Dometic TEC 40D User Manual

TEC 40d
Operation, maintenance and installation manual Libretto istruzioni per l’uso, la manutenzione e l’installazione Betriebs-, Wartungs- und Installationsanleitung Manuel d’utilisation, d’entretien et d’installation Bedienings-, onderhouds- en installatiehandleiding Manual de instrucciones para el uso, mantenimiento e instalación Manual de instruções de uso, manutenção e instalação Handbok för användning, underhåll och installation Käyttö-, huolto- ja asennusohje Bruks- vedlikeholds- og installasjonsanvisning Betjenings-, vedligeholdelses- og installationsvejledning
With Dometic at home everywhere. Thank you for your decision to buy an Dometic product. They all have been specially conceived for your vehicle, matching totally the requirements of leisure on wheels - with more than 75 years of experience, the most advanced technology, fi rst-rate materials, superb workmanship, functional design and a care for the environment. The unique Dometic EuroService Guarantee offers you additional peace of mind - ensuring that you will derive comfort everywhere from your Dometic products
ITALIANO Con Dometic come a casa, ovunque. Vi ringraziamo per averci scelto. I prodotti Dometic sono stati espressamente concepiti per il Vostro veicolo; soddisfacendo completamente le esigenze del tempo libero, sui mezzi mobili, con un’esperienza di oltre 75 anni, la tecnologia più avanzata, materiali di prima qualità, superba squadra di tecnici nonché design funzionale ed attenzione per l’ambiente. Usufruite del Servizio di Garanzia Europea che Vi offre completa tranquillità assicurandoVi che trarrete grande comfort ovunque grazie ai “Vostri” prodotti Dometic
DEUTSCH Mit Dometic überall wie zu Hause. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Wahl. Die Dometic-Produkte wurden speziell für Ihr Fahrzeug entwickelt und tragen den Erfordernissen der Freizeit auf Rädern voll Rechnung - mit einer mehr als 75-jährigen Erfahrung, modernster Technologie, erstklassigen Materialien, einem hervorragenden Technikerteam, funktionellem Design und Umweltfreundlichkeit. Nutzen Sie die EuroService-Garantie, mit der Sie ganz ruhig fahren und die Ihnen überall dank “Ihren” Dometic-Produkten größten Komfort sichert
FRANÇAIS Partout avec Dometic. Merci d’avoir choisi un produit Dometic. Il a été spécialement conçu pour votre véhicule complétant totalement la gamme d’équipements de votre véhicule de loisirs. Dometic, c’est aussi, 75 ans d’expérience, une technologie avancée, du matériel de premier choix, un design fonctionnel et la protection de l’environnement. La garantie Européenne Dometic vous offre, où que vous soyez, la possibilité de profi ter partout de votre matériel.
Met Dometic voelt u zich overal thuis. Wij danken u voor uw besluit een product van Do­metic aan te schaffen. Al onze producten zijn speciaal ontworpen voor uw voertuig en voldoen volledig aan de vereisten die worden gesteld aan een vakantie onderweg - met meer dan 75 jaar ervaring, de meest geavanceerde technologie, uitstekende materialen, voortreffelijk vakmanschap, functioneel design en zorg voor het milieu. Bovendien biedt de unieke Dometic EuroService Garantie u extra zekerheid - zodat u er zeker van bent dat u overal kunt genieten van het comfort die producten van Dometic u bieden.
ESPAÑOL Con Dometic en todas partes como en casa. Le agradecemos su elección. Los productos Dometic han sido expresamente concebidos para su vehículo; satisfaciendo totalmente las exigencias del tiempo libre, en medios móviles, con una experiencia de más de 75 años, la tecnología más avanzada, materiales de primera calidad, soberbio equipo de técnicos así como design funcional y respeto al medio ambiente. Disfruten del Servicio de Garantía Europea que le ofrece tranquilidad absoluta, asegurándole que obtendrá gran confort en cualquier lugar
gracias a sus productos Dometic. La garantie Européenne Dometic vous offre, où que vous soyez, la possibilité de profi ter partout de votre matériel.
Com Dometic, em todo o lado como em casa. Agradecemos a sua escolha. Os produtos Dometic foram expressamente concebidos para o seu veículo; satisfazendo totalmente as exigências do tempo livre, em meios móveis, com uma experiência de mais de 75 anos, a tecnologia mais avançada, materiais de primeira qualidade, uma excelente equipa de técnicos e um design funcional e respeito pelo ambiente. Aproveite o Serviço de Garantia Europeia, que lhe oferece uma tranquilidade absoluta e lhe assegura que obterá um grande conforto em qualquer lugar graças aos seus produtos Dometic.
SVENSKA Med Dometic är Du hemma överallt. Tack för Ditt beslut att köpa en Dometicprodukt. De har utvecklats speciellt för Din husvagn eller husbil och lever upp till alla de krav för fritid på hjul -med mer än 75 års erfarenhet, avancerad teknologi, förstklassigt material, oöverträffat hantverk och design samt omtanke om miljön. Den unika Dometic Europagararantin ger Dig trygghet om något skulle hända.
