Doremi DCP-2000, DCP-2K4 User Manual

DCP-2000 and DCP-2K4
Digital Cinema Servers
User Manual
Version 1.5
The English version of this document is the only legally binding version. Translated versions are not legally binding and are for convenience only.
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................8
1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 SOFTWARE VERSION................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 CONTACT INFORMATION...............................................................................................................8
2 OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................9
2.1 FRONT PANEL............................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 DCP-2000 Front Panel......................................................................................................9
2.1.2 DCP-2K4 Front Panel..................................................................................................... 10
3 CINELISTER............................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 PASSWORDS............................................................................................................................ 12
4 NETWORK CONFIGURATION................................................................................................... 13
4.1 DEFAULT NETWORK CONFIGURATION........................................................................................... 13
4.2 CHANGING THE IP ADDRESS......................................................................................................13
4.3 NETWORK RESTART ................................................................................................................. 14
5 TIME ZONE CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................. 15
5.1 CHECKING THE TIME ZONE........................................................................................................ 15
5.2 CHANGING THE TIME ZONE.......................................................................................................16
6CONTROL PANEL....................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 ACCOUNT MANAGER GUI..........................................................................................................18
6.1.1 Add a New User Account................................................................................................ 19
6.1.2 Edit an Existing User Account......................................................................................... 21
6.1.3 Delete an Existing User Account.....................................................................................22
6.2 AUDIO CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................. 22
6.2.1 Channel Mapping Tab..................................................................................................... 24 Disabled Configuration..............................................................................................24 Pre-Defined Mapping Configurations........................................................................24 4 Channels......................................................................................................... 24 6 Channels......................................................................................................... 26 7 Channels......................................................................................................... 27 8 Channels......................................................................................................... 28 9 Channels......................................................................................................... 29 ISDCF................................................................................................................ 30 Custom Mapping Configuration.................................................................................32
6.2.2 Advanced Tab................................................................................................................. 33
6.2.3 SMPTE Packages........................................................................................................... 34
6.2.4 Interop Packages............................................................................................................ 34
6.3 CONTENT FEED MANAGER.........................................................................................................35
6.3.1 Quick Configuration........................................................................................................ 35
6.3.2 Scan for Server............................................................................................................... 36
6.3.3 Advanced Options Button............................................................................................... 38
6.3.4 Adding a Server Manually............................................................................................... 39 Networking the Server(s).......................................................................................... 39
6.3.5 Advanced Options........................................................................................................... 41
6.3.6 Deleting a Server............................................................................................................ 42
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6.3.7 Ingesting from a Server that was Added........................................................................ 42
6.4 CONTENT MANAGER.................................................................................................................. 44
6.4.1 Home Page..................................................................................................................... 45
6.4.2 Composition Playlists Page............................................................................................. 47 Actions Button...........................................................................................................47 Info Button................................................................................................................ 53 Properties Tab....................................................................................................53 Assets Tab ........................................................................................................ 54 SPL(s) Tab......................................................................................................... 55 KDM(s) Tab........................................................................................................58
6.4.3 Search Tool................................................................................................................... 61
6.4.4 Decryption Keys Page.................................................................................................... 62
6.4.5 Performing a KDM Sanity Check ................................................................................... 64
6.4.6 Show Playlists Page....................................................................................................... 66 Delete an SPL...........................................................................................................66 Export an SPL...........................................................................................................66
6.4.7 Information Button........................................................................................................... 67
6.4.8 Licenses Page................................................................................................................ 67
6.4.9 Delete a License............................................................................................................. 68
6.5 DEVICE CONTROLLER................................................................................................................ 69
6.6 DEVICE MANAGER..................................................................................................................... 69
6.6.1 Adding a Projector.......................................................................................................... 69
