D Link WL6700APA1 User Manual




DWL-6700AP, DWL-8600AP, DWL-8610AP



April 2015


Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide


Table of Contents


Section 1 - About This Document.............................................................................................


Document Organization.........................................................................................................................................


Additional Documentation......................................................................................................................................


Document Conventions..........................................................................................................................................


Online Help, Supported Browsers, and Limitations.............................................................................................


Section 2 - Getting Started......................................................................................................


Administrator’s Computer Requirements.............................................................................................................


Wireless Client Requirements..............................................................................................................................


Dynamic and Static IP Addressing on the AP......................................................................................................


Recovering an IP Address.............................................................................................................................


Discovering a Dynamically Assigned IP Address...........................................................................................


Installing the UAP................................................................................................................................................


Basic Settings......................................................................................................................................................


Connecting to the AP Web Interface by Using the IPv6 Address...................................................................


Using the CLI to View the IP Address..................................................................................................................


Configuring the Ethernet Settings........................................................................................................................


Using the CLI to Configure Ethernet Settings................................................................................................


Configuring IEEE 802.1X Authentication.............................................................................................................


Using the CLI to Configure 802.1X Authentication Information.....................................................................


Verifying the Installation.......................................................................................................................................


Configuring Security on the Wireless Access Point.............................................................................................


Section 3 - Viewing Access Point Status...............................................................................


Viewing Interface Status......................................................................................................................................


Wired Settings (Internal Interface).................................................................................................................


Wireless Settings...........................................................................................................................................


Viewing Events....................................................................................................................................................


Configuring Persistent Logging Options........................................................................................................


Configuring the Log Relay Host for Kernel Messages...................................................................................


Enabling or Disabling the Log Relay Host on the Events Page.....................................................................


Viewing Transmit and Receive Statistics.............................................................................................................


Viewing Associated Wireless Client Information..................................................................................................


Viewing TSPEC Client Associations....................................................................................................................


Link Integrity Monitoring.................................................................................................................................


Viewing Rogue AP Detection...............................................................................................................................


Saving and Importing the Known AP List.......................................................................................................


Viewing Managed AP DHCP Information.............................................................................................................


Viewing TSPEC Status and Statistics Information...............................................................................................


Viewing TSPEC AP Statistics Information............................................................................................................


Viewing Radio Statistics Information....................................................................................................................


Viewing Email Alert Operational Status...............................................................................................................


Section 4 - Managing the Access Point..................................................................................


Ethernet Settings.................................................................................................................................................


Wireless Settings.................................................................................................................................................


Using the 802.11h Wireless Mode.................................................................................................................


Enabling AeroScout™ Engine Support..........................................................................................................


Modifying Radio Settings.....................................................................................................................................


Configuring Radio and VAP Scheduler................................................................................................................


Scheduler Association Settings............................................................................................................................


Virtual Access Point Settings...............................................................................................................................


None (Plain-text)............................................................................................................................................


Static WEP.....................................................................................................................................................


IEEE 802.1X..................................................................................................................................................


WPA Personal................................................................................................................................................


WPA Enterprise..............................................................................................................................................


Configuring the Wireless Distribution System (WDS)..........................................................................................


WEP on WDS Links.......................................................................................................................................


WPA/PSK on WDS Links...............................................................................................................................


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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide


Controlling Access by MAC Authentication..........................................................................................................


Configuring a MAC Filter and Station List on the AP.....................................................................................


Configuring MAC Authentication on the RADIUS Server...............................................................................


Configuring Load Balancing.................................................................................................................................


Managed Access Point Overview........................................................................................................................


Transitioning Between Modes........................................................................................................................


Configuring Managed Access Point Settings.................................................................................................


Configuring 802.1X Authentication.......................................................................................................................


Creating a Management Access Control List (ACL)............................................................................................


Section 5 - Configuring Access Point Services.....................................................................


Web Server Settings............................................................................................................................................


Configuring SNMP on the Access Point...............................................................................................................


Setting the SSH Status........................................................................................................................................


Setting the Telnet Status......................................................................................................................................


Configuring Quality of Service.............................................................................................................................


Configuring Email Alert........................................................................................................................................


Enabling the Time Settings (NTP)........................................................................................................................


Section 6 - Configuring SNMPv3............................................................................................


Configuring SNMPv3 Views.................................................................................................................................


Configuring SNMPv3 Groups...............................................................................................................................


Configuring SNMPv3 Users.................................................................................................................................


Configuring SNMPv3 Targets...............................................................................................................................


Section 7 - Maintaining the Access Point..............................................................................


Saving the Current Configuration to a Backup File..............................................................................................


Restoring the Configuration from a Previously Saved File..................................................................................


Performing AP Maintenance................................................................................................................................


Resetting the Factory Default Configuration..................................................................................................


Rebooting the Access Point...........................................................................................................................


Upgrading the Firmware......................................................................................................................................


Packet Capture Configuration and Settings.........................................................................................................


Packet Capture Status...................................................................................................................................


Packet Capture Parameter Configuration......................................................................................................


Packet File Capture.......................................................................................................................................


Remote Packet Capture................................................................................................................................


Packet Capture File Download......................................................................................................................


Section 8 - Configuring Client Quality of Service (QoS).......................................................


Configuring VAP QoS Parameters.......................................................................................................................


Managing Client QoS ACLs.................................................................................................................................


IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs.......................................................................................................................................


MAC ACLs.....................................................................................................................................................


ACL Configuration Process............................................................................................................................


Creating a DiffServ Class Map.............................................................................................................................


Defining DiffServ............................................................................................................................................


Creating a DiffServ Policy Map..........................................................................................................................


Client QoS Status..............................................................................................................................................


Configuring RADIUS-Assigned Client QoS Parameters....................................................................................


Section 9 - Clustering Multiple APs......................................................................................


Managing Cluster Access Points in the Cluster.................................................................................................


Clustering APs.............................................................................................................................................


Viewing and Configuring Cluster Members..................................................................................................


Removing an Access Point from the Cluster...............................................................................................


Adding an Access Point to a Cluster............................................................................................................


Navigating to Configuration Information for a Specific AP...........................................................................


Navigating to an AP by Using its IP Address in a URL.................................................................................


Managing Cluster Sessions...............................................................................................................................


Sorting Session Information.........................................................................................................................


Configuring and Viewing Channel Management Settings..................................................................................


Stopping/Starting Automatic Channel Assignment......................................................................................


Viewing Current Channel Assignments and Setting Locks..........................................................................



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Viewing the Last Proposed Set of Changes................................................................................................


Configuring Advanced Settings....................................................................................................................


Viewing Wireless Neighborhood Information.....................................................................................................


Viewing Details for a Cluster Member..........................................................................................................


Appendix A - Default AP Settings.........................................................................................


Appendix B - Configuration Examples.................................................................................


Configuring a VAP..............................................................................................................................................


VAP Configuration from the Web Interface..................................................................................................


VAP Configuration from the CLI...................................................................................................................


VAP Configuration Using SNMP..................................................................................................................


Configuring Radio Settings................................................................................................................................


Radio Configuration from the Web Interface................................................................................................


Radio Configuration from the CLI................................................................................................................


Radio Configuration Using SNMP................................................................................................................


Configuring the Wireless Distribution System....................................................................................................


WDS Configuration from the Web Interface.................................................................................................


WDS Configuration from the CLI.................................................................................................................


WDS Configuration Using SNMP.................................................................................................................


Clustering Access Points...................................................................................................................................


Clustering APs by Using the Web Interface.................................................................................................