Dometic - kotonaan kaikkialla. Olemme iloisia siitä, että olet valinnut Dometic tuotteen. Tuotteemme on kehitetty yli 75 vuoden kokemuksella liikkuvan lomanviettäjän tarpeisiin ja valmistettu ensiluokkaisista materiaaleista uusimmalla, ympäristöä säästävällä tekniikalla, toimivalla muotoilulla ja korkealla ammattitaidolla. Dometic tuotteita voit käyttää luottavaisin mielin.Ainutlaatuinen Dometic EuroService -takuu ja laaja huoltoverkosto varmistavat., että saat apua ongelmatilanteissa myös matkasi varrella.
Med Dometic kan du føle deg hjemme overalt. Takk for at du bestemte deg for å kjøpe et produkt fra Dometic. Alle våre produkter er utviklet spesielt for ditt kjøretøy og lever fullt opp til alle krav om bekvemmelighet i din fritid - basert på mer enn 75 års erfaring, den mest avanserte teknologi, førsteklasses materialvalg og håndverk, funksjonelt design og omtanke for miljøet. Den unike Dometic EuroService-garantien gir deg trygghet og sikrer komfort uansett hvor du måtte befi nne deg.
Med Dometic kan du føle dig hjemme overalt. Tak for din beslutning om at købe et Dometic produkt. De er alle blevet specielt udviklet til dit køretøj og lever fuldt ud op til kravene om fritid på hjul med mere end 75 års erfaring, den mest avancerede teknologi, førsteklasses materialer, uovertruffent håndværk, funktionelt design og omtanke for miljøet. Den unikke Dometic EuroService Garanti giver dig yderligere ro i sjælen og sikrer, at du takket være dine Dometic produkter vil opleve stor komfort, uanset hvor du befi nder dig.
©DOMETIC - 2007 All rights reserved - Printed in Italy -
No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from DOMETIC.
Figures, descriptions, references and technical data contained in this manual are given as mere example and are not binding.
In pursuing a policy of constant product and safety improvement, DOMETIC reserves the right to effect changes at any time without undertaking to give prior
notice or to update this manual every time.
Keep this document for future reference.
“The product is warranted in accordance with the enforced Law and regulations implementing the Direc­tive 1999/44/EC.”
The Manufacturer’s warranty does not extend to Product failures, defects or damage arising from and/or attributable to a wrong installation.
The Consumer is entitled to let the Product be installed by an authorised dealer, not bound by Dome­tic. The warranty extends to failures or defects in the gen-sets which shall become apparent within the war­ranty period. The warranty shall cease to have effect if, during the two-year warranty period, the gen-set
is used for more than 1,000 hours or if the recommended service schedule is not completed.
Operation, Maintenance and Installation manual
Handleiding voor bediening, onderhoud en installatie
Manual de instrucciones para el uso, la manutención y la instalación
Livrete de instruções para uso, manutenção e instalação
Handbok för drift, underhåll och installation
Käyttö-, huolto- ja asennusohje
Brukerveiledning og manual til vedlikehold og installasjon
Libretto istruzioni per l’uso, la manutenzione e l’installazione Generatore
Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung
Mise en route, entretien et installation
Brugervejledning og manual til vedligeholdelse og installation
1 General informations
1.1 Purpose of the manual ................................................... 4
1.2 Data Plate ....................................................................... 4
1.3 Safety.... ........... ........... .............................. ........... .. 5
1.4 Noise ........................................................................... 5
1.5 Decription of the generator ................................................. 6
1.6 Recommendations for use .............................................. 6
1.7 Fuel .............................................................................. 6
1.8 Operating description ............................................ 7
1.9 External control panel ................................................ 8
1.10 Internal control panel ................................................. 8
1.11 Technical data ................................................................ 9
1.12 Display messages ............................................................. 10
1.13 Routine maintenance .................................................. 11
1.14 Oil level check ............................................................... 11
2 Installation istructions
2.1 Instructions for fixing the generator ......................... 12
2.2 Instructions for installing the exhaust system........ 14
2.3 Instructions for installing the fuel tank ........................ 15
2.4 Instructions for the electrical connection ........................ 16
3 Troubleshooting, maintenance, recycling
3.1 Faults, causes, solutions .................................................18
3.2 Checks - nature and service intervals...............................19
3.3 Extraordinary maintenance ............................................ 20
TEC 40D wiring diagram ............................................... 22
Connection to the external power supply........................ 23
user’s manual
1.2 Data plate1.1 Purpose of the manual
This manual has been made up by the Manufacturer and is an integrated part of the generator’s equipment. The information, if respected, will guarantee the correct use of the generator.
The part of the manual reserved for the users is indicated by the symbol while the part reserved for the experts installing the generator is indicated by the symbol
The following symbols have been used to highlight some parts of the text:
The operation can be dangerous.
Useful suggestions.
Information on the protection of the environment.