6.6.2 Removing a Device or Projector.....................................................................................71
6.6.3 Automation Libraries Management................................................................................. 72
6.6.4 Adding an eCNA Device................................................................................................. 72 Removing an eCNA Device...................................................................................... 73
6.6.5 Adding a JNior Device.................................................................................................... 73 Removing a JNior Device..........................................................................................74
6.6.6 Adding a Raw Device...................................................................................................... 74
6.6.7 Removing a Raw Device................................................................................................. 75
6.6.8 Adding a Serial Device ...................................................................................................75
6.6.9 ISE1 Device.................................................................................................................... 78
6.6.10 CSS Device.................................................................................................................. 78
6.6.11 3D Configuration........................................................................................................... 78 Dolby 3D Support....................................................................................................78 RealD 3D Support...................................................................................................78 Sensio 3D Support..................................................................................................80
6.6.12 Closed Caption Support................................................................................................ 80
6.6.13 Subtitle Engine Configuration........................................................................................ 80
6.7 DIAGNOSTIC TOOL.................................................................................................................... 82
6.8 LANGUAGE SETUP..................................................................................................................... 83
6.9 LICENSE MANAGER................................................................................................................... 86
6.9.1 Adding a License............................................................................................................ 86
6.10 LIVE MANAGER....................................................................................................................... 89
6.10.1 Creating a Live Event.................................................................................................... 90
6.10.2 Deleting a Live CPL...................................................................................................... 92
6.11 LOG MANAGER.......................................................................................................................93
6.11.1 Log Manager Configuration .......................................................................................... 94
6.12 LOG OPERATOR MANAGER....................................................................................................... 95
6.12.1 Exporting System Logs............................................................................................... 100
6.13 NETWORKING CONFIGURATION................................................................................................ 104
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6.14 TIME SETTING...................................................................................................................... 104
6.15 TOUCHSCREEN CALIBRATION.................................................................................................. 104
7 INGEST MANAGER GUI..........................................................................................................106
7.1 INGESTING CONTENT...............................................................................................................106
7.2 CONTENT TYPES.....................................................................................................................106
7.3 INGESTING CONTENT ..............................................................................................................108
7.3.1 Ingesting content From a USB Drive............................................................................108
7.4 INGESTING CONTENT FROM A REMOTE DOREMI SERVER/LMS......................................................109
7.4.1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)..........................................................................................109 Ingesting Content From a Doremi Remote Server/LMS..........................................109
7.5 INGEST PROGRESS..................................................................................................................110
7.6 PNGEST ................................................................................................................................ 111
7.6.1 How to Pngest a CPL.................................................................................................... 111
8 SHOW MANAGEMENT USING CINELISTER..........................................................................113
8.1 CINELISTER EDITOR TAB......................................................................................................... 113
9 SHOW PLAYLISTS .................................................................................................................. 115
9.1 AUDIO-VISUAL CONTENT..........................................................................................................115
9.2 SHOW PLAYLIST CREATION...................................................................................................... 117
9.2.1 How to Create a New Show Playlist..............................................................................117
9.2.2 Element Re-Ordering.................................................................................................... 118 Refresh Button........................................................................................................118 Save Button ........................................................................................................... 118
9.3 EXPORT SHOW PLAYLIST ........................................................................................................ 119
9.3.1 How to Save and Export a Show Playlist...................................................................... 119
9.4 IMPORTING A SHOW PLAYLIST................................................................................................... 120
9.4.1 How to Import an SPL .................................................................................................. 120
10 ELEMENT PROPERTIES......................................................................................................121
10.1 UNENCRYPTED CPL'S...........................................................................................................122
10.2 ENCRYPTED CPL WITH KDM VALID (MORE THAN 48 HOURS)...................................................123
10.3 ENCRYPTED CPL WITH KDM VALID (LESS THAN 48 HOURS)......................................................124
10.4 DELETING A CPL FROM THE SERVER......................................................................................125
11 PLAY 2D CONTENT IN 3D MODE........................................................................................126
11.1 3D MODE CONFIGURATION................................................................................................... 126
11.1.1 How to Set the Show Playlist Mode to 3D...................................................................126
12 ACCESSING A SHOW PLAYLIST.........................................................................................128
12.1 EDITING AN EXISTING SHOW PLAYLIST.....................................................................................129