Clustering APs by Using the CLI..................................................................................................................


Clustering APs by Using SNMP...................................................................................................................


Configuring Client QoS .....................................................................................................................................


Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface..............................................................................................


Configuring QoS by Using the CLI...............................................................................................................


Appendix C - DWL-6700AP Profile and Configuration Table..............................................


Appendix D - Statements.......................................................................................................



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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide


List of Figures


Figure 1 - Administrator UI Online Help...................................................................................................................


Figure 2 - Web UI Login Prompt..............................................................................................................................


Figure 3 - Provide Basic Settings.............................................................................................................................


Figure 4 - Command Line Interface (CLI) Connection.............................................................................................


Figure 5 - Viewing Interface Status..........................................................................................................................


Figure 6 - Viewing Events........................................................................................................................................


Figure 7 - Viewing Traffic Statistics..........................................................................................................................


Figure 8 - Viewing Client Association Information....................................................................................................


Figure 9 - Viewing TSPEC Client Associations........................................................................................................


Figure 10 - Viewing Rogue and Known Access Points............................................................................................


Figure 11 - Managed AP DHCP Information............................................................................................................


Figure 12 - Viewing TSPEC Status and Statistics....................................................................................................


Figure 13 - View TSPEC Status and Statistics........................................................................................................


Figure 14 - View Radio Statistics.............................................................................................................................


Figure 15 - Email Alert Operational Status...............................................................................................................


Figure 16 - Modify Ethernet (Wired) settings...........................................................................................................


Figure 17 - Modify Wireless Settings.......................................................................................................................


Figure 18 - Modify Radio Settings............................................................................................................................


Figure 19 - Scheduler Configuration........................................................................................................................


Figure 20 - Scheduler Configuration (Modify Rule)..................................................................................................


Figure 21 - Scheduler Association Settings.............................................................................................................


Figure 22 - Modify Virtual Access Point Settings.....................................................................................................


Figure 23 - Modify Virtual Access Point Settings (Static WEP)................................................................................


Figure 24 - Modify Virtual Access Point Settings (IEEE802.1X)..............................................................................


Figure 25 - Modify Virtual Access Point Settings (WPA Personal)...........................................................................


Figure 26 - Modify Virtual Access Point Settings (WPA Enterprise).........................................................................


Figure 27 - Configure WDS Bridges........................................................................................................................


Figure 28 - Configure MAC Authentication..............................................................................................................


Figure 29 - Modify Load Balancing Settings............................................................................................................


Figure 30 - Configure Managed AP Wireless Switch Parameters............................................................................


Figure 31 - Modify 802.1X Supplicant Authentication Settings................................................................................


Figure 32 - Configure Management Access Control Parameters............................................................................


Figure 33 - Configure Web Server Settings.............................................................................................................


Figure 34 - SNMP Configuration..............................................................................................................................


Figure 35 - Set SSH Status......................................................................................................................................


Figure 36 - Set Telnet Status....................................................................................................................................


Figure 37 - Modify QoS Queue Parameters............................................................................................................


Figure 38 - Email Alerts Configuration.....................................................................................................................


Figure 39 - Time Settings (NTP)..............................................................................................................................


Figure 40 - SNMPv3 Views Configuration................................................................................................................


Figure 41 - SNMPv3 Groups Configuration.............................................................................................................


Figure 42 - SNMPv3 User Configuration.................................................................................................................


Figure 43 - SNMPv3 Targets Configuration.............................................................................................................


Figure 44 - Manage this Access Point’s Configuration - Save (TFTP).....................................................................


Figure 45 - Manage this Access Point’s Configuration - Save (HTTP)....................................................................


Figure 46 - Confirmation Prompt..............................................................................................................................


Figure 47 - Manage this Access Point’s Configuration - Restore (TFTP)................................................................


Figure 48 - Manage this Access Point’s Configuration - Restore (HTTP)................................................................


Figure 49 - Performing AP Maintenance..................................................................................................................


Figure 50 - Manage Firmware (TFTP).....................................................................................................................


Figure 51 - Manage Firmware (HTTP).....................................................................................................................


Figure 52 - Packet Capture Configuration & Settings..............................................................................................


Figure 53 - Packet Capture Status...........................................................................................................................


Figure 54 - Packet Capture Configuration...............................................................................................................


Figure 55 - Packet File Capture...............................................................................................................................


Figure 56 - Remote Packet Capture........................................................................................................................


Figure 57 - Packet Capture File Download..............................................................................................................


Figure 58 - Configure Client QoS VAP Settings.......................................................................................................


Figure 59 - Configure Client QoS ACL Settings.......................................................................................................



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Figure 60 - Configure Client QoS DiffServ Class Map Settings...............................................................................


Figure 61 - Configure Client QoS DiffServ Policy Map Settings............................................................................


Figure 62 - QoS Configuration Status For Associated Clients...............................................................................


Figure 63 - Manage Access Points In The Cluster (Passive).................................................................................


Figure 64 - Manage Access Points In The Cluster (Active)....................................................................................


Figure 65 - Manage Sessions Associated With The Cluster..................................................................................


Figure 66 - Automatically Manage Channel Assignments......................................................................................


Figure 67 - View Neighboring Access Points..........................................................................................................


Figure 68 - Viewing Details For A Cluster Member................................................................................................


Figure 69 - VAP Configuration from the Web Interface..........................................................................................


Figure 70 - Radio Configuration from the Web Interface.......................................................................................


Figure 71 - WDS Configuration from the Web Interface........................................................................................


Figure 72 - Clustering APs by Using the Web Interface (Passive).........................................................................


Figure 73 - Clustering APs by Using the Web Interface (Active)............................................................................


Figure 74 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (ACL Name).................................................................


Figure 75 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (Rule1).........................................................................


Figure 76 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (Rule2).........................................................................


Figure 77 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (VAP QoS Parameters)................................................


Figure 78 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (Class Map Name).......................................................


Figure 79 - Configuring QoS by Using the Web Interface (Rule)...........................................................................


Figure 80 - Configure Client QoS DiffServ Policy Map Settings (Policy Map Name).............................................


Figure 81 - Configure Client QoS DiffServ Policy Map Settings (Rule)..................................................................


Figure 82 - Configure Client QoS VAP Settings.....................................................................................................



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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide


List of Tables


Table 1 - Typographical Conventions.......................................................................................................................


Table 2 - Requirements for the Administrator’s Computer.......................................................................................


Table 3 - Requirements for Wireless Clients............................................................................................................


Table 4 - Basic Settings Page..................................................................................................................................


Table 5 - CLI Commands for Ethernet Setting ........................................................................................................


Table 6 - CLI Commands for the 802.1X Supplicant................................................................................................


Table 7 - Logging Options........................................................................................................................................


Table 8 - Log Relay Host..........................................................................................................................................


Table 9 - Transmit/Receive.......................................................................................................................................


Table 10 - Associated Clients...................................................................................................................................


Table 11 - TSPEC Client Associations.....................................................................................................................


Table 12 - Rogue AP Detection................................................................................................................................


Table 13 - TSPEC Status and Statistics...................................................................................................................


Table 14 - TSPEC AP Statistics...............................................................................................................................


Table 15 - Radio Statistics Information....................................................................................................................


Table 16 - Email Alert Status....................................................................................................................................


Table 17 - Ethernet Settings.....................................................................................................................................


Table 18 - Wireless Settings....................................................................................................................................


Table 19 - Radio Settings.........................................................................................................................................


