the basics
■ CARB exempt
■ EPA and SmartWay certied
■ No federal excise tax
■ Complies with all federal, state and local idling regulations
■ Eligible for grant and loan programs
■ Fully integrated turnkey package includes all components needed for
complete installation
■ 7,000 or 10,000 BTU 115V air conditioning system
■ 2,000 Watt Modied Sine Wave (MSW) inverter with optional built-in charger
■ Absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries
■ High-capacity alternator to recharge batteries quickly
■ Optional shorepower connection
■ Built-in low-voltage cutoff circuit to ensure sufficient battery power to restart
■ Thoroughly eld tested for the toughest over-the-road conditions
■ Backed by nationwide service and support network

Dometic builds the industry’s most rugged and reliable battery-based engine-off
air conditioning solutions for trucks. Our systems are designed, engineered and
tested to give you years of trouble-free performance under the toughest over-theroad conditions. They are based on more than 50 years of experience in designing,
engineering, building and supporting HVAC systems for harsh environments, and
they’re backed by extensive technical assistance and nationwide service.
Our green systems are the best answer to today’s environmental challenges. There
is no diesel generator, no fuel consumed, no exhaust fumes to pollute the air, no oil
to change, no noise, no vibration, no belts to tighten, and no worries about lawenforcement violations and nes. They are 100% CARB compliant, and they meet
all federal, state and local clean-air laws. In addition, you don’t need to worry about
warranty issues with the truck’s manufacturer, since our battery-based solutions do
not break into the truck’s fuel or cooling systems.
Our 7,000 and 10,000 BTU/hr sleeper systems provide ample cooling to keep
you comfortable while meeting the federal hours of service (HOS) requirements,
operating for 10-14 hours without recharging the batteries under normal duty-cycle
conditions. The high-capacity alternator recharges the batteries in 5.5–6 hours while
driving down the road.
Our 7,000 BTU/hr day-cab systems are designed to meet the usage patterns for dayroute and terminal-to-terminal operations.
In this booklet, we’ll explain how to select and specify the system that meets your
needs, and provide a few tips on how to get the best results when operating the
system. If you have any questions, please give us a call at +1-804-746-1313 or email
us at sales@dometictruck.com.

the basics
batteries are recharged by a high-capacity alternator. When 115V AC shorepower is available, it can also be
used to drive the air conditioner.
When looking at battery-based air conditioning, you should think of it as an engineered, integrated
system comprised of several components which have been carefully chosen and tested to ensure reliable
A belt-driven compressor on the truck’s engine supplies air conditioning
when you are driving or idling. When you shut down the engine,
however, you need a separate air conditioning system that runs on an
alternative source of power.
Dometic has developed an engine-off comfort-control solution that pulls
12V DC power from a bank of heavy-duty batteries and inverts it to
115V AC power, which drives the electric powered air conditioner. The
Air Conditioning Units
There are two basic choices: split systems and self-contained “package” units. In most cases, the split system
is preferred, since it uses less interior space and offers more installation exibility. We will focus on the split
system. However, if you are interested in a “package” unit solution,
please contact our sales office at +1-804-746-1313 or visit our website
at www.dometic.com/truck.
Outside condensing unit mounted on back of cab
Inside evaporator unit seen from the side
Dometic’s patented split-system design consists of an outside
condensing unit and an inside evaporator/compressor unit. The
outside unit can be mounted horizontally or vertically on the back of
the cab, but may also be mounted horizontally on the undercarriage.
The inside unit is usually mounted under the bunk or in a side storage
locker for a sleeper, or between the seats in a day cab. The two units
are connected by reusable precharged refrigerant linesets with quickconnect ttings. The system is designed so that both units automatically
charge to the correct refrigerant pressure as soon as the linesets are
connected. No special tools are required.
The air conditioning system also includes ducts, grills, condensate
drain and electrical wiring, as well as a digital display/control panel.
The air conditioning systems can be ordered for cooling only with builtin electric heat elements.
Note that the Dometic system is not a “bunk cooler” that blows cool air
on the driver, but a true compressor-driven air conditioning system that
provides ample cooling capacity for the entire space.