D Link DIR430A1 User Manual

RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide
Version 1.00.70-09.12.2006
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 2
ABOUTȱTHISȱMANUAL ............................................................................................... 4
NotationalȱConventions ............................................................................................ 4
Introduction......................................................................................................... 5
Features ............................................................................................................. 6
LANsȱandȱWANs ................................................................................................... 7
Staticȱ&ȱDynamicȱIPȱAddresses.................................................................................... 8
Firewallȱ–ȱItsȱneed .................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTERȱ2ȱȱGETTINGȱTOȱKNOWȱTHEȱDIRȬ430................................................................ 9
TheȱDIRȬ430ȱBackȱPanel ........................................................................................... 9
TheȱDIRȬ430ȱFrontȱPanel .......................................................................................... 9
CHAPTERȱ3ȱȱCONNECTINGȱTHEȱDIRȬ430 ...................................................................... 10
Overview .......................................................................................................... 10
ȱandȱbootingȱup ................................................................. 10
CHAPTERȱ4ȱȱCONFIGURINGȱYOURȱPCS ....................................................................... 11
ConfiguringȱWindowsȱ95,ȱ98ȱandȱMillenniumȱPCs ............................................................ 12
ConfiguringȱWindowsȱ2000ȱPCs................................................................................. 14
ConfiguringȱWindowsȱXPȱPCs .................................................................................. 16
ConfiguringȱWindowsȱ2003ȱPCs................................................................................. 18
CHAPTERȱ5ȱȱCONFIGURINGȱTHEȱDIRȬ430..................................................................... 20
AccessingȱtheȱDIRȬ430ȱconfiguration............................................................................ 20
SavingȱandȱActivatingȱtheȱConfiguration ....................................................................... 22
TopȱPanel .......................................................................................................... 23
Setup .............................................................................................................. 23
QuickȱSetupȱWizard .......................................................................................................23
WAN ........................................................................................................................24
Prioritization ...............................................................................................................25
MACȱcloningȱsettings .....................................................................................................25
InternetȱConnectionȱSettings .............................................................................................25
DHCPȱclient ................................................................................................................26
PPPoE .......................................................................................................................27
InternetȱFailureȱDetection ................................................................................................29
RouterȱSettings .........................................................................................................30
DHCPȱServer ...........................................................................................................30
DHCPȱRelay ............................................................................................................31
Wireless .....................................................................................................................32
WirelessȱSecurityȱMode ...............................................................................................33
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
WEPȱWirelessȱSecurity................................................................................................ 34
WPAȱPSKȱ(WiȬFiȱProtectedȱAccessȱ–ȱPreȱsharedȱkey) ............................................................ 35
WPA2ȱPSKȱ(WiȬFiȱProtectedȱAccessȱversionȱ