Table 20 - Scheduler Configuration..........................................................................................................................


Table 21 - Scheduler Association Settings...............................................................................................................


Table 22 - Virtual Access Point Settings...................................................................................................................


Table 23 - Static WEP..............................................................................................................................................


Table 24 - IEEE 802.1X............................................................................................................................................


Table 25 - WPA Personal.........................................................................................................................................


Table 26 - WPA Enterprise.......................................................................................................................................


Table 27 - WDS Settings..........................................................................................................................................


Table 28 - WEP on WDS Links................................................................................................................................


Table 29 - WPA/PSK on WDS Links........................................................................................................................


Table 30 - MAC Authentication.................................................................................................................................


Table 31 - RADIUS Server Attributes for MAC Authentication.................................................................................


Table 32 - Load Balancing.......................................................................................................................................


Table 33 - Managed Access Point............................................................................................................................


Table 34 - IEEE 802.1X Supplicant Authentication..................................................................................................


Table 35 - Management ACL....................................................................................................................................


Table 36 - Web Server Settings...............................................................................................................................


Table 37 - SNMP Settings........................................................................................................................................


Table 38 - SSH Settings...........................................................................................................................................


Table 39 - Telnet Settings.........................................................................................................................................


Table 40 - QoS Settings...........................................................................................................................................


Table 41 - Email Alert Configuration.........................................................................................................................


Table 42 - NTP Settings...........................................................................................................................................


Table 43 - SNMPv3 Views........................................................................................................................................


Table 44 - SNMPv3 Groups.....................................................................................................................................


Table 45 - SNMPv3 Users........................................................................................................................................


Table 46 - SNMPv3 Targets.....................................................................................................................................


Table 47 - Packet Capture Status............................................................................................................................


Table 48 - Packet Capture Configuration.................................................................................................................


Table 49 - Packet File Capture.................................................................................................................................


Table 50 - Remote Packet Capture..........................................................................................................................


Table 51 - Packet Capture File Download................................................................................................................


Table 52 - VAP QoS Parameters..............................................................................................................................


Table 53 - ACL Configuration...................................................................................................................................


Table 54 - DiffServ Class Map..................................................................................................................................


Table 55 - DiffServ Policy Map...............................................................................................................................


Table 56 - Client QoS Status..................................................................................................................................


Table 57 - Client QoS RADIUS Attributes..............................................................................................................


Table 58 - Access Points in the Cluster..................................................................................................................


Table 59 - Cluster Options.....................................................................................................................................



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Table 60 - Session Management...........................................................................................................................


Table 61 - Channel Assignments...........................................................................................................................


Table 62 - Last Proposed Changes........................................................................................................................


Table 63

- Advanced Channel Management Settings............................................................................................


Table 64

- Wireless Neighborhood Information.......................................................................................................


Table 65

- Cluster Member Details.........................................................................................................................


Table 66

- UAP Default Settings.............................................................................................................................



Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

April 2015

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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 1 - About This Document

Section 1 - About This Document

This guide describes setup, configuration, administration and maintenance for the D-Link DWL-x600AP Unified Access

Point (UAP) on a wireless network.

Document Organization

The Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide contains the following sections: •) “Section 1 - About This Document” on page 9

•) “Section 2 - Getting Started” on page 11

•) “Section 3 - Viewing Access Point Status” on page 22 •) “Section 4 - Managing the Access Point” on page 35

•) “Section 5 - Configuring Access Point Services” on page 65 •) “Section 6 - Configuring SNMPv3” on page 75

•) “Section 7 - Maintaining the Access Point” on page 79

•) “Section 8 - Configuring Client Quality of Service (QoS)” on page 88 •) “Section 9 - Clustering Multiple APs” on page 104

•) “Appendix A - Default AP Settings” on page 113

•) “Appendix B - Configuration Examples” on page 115

Additional Documentation

The following documentation provides additional information about Unified Access Point software:

•) The Unified Access Point CLI Command Reference describes the commands available from the command-line interface (CLI) for managing, monitoring, and configuring the switch.

•) The User Manual for the D-Link Unified Wired and Wireless System provides information about setting up and managing the Unified Wireless Switch (UWS), including information about how to use the switch to manage multiple UAPs.

•) Release notes for the D-Link Unified Wired and Wireless System detail the platform-specific functionality of the software packages, including issues and workarounds.

Document Conventions

This section describes the conventions this document uses.

Note: A note provides more information about a feature or technology and cross-references to related topics.

Caution! A caution provides information about critical aspects of AP configuration, combinations of settings, events, or procedures that can adversely affect network connectivity, security, and so on.

The following table describes the typographical conventions used in this guide.





Click Apply to save your settings.

Menu titles, page names, and button names.

Blue Text

See “Document Conventions” on

Hyperlink text.


page 9


Courier Font

WLAN-AP# show network

Screen text, file names, commands, user-typed



command-line entries.

Courier Font


Command parameter, which might be a variable or



fixed value.

Square Brackets [ ]


Indicates an optional fixed parameter.






Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

April 2015


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D Link WL6700APA1 User Manual

Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 1 - About This Document










Curly Braces {}

{Choice1 | Choice2}

Indicates that you must select a parameter from the



list of choices.

Vertical Bars |

Choice1 | Choice2

Separates the mutually exclusive choices.

Braces within square

[{Choice1 | Choice2}]

Indicate a choice within an optional element.

brackets [{}]




Table 1 - Typographical Conventions

Online Help, Supported Browsers, and Limitations

Online help for the UAP Administration Web pages provides information about all fields and features available from the user interface (UI). The information in the online help is a subset of the information available in the Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide.

Online help information corresponds to each page on the UAP Administration UI.

For information about the settings on the current page, click the Help link on the upper right side of a page.

The following figure shows an example of the online help available from the links on the user interface.

Figure 1 - Administrator UI Online Help


Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 2 - Getting Started

Section 2 - Getting Started

The D-Link DWL-x600AP unified access point (UAP) provides continuous, high-speed access between wireless devices and Ethernet devices. It is an advanced, standards-based solution for wireless networking in businesses of any size. The UAP enables wireless local area network (WLAN) deployment while providing state-of-the-art wireless networking features.

The UAP can operate in two modes: Standalone Mode or Managed Mode. In Standalone Mode, the UAP acts as an individual access point in the network, and you manage it by using the Administrator Web User Interface

(UI), command-line interface (CLI), or SNMP. In Managed Mode, the UAP is part of the D-Link Unified Wired and Wireless System, and you manage it by using the D-Link Unified Wireless Switch. If an AP is in Managed Mode, the Administrator Web UI, Telnet, SSH, and SNMP services are disabled.

This document describes how to perform the setup, management, and maintenance of the UAP in Standalone Mode. For information about configuring the AP in Managed Mode by using the D-Link Unified Wireless Switch, see the User Manual for the switch.

Before you power on a new UAP, review the following sections to check required hardware and software components, client configurations, and compatibility issues. Make sure you have everything you need for a successful launch and test of your new or extended wireless network.

The DWL-6600AP and DWL-8600AP are dual-radio access points and support the IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n modes. The DWL-2600AP and DWL-3600AP are single-radio access points and support the IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, and 802.11n (2.4 GHz) modes.

