Doremi Asset Manager User Manual

User Manual
Version 2.2
The Asset Manager manual complies with the following products:
Doremi Asset Manager Version 5.2.x; Nugget Version 2.x; Nugget Post Version 5.x; NUG SDI
Version 94; V1-HD, V1-UHD, V1-UHD/LE Version 4.70
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................5
1.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................5
1.2 DATABASE NOTICE:................................................................................................................6
1.3 NUGGET POST..................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 HOW TO CONNECT TO THE NUGGET: ........................................................................................6
1.5 USING DOREMI ASSET MANAGER WITH V1 UNITS........................................................................6
1.5.1 How to Connect to the V1.........................................................................................6
1.5.2 Maximum File Transfer Speed.................................................................................. 7
1.6 RELEASE NOTES...................................................................................................................8
2 DOREMI ASSET MANAGER SET UP..................................................................................9
2.1 INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 SOFTWARE LICENSE .............................................................................................................9
2.3 TOOL BAR ICON DESCRIPTION................................................................................................10
2.4 DATABASE AND DROP-IN FOLDERS SETUP................................................................................ 11
2.4.1 Database Folder.....................................................................................................11
2.4.2 How to Create a New Database Folder...................................................................11
2.4.3 Deleting Clips from the Database............................................................................13
2.4.4 Drop-In Folder......................................................................................................... 13
3 USING DOREMI ASSET MANAGER.................................................................................. 15
3.1 OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 DEVICE CONTROL............................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Device Manager...................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 Device Status.......................................................................................................... 19
3.2.3 Device Access........................................................................................................20
3.2.4 Info Tab................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.5 Device Settings Window.........................................................................................25
3.2.6 Playlist Tab ............................................................................................................30
3.2.7 Doremi Asset Manager Database...........................................................................36
3.3 TRANSFERRING FILES TO THE DEVICE (NUGGET OR V1) .............................................................40
3.3.1 Using Windows Explorer......................................................................................... 40
3.3.2 Using DoremiAM Clip Database to Transfer a Clip to the Device ...........................42
3.3.3 Using the Drop-In Folders....................................................................................... 43
3.3.4 Drag and Drop........................................................................................................43
3.4 ADDING FILES TO THE DOREMIAM DATABASE........................................................................... 43
3.4.1 Using Windows Explorer to Add Files to the Database...........................................44
3.4.2 Using the Drop-In Folders to Add Files to the Database.........................................48
3.4.3 Using the Drop-Box to Add Files to the Database...................................................48
3.4.4 Using DoremiAM to Add Files to the Database.......................................................49
3.4.5 Using the Device to Add files to the Database........................................................50
3.5 TRANSFERRING VIDEO FILES.................................................................................................. 54
3.5.1 Doremi Asset Manager Supported File Formats and Codec's.................................55
3.5.2 Profiles.................................................................................................................... 56
3.5.3 Nugget Specific Parameters...................................................................................57
3.5.4 Using Profiles.......................................................................................................... 58
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3.5.5 The Pre-Defined Profiles.......................................................................................... 58
3.5.6 The Default Profile..................................................................................................58
3.5.7 Generating Side/Side and Top/Bottom 3D Files......................................................59
3.5.8 How to Generate a 3D clip (Nugget Specific)..........................................................59
3.5.9 Nugget and V1 Special Features............................................................................60
3.6 AUDIO DUBBING.................................................................................................................. 61
3.7 SCHEDULING TRANSFERS......................................................................................................64
3.8 TASKS MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................65
3.9 SETTING THE NUGGET DATE AND TIME.................................................................................... 68
4 THE ADVANCED MENU..................................................................................................... 70
4.1 DEVICE STATUS.................................................................................................................. 70
4.2 SEND COMMAND.................................................................................................................70
5 FIRMWARE UPGRADE......................................................................................................72
5.1 UPGRADING THE NUGGET FIRMWARE AND NUG-SDI ................................................................72
5.2 UPGRADING THE FIRMWARE OF THE V1....................................................................................74
6 FINAL CUT PRO PLUG-IN (MAC ONLY)........................................................................... 76
6.1 USING THE FINAL CUT PRO PLUG-IN......................................................................................76
7 SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS............................................................................................ 80
7.1 NUGGET SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS........................................................................................ 80
7.2 V1 COMPLIANT VIDEO FORMATS............................................................................................83
7.2.1 V1-HD Additional Formats......................................................................................83
8 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY.....................................................................................84
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Software License Agreement
The software license agreement can be found at the following location:
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1 Introduction