12.2 DELETING A SHOW PLAYLIST.................................................................................................. 130
13 AUTOMATION CUES............................................................................................................. 131
13.1 MACRO AUTOMATION CUES....................................................................................................131
13.2 MACRO CREATION USING MACRO EDITOR............................................................................... 131
13.3 EDITING A MACRO AUTOMATION CUE..................................................................................... 133
13.4 INSERTING ACTIONS INTO MACRO CUES..................................................................................134
13.4.1 Add a GPO Action to the Macro Automation Cue.......................................................136
13.4.2 Playback Action Insertion............................................................................................137
13.4.3 Video Output Action Insertion..................................................................................... 138
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13.4.4 Dowser Action Insertion.............................................................................................. 138
13.4.5 Projector Channel Switch Insertion............................................................................. 139
13.5 AUTOMATION LIBRARY USAGE................................................................................................ 140
13.5.1 Using Automation Library............................................................................................140
13.5.2 Resulting Macro Setting.............................................................................................. 141
13.5.3 Action List Management.............................................................................................142 Action Re-Ordering.............................................................................................. 142 Action Edition........................................................................................................142 Action Removal.....................................................................................................142
13.5.4 Macro Saving.............................................................................................................. 142
14 TRIGGER CUE TAB............................................................................................................... 143
14.1 TRIGGER CUE TAB OVERVIEW................................................................................................ 143
14.2 TRIGGER CUE CREATION.......................................................................................................144
14.2.1 Connection to an Event............................................................................................... 145
14.2.2 Connection to a Signal Event...................................................................................... 146
14.3 TRIGGER CUE SAVING........................................................................................................... 147
14.4 PRE-DEFINED MACRO USAGE............................................................................................... 148
14.5 DEFAULT CUES.................................................................................................................... 148
14.6 STARTUP SCRIPTS...............................................................................................................148
15 ADD A TRIGGER CUE TO A SHOW PLAYLIST.................................................................... 149
15.1 ADD A TRIGGER CUE FOR ONE ELEMENT OF THE SHOW PLAYLIST..............................................150
16 CINELISTER PLAYBACK TAB..............................................................................................151
16.1 PLAYBACK AN EXISTING SPL.................................................................................................. 151
16.2 PLAYBACK PROGRESS ......................................................................................................... 153
16.3 PAUSE MODE....................................................................................................................... 154
16.4 ADJUSTING THE DEFAULT VALUES...........................................................................................155
16.5 PLAYBACK OF A LIVE EVENT ..................................................................................................157
16.5.1 How to Add a Live Event CPL.....................................................................................157
16.5.2 How to Create and Play an SPL Using a Live Event CPL...........................................157
16.6 PLAYBACK LOCK MODE........................................................................................................159
16.7 PLAYBACK ALERT MESSAGES................................................................................................ 160
17 CINELISTER SCHEDULE TAB..............................................................................................162
17.1.1 How to Schedule Playback......................................................................................... 162
17.2 SCHEDULE PLAYBACK MESSAGES..........................................................................................164
17.2.1 Schedule Conflict........................................................................................................ 164
17.2.2 Scheduled Show Did Not Start Error...........................................................................165
17.2.3 Show Playlist Removal............................................................................................... 165
17.3 PLAYBACK RECOVERY DUE TO POWER FAILURE......................................................................166
17.3.1 How to Recover Playback........................................................................................... 166
17.4 SHUTTING DOWN DURING PLAYBACK......................................................................................167
18 CONTROL TAB...................................................................................................................... 168
18.1 DOWNLOAD THE FILE FROM THE FTP...................................................................................... 168
18.2 CONFIGURING THE CONTROL TAB............................................................................................168
18.2.1 Configuration Example................................................................................................ 169
18.2.2 Basic Example of controlview.xml File........................................................................ 171
19 VIRTUAL KEYBOARD............................................................................................................ 173
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19.1 HOW TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL KEYBOARD............................................................................... 173
20 TIME ADJUSTMENT............................................................................................................... 174
20.1 HOW TO ADJUST THE SYSTEM TIME.......................................................................................174
21 ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................ 176
22 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY.........................................................................................177
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
Hardware Warranty
The hardware warranty can be found at the following location:
China Compulsory Certification (CCC)
该产品仅适用于海拔2000 米以下地区
声 明
此为A 级产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能会造成无线电干扰。在这种情况下,可能需要用户对其干扰采取切实
DCP-2000 KC EMC Statement
(User Information)
기 종 별 사 용 자 안 내 문
A 급 기기
Class A Equipments (Broadcasting and communication equipments for office work)
Seller and user shall be noticed that this equipment is suitable for electromagnetic equipments
for office work (Class A) and it can be used outside home.
