D Link WR961C1 User Manual

Section 4 - Configuration

Virtual Server

The device can be configured as a virtual server so that users can access services such as Web or FTP via the public (WAN) IP address of the router. You can also allow the settings to run on a specified schedule.

Well-known This contains a list of pre-defined services. You can select a service, Services: select a rule ID, then click the Copy to button to copy the default

settings for that service to the specified rule ID.

ID: Specifies which rule to copy the selected Well known service settings to when you click the Copy to button.

Use schedule Select a schedule to use and copy to the specified rule ID when rule: you click the Copy to button. You may select Always On or use

a specific schedule that you have defined. To create and edit schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.


ID: This identifies the rule.

Service Ports Enter the public port(s) you want to open.

Server IP: Port: Enter the IP address and port of the computer on your local network that you want to forward the Service Ports to.

Enable: Check the box to enable the specified rule.

Schedule Rule #: Specify the schedule rule number. To create schedules, click on the Add New Rule button. For further information on schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

URL Filter

URL Filter allows you to set up a list of websites that will be blocked from users on your network.

URL Filtering: Check the box to enable URL Filtering.


ID: This identifies the rule.

URL: Enter URL that you would like to block. All URLs that begin with this address will be blocked.

Enable: Check the box to enable the specified rule.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration


The Routing page allows you to specify custom routes that determine how data is moved around your network.

RIP: Check the box to enable routing, then select which routing protocol to use:

RIPv1: Protocol in which the IP address is routed through the Internet.

RIPv2: Enhanced version of RIPv1 with added features such as authentication, routing domain, next hop forwarding, and subnet-mask exchange.


ID: This identifies the rule.

Destination: Enter in the IP of the specified network that you want to access using the static route.

Subnet Mask: Enter in the subnet mask to be used for the specified network.

Gateway: Enter in the gateway IP address for the specified network.

Hop: Enter in the amount of hops it will take to reach the specified network.

Note: In a transmission path, each link is terminated at a network device such as a router or gateway. The number of hops equals the number of routers or gateways that data must pass through before reaching the destination.

Enable: Select this box to enable the rule.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration


The QoS Engine improves your online gaming or streaming media experience by ensuring that your game or media traffic is prioritized over other network traffic, such as FTP or web.

Enable QOS Select this box to enable the QoS feature.

Packet Filter:

Upstream Specify the maximum upstream bandwidth here (e.g. 400 Kbps).


Use Schedule Select a schedule to use and copy to the specified rule ID when Rule: you click the Copy to button. You may select Always On or use

a specific schedule that you have defined. To create and edit schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.


ID: This identifies the rule.

Local IP : Ports: Specify the local IP address(es) and port(s) for the rule to affect.

Remote IP : Ports: Specify the remote IP address(es) and port(s) for the rule to affect.

QoS Priority: Select what priority level to use for traffic affected by the rule:

Low, Normal, or High.

Enable: Check the box to enable the specified rule.

Use Rule #: Specify the schedule rule number. To create a new schedule, click on the Add New Rule button. For more information about schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

MAC Address Filter

The MAC (Media Access Controller) Address Filter option is used to control network access based on the MAC address of the network adapter. A MAC address is a unique ID assigned by the manufacturer of the network adapter. This feature can be configured to ALLOW or DENY network/ Internet access.

MAC Address Check this box to enable MAC Filtering.


Connection Check the box to allow wireless and wired clients with C selected Control: to connect to this device. You can also select to allow or deny

connections from unspecified MAC addresses.

Association Check the box to allow wireless clients with A selected can Control: associate to the wireless LAN. You can also select to allow or deny

connections from unspecified MAC addresses.


ID: This identifies the rule.

MAC Address: Specify the MAC address of the computer to be filtered.

IP Address: Specify the last section of the IP address.

C:If this box is ticked, the rule will follow the connection control setting specified in MAC filtering settings specified above.

A:If this box is ticked, the rule will follow the association control setting specified in MAC filtering settings specified above.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


D Link WR961C1 User Manual

Section 4 - Configuration

Outbound Filter

Outbound Filter enables you to control what packets are allowed to be sent out to the Internet. The outbound filter applies to all outbound packets.

Outbound Filter: Select this box to Enable outbound filtering.

Use Schedule Rule: Select a schedule to use and copy to the specified rule ID when you click the Copy to button. You may select Always On or use a specific schedule that you have defined. To create and edit schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.


Here, you can select whether to Allow or Deny all outgoing traffic except for traffic that matches the listed rules.

ID: This identifies the rule.

Source IP : Ports: Specify the local IP address and then specify the port after the colon.

Destination IP :

Ports: Specify the remote IP address and then the port after the colon.

Enable: Check the box to enable the specified rule.

Schedule Rule #: Specify the schedule rule number. Click on the Add New Rule button to create a new schedule rule.

Previous Page: Go back to the previous filter page.

Next Page: Advance to the next filter page.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

Inbound Filter

Inbound Filter enables you to control what packets are allowed to come in to your network from the Internet. The inbound filter only applies to packets that are destined for Virtual Servers or DMZ hosts.

Inbound Filter:

Select this box to Enable the filter.



Use Schedule

Select a schedule to use and copy to the specified rule ID when



Rule: you click the Copy to button. You may select Always On or use




a specific schedule that you have defined. To create and edit




schedules, please refer to Schedules on page 59.








Here, you can select whether to Allow or Deny all incoming traffic




except for traffic that matches the listed rules.



ID: This identifies the rule.