Doremi Asset Manager simplifies the selection and Ethernet transfer of video files such as Quick Time, MXF, AVI, and WMV to the Nugget and V1's internal hard drive. The operator simply adds the desired files into Asset Manager's clip database and the software will transparently handle the synchronization and transfer of content to the device.
Doremi Asset Manager (DoremiAM) is designed to control and transfer media files to Doremi Nugget Players and Doremi V1 servers (HD, UHD and UHD/LE series), which will simply be referred as V1 throughout this manual.
Note: The Doremi Asset Manager will be referred to as DoremiAM throughout this manual.
The Doremi Asset Manager Manual complies with the following products:
Doremi Asset Manager Version 5.2.x;
Nugget version 2.x;
Nugget Post Version 5.x;
NUG SDI Version 94; and
V1-HD, V1-UHD, V1-UHD/LE Version 4.70 or higher (Note: Only serial numbers above
20100 are supported*).
The Asset Manager is the only software utility you need to manage your database, playback files and upgrade the firmware of your unit.
The Major Features added to the Asset Manager Version 5.1.x include:
Multi-Thread support
V1 Firmware upgrade
Share Database between computers
Final Cut Pro Plug-In for Mac Users only

1.1 System Requirements

Doremi AM software works on Windows XP Professional or Windows 7 and Mac OS X operat­ing systems.
Windows: OS : XP, Vista, Windows 7. RAM : 1GB minimum, recommended 512MB/core (example Quad Core => 2 GB). Pentium IV 3.0GHz, recommended Quad Core.
OS: 10.6.X RAM : 1GB minimum, recommended 512MB/core (example Quad Core => 2 GB). Dual core, recommended Quad Core.
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1.2 Database Notice:

The database structure for this version of Doremi Asset Manager has changed and is not backwards compatible with version 5.0.0 or lower. When the software loads for the first time, we suggest that you create a new database instead of using an existing one.
In addition to Elementary, Program and Transport stream MPEG2 files, DoremiAM can transfer Quick Time, AVI, WMV, MXF and Image Sequence files to all supported devices listed above.

1.3 Nugget Post

The Nugget Post is a special version of the Nugget:
This unit is designed for Post Production Applications;
It does not have Play-list capabilities and works only with I-Only files;
This version is designed to support variable speed commands such as:
- Fast Forward
- Rewind
- Jog
- Shuttle, etc.
When DoremiAM is connected to a Nugget Post, some additional options will appear. These options will be mentioned and explained in this manual in more detail. Note: Such options are not always demonstrated by a screen capture.

1.4 How to Connect to the Nugget:

To connect to the Nugget your PC has to have an IP Address within the same range as the Nugget (ex: if the Nugget's IP is, set your PC's IP to you can use a crossover cable or an Ethernet switch with 2 standard Ethernet cables.

1.5 Using Doremi Asset Manager with V1 Units

The V1 is a random access Digital Video Server with recording capabilities.
The V1 line of products includes uncompressed video servers (8 and 10 bit encoding) and compressed video servers; the trade off is between storage requirements and video quality.
When DoremiAM is connected to a V1 (HD, UHD or UHD/LE), some additional options will appear and other options will not be active. These options will be mentioned throughout this manual.
Note: The connection between your V1 and PC needs to be on a separate network isolated from the main network. Use a separate NIC and separate network to connect to you V1.