이 기기는 업무용(A 급) 전자파적합기기로서 판매자 또는 사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기 바라며 , 가정외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.
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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This manual is intended to guide the user through the use of the DCP-2000 and DCP-2K4. It also contains information on how to properly use the CineLister application.
1.2 Software Version
This manual is for use with software version 2.4.x and higher.
1.3 Contact Information
If in need of help or assistance, please contact Doremi Labs Technical Services:
24/7 Technical Services line: + 1-866-484-4004 Technical Services Email:
24/7 Technical Services line: + 33 (0) 492-952-847 Technical Services Link:
Technical Services line: + 044-966-4855 Technical Services Email:
Australia ~ China ~ India ~ Indonesia ~ Korea ~ Malaysia ~ New Zealand ~ Philippines ~ Singapore ~ Taiwan ~ Thailand
Technical Services Email:
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2 Overview
The DCP-2000 and DCP-2K4 are high quality DCI JPEG-2000 servers capable of playing movie or trailer packages in MXF format at up to 250Mbits/sec. The DCP-2000 and DCP-2K4 also support MPEG2 Interop movies, pre-show, and alternative content playback.
2.1 Front Panel
2.1.1 DCP-2000 Front Panel
A DCP-2000 front panel with an LCD screen is shown below:
Figure 1: DCP-2000
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Figure 2: DCP-2000 HDD Cage
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2.1.2 DCP-2K4 Front Panel
A DCP-2K4 front panel is shown below:
Figure 3: DCP-2K4 Front Panel
Figure 4: DCP-2K4 HDD Cage
POWER (PWR): The LED lights turn green when the unit is powered on.
HDD: Red LED light indicate access to the Hard Disk Drives.
The door on the right on both types of units covers the "POWER" switch and the hard disks
that make up the RAID5 storage.
Each hard disk drive has a blue button that allows removal of the drive from the chassis.
Be careful not to remove the hard disk drive when the DCP-2000 or DCP-2K4 is running.
There is one USB 2.0 connector on the center of the front panel that can accommodate an
external hard drive as well as a mouse or keyboard.
The left side of the DCP-2000 front panel contains an LCD screen.
On the DCP-2000 front panel, the LCD can be turned on or off by pressing on the LCD
power button using the stylus attached to the front panel. This button is located behind the stylus (Figure 1).
Note: The use of the LCD screen requires that the two rear panel VGA connectors are linked using the VGA cable provided with the DCP-2000.
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3 CineLister
Every time the user logs out of the CineLister application and then logs back in again, a “Login Authentication” window will appear (Figure 5). The default login name is “doremi” and the Password is “doremi.” However, the administrator may have changed and or added other login usernames and passwords. Please contact the administrator for the password.
Figure 5: Login Authentication Window
Figure 6: CineLister Application and Menu List
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The CineLister application will appear every time the unit is turned on or rebooted. The Menu button is where users can access various applications as well as the Control Panel (Figure 6).