Source IP : Ports: Specify the local IP address and then specify the port after the






Destination IP : Specify the remote IP address and then the port after the colon.







Enable: Check the box to enable the specified rule.


Schedule Rule #: Specify the schedule rule number. Click on the Add New Rule




button to create a new schedule rule.


Previous Page: Go back to the previous filter page.



Next Page: Advance to the next filter page.




Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your




previous settings.






D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration


SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a widely used network monitoring and control protocol that reports activity on each network device to the administrator of the network. SNMP can be used to monitor traffic and statistics of the DWR-961. The DWR-961 supports SNMP v1 and v2c.

SNMP Local: Select whether to Enable or Disable local SNMP administration.

SNMP Remote: Select whether to Enable or Disable remote SNMP administration.

Get Community: Enter the password public in this field to allow read-only access to network administration using SNMP. You can view the network, but no configuration is possible with this setting.

Set Community: Enter the password private in this field to enable read/write access to the network using SNMP.

IP 1/IP 2/IP 3/IP 4: Enter up to 4 IP addresses to use as trap targets for your network.

SNMP Version: Select the SNMP version of your system.

WAN Access

IP Address If you want to limit remote access SNMP access, enter the IP address of the remote computer you will use to access this device; all other IP addresses will be denied remote SNMP access.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

Advanced Network

Advanced Network contains settings which can change the way the router handles certain types of traffic. We recommend that you do not change any of these settings unless you are already familiar with them or have been instructed to make the change by one of our support personnel.

Enable UPnP: Check the box to enable the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP™) feature. UPNP provides compatibility with various networking equipment, software, and peripherals.

Enable WAN Ping Select the box to allow the WAN port to be “pinged.” Blocking WAN

Respond: pings may provide some extra security from hackers.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

Network Scan

This page lets you set whether to allow the DWR-961 to automatically select a 4G network based on the inserted SIM/UICC card, and allows you to manually scan for networks and select one to connect to.

4G Network Leave this setting on Auto to allow the DWR-961 to automatically Selection select a cellular network to connect to. If you need to select a Method: network manually, select Manual, click the Scan button, then

select an available network to connect to.

Note: You will only be able to scan for networks if the DWR-961 is not currently connected to a 4G network.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration


Time Settings

This section will help you set the time zone that you are in and an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to use. Daylight Saving can also be configured to adjust the time when needed.

Time Zone: Select the appropriate Time Zone from the drop-down box.

Enable Daylight Check the box to allow for daylight saving adjustments. Use the Saving: drop-down boxes to specify a start date and end date for daylight

saving time adjustments.

Sync your This button allows the router to set time zone and current time computer’s time based on your computer’s configuration. To use this setting,

settings: ensure that Automatic Synchronization is unchecked and applied.


synchronize with Check the box to allow the router to use an NTP server to update Internet time the router’s internal clock.


NTP Server Used: Enter an NTP server to use for time synchronization, or use the drop-down box to select one. Click the Update Now button to synchronize the time with the NTP server.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration


The Admin page allows you to change the Administrator password and enable Remote Management. The admin has read/write access while users only have read-only access. Only the admin has the ability to change both admin and user account passwords.

Admin Password: Enter and confirm the password that the admin account will use to access the router’s management interface.

Remote Tick this check box to enable remote management. Remote Management: management allows the DWR-961 to be configured over the

Internet through a web browser. A username and password will still be required to access the web-management interface.

IP Allowed to Enter the Internet IP address of the PC that has access to the Access: broadband router. If you enter an asterisk (*) in this field, then

anyone will be able to access the router. Adding an asterisk (*) into this field could present a security risk and is not recommended.

Port: This is the port number used to access the router. 8080 is the port usually used for the web-management interface.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

Reboot & Reset

Here, you can save the current system settings to a local hard drive.

Save Settings To Use this option to save your current router configuration settings Local Hard Drive to a file. Click Save to open a file dialog, and then select a location

and file name for the settings.

Load Settings Use this option to load previously saved router configuration From Local Hard settings. Click Choose File and select the saved file and then click

Drive: the Upload Settings button to upload the settings to the router.

Restore To Factory This option will restore all settings back to their defaults. Any Default Settings: settings that have not been backed up will be lost, including any

rules that you have created.

Reboot the This option will reboot the router.


D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

Firmware Upgrade

Here, you can upgrade the firmware of your router. Make sure the firmware you want to use is on the local hard drive of the computer and then click Browse to upload the file. You can check for and download firmware updates at the D-Link support site at http://support.dlink.com.

Current Firmware Displays your current firmware’s version.


Current Firmware Displays your current firmware’s release date.


Select Firmware: After you have downloaded a new firmware, click Browse to locate the firmware on your computer, then click Upload to start the firmware upgrade.

Warning: You must use a wired connection to upload the firmware file; do not use a wireless connection. During the upgrade process, do not power off your computer or router, and do not refresh the browser window until the upgrade is complete.

Accept Unofficial If the firmware you want to install is not an official D-Link release,

Firmware: you will need to check this box.

Warning: Unofficial firmware is not supported, and may cause damage to your device. Use of unofficial firmware is at your own risk.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


Section 4 - Configuration

System Logs

The DWR-961 keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the router. You may send these logs to a Syslog server on your network.

Enable Logging to Check the box to send the router logs to a Syslog server.

Syslog Server:

Syslog Server IP Enter the IP address of the Syslog server that the router will send

Address: the logs to.

Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your previous settings.

D-Link DWR-961 User Manual


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