1.5.1 How to Connect to the V1

To connect to the V1, your PC has to have an IP within the same range as the V1 (for example, if the V1's IP is, set your PC's IP to you can use a crossover cable or an Ethernet switch with 2 standard Ethernet cables.
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Doremi Labs Inc. To Find the IP Address of the V1
Go to OPTION+MENU (00).
Press the ++ button until “IP” is displayed.
These are the first two octets of the IP address.
To view the second two octets press the TOGGLE button.

1.5.2 Maximum File Transfer Speed

In order to achieve the maximum speed during file transfer to and from you V1 you need to set the Jumbo packet setting of you NIC to its maximum Value.
Note: The Jumbo Packet Setting only applies for V1 units with a gigabit Ethernet card and firmware versions above 4.70d. To set the Jumbo Packets
Open the System Control Panel.
Select Device Manager
From the Device Manager expand the Network Adapters
Right-click on the NIC you are using to connect to your V1 and select properties
From the properties window Select the Advanced Tab.
From the “Property” list select “Jumbo Packet”
Use the drop down box to set it to its maximum value.
Press OK.
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Figure 1: Setting Jumbo Packets

1.6 Release Notes

Always refer to the release notes attached with the DoremiAM software package for most recent
features and bug fixes.
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2 Doremi Asset Manager Set Up

2.1 Installation

How to install the DoremiAM application:
You can download the latest version of Doremi Asset Manager from the Doremi website:
The downloaded file will be a compressed folder with a title like: “Doremi Asset Manager-”
Note: For Mac users, the file will be named
Note: This is an example, the numbers you will see may vary.
The Installer naming convention is as follows:
The first part (e.g. 4.4.40 indicates the DoremiAM version number
The second part (e.g. 2.0.0-0) indicates the Nugget firmware number
The third part (e.g.5.0.0-0) indicates the Nugget Post firmware number
The fourth part (e.g. 94) indicates the NUG-SDI(serial digital interface) firmware #
The fifth part (e.g. 4.70) indicates the V1 firmware number
To install Doremi Asset manager, unzip the file and double-click the installer, then follow the instructions to complete the instillation.
Note: It is recommended to reboot you computer after installing Doremi Asset Manager.

2.2 Software License

Without a software license Doremi Asset Manager version 5.0.0 and above will be installed in evaluation mode which will burn a video watermark and have a clip time limitation on all newly generated media. The full version can be activated using a license file that can be purchased directly from Doremi Labs.
Figure 2: Doremi AM Watermark
To purchase a software license contact
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Key will be found here
Figure 3: About Window Registration Key

2.3 Tool bar Icon Description

Doremi Asset Manger runs as a service indicated by an icon (green circle) in the right section of the tool bar on the PC desktop (see Figure 4). For Mac OS X platform, the icon (green circle) will be located in the upper-right corner of the screen (see Figure 5).
Figure 4: Green Circle Icon Windows
Figure 5: Green Circle Icon - Mac
The Tool bar icon color indicates the current status.
GREEN circle indicates status is good (see Figure 5)
AMBER circle appears when processing tasks.
RED circle will appear in the event of a failure.
To exit the Doremi AM application, right-click on the tool bar icon and select “Quit
Doremi Asset Manager.”
The DoremiAM version 5.2.x includes Multi-thread support on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Mac OS-X. This feature makes the application extremely fast when used to import files to the DoremiAM database.
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Note: Because hard drive transfer times can be a bottleneck, to get the fastest DoremiAM station, use faster hard drives such as SATA or eSATA instead of using a slower network or USB drives.

2.4 Database and Drop-in Folders Setup

2.4.1 Database Folder

When Asset Manager is installed it will automatically create default database folders for all the available database types. The Database folders will be found in: ~/Doremi Asset Manager/ and are named “Default_Nugget”, “Default_V1_HD” and “Defualt_V1_UNCOMPRESSED”.
Note: You must select a different database for each of the following type of devices: Nugget, V1-HD and V1-UHD.
Note: Make sure that the current database used by Doremi Asset Manager belongs to the device type you intend to use.