3.1 Passwords
You will be prompted to enter a password for various tasks when using the CineLister application. Your administrator determines the level of security.
Note: Please contact your administrator for passwords.
The following are types of passwords you may be asked for:
Admin (Administrator)
Note: In Figure 7 the user is asked to verify the username and password.
Figure 7: Password Confirmation Window
Note: The server will prompt you to the type of password that is needed for a certain task. For
example, the authentication required in the window below is “ShowManager” privileges, hence the server will automatically prompt you to the “Manager” username. However, you can also select a different username from the drop-down list as shown in Figure 7 above, depending on the level of security that your administrator has provided for you.
Figure 8: Password Confirmation Window - Manager Username
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4 Network Configuration
4.1 Default Network Configuration
All servers are shipped with a default IP address of on the Ethernet port (Eth1) and a DHCP assigned dynamic IP address on the Ethernet port (Eth0).
4.2 Changing the IP Address
To change the IP address of the server, select Menu → System → Networking
Configuration and then follow the steps below:
A window will appear asking for a password as illustrated below:
Figure 9: Password Confirmation Window
Follow the steps according to the "Ethernet Networking Configuration" Wizard.
Press Enter to confirm the configuration of each page of the "Ethernet Networking
Configuration" Wizard. Press "Tab" to select an option.
Enter the desired system’s hostname and then press Enter (Note: It is a good idea to put the circuit location/screen number in here. For example, “AMC_bir_scr1,” as it will be easier to identify when connecting via VNC and in the logs).
Enter the desired system domain name and then press Enter.
Select Yes to set eth0 and then press Enter.
Select No for Removable Device and then press Enter.
Select No for automatically configure device with DHCP and then press Enter.
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Figure 10: Network Configuration
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Enter the desired IP address for eth0 and then press Enter.
Enter the desired default gateway or leave empty and then press Enter.
Enter the desired subnet mask and then press Enter.
Select Yes to configure eth1 and then press Enter.
Select No for Removable device and then press Enter.
Select No for automatically configure device with DHCP and then press Enter.
Enter the IP address of eth1 and select OK – in the example, enter and
then press Enter.
Note: Do not put leading zeros (0) in front of any numbers. For example, do not input
Enter the desired default gateway or leave empty and then press Enter.
Enter the desired subnet mask and select OK – in our example, enter the same subnet
mask as the projector: and then press Enter.
Enter the IP Address of the System's Domain Name Server (or leave empty) and then press Enter to exit the wizard.
To verify the setup, go to Menu → Doremi Apps. → Diagnostic Tool and verify the IP Address under the Diagnostic Tool System Tab.
4.3 Network Restart
If for any reason the network needs to be restarted, use the terminal command line below:
Type: /etc/init.d/networking restart <Enter>
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5 Time Zone Configuration
Units are by default set to Pacific Time Zone (PST or PDT). This section provides information on how to check and/or change the time zone.
5.1 Checking the Time Zone
To confirm that the time zone of the unit is set correctly, open a terminal window by going to
the “Menu → System → Terminal” menu.
Type: date and then press Enter.
The current date, time, and time zone will be displayed (Figure 11).
Figure 11: Terminal Window with Date Displayed
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5.2 Changing the Time Zone
To change the time zone, follow the steps below in the terminal window
Type: su and then press Enter.
Type the "root" password to log in as "root" – consult the system administrator to receive
the root password or Doremi to know the default root password.
Type: rwdo tzconfig and then press Enter.
Type: Yes (to confirm the change).
Select the number of the geographic area for the time change (Figure 12).
Figure 12: Terminal Window with Time Zone Wizard
Once the geographic area number has been selected, press Enter.
Type the name of the city / region that you would like the time zone set to (e.g., Singapore,
Caribbean, PST, etc.).
Press Enter.
After typing the city / region, the unit will now be set to the desired configuration.