This section contains the following topics:

•) “Administrator’s Computer Requirements” on page 11 •) “Wireless Client Requirements” on page 12

•) “Dynamic and Static IP Addressing on the AP” on page 13 •) “Installing the UAP” on page 13

•) “Basic Settings” on page 16

•) “Using the CLI to View the IP Address” on page 17 •) “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page 18

•) “Configuring IEEE 802.1X Authentication” on page 19

•) “Verifying the Installation” on page 20

•) “Configuring Security on the Wireless Access Point” on page 21

To manage the UAP by using the Web interface or by using the CLI through Telnet or SSH, the AP needs an IP address. If you use VLANs or IEEE 802.1X Authentication (port security) on your network, you might need to configure additional settings on the AP before it can connect to the network.

Note: The WLAN AP is not designed to function as a gateway to the Internet. To connect your WLAN to other LANs or the Internet, you need a gateway device.

Administrator’s Computer Requirements

The following table describes the minimum requirements for the administrator’s computer for configuration and administration of the UAP through a Web-based user interface (UI).

Required Software or Component


Serial or Ethernet Connection to the

The computer used to configure the first access point must be connected

Access Point

to the access point by a serial cable or an Ethernet cable.


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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 2 - Getting Started





Required Software or Component


Wireless Connection to the Network

After initial configuration and launch of the first access point on your


new wireless network, you can make subsequent configuration changes


through the Administration Web pages using a wireless connection to the


internal network.


For wireless connection to the access point, your administration device will


need Wi-Fi capability similar to that of any wireless client:



Portable or built-in Wi-Fi client adapter that supports one or more of



the IEEE 802.11 modes in which you plan to run the access point.



Wireless client software configured to associate with the UAP.

Web Browser and Operating System

Configuration and administration of the UAP is provided through a Web-


based user interface hosted on the access point.


We recommend using one of the following supported Web browsers to


access the access point Administration Web pages:



Microsoft® Internet Explorer® version 7.x or 8.x (with up-to-date patch



level for either major version)



Mozilla® Firefox version 3.5 or later



Safari 5 and later versions


The administration Web browser must have JavaScript™ enabled to


support the interactive features of the administration interface.

Security Settings

Ensure that security is disabled on the wireless client used to initially


configure the access point.

Table 2 - Requirements for the Administrator’s Computer

Wireless Client Requirements

The UAP provides wireless access to any client with a properly configured Wi-Fi client adapter for the 802.11 mode in which the access point is running. The UAP supports multiple client operating systems. Clients can be laptop or desktop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or any other hand-held, portable or stationary device equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter and supporting drivers.

To connect to the access point, wireless clients need the software and hardware described in the following table.

Required Component



Wi-Fi Client Adapter


Portable or built-in Wi-Fi client adapter that supports one or more of the



IEEE 802.11 modes in which you plan to run the access point.

Wireless Client Software


Client software, such as Microsoft Windows Supplicant, configured to



associate with the UAP.

Client Security Settings


Security should be disabled on the client used to do initial configuration of



the access point.



If the Security mode on the access point is set to anything other than plain



text, wireless clients will need to set a profile to the authentication mode



used by the access point and provide a valid username and password,



certificate, or similar user identity proof. Security modes are Static WEP,



IEEE 802.1X, WPA with RADIUS server, and WPA-PSK.



For information about configuring security on the access point, see “Virtual



Access Point Settings” on page 47.


Table 3 - Requirements for Wireless Clients


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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 2 - Getting Started



Dynamic and Static IP Addressing on the AP

When you power on the access point, the built-in DHCP client searches for a DHCP server on the network in order to obtain an IP Address and other network information. If the AP does not find a DHCP server on the network, the AP

continues to use its default Static IP Address ( until you re-assign it a new static IP address (and specify a static IP addressing policy) or until the AP successfully receives network information from a DHCP server.

To change the connection type and assign a static IP address by using the CLI, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page 18 or, by using the Web UI, see “Ethernet Settings” on page 35.

Caution! If you do not have a DHCP server on your internal network, and do not plan to use one, the first thing you must do after powering on the access point is change the connection type from

DHCP to static IP. You can either assign a new static IP address to the AP or continue using the default address. We recommend assigning a new static IP address so that if you bring up another WLAN AP on the same network, the IP address for each AP will be unique.

Recovering an IP Address

If you experience trouble communicating with the access point, you can recover a static IP address by resetting the AP configuration to the factory defaults (see “Resetting the Factory Default Configuration” on page 81), or you can get

a dynamically assigned address by connecting the AP to a network that has a DHCP server.

Discovering a Dynamically Assigned IP Address

If you have access to the DHCP server on your network and know the MAC address of your AP, you can view the new IP address associated with the MAC address of the AP.

If you do not have access to the DHCP server that assigned the IP address to the AP or do not know the MAC address of the AP, you might need to use the CLI to find out what the new IP address is. For information about how to discover a dynamically assigned IP address, see “Using the CLI to View the IP Address” on page 17.

Installing the UAP

To access the Administration Web UI, you enter the IP address of the AP into a Web browser. You can use the default IP address of the AP ( to log on to the AP and assign a static IP address, or you can use a DHCP server on you network to assign network information to the AP. The DHCP client on the AP is enabled by default.

To install the UAP, use the following steps:

1.) Connect the AP to an administrative PC by using a LAN connection or a direct-cable connection.

•) To use a LAN connection, connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the network port on the access point and the other end to the same hub where your PC is connected, as shown in the following figure.

The hub or switch you use must permit broadcast signals from the access point to reach all other devices on the network.


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Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 2 - Getting Started



•) To use a direct-cable connection, connect one end of an Ethernet straight-through or crossover cable to the network port on the access point and the other end of the cable to the Ethernet port on the PC, as shown in the following figure. You can also use a serial cable to connect the serial port on the AP to a serial port on the administrative computer.

For initial configuration with a direct Ethernet connection and no DHCP server, be sure to set your PC to a static IP address in the same subnet as the default IP address on the access point. (The default IP address for the access point is

If you use this method, you will need to reconfigure the cabling for subsequent startup and deployment of the access point so that the access point is no longer connected directly to the PC but instead is connected to the LAN (either by using a hub or directly).

Note: It is possible to detect access points on the network with a wireless connection. However, we strongly advise against using this method. In most environments you may have no way

of knowing whether you are actually connecting to the intended AP. Also, many of the initial configuration changes required will cause you to lose connectivity with the AP over a wireless connection.

2.) Connect the power adapter to the power port on the back of the access point, and then plug the other end of the power cord into a power outlet.

3.) Use your Web browser to log on to the UAP Administration Web pages.

•) If the AP did not acquire an IP address from a DHCP server on your network, enter in the address field of your browser, which is the default IP address of the AP.

•) If you used a DHCP server on your network to automatically configure network information for the AP, enter the new IP address of the AP into the Web browser.

•) If you used a DHCP server and you do not know the new IP address of the AP, use the following procedures to obtain the information:

•) Connect a serial cable from the administrative computer to the AP and use a terminal emulation program to access the command-line interface (CLI).

•) At the login prompt, enter admin for the user name and admin for the password. At the command prompt, enter get management.

•) The command output displays the IP address of the AP. Enter this address in the address field of your browser. For a more detailed explanation about how to log on to the CLI by using the console port, see “Using the CLI to View the IP Address” on page 24.

4.) When prompted, enter admin for the user name and admin for the password, then click Logon.

Figure 2 - Web UI Login Prompt

When you first log in, the Basic Settings page for UAP administration is displayed, as the following figure shows.


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Figure 3 - Provide Basic Settings

5.) Verify the settings on the Basic Settings page.

•) Review access point description and provide a new administrator password for the access point if you do not want to use the default password, which is admin.

•) Click the Apply button to activate the wireless network with these new settings.