2.4.2 How to Create a New Database Folder

To create a new database folder:
Go to the “File” menu.
Select Options.
From the General Tab of the Options Window Click on the “Change” button.
Next you will be prompted to the “Browse for Folder” window (see Figure 7).
Select the folder where you want to store your database and press “Select Folder.”
You will be prompted to “Select a Database Type,” click “OK”(see Figure 8).
Choose the database type from the drop-down list (see Figure 8).
- For Nugget and Nugget Post select “Nugget.”
- For V1-UHD or V1UHD-LE select “V1-Uncompressed.”
- For the V1-HD select “V1-HD.”
Note: To support video files that exceed 4GB, your drive needs to use a NTFS file system or any other file systems that can support large files (Fat32 file systems cannot exceed 4GB).
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Figure 6: “Options” Window – General Tab
“Select Folder”
Figure 7: “Browse For Folder” Window
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Figure 8: “Please Select database type” Window
Figure 9 “Choose database type” Window
The Database type for each folder is indicated directly below the Database Folder Location ­see Figure 6. An existing database already has a device type associated with it. Make sure it matches the type of device you intend to use.
After selecting the database type press the Apply button and then press Ok.

2.4.3 Deleting Clips from the Database

How to delete a clip from the database:
Go to the “Clip Database” tab, and select the clip(s) you wish to delete.
Click the Remove button.
Note: This operation will delete the clip(s) from the database; it will not affect/delete the clips that are already present on the device.

2.4.4 Drop-In Folder

Doremi Asset Manager allows you to use Drop-In folders to automate the importing of files as well as the transferring of files to the attached devices. Once a file is added to the the Drop-In folder it is automatically added to the Doremi AM database and transferred to a device. After making changes to the drop in folder settings click the “Apply” button.
How to Create a new “Drop-In Folder”:
Go to the File menu and select “Options.”
From the Options window select the Drop-In tab.
Click the “New” button (see Figure 10).
Click on an already existing folder or Create a new folder. (see Figure 7).
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Click “Select Folder,” the folder will then appear in the Drop-In window (see Figure 10).
Clicking “Apply” will automatically import the files in that folder to the corresponding
To remove a Drop-In folder, select the number of the corresponding Drop-In Folder and
click the “Remove” button.
Click on “Close” when you are done.
Each Drop-In folder can have a different profile assigned to it as well as different device for automated transfer. All Drop-In folders must be deactivated before changing the database.
Active Drop-In
Device Assigned
for Automated
Apply Button
Figure 10: “Options” Window – Drop-In Tab
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3 Using Doremi Asset Manager

To launch the Doremi Asset Manager GUI, right-click on the Green circle Icon in the task-bar and select “Show Doremi Asset Manager” (see Figure 4).

3.1 Overview

The DoremiAM Graphical User Interface (GUI) is shown in Figure 11 below. This GUI contains three tabs:
“Device” Tab
The “Device” tab is used to manage the devices (e.g., Nugget, V1-HD, V1-UHD, etc.).
The “Clip Database” tab is used to manage the database and to transfer clips.
The “Tasks” tab contains the list of tasks and associated log information.
Figure 11: Asset Manager’s Device Tab

3.2 Device Control

The “Device” tab consists of three sections: “Device manager”, “Device status” and “Device access” – see Figure 11.
“Device access“ window
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3.2.1 Device Manager

