D Link DSM510A1 Users Manual

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D Link DSM510A1 Users Manual

Section 4 - Operation

Playing a Playlist

To play all the tracks in a playlist, select the playlist name and press the Play button. All tracks will be played in the playlist.

Adding Favorites

Click the MENU button on your remote control and you should see the Add Favorite option. Highlight the Add Favorite option and press ENTER (see the following image).

Select the Favories folder you want to add this Playlist, Genre, Artist,

Album, or Folder to and click OK.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Browsing for Music

There are many ways to browse for a music track. For example, let’s use the following music file located in the following shared location:

c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Music\Beethoven\Ode to joy.mp3

To browse for this track in the track list:

1.Select All Music

2.Highlight Ode to joy

To browse by artist:

1.Select Artist

2.Select Ludwig van Beethoven

3.Select Beethoven

4.Highlight Ode to joy

To browse by album:

1.Select Album

2.Select Beethoven

3.Highlight Ode to joy

To browse by genre:

1.Select Genre

2.Select Classical

3.Select Ludwig van Beethoven

4.Select Beethoven

5.Highlight Ode to joy

To browse by folder:

1.Select Folders

2.Select My Music

3.Select Beethoven

4.Select Ode to joy

Track: Ode to joy.mp3 Artist: Ludwig van Beethoven Album: Beethoven

Genre: Classical

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Controlling Music Playback

Your DSM-510 works just like a stereo or CD player. Controlling your music playback will be an easy and natural experience. Use the remote to Play, Pause, or Stop music. You can also use your remote control to Fast Forward or Fast Reverse the track. Press the Previous and Next buttons to skip to the previous or next track.


You can turn on the repeat function to continuously play individual tracks, playlists, or groups of tracks within a folder.

To repeat a track or a group of tracks, press REPEAT on the remote control. When the the Repeat icon appears in the lower right hand corner , than you are in the repeat current group of tracks mode. Press REPEAT for the second time and the Repeat One icon will appear in the lower right hand corner , this will repeat the track that is currently playing.


When you are playing a group of tracks, you can randomize the play order by pressing the SHUFFLE button on the remote control. You will see the shuffle icon in the lower right hand corner light up .

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Time Search

You can search to a specific time in a music file by using the Time Search function. While your music is playing, click the MENU button on your remote control. Navigate to the Time Search option and press ENTER (see the following image). Using your remote control, enter the minutes and seconds you want the player to start from, and click OK.

Note: The Time Search function may not be supported outside the Intel® Viivand Nero MediaHome Server.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation


Supported Photo Formats

The following photo file formats are supported:

BMP (non-compressed)

Windows bitmap file. Widely used in Microsoft Windows for pictures and backgrounds.

JPEG (grayscale, RGB, YCbCy)

(Does not support CMYK, YCCK.)

The JPEG format is the Internet and digital photo format standard used by most digital cameras.


(Animated GIF’s are not supported)

Older format still widely available on the internet for photos, web pages, and clip art.

PNG (Non-alpha channel only)

Portable Network Graphics standard created in response to limitations in the GIF file format.


(Does not support CMYK, YMC, YMCK, KCMY)

Tagged Image File Format is a raster file format.

Select the PHOTO category from the Home page or click the PHOTO button on the remote control. Select a category, by using the down arrow and up arrow on the remote control to navigate (choose between All Pictures, Album, or Favorites). Select your category by clicking ENTER. After the appropriate picture is highlighted, press ENTER, or Play to start a slideshow, on the remote control. The Page Up and Page Down buttons can be used to navigate through the picture list one page at a time.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Organizing Photo Albums

Unlike music files, photos contain little information about their content.Therefore, photos are organized by their filename and by the folder they are in. Many digital cameras will organize your photos into folders when you connect and unload them to your PC. Each time you dock or connect, a new folder is created using the current date and time, and all photos are copied into that folder.

To simplify browsing on your DSM-510, you can create folders on your PC. For instance, create a folder in the My Pictures directory called Vacation and copy all of your vacation photos into it.Your DSM-510 will show the Vacation folder. To play a slideshow of the folder, highlight it and press the Play button. To view a list of photos in the folder, highlight it and press the right arrow button.

You can give your photos meaningful names by renaming the files on the PC. Most digital cameras number photos sequentially. For example, rename the photo IM001125.jpg to sunset.jpg on your PC. The photo will be displayed as sunset.jpg on your DSM-510*.