1 General informations
Manufactured by WTA v.Virgilio,3 Forlì-Italy
958 500 300 TEC 40D
Date 2007 Voltage V230 Frequency Hz 50 Power Factor Cos 1 Weight kg 96,5
Output max W4000 Output W3500 D.C. 12V A 10
Manufacturer’s data
Conformity marking
Model/Serial number
Year of manufacture
Technical data
user’s manual
To prevent fire hazards and to keep the generator in an efficient working condition, do not close the same in a case or an enclosed space such as an alcove but install it in a well-ventilated area.
Keep children and animals away from the generator when it is running, as it can heat up and cause burns and injuries, both directly and through the systems it is supplying.
Learn how to turn the generator off quickly and how to use the controls. Never leave the generator in the hands of people who are not trained to use it.
The generator must only be used with the generator door clo­sed.
Keep flammable substances away from the generator such as for example: petrol, paints, solvents etc.
Make sure that the hot parts of the generator do not come into contact with materials that could catch fire.
Fill the generator with fuel in a well-ventilated area with the gene­rator turned off. Petrol is highly flammable and can explode.
Never overfill the fuel tank. There should not be fuel in the tank filling throat. Check that the cap is tightly closed.
If you spill any fuel, clean it up thoroughly and wait for the fumes to evaporate before starting the engine.
The company Dometic is not responsible for any damage caused by generator malfunctions.
1.3 Safety
The generator is installed in a closed casing. Therefore, there is no dan­ger of accidental contacts with moving parts or wires under voltage. The door is fitted with a key lock which shall be kept out of reach by children or non-authorised people.
Check the generator before using it every time. In this way it is possible to prevent accidents or damage to the motor.
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an extremely poisonous gas, which is odourless and colourless. Avoid inhaling exhaust gases. Do not run the engine of the generator in a closed garage or room without very good ventilations.
Do not touch the generator or the connections with wet hands.
Do not replace fuses or thermal cutouts with others of a higher
Any checks carried out on the electric parts should be done by authorised personnel with the engine turned off.
Install the generator in a stable area. Do not incline the generator by more than 20° with respect to the vertical plane.
Sudden braking or acceleration, or curves taken abruptly with the vehicle can cause problems in the pumping system of the generator and make it stall.
When storing the generator up for a long period of time, start it at least once every 30 days and leave it running for at least 15 minutes.
Leave the generator on for a few minutes without charge after use before switching it off.
The generator is made to meet the safety regulations indicated in the declaration of conformity.
1.4 Noise
The generator has been tested for noise emissions at the qualified independent laboratory DNV Modulo Uno which has issued the EEC­certificate based on EC-DIRECTIVE 2000/14.
TEC 40D ..................................................................... LwA 89
SOUND POWER LEVEL measured from 7mt .... dB(A) 64
General informations 1
user’s manual
1.5 Description of the generator
The TEC 40D generator has been designed and produced to be used only on caravans, motor homes and commercial vehicles. Therefore it has not been designed to be used on other types of vehicles or on any kind of watercraft. The company Dometic, as it is impossible to envisage every possible use and type of installation, declines any responsibility for every type of use and installation which is not explicitly mentioned.
The generator has been designed to produce alternating current at 230V and 50 Hz, capable of supplying power to various systems. Therefore it is fitted with an inverter, so that it can supply systems that are very sensitive to the quality of the energy supplied, such as personal computers for example. The generator is installed in a sheet metal steel casing which is insulated and soundproofed with special soundproofing materials.
1.6 Recommandations for use
To use the generator in the best way it is a good idea to pay attention to even small overloads, which if prolonged, will cause the protective thermal cutouts to trip. When running in it is important not to put the new engine under a load that exceeds 70 % of the nominal load, at least for the first 50 working hours; then we recommend a normal use of the generator with a load equal to roughly 3/4 of the maximum declared continuous load, this in order to prolong the life of the generator and maximize efficiency.
1 General informations
Lowest ambient
temperature when
starting (°C)
Paraffin content for:
0 a -10 20% -
-10 a -15 30% -
-15 a -20 50% 20%
1.7 Fuel
All diesel oils which satisfy the following specifications are suitable:
EN 590 or DIN 51601 - DK or BS 2869 A1 / A2 or ASTM D975 -1D / 2D
At temperatures below 0°C, winter-grade fuel should be used or paraffin added to the fuel well in advance.
user’s manual
General informations 1
1.8 Operation description
The main elements of the TEC 40D generator are: an engine (a), a permanent magnet alternator (b), an inverter (c), an internal control panel (d), a terminal board (e) and an external control panel (f). When the engine runs it drives the alternator to which it is solidly connected, which in turn generates alternating current that supplies the inverter. The inverter “converts” the voltage supplied into a higher quality, perfectly stable voltage of 230 V and 50Hz supply. The terminals, the socket where the extension of the external control panel is connected and the safety switch are located on the internal control panel.
The external control panel is equipped with:
- buttons to start and stop the generator
- a back lit LCD screen showing the main electrical pro­perties, an indicator shows that the generator is working properly and an hour counter is also displayed. In the case of problem the alarm messages are displayed on this screen.
- LED indicators indicate low levels of petrol and oil.
Start sequence:
1) Push the red main switch
2) Wait “GEN OFF” on the display
3) Push and release the START button
Turn-off sequence:
1) Push the red main switch
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