The Device Manager will help you manage the devices that are connected to DoremiAM. The Device Manager allows you to easily manage your devices and tell connection status at a glance.
Note: When using a V1 device, a “Lock Icon” will appear anytime a file is being transferred either from or to the V1, and a message saying “LOCKED Transferring” will appear in the “Device Status Window.” Also, see Section 3.7 of this manual for more information on “Scheduling Transfers.”
Four devices
For each device, either a red X or a green check mark will appear.
The red X indicates that the device is currently not connected.
The green check mark indicates that the device is connected.
related to
the selected
“New Group”
“New Device”
To create a new “Group” click on the “New Group” button (see Figure 12). The “New Group” window will appear (see Figure 13). Enter a name for the new group and click the “Add” button. The New group will be displayed in the device manager:
Clip list of
the selected
Figure 12: Doremi AM Device Tab
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Figure 13: “New group” Window
To add a new device, click on the “New Device” button as seen in Figure 12 above. The New Device window will appear; enter the Name and IP address of the device and click Add.
Note: Make sure to select the proper device type in the “type” field as shown in Figure 14 below.
Figure 14: “New device” Window
To Edit or Remove a particular device or group name, click on the device as shown in Figure 12 above and then click the “Properties” or “Remove” buttons respectively. Unknown Nugget or Nugget Post IP Address
If you do not know the IP address of your Nugget or Nugget Post it can be retrieved by connecting your Nugget to your PC using the Provided RS-422 to RS-232 cable.
To retrieve the IP address of your Nugget by Serial:
Connect the provided serial cable between your computer's COM port and the Nugget's
RS-422 port.
Form the Doremi AM GUI go to the “Device” menu and select “IP Address.”
You will be prompted to select either “Current device” or “serial port.”
Select “serial port” and then select “Com1” or “Com2.”
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The “Device Network Configuration” window (see Figure 16) will show you the current
Type in the desired IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP and press Ok.
The unit will reboot with the new IP address.
Note: The factory default IP and Subnet Mask settings for the Nugget are as follows:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask: 255. 255. 255. 0
Note: See Section 1.4 above for instructions on how to connect the Nugget.
Figure 15: Select Serial Port or Current Device Window
Figure 16: “Device Network Configuration” Window – Nugget Connection Finding and Changing the V1's IP Address Note: See Section 1.5.1 above on how to connect to the V1.
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Finding the IP Address of the V1
Go to OPTION+MENU (00).
Press the ++ button until “IP” is displayed.
These are the first two octets of the IP address.
To view the second two octets press the TOGGLE button.
Changing the IP Address on the V1
Type in the new IP using the numeric keypad, use the "." to move between the octets.
Press Enter after you finish typing the new IP address.
Use the UP arrow key to go to OPTION+MENU (05) "Save Settings."
Press the Toggle key; you will be prompted "Are You Sure."
Press Enter to accept (the unit will exit the menu).
Wait for 1 minute and then shutdown the unit.
Wait for 1 minute and then power-up the unit.

3.2.2 Device Status

The “Device status” window (see Figure 17) displays the current status of the selected device. It also has some transport control buttons.
Note: The icon/thumbnail that appears to the far left in Figure 17 below will only appear on a Nugget (implemented beginning with Doremi AM version 4.3.25).
Figure 17: Device Status Window
To locate to a specific frame:
Click Stop.
Click Locate.
The “Locate” window will appear (see Figure 18).
Specify a timecode and click on “locate” to cue the unit.
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Clicking on the “++” or “--” buttons allow you to step through the clip frame by frame.
You can keep the “Locate” window open while using the transport controls.
Figure 18: Locate Window
On the Nugget Post and V1, the Locate timecode window has more functions such as: Shuttle, Rewind and Fast Forward. (see Figure 19).
Rewind Feature
Fast Forward
Figure 19: Locate Window for Nugget Post and V1 Units