Exit the terminal window.
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6 Control Panel
To access the Control Panel window, go to Menu and click on Control Panel.
The following window will appear:
Figure 13: Control Panel Window
The Control Panel window provides access to various applications as listed below: See Figure 13 above for more information.
1. Account Manager: Allows the user to add/remove/edit user accounts.
2. Audio Configuration: Allows the user to route all audio tracks to operator-designated outputs (only SMPTE content).
3. Content Feed Manager: Allows the user to add an FTP ingest server.
4. Content Manager: Allows the user to browse, manage and export all the content available on the player including: ShowPlaylists, CPLs, KDMs and Doremi Licenses.
5. Device Controller: Allows the user to create/edit/register devices in a simplified manner.
6. Device Manager: Allows the user to add different projectors, close caption devices, subtitle devices, etc.
7. Diagnostic Tool: Provides the user with Diagnostic information about the system. See document “Diagnostic Tool User Guide.”
8. Language Setup window: Allows the user to change the language used on the unit.
9. License Manager: Displays and manages software licenses installed on the unit.
10. Live Manager: Allows the user to create a device as source of live events.
11. Log Manager: Allows the user to automatically configure SMPTE and System logs.
12. Log Operator Maintenance: Allows the user to log important information (e.g., hard disk replacement, projector lamp replacement, etc.). This application helps the system administrator keep track of any change operated in a theater booth.
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13. Network Configuration: Set up and modify network connections.
14. Time Setting: Due to DCI requirements, users can only set the time to no more than 30 minutes per calendar year on a Dolphin DCI FIPS 1.0 board. For Dolphin DCI FIPS 1.2 boards, you can only adjust the RTC (Real Time Clock) time within DCI allowed-time of 6 minutes per calendar year.
15. Touch Screen Calibration: Initiates the touch screen calibration process (only applicable to models with a touchscreen).
6.1 Account Manager GUI
To access the Account Manager GUI, double-click on the Account Manager icon within the Control Panel window or select it and click the Start” button located on the right-bottom side of the Control Panel window.
Input the appropriate password to continue and press the Ok button.
Figure 14: Password Confirmation Window
The following window will appear:
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Figure 15: Account Manager GUI
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The Account Manager GUI allows the user to edit, add, and delete user accounts (Figure
6.1.1 Add a New User Account
To add a new user account, click the Add button (Figure 15).
The following window will appear:
Figure 16: Account Manager GUI – New User Addition
Enter the username (to be used for log in) in the upper empty field and the associated “Full Name” used to describe the user. Both names will be displayed in the Control Panel window after the new user addition is completed.
Define the password by clicking the “Set Password” button.
The following window will appear:
Figure 17: Password Definition Window
Note: The user will be provided information about the strength of the chosen password. Click the
“Set” button when the appropriate password is defined. Confirm the password in the “Confirm” field. The user privileges need to be defined using the list-box.
Click the Set button to save the new password.
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Select the proper privileges. They are listed below from the lowest level to the highest level of privileges:
1) Projectionist: Projectionist is a standard user allowed to use the Doremi applications present on the unit without changing the configuration.
2) Show Manager: In addition to Projectionist's privileges, a Show Manager user is allowed to ingest and delete content.
3) SuperUser: In addition to Show Manager's right, a SuperUser has the privileges to configure the unit. For example, the SuperUser can update the firmware and software.
4) Administrator: An Administrator user will be a user in the group of “root.” The Administrator can perform all of the privileges listed above in addition to creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts.
Figure 18: Account Manager GUI – Privileges Definition
Furthermore, two different log in types are available for the user:
1. Application: Virtual user account only works with Doremi applications.
2. System: Regular Linux user account that can be used anywhere on the system. For example, on Linux terminal windows.
Select the proper user account type and click the Save button.
The new user account will be visible in the main Account Manager GUI as illustrated below:
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Figure 19: Account Manager GUI – New User Added
6.1.2 Edit an Existing User Account
To edit an existing user account, select it within the Account Manager GUI and click the Edit button.
