.
•The infra-red sensor can be used to remotely control the Dimension-3D (Section 4).
•A SD memory connector is available and can be used to perform firmware updates
(see Section 6 for details).
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2.1.4 Dimension-3D Rear Panel
•The Dimension 3D rear panel is illustrated below:
Figure 3: Dimension 3D Rear Panel View
•The rear panel has the following connectors:
USBUSB connector.
HDMI inHDMI input connector.
HDMI outHDMI output connector.
SDI-A outSDI output connector – Link A.
SDI-B outSDI output connector – Link B.
SDI-A inSDI input connector – Link A.
SDI-B inSDI input connector – Link B.
SYNC inSync input connector.
SYNC outSync output connector.
AES-12 inNot Supported.
AES-12 outAES audio output connector for audio tracks 1 and 2.
AES-34 inNot Supported.
AES-34 outAES audio output connector for audio tracks 3 and 4.
AES-56 inNot Supported.
AES-56 outAES audio output connector for audio tracks 5 and 6.
AES-78 inNot Supported.
AES-78 outAES audio output connector for audio tracks 7 and 8.
PowerConnector for the power adapter module.
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2.2 Dimension 3D Formats
2.2.1 Supported Formats
•1080i formats are only supported with Dual Stream, Side/Side, Line/Line and Frame
Packing 3D formats.
•2048x1080 psf (23.98 or 24 FPS) formats are only supported with Dual Stream input.
•720p, 1080p, and 2Kp formats are supported for all modes.