Doremi DCP-2000 User Manual

D i a g n o s t i c T o o l
User Manual
Version 1.7
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
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1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Software Version................................................................................................................4
1.3 Contact.............................................................................................................................. 4
2 Diagnostic Tool User Interface.............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 5
3 Detailed Report....................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Detailed Report Overview.................................................................................................. 6
4 System Tab.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 System Tab Overview........................................................................................................ 8
5 Storage Tab........................................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Storage Tab Overview..................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Storage Tab Features...................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Analyze............................................................................................................................ 13
5.4 Disk Cleanup....................................................................................................................14
5.4.1 Files to be Deleted .................................................................................................... 14
5.5 Repair ............................................................................................................................. 16
5.6 Reinitialize a RAID........................................................................................................... 18
5.6.1 How to Reinitialize a RAID......................................................................................... 18
6 Drive Replacement................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Degraded RAID................................................................................................................ 20
6.2 Drive Replacement – Step 1/4......................................................................................... 21
6.3 Drive Replacement – Step 2/4......................................................................................... 22
6.4 Drive Replacement – Step 3/4......................................................................................... 23
6.4.1 Identifying Which Drive To Replace........................................................................... 23
6.4.2 Removing the Old Drive............................................................................................. 24
6.4.3 Inserting a New Drive................................................................................................. 25
6.5 Drive Replacement – Step 4/4......................................................................................... 26
6.6 Rebuild Progress.............................................................................................................. 27
6.7 Adding the Fourth Drive .................................................................................................. 27
7 Managing a Drive.................................................................................................................. 29
7.1 Disable a Drive.................................................................................................................29
7.1.1 How to Disable a Drive.............................................................................................. 29
8 Hardware Tab........................................................................................................................ 31
8.1 Hardware Tab Overview.................................................................................................. 31
9 Media Block Tab.................................................................................................................... 32
9.1 Media Block Tab Overview...............................................................................................32
10 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 34
11 Document Revision History............................................................................................... 35
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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on how to use the Diagnostic Tool application. The Diagnostic Tool application can be used with the following servers: DCP-2000, DCP-2K4, DSV-J2, and ShowVault. This application provides information for each drive, detailed reports, and allows the user to replace and rebuild a failed RAID.

1.2 Software Version

This document complies with DCP-2000, DCP-2K4, DSV-J2, and ShowVault software version
2.2.x and higher. If you cannot upgrade your software, contact Doremi for older versions of this document.

1.3 Contact

If in need of help or assistance, please contact your nearest Doremi Labs Technical Support at:
24/7 Technical Support line: +1-866-484-4004
Technical Support Email:
24/7 Technical Support line: +33 (0) 492-952-847
Technical Support Link:
Technical Support line: +044-966-4855
Technical Support Email:
Australia ~ China ~ India ~ Indonesia ~ Korea ~ Malaysia ~ New Zealand ~ Philippines ~ Singapore ~ Taiwan ~ Thailand
Technical Support Email:
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2 Diagnostic Tool User Interface

2.1 Overview

To run the Diagnostic Tool application, go to the Menu of the server, then to Doremi Apps. and choose the Diagnostic Tool.
The following graphical user interface (GUI) will appear on the screen:
Report Button
Figure 1: Diagnostic Tool - System Tab
The GUI presented above is composed of four different tabs:
System: Provides overall information concerning the system itself
Storage: Provides information concerning the storage and allows the user to repair,
reinitialize, and replace a drive
Hardware: Provides information related to the hardware
Media Block: Provides information on issues relating to the media block (e.g.,
Dolphin DCI or the IMB)
The Quit button is used to close the Diagnostic Tool GUI.
Note: At any time, a detailed report can be generated by clicking the Detailed Report button located on the bottom-left corner of the interface (Figure 1). Also, see the Section, “Detailed Report,” for more information on this feature.
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3 Detailed Report

3.1 Detailed Report Overview

To generate a report log, please follow the steps below:
Note: If possible, generate the report log while there is no playback.
Open the Diagnostic Tool GUI by clicking on menu → Doremi Apps. → Diagnostic Tool.
Insert a USB flash drive into an open USB port on the unit. Close the Ingest Manager
window when it appears.
Click on the Detailed Report button in the Diagnostic Tool GUI (this button is located in each of the four tabs).
Click on the device/location from the window that pops up (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Detailed Report Location Selection
Click the OK button.
When the report is completed, you will be given the option to eject the USB stick.
Choose Yes to proceed.
Figure 3: Detailed Report Generation
When the generation is complete, a confirmation message providing the complete report file path is displayed on the screen as shown below: Click OK to proceed (Figure 4).
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Figure 4: Confirmation Message
Remove the USB stick and send the report file to your local Doremi Technical Support Contact.
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4 System Tab

4.1 System Tab Overview

The System tab provides general information related to the server, such as: Serial Number, Software/Firmware Version numbers, IP addresses, Product Name, Base Board, Watermark, and Security Manager version.
The System tab also displays the status of the playback and the Composition Playlist UUID (Figure 5). Whenever there is any associated KDM information for the CPL, this information will also be displayed (Figure 6).
The System tab is illustrated below:
Playback is
in Play
Figure 5: System Tab – Playback in Play Mode
Figure 6: System Tab – KDM Information
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in Pause
Figure 7: System Tab - Playback in Pause Mode
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5 Storage Tab

5.1 Storage Tab Overview

The Storage tab consists of two sub-views: RAID Sub-View and Disk Sub-View (Figure
Disk Sub-
Figure 8: Storage Tab Window
First, the RAID Sub-View lists all the RAID builds configured on the server.
Status shows
the health of
the disk
Figure 9: Storage Tab- RAID Sub-View
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Second, the DISK Sub-View lists all the disks configured in the selected RAID.
o Click on a Disk from the list on the left part of the GUI and the information
pertaining to it will be displayed in the right part of the GUI (Figure 10 ).
DISK Sub-View
Figure 10: Storage Tab- Disk Sub-View
DISK Sub-View
Note that this
information will
only be relevant
if the playback is
Figure 11: Storage Tab Disk Sub-View For Units With Up To 4 Drives
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