The following dialog box will appear allowing the user to edit the user properties but not the username or the log in type.
Figure 20: Account Manager GUI – User Properties Editing
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Click the Save button when finished editing the settings (Figure 20).
Click the Close button when finished with the configuration (Figure 20).
6.1.3 Delete an Existing User Account
To delete an existing user account, select it within the main Account Manager GUI and click the Delete button.
The user will be asked for a confirmation. Clicking Yes will delete the user account.
Figure 21: User Account Deletion Confirmation
6.2 Audio Configuration
The Audio Configuration application allows the user to route all audio tracks in an SMPTE/Interop package to operator-designated outputs. The main purpose of the mapping is to allow users to move the HI or VI channels to a specific output. The Audio Configuration application is available in the Control Panel.
To open the Audio Configuration application, go to Menu -> Control Panel -> Audio
Configuration (Figure 22).
Figure 22: Control Panel with Audio Configuration Icon Selected
An “admin” password and confirmation will be needed to perform the operation.
The Audio Configuration window will appear.
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Channel Mapping
Figure 23: Audio Configuration - Default Setting
When first launched, the Audio Configuration application opens in the Channel Mapping tab. The Template Mapping will be set to Disabled (Figure 23).
Note: All the templates, except “Disabled,” can be modified directly instead of having to select “Custom.” Once the template is edited, the “Template Mapping” will read “Custom.”
Available configurations include:
Disabled: This setting is the default and as such cannot be mapped (Section
4 channels: This is a pre-set configuration.
6 channels: This is a pre-set configuration.
7 channels: This is a pre-set configuration.
8 channels: This is a pre-set configuration.
9 channels: This is a pre-set configuration.
ISDCF: This is a pre-set configuration.
Custom: This setting allows the user to create his/her own custom audio
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6.2.1 Channel Mapping Tab Disabled Configuration
Figure 24: Disabled Configuration
Disabled: This setting is the default and as such cannot be mapped. The Disabled mapping
configuration will perform pass-through mapping, meaning channel number "X" of the CPL audio track will be routed to audio output number "X" (variable) of the server. "X" being a number between 1 and 16. When the configuration is grayed-out, the user cannot change the configuration. Pre-Defined Mapping Configurations 4 Channels
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 25):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is Input: ch.04 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.05 is Surround (S): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Surround (S) audio channel.
Channels ch.06 - ch.14 are pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing
the CPL's audio channel “X.” “X” will be a value between 6 and 14.
ch.15 is HI: Output ch.15 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.16 is VI: Output ch.16 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
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Figure 25: Audio Mapping Set to 4 Channels
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Doremi Labs 6 Channels
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 26):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is LFE / Screen (Sub-Woofer): Output ch.04 will be playing the CPL's LFE / Screen
(Sub-Woofer) audio channel.
ch.05 is Left Surround (Ls): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Left Surround (Ls)
audio channel.
ch.06 is Right Surround (Rs): Output ch.06 will be playing the CPL's Right Surround (Rs)
audio channel.
Channels ch.07 - ch.14 are pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the CPL's audio channel “X.” “X” will be a value between 7 and 14.
ch.15 is HI: Output ch.15 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.16 is VI: Output ch.16 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
Figure 26: Audio Mapping Set to 6 Channels
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Doremi Labs 7 Channels
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 27):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is LFE / Screen (Sub-Woofer): Output ch.04 will be playing the CPL's LFE / Screen
(Sub-Woofer) audio channel.
ch.05 is Left Surround (Ls): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Left Surround (Ls) audio channel.
ch.06 is Right Surround (Rs): Output ch.06 will be playing the CPL's Right Surround (Rs) audio channel.
ch.07 is Input: ch.07 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.08 is Input: ch.08 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.09 is Center Surround (Cs): Output ch.09 will be playing the CPL's Center Surround
(Cs) audio channel.