Note: The changes you make are not saved or applied until you click Apply. Changing some access point settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity. We recommend that you change access point settings when WLAN traffic is low.

For information about the fields and configuration options on the Basic Settings page, see “Basic Settings” on page 16.

6.) If you do not have a DHCP server on the management network and do not plan to use one, you must change the Connection Type from DHCP to Static IP.

You can either assign a new Static IP address to the AP or continue using the default address. We recommend assigning a new Static IP address so that if you bring up another UAP on the same network, the IP address for each AP will be unique. To change the connection type and assign a static IP address, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page 18 (CLI) or “Ethernet Settings” on page 35 (Web).

7.) If your network uses VLANs, you might need to configure the management VLAN ID or untagged VLAN ID on the UAP in order for it to work with your network.

For information about how to configure VLAN information, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page 18 (CLI) or “Ethernet Settings” on page 35 (Web).

8.) If your network uses IEEE 802.1X port security for network access control, you must configure the 802.1X supplicant information on the AP.

For information about how to configure the 802.1X user name and password, see “Configuring IEEE 802.1X

Authentication” on page 19.


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Basic Settings

From the Basic Settings page, you can view various information about the UAP, including IP and MAC address information, and configure the administrator password for the UAP. The following table describes the fields and configuration options on the Basic Settings page.




IP Address

Shows the IP address assigned to the AP. This field is not editable on this page because



the IP address is already assigned (either by DHCP, or statically through the Ethernet



Settings page).


IPv6 Address

Shows the IPv6 address assigned to the AP. This field is not editable on this page because



the IP address is already assigned (either by DHCPv6, or statically through the Ethernet



Settings page).


IPv6 Address Status

Shows the operational status of the static IPv6 address assigned to the management



interface of the AP. The possible values are Operational and Tentative.


IPv6 Autoconfigured

Shows each automatically-configured global IPv6 address for the management interface of


Global Addresses

the AP.


IPv6 Link Local

Shows the IPv6 Link Local address, which is the IPv6 address used by the local physical



link. The link local address is not configurable and is assigned by using the IPv6 Neighbor



Discovery process.


MAC Address

Shows the MAC address of the AP. The address shown here is the MAC address



associated with the management interface. This is the address by which the AP is known



externally to other networks.


Firmware Version

Shows version information about the firmware currently installed on the AP. As new



versions of the WLAN AP firmware become available, you can upgrade the firmware on



your APs.


Product Identifier

Identifies the AP hardware model.


Hardware Version

Identifies the AP hardware version.


Serial Number

Shows the AP serial number.


Device Name

Generic name to identify the type of hardware.


Device Description

Provides information about the product hardware.


Current Password

Enter the current administrator password. You must correctly enter the current password



before you are able to change it.


New Password

Enter a new administrator password. The characters you enter are displayed as bullet



characters to prevent others from seeing your password as you type.



The administrator password must be an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters. Do not



use special characters or spaces.



Note: As an immediate first step in securing your wireless network, we recommend that



you change the administrator password from the default.


Confirm New

Re-enter the new administrator password to confirm that you typed it as intended.






Baud Rate

Select a baud rate for the serial port connection. The baud rate on the AP must match the



baud rate on the terminal or terminal emulator to connect to the AP command-line interface



(CLI) by using a serial (console) connection.



The following baud rates are available:






















System Name

Enter a name for the AP. This name appears only on the Basic Settings page and is a



name to identify the AP to the administrator. Use up to 64 alphanumeric characters, for



example My AP.








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System Contact

Enter the name, e-mail address, or phone number of the person to contact regarding



issues related to the AP.



System Location

Enter the physical location of the AP, for example Conference Room A.


Table 4 - Basic Settings Page

Connecting to the AP Web Interface by Using the IPv6 Address

To connect to the AP by using the IPv6 global address or IPv6 link local address, you must enter the AP address into your browser in a special format.

Note: The following instructions and examples work with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) and might not work with other browsers.

To connect to an IPv6 global address, add square brackets around the IPv6 address. For example, if the AP global IPv6 address is 2520::230:abff:fe00:2420, type the following address into the IE7 address field: http://


To connect to the iPv6 link local address, replace the colons (:) with hyphens (-), add the interface number preceded with an “s,” then add “.ipv6-literal.net.” For example, if the AP link local address is fe80::230:abff:fe00:2420, and the Windows interface is defined as “%6,” type the following address into the IE7 address field: http://fe80--230-abff-fe00-


Using the CLI to View the IP Address

The DHCP client on the UAP is enabled by default. If you connect the UAP to a network with a DHCP server, the AP automatically acquires an IP address. To manage the UAP by using the Administrator UI, you must enter the IP address of the access point into a Web browser.

If a DHCP server on your network assigns an IP address to the UAP, and you do not know the IP address, use the following steps to view the IP address of the UAP:

1.) Using a null-modem cable, connect a VT100/ANSI terminal or a workstation to the console (serial) port.

If you attached a PC, Apple, or UNIX workstation, start a terminal-emulation program, such as HyperTerminal or


2.) Configure the terminal-emulation program to use the following settings:

•) Baud rate: 115200 bps •) Data bits: 8

•) Parity: none •) Stop bit: 1

•) Flow control: none

3.) Press the return key, and a login prompt should appear.

The login name is admin. The default password is admin. After a successful login, the screen shows the (Access Point Name)# prompt.

4.) At the login prompt, enter get management. Information similar to the following prints to the screen.


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Figure 4 - Command Line Interface (CLI) Connection

Configuring the Ethernet Settings

The default Ethernet settings, which include DHCP and VLAN information, might not work for all networks.

By default, the DHCP client on the UAP automatically broadcasts requests for network information. If you want to use a static IP address, you must disable the DHCP client and manually configure the IP address and other network information.

The management VLAN is VLAN 1 by default. This VLAN is also the default untagged VLAN. If you already have a management VLAN configured on your network with a different VLAN ID, you must change the VLAN ID of the management VLAN on the access point.

For information about using the Web interface to configure the Ethernet settings, see “Ethernet Settings” on page 35. You can also use the CLI to configure the Ethernet settings, which the following section describes.

Using the CLI to Configure Ethernet Settings

Use the commands shown in the following table to view and set values for the Ethernet (wired) interface. For more information about each setting, see the description for the field in the following table.



Get the DNS Name

get host id

Set the DNS Name

set host id <host_name>


For example:


set host id lab-ap

Get Current Settings for the Ethernet (Wired) Internal

get management



Set the management VLAN ID

set management vlan-id <1-4094>

View untagged VLAN information

get untagged-vlan

Enable the untagged VLAN

set untagged-vlan status up

Disable the untagged VLAN

set untagged-vlan status down

Set the untagged VLAN ID

set untagged-vlan vlan-id <1-4094>

View the connection type

get management dhcp-status




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Use DHCP as the connection type

set management dhcp-status up

Use a Static IP as the connection type

set management dhcp-status down

Set the Static IP address

set management static-ip <ip_address>


For example:


set management static-ip

Set a Subnet Mask

set management static-mask <netmask>


For example:


set management static-mask

Set the Default Gateway

set static-ip-route gateway <ip_address>


For example:


set static-ip-route gateway

View the DNS Nameserver mode Dynamic= up

get host dns-via-dhcp



Set DNS Nameservers to Use Static IP Addresses

set host dns-via-dhcp down

(Dynamic to Manual Mode)

set host static-dns-1 <ip_address>


set host static-dns-2 <ip_address>


For example:


set host static-dns-1

Set DNS Nameservers to Use DHCP IP Addressing

set host dns-via-dhcp up

(Manual to Dynamic Mode)


Table 5 - CLI Commands for Ethernet Setting

In the following example, the administrator uses the CLI to set the management VLAN ID to 123 and to disable the untagged VLAN so that all traffic is tagged with a VLAN ID.