3.2.3 Device Access

The “Device Access” window contains three sub-tabs: “Clip-list”, “Info” and “Playlist.”
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Doremi Labs Inc. Clip List Tab Overview
This tab provides the list of clips present on the selected device:
Figure 20: “Clip List” Sub-Tab
Clip-List Functions:
To load a selected clip, Highlight the clip and click “Load” or just double click on the clip itself.
To import the selected clip to the active database, click the “Import to database” button.
To remove one or several clips from the device, select the desired clip(s) and click
Note: The loaded clip cannot be deleted.
To update the clip-list after a file transfer, click Update.
“Import to
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Doremi Labs Inc. The V1 Clip List
When connected to a V1 unit, the “Clip-list” sub-tab provides one additional “Create file” option at the bottom.
Note: The empty file will be created in the V1 unit and not in the DoremiAM database.
“Create file” button
How to create an empty file on the V1 unit:
Click the “Create File” button.
The “Create File” window will appear (see Figure 22).
Choose the settings for this file; including a Clip ID number (max. 8 digits).
Click “OK” when you are done.
This newly created clip will now appear in the “Clip-list” window, if it does not appear,
Figure 21: “Clip list” Sub-Tab when Connected to a V1 Unit
wait a few seconds and click on the “Update” button.
Figure 22: “V1 Create file” Window
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3.2.4 Info Tab

Note: Depending on the type of device you have connected (e.g., Nugget, V1-HD, V1-UHD),
the contents of the “Info Tab” will vary.
The “Info Tab” provides information on the selected device, it also provides information about the loaded clip. The “Info Tab” can be accessed from the “Device Tab” on the main GUI.
Firmware version of
the selected device
Current File
Figure 23: “Info” Tab – Connection to a Nugget Device
TimeCode (TC) Offset: Enabled for Nugget devices only. The TC Offset allows you to change the time code offset of the loaded clip. For Nugget units the TC Offset is only valid when the Nugget is in A-Time, for the Nugget-Post it is valid in Timecode mode. This parameter is file based and is saved on the video file only. The options include “Set Timecode Current Frame,” “Set Timecode for First Frame,” and “Revert to Original Timecode.”
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Figure 24: Timecode Offset Window
Audio Delay: Enabled for Nugget devices only. Allows you to set the file audio offset that can be used to synchronize video and audio on the file level. Audio delay is file based and is different than Device settings Audio tab “delay” which is unit based (applies to all files).
Figure 25: Audio Delay Window
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3.2.5 Device Settings Window

The “Device Settings” window allows you to view and make changes to the parameters and configuration settings of the device. To get to the “Device Settings” window, click on the “Info” Tab, which can be accessed by from the “Device Tab” on the main GUI (see Figure 23).
Please see the following instructions on how to access the “Device Settings” window from each device:
Nugget Specific :
To have access to this “Device settings” window when connected to a Nugget Player, the Nugget should have firmware version 1.4.27-67 or higher – check the Nugget’s firmware version using the “Info” tab as shown in Figure 23.
If the Nugget does not have the proper firmware, clicking on the “Device settings” button will bring an alert window asking you to upgrade to version 1.4.27-67 or higher.
*To upgrade the Nugget firmware using Doremi AM, please refer to Section 5.1 .
How to use the “Device Settings” option when connected to a Nugget:
When connected to a Nugget unit with the appropriate Nugget firmware version, clicking the “Device settings” button will prompt you to the “Device Settings” window where you will see two tabs: General and Audio/Video (see Figure 26).
The “General” tab allows access to the general parameters of the connected device.
The “Audio/Video”tab allows access to audio/video specific parameters of the selected
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Figure 26: Nugget Device Settings Window
Device Setting” functions when using a Nugget unit:
To save the changes you have made to the unit, click “Apply” when you are done.
To save the changes you have made to the flash (default settings after power up), click
“Save as default”.
To export the current settings to a file, click “Save,” you will then be prompted to enter a
settings file name.
To abort the changes and restore the unit’s current settings, click “Discard”.
To load an existing settings file from your computer, click “Load”, select the
corresponding settings file then hit “Save settings”.
The Local/Remote and Visual Cues sections will only appear on the Nugget Post.
The Time Mode section is grayed out on the Nugget Post but it is enabled on the Non-
post version.
The Burn in Window (BIW) located in “General Tab” field has a drop-down folder (see
the note below for more information on the BIW feature).
Note: The BIW is used when performing editing work on a clip such as visual timecode reference, background settings (Black/White, White/White), positioning, and sizes.
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