Right-click on the file and select Rename.

If the file extension does not appear as part of the name displayed when you select rename, then it is not necessary to enter the file extension (.jpg) at the end of the filename. To rename IM001125.jpg to sunset.jpg, type in sunset and hit Enter on your computer’s



If the file extension appears as part of the name when you select rename, then be sure to include the extension when renaming the file. To rename IM001125.jpg to sunset. jpg, type in sunset.jpg and hit Enter on your computer’s keyboard.

You can create as many folders as you need. Create a folder for the year, then create folders inside for each of the months, and then folders in each month for special occasions (birthday, vacation, holidays, etc...).

*Folder creation and renaming files must be done on the PC via standard Windows® procedures.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Playing a Photo Slideshow

To start playing a photo slideshow, select a folder and press Play to start your slideshow.The first photo will be displayed, followed by the next photo in the folder, and so on. All the photos in the folder will display.

Playing a Photo Slideshow with Music

To start playing a photo slideshow accompanied by music, start by selecting a music track in a folder and press the Play button. Next, press the BACK button on the remote control to exit the music playing screen and return to the list of music tracks.You can also press the PHOTO button and select the folder that has the photos to be displayed. Select the first photo to be viewed and press the Play button to start your slideshow. All the photos in the folder will display. Before you begin the slideshow, or after it ends, press the MUSIC button to return to the list of music tracks.

You can also play music from your favorite list by pressing the menu key during a photo slideshow and selecting the favorite group with your music.

If you wish to retun to the music you were playing before starting the slideshow, press the BACK button on the remote control to leave the photo slideshow. Then press the MENU key on the remote control and select View Current Slideshow Music.

Controlling Photo Playback

Controlling photo playback is very similar to controlling a CD player. Once you have started a photo slideshow, use the remote to Play, Pause, or Stop the show. Press the Previous and Next buttons to skip to the previous or next photo.


You can turn on the repeat function to repeat all of the photos in a slideshow.

To repeat a slideshow, press REPEAT on the remote control. When the the Repeat icon appears in the lower right hand corner , than you are in the repeat current slideshow mode.


During slideshow playback you can shuffle the order by pressing the SHUFFLE button on the remote control.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation


Supported Video Formats

The following video file formats are supported:

MPEG-1 (up to 8Mbps, Resolution up to 480p)

MPEG-2 (up to 8Mbps, Resolution up to 1080i)

MPEG-4 (ASP - Advanced Simple Profile)

AVI (MPEG4 layer only, does not support uncompressed AVI, Resolution up to 1080i)

XVID (with MP3 and PCM)

WMV9 (Resolution up to 720p)

DVR-MS (Recorded TV files from Microsoft Windows® Media Center Edition)

Viewing a Video

Once you enter the VIDEO menu, you can view your list of videos.

Use the selection arrows to navigate to the video folder you wish to view (choose from All Video, Genre, Actor, Folder, or Favorites). Highlight the video folder and press ENTER.

After you have selected a video folder, scroll down and highlight the video you wish to view and press ENTER. The Page Up and Page Down buttons can be used to navigate through the picture list one page at a time.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Time Search

You can search to a specific time in a video file by using the Time Search function. While your video is playing, click the MENU button on your remote control. Navigate to the Time Search option and press ENTER (see the following image). Using your remote control, enter the minutes and seconds you want the player to start from, and click OK.

Note: The Time Search function may not be supported outside the Intel® Viivand Nero MediaHome Server.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation

Intel® ViivZone

The Intel® ViivZone is your gateway to a world of online applications and services.

Click on a category by using the buttons on the left (see the following image) and browse the available applications and services.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation


Use the selection arrows and the ENTER button to select a media source for your photos, music, and video files.

Once the media server is selected you can browse your files that are being shared on your server.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


Section 4 - Operation


If there is a USB thumbdrive plugged in to the device, the DSM-510 will display a storage device menu. When you plug in a USB thumbdrive, the USB thumbdrive type will display.

Use the selection arrows and press ENTER to select a USB thumbdrive for viewing. Depending on your photo display options, your files will either display in a list or as thumbnails. Press ENTER to display the image in a full screen and use the up and down selection arrows to navigate back and forward through your files. You can also select Auto Play in the setup menu and your files will automatically play when a card is inserted.

Note: When playing MP3s, you can press the INFO button for information on the current track playing.

D-Link DSM-510 User Manual


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