DLINK-WLAN-AP# set management vlan-id 123 DLINK-WLAN-AP# set untagged-vlan status down DLINK-WLAN-AP# get management

Property Value

























DLINK-WLAN-AP# get untagged-vlan













Configuring IEEE 802.1X Authentication

On networks that use IEEE 802.1X, port-based network access control, a supplicant (client) cannot gain access to the network until the 802.1X authenticator grants access. If your network uses 802.1X, you must configure 802.1X authentication information that the AP can supply to the authenticator.

If your network uses IEEE 802.1X see “Configuring IEEE 802.1X Authentication” on page 19 for information about how to configure 802.1X by using the Web interface.


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Using the CLI to Configure 802.1X Authentication Information

The following table shows the commands used to configure the 802.1X supplicant information using the CLI.




View 802.1X supplicant settings


get dot1x-supplicant

Enable 802.1X supplicant


set dot1x-supplicant status up

Disable 802.1X supplicant


set dot1x-supplicant status down

Set the 802.1X user name


set dot1x-supplicant user <name>

Set the 802.1X password


set dot1x-supplicant password <password>


Table 6 - CLI Commands for the 802.1X Supplicant

In the following example, the administrator enables the 802.1X supplicant and sets the user name to wlanAP and the password to test1234.


set dot1x-supplicant status up


set dot1x-supplicant user wlanAP


set dot1x-supplicant password test1234


get dot1x-supplicant















Not Present


Verifying the Installation

Make sure the access point is connected to the LAN and associate some wireless clients with the network. Once you have tested the basics of your wireless network, you can enable more security and fine-tune the AP by modifying advanced configuration features.

1.) Connect the access point to the LAN.

•) If you configured the access point and administrator PC by connecting both into a network hub, then your access point is already connected to the LAN. The next step is to test some wireless clients.

•) If you configured the access point by using a direct cable connection from your computer to the access point, do the following procedures:

•) Disconnect the cable from the computer and the access point. •) Connect an Ethernet cable from the access point to the LAN.

•) Connect your computer to the LAN by using an Ethernet cable or a wireless card.

2.) Test LAN connectivity with wireless clients.

Test the UAP by trying to detect it and associate with it from some wireless client devices. For information about requirements for these clients, see “Wireless Client Requirements” on page 12.

3.) Secure and configure the access point by using advanced features.

Once the wireless network is up and you can connect to the AP with some wireless clients, you can add in layers of security, create multiple virtual access points (VAPs), and configure performance settings.

Note: The WLAN AP is not designed for multiple, simultaneous configuration changes. If more than one administrator is logged onto the Administration Web pages and making changes to the configuration, there is no guarantee that all configuration changes specified by multiple users will be applied.

By default, no security is in place on the access point, so any wireless client can associate with it and access your LAN. An important next step is to configure security, as described in “Virtual Access Point Settings” on page 47.


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Configuring Security on the Wireless Access Point

You configure secure wireless client access by configuring security for each virtual access point (VAP) that you enable. You can configure up to 16 VAPs per radio that simulate multiple APs in one physical access point. By default, only one VAP is enabled. For each VAP, you can configure a unique security mode to control wireless client access.

Each radio has 16 VAPs, with VAP IDs from 0-15. By default, only VAP 0 on each radio is enabled. VAP0 has the following default settings:

•) VLAN ID: 1

•) Broadcast SSID: Enabled

•) SSID: dlink1 •) Security: None

•) MAC Authentication Type: None •) Redirect Mode: None

All other VAPs are disabled by default. The default SSID for VAPs 1–15 is ”dlinkx” where x is the VAP ID.

To prevent unauthorized access to the UAP, we recommend that you select and configure a security option other than

None for the default VAP and for each VAP that you enable.

For information about how to configure the security settings on each VAP, see “Virtual Access Point Settings” on page 47.


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Section 3 - Viewing Access Point Status

This section describes the information you can view from the tabs under the Status heading on the Administration Web UI. This section contains the following subsections:

•) “Viewing Interface Status” on page 22 •) “Viewing Events” on page 23

•) “Viewing Transmit and Receive Statistics” on page 25

•) “Viewing Associated Wireless Client Information” on page 26 •) “Viewing TSPEC Client Associations” on page 26

•) “Viewing Rogue AP Detection” on page 28

•) “Viewing Managed AP DHCP Information” on page 31

•) “Viewing TSPEC Status and Statistics Information” on page 31 •) “Viewing TSPEC AP Statistics Information” on page 32

•) “Viewing Radio Statistics Information” on page 33 •) “Viewing Email Alert Operational Status” on page 34

Note: The web-based UI images show the DWL-8600AP administration pages. Pages for the DWL-2600AP or DWL-3600AP will display information for one radio only.

Viewing Interface Status

To monitor Ethernet LAN (wired) and wireless LAN (WLAN) settings, click the Interfaces tab.

Figure 5 - Viewing Interface Status

This page displays the current settings of the UAP. It displays the Wired Settings and the Wireless Settings.

Wired Settings (Internal Interface)

The Internal interface includes the Ethernet MAC Address, Management VLAN ID, IP Address (IPv4 and IPv6), Subnet Mask, and DNS information. To change any of these settings, click the Edit link. After you click Edit, you are redirected to the Ethernet Settings page.

For information about configuring these settings, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page 18.

Wireless Settings

The Radio Interface includes the AeroScout™ Engine Communication status, Radio Mode and Channel. The Wireless Settings section also shows the MAC address (read-only) associated with each radio interface.

To change the Radio Mode or Channel settings, click the Edit link. After you click Edit, you are redirected to the


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Modify Wireless Settings page.

For information about configuring these settings, see “Wireless Settings” on page 37 and “Modifying Radio Settings” on page 40.

Viewing Events

The Events page shows real-time system events on the AP such as wireless clients associating with the AP and being authenticated.

To view system events, click the Events tab.

Figure 6 - Viewing Events

From the Events page, you can perform the following tasks:

•) View the most recent, high-level events generated by this AP.

•) Enable and configure Persistent logging to write system event logs to non-volatile memory so that the events are not erased when the system reboots.

•) Set a Severity Level to determine what category of log messages are displayed. •) Set Depth to determine how many log messages are displayed in the Event log.

•) Enable a remote log relay host to capture all system events and errors in a Kernel Log.

Note: The AP acquires its date and time information using the network time protocol (NTP). This data is reported in UTC format (also known as Greenwich Mean Time). You need to convert the reported time to your local time.

Configuring Persistent Logging Options

If the system unexpectedly reboots, log messages can be useful to diagnose the cause. However, log messages are erased when the system reboots unless you enable persistent logging.

Caution! Enabling persistent logging can wear out the flash (non-volatile) memory and degrade network performance. You should only enable persistent logging to debug a problem. Make sure you disable persistent logging after you finish debugging the problem.

To configure persistent logging on the Events page, set the persistence, severity, and depth options as described in the following table, and then click Apply.


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Choose Enabled to save system logs to non-volatile memory so that the logs are not erased


when the AP reboots. Choose Disabled to save system logs to volatile memory. Logs in


volatile memory are deleted when the system reboots.