Channels ch.10 - ch.14 are pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing
the CPL's audio channel “X.” “X” will be a value between 10 and 14.
ch.15 is HI: Output ch.15 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.16 is VI: Output ch.16 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
Figure 27: Audio Mapping Set to 7 Channels
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Doremi Labs 8 Channels
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 28):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is LFE / Screen (Sub-Woofer): Output ch.04 will be playing the CPL's LFE / Screen
(Sub-Woofer) audio channel.
ch.05 is Left Surround (Ls): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Left Surround (Ls) audio channel.
ch.06 is Right Surround (Rs): Output ch.06 will be playing the CPL's Right Surround (Rs) audio channel.
ch.07 is Left Center (Lc): Output ch.07 will be playing the CPL's Left Center (Lc) audio
ch.08 is Right Center (Rc): Output ch.08 will be playing the CPL's Right Center (Rc) audio
Channels ch.9 - ch.14 are pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing
the CPL's audio channel “X.” “X” will be a value between 9 and 14.
ch.15 is HI: Output ch.15 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.16 is VI: Output ch.16 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
Figure 28: Audio Mapping Set to 8 Channels
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Doremi Labs 9 Channels
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 29):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is LFE / Screen (Sub-Woofer): Output ch.04 will be playing the CPL's LFE / Screen
(Sub-Woofer) audio channel.
ch.05 is Left Surround (Ls): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Left Surround (Ls) audio channel.
ch.06 is Right Surround (Rs): Output ch.06 will be playing the CPL's Right Surround (Rs) audio channel.
ch.07 is Left Center (Lc): Output ch.07 will be playing the CPL's Left Center (Lc) audio
ch.08 is Right Center (Rc): Output ch.08 will be playing the CPL's Right Center (Rc) audio channel.
ch.09 is Center Surround (Cs): Output ch.09 will be playing the CPL's Center Surround
(Cs) audio channel.
Channels ch.10 - ch.14 are pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the CPL's audio channel “X.” “X” will be a value between 10 and 14.
ch.15 is HI: Output ch.15 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.16 is VI: Output ch.16 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
Figure 29: Audio Mapping Set to 9 Channels
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Doremi Labs ISDCF
This configuration is defined as follows (Figure 30):
ch.01 is Left (L): Output ch.01 will be playing the CPL's Left (L) audio channel.
ch.02 is Right (R): Output ch.02 will be playing the CPL's Right (R) audio channel.
ch.03 is Center (C): Output ch.03 will be playing the CPL's Center (C) audio channel.
ch.04 is LFE / Screen (Sub-Woofer): Output ch.04 will be playing the CPL's LFE / Screen
(Sub-Woofer) audio channel.
ch.05 is Left Surround (Ls): Output ch.05 will be playing the CPL's Left Surround (Ls) audio channel.
ch.06 is Right Surround (Rs): Output ch.06 will be playing the CPL's Right Surround (Rs) audio channel.
ch.07 is HI: Output ch.07 will be playing the CPL's Hearing Impaired (HI) audio channel.
ch.08 is VI: Output ch.08 will be playing the CPL's Narration (VI) audio channel.
ch.09 is Left Center (Lc): Output ch.09 will be playing the CPL's Left Center (Lc) audio
ch.10 is Right Center (Rc): Output ch.10 will be playing the CPL's Right Center (Rc) audio
ch.11 is Left Rear Surround (Lrs): Output ch.11 will be playing the CPL's Left Rear
Surround (Lrs) audio channel.
ch.12 is Right Rear Surround (Rrs): Output ch.12 will be playing the CPL's Right Rear
Surround (Rrs) audio channel.
ch.13 is Input: ch.13 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.14 is Input: ch.14 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.15 is Input: ch.15 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
ch.16 is Input: ch.16 is pass-through, meaning the output channel “X” will be playing the
CPL's audio channel “X.”
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