Specify the severity level of the log messages to write to non-volatile memory. For example,


if you specify 2, critical, alert, and emergency logs are written to non-volatile memory. Error


messages with a severity level of 3 – 7 are written to volatile memory.


•) 0

— emergency





— alert





— critical





— error



•) 4

— warning





— notice





— info



•) 7

— debug



You can store up to 128 messages in non-volatile memory. Once the number you configure


in this field is reached, the oldest log event is overwritten by the new log event.

Table 7 - Logging Options

Note: To apply your changes, click Apply. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity.

We recommend that you change AP settings when WLAN traffic is low.

Configuring the Log Relay Host for Kernel Messages

The Kernel Log is a comprehensive list of system events (shown in the System Log) and kernel messages such as error conditions, like dropping frames.

You cannot view kernel log messages directly from the Administration Web UI for an AP. You must first set up a remote server running a syslog process and acting as a syslog log relay host on your network. Then, you can configure the

UAP to send syslog messages to the remote server.

Remote log server collection for AP syslog messages provides the following features: •) Allows aggregation of syslog messages from multiple APs

•) Stores a longer history of messages than kept on a single AP •) Triggers scripted management operations and alerts

To use Kernel Log relaying, you must configure a remote server to receive the syslog messages. The procedure to configure a remote log host depends on the type of system you use as the remote host.

Note: The syslog process will default to use port 514. We recommend keeping this default port.

However; If you choose to reconfigure the log port, make sure that the port number you assign to syslog is not being used by another process.

Enabling or Disabling the Log Relay Host on the Events Page

To enable and configure Log Relaying on the Events page, set the Log Relay options as described in the following table, and then click Apply.



Relay Log

Select Enabled to allow the UAP to send log messages to a remote host. Select Disabled


to keep all log messages on the local system.

Relay Host

Specify the IP Address or DNS name of the remote log server.

Relay Port

Specify the Port number for the syslog process on the Relay Host.


The default port is 514.


Table 8 - Log Relay Host


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Note: To apply your changes, click Apply. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity.

We recommend that you change AP settings when WLAN traffic is low.

If you enabled the Log Relay Host, clicking Apply will activate remote logging. The AP will send its kernel messages real-time for display to the remote log server monitor, a specified kernel log file, or other storage, depending on how you configured the Log Relay Host.

If you disabled the Log Relay Host, clicking Apply will disable remote logging.

Viewing Transmit and Receive Statistics

The Transmit/Receive page provides some basic information about the current AP and a real-time display of the transmit and receive statistics for the Ethernet interface on the AP and for the VAPs on all supported radio interfaces. All transmit and receive statistics shown are totals since the AP was last started. If you reboot the AP, these figures indicate transmit and receive totals since the reboot.

To view transmit and receive statistics for the AP, click the Transmit/Receive page.


Figure 7 - Viewing Traffic Statistics






The name of the Ethernet or VAP interface.


Shows whether the interface is up or down.

MAC Address

MAC address for the specified interface. The UAP has a unique MAC address for each


interface. Each radio has a different MAC address for each interface on each of its two




Virtual LAN (VLAN) ID.


You can use VLANs to establish multiple internal and guest networks on the same AP.


The VLAN ID is set on the VAP page. (See “Configuring Load Balancing” on page 60)

Name (SSID)

Wireless network name. Also known as the SSID, this alphanumeric key uniquely identifies a


wireless local area network.


The SSID is set on the VAP page. (See “Configuring Load Balancing” on page 60)

Transmit and Receive Information

Total Packets

Indicates total packets sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by this AP.

Total Bytes

Indicates total bytes sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by this AP.




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Total Drop Packets

Indicates total number of packets sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by


this AP that were dropped.


Total Drop Bytes

Indicates total number of bytes sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by


this AP that were dropped.



Indicates total errors related to sending and receiving data on this AP.

Table 9 - Transmit/Receive

Viewing Associated Wireless Client Information

To view the client stations associated with a particular access point, click the Client Associations tab.

Figure 8 - Viewing Client Association Information

The associated stations are displayed along with information about packet traffic transmitted and received for each station.

The following describes the fields on the Client Associations page.




Shows which VAP the client is associated with. For example, an entry of wlan0vap2 means


the client is associated with Radio 1, VAP 2.


An entry of wlan0 means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 1. An entry of wlan1


means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 2.


Shows the MAC address of the associated wireless client.


The Authenticated and Associated Status shows the underlying IEEE 802.11 authentication


and association status, which is present no matter which type of security the client uses to


connect to the AP. This status does not show IEEE 802.1X authentication or association




Some points to keep in mind with regard to this field are:



If the AP security mode is None or Static WEP, the authentication and association



status of clients showing on the Client Associations page will be in line with what is



expected; that is, if a client shows as authenticated to the AP, it will be able to transmit



and receive data. (This is because Static WEP uses only IEEE 802.11 authentication.)



If the AP uses IEEE 802.1X or WPA security, however, it is possible for a client



association to show on this page as authenticated (via the IEEE 802.11 security) but



actually not be authenticated to the AP via the second layer of security.

From Station

Shows the number of packets and bytes received from the wireless client and the number of


packets and bytes that were dropped after being received.

To Station

Shows the number of packets and bytes transmitted from the AP to the wireless client and


the number of packets and bytes that were dropped upon transmission.



Table 10 - Associated Clients

Viewing TSPEC Client Associations

The TSPEC Client Association Status and Statistics page provides some basic information about the client associations status and a real-time display of the transmit and receive statistics for the TSPEC clients. All transmit and receive statistics shown are totals since the client association started.


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A TSPEC is a traffic specification that is sent from a QoS-capable wireless client to an AP requesting a certain amount of network access for the traffic stream (TS) it represents. A traffic stream is a collection of data packets identified by the wireless client as belonging to a particular user priority. An example of a voice traffic stream is a Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ telephone handset that marks its codec-generated data packets as voice priority traffic. An example of a video traffic stream is a video player application on a wireless laptop that prioritizes a video conference feed from a corporate server.

To view TSPEC client association statistics, click the TSPEC Client Associations tab.

Figure 9 - Viewing TSPEC Client Associations

The following table describes the information provided on the TSPEC Client Association Status and Statistics page.







Radio interface used by the client.


Client station MAC address.

TS Identifier

TSPEC Traffic Session Identifier (range 0-7).

Access Category

TS Access Category (voice or video).


The traffic direction for this TS. Direction can be:










User Priority

The User Priority (UP) for this TS. The UP is sent with each packet in the UP portion of the


IP header. Typical values are:



6 or 7 for voice



4 or 5 for video


The value may differ depending on other priority traffic sessions.

Medium Time

The time (in 32 microsecond per second units) that the TS traffic occupies the transmission



Excess Usage

The number of times the client has exceeded the medium time established for its TSPEC.


Minor, infrequent violations are ignored.


The Virtual Access Point associated with this TS client.

MAC Address

The Virtual Access Point MAC address.


The service set identifier associated with this TS client.





Radio interface used by the client.


Client station MAC address.

TS Identifier

TSPEC Traffic Session Identifier (range 0-7).

Access Category

TS Access Category (voice or video).


The traffic direction for this TS. Direction can be:











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From Station

Shows the number of packets and bytes received from the wireless client and the number


of packets and bytes that were dropped after being received. Also shows the number of






in excess of an admitted TSPEC.




for which no TSPEC has been established when admission is required by the AP.

To Station

Shows the number of packets and bytes transmitted from the AP to the wireless client and


the number of packets and bytes that were dropped upon transmission. Also shows the


number of packets:




in excess of an admitted TSPEC.




for which no TSPEC has been established when admission is required by the AP.

Table 11 - TSPEC Client Associations

Link Integrity Monitoring

The UAP provides link integrity monitoring to continually verify its connection to each associated client. To do this, the AP sends data packets to clients every few seconds when no other traffic is passing. This allows the AP to detect when a client goes out of range, even during periods when no normal traffic is exchanged. The client connection

drops off the list within 300 seconds if these data packets are not acknowledged, even if no disassociation message is received.

Viewing Rogue AP Detection

The status page to view Rogue AP Detection information provides real-time statistics for all APs within range of the AP on which you are viewing the Administration Web pages. When AP detection is enabled, the radio will periodically switch from its operating channel to scan other channels within the same band. Click Refresh to update the screen and display the most current information.

The Rogue AP Detection page contains the following two lists:

•) Detected Rogue AP List — Lists all APs within range of the AP that have not been acknowledged as known APs. •) Known AP List — Lists all APs within range of the AP that have been acknowledged as known APs either by

clicking the Grant button associated with an AP in the Detected Rogue AP List or by appearing in an imported AP list.

To view information about other access points on the wireless network, click the Rogue AP Detection tab.

Figure 10 - Viewing Rogue and Known Access Points

You must enable the AP detection on a radio in order to collect information about other APs within range.

The following table describes the information provided on neighboring access points.


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AP Detection for

To allow the AP radios to perform neighbor AP detection and collect information about


neighbor APs, click Enabled.



To disable neighbor AP detection on the radios, click Disabled.


If you change the AP detection mode, click Apply to save the new settings.

Detected Rogue AP List

Action Click Grant to move the AP from the Detected Rogue AP List to the Known AP List. Note: The Detected Rouge AP and Known AP lists provide information. The DWL-x600AP

does not have any control over the APs on the list and cannot apply any security policies to

APs detected through the RF scan.


Shows the MAC address of the neighboring AP.


The Radio field indicates which radio detected the neighboring AP:



wlan0 (Radio One)



wlan1 (Radio Two)

Beacon Int.

Shows the Beacon interval being used by this AP.


Beacon frames are transmitted by an AP at regular intervals to announce the existence


of the wireless network. The default behavior is to send a beacon frame once every 100


milliseconds (or 10 per second).


The Beacon Interval is set on the Radio page.(See “Modifying Radio Settings” on page





Indicates the type of device:



AP indicates the neighboring device is an AP that supports the IEEE 802.11 Wireless



Networking Framework in Infrastructure Mode.



Ad hoc indicates a neighboring station running in Ad hoc Mode. Stations set to ad



hoc mode communicate with each other directly, without the use of a traditional AP.



Ad-hoc mode is an IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networking Framework also referred to as



peer-to-peer mode or an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS).


The Service Set Identifier (SSID) for the AP.


The SSID is an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters that uniquely identifies a wireless


local area network. It is also referred to as the Network Name.


The SSID is set on the VAP page. (See “Configuring Load Balancing” on page 60)


Indicates whether there is any security on the neighboring device.



Off indicates that the Security mode on the neighboring device is set to None (no






On indicates that the neighboring device has some security in place.



Security is configured on the AP from the VAP page.


Indicates whether WPA security is on or off for this AP.


This indicates the IEEE 802.11 mode being used on this AP. (For example, IEEE 802.11a,


IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g.)


The number shown indicates the mode according to the following map:



2.4 indicates IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n mode (or a combination of the modes)



5 indicates IEEE 802.11a or 802.11n mode (or both modes)


Shows the Channel on which the AP is currently broadcasting.


The channel defines the portion of the radio spectrum that the radio uses for transmitting


and receiving.


The channel is set in Radio Settings. (See “Modifying Radio Settings” on page 40)


Shows the rate (in megabits per second) at which this AP is currently transmitting.


The current rate will always be one of the rates shown in Supported Rates.


Indicates the strength of the radio signal emitting from this AP. If you hover the mouse


pointer over the bars, a number appears and shows the strength in decibels (dB).


Shows the total number of beacons received from this AP since it was first discovered.

Last Beacon

Shows the date and time of the last beacon received from this AP.


Shows supported and basic (advertised) rate sets for the neighboring AP. Rates are shown


in megabits per second (Mbps).


All Supported Rates are listed, with Basic Rates shown in bold.


Rate sets are configured on the Radio Settings page. (See “Modifying Radio Settings” on


page 40)






Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

April 2015


Page 29

Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

Section 3 - Viewing Access Point Status










Known AP List





An AP can appear in the Known AP List if it has been moved from the Detected Rogue AP


List by clicking the Grant button or if the MAC address of the AP appears in an AP list that


has been imported.



To move the AP from the Known AP List to the Detected Rogue AP List, click Delete.


Note: The Detected Rouge AP and Known AP lists provide information. The DWL-x600AP


does not have any control over the APs on the list and cannot apply any security policies to


APs detected through the RF scan.



Shows the MAC address of the neighboring AP.



Indicates the type of device:




AP indicates the neighboring device is an AP that supports the IEEE 802.11 Wireless



Networking Framework in Infrastructure Mode.




Ad hoc indicates a neighboring station running in Ad hoc Mode. Stations set to ad



hoc mode communicate with each other directly, without the use of a traditional AP.



Ad-hoc mode is an IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networking Framework also referred to as



peer-to-peer mode or an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS).


The Service Set Identifier (SSID) for the AP.



The SSID is an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters that uniquely identifies a wireless


local area network. It is also referred to as the Network Name.


The SSID is set on the VAP page. (See “Configuring Load Balancing” on page 60)


Indicates whether there is any security on the neighboring device.



Off indicates that the Security mode on the neighboring device is set to None (no







On indicates that the neighboring device has some security in place.



Security is configured on the AP from the VAP page.


This indicates the IEEE 802.11 mode being used on this AP. (For example, IEEE 802.11a,


IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g.)



The number shown indicates the mode according to the following map:



2.4 indicates IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n mode (or a combination of the modes)



5 indicates IEEE 802.11a or 802.11n mode (or both modes)


Shows the Channel on which the AP is currently broadcasting.


The channel defines the portion of the radio spectrum that the radio uses for transmitting


and receiving.



The channel is set in Radio Settings. (See “Modifying Radio Settings” on page 40)



Table 12 - Rogue AP Detection


Saving and Importing the Known AP List

To save the Known AP list to a file, click Save. The list contains the MAC addresses of all AP that have been added to the Known AP List. By default, the filename is Rogue1.cfg. You can use a text editor or Web browser to open the file and view its contents.

Use the Import feature to import a list of Known APs from a saved list. The list might be from another DWL-x600AP or created from a text file. If the MAC address of an AP appears in the Known AP List, it will not be detected as a rogue.

To import an AP List from a file, use the following steps:



Choose whether to replace the existing Known AP list or add the entries in the imported file to the Known AP list.


•) Select the Replace option to import the list and replace the contents of the Known AP List.



•) Select the Merge option to import the list and add the APs in the imported file to the APs currently displayed in


the Known AP List.



Click Browse and choose the file to import.



•) The file you import must be a plain-text file with a .txt or .cfg extension. Entries in the file are MAC addresses


in hexadecimal format with each octet separated by colons, for example 00:11:22:33:44:55. Separate entries


with a single space. For the AP to accept the file, it must contain only MAC addresses.



Click Import.



•) Once the import is complete, the screen refreshes and the MAC addresses of the APs in the imported file




Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide

April 2015

Page 30

+ 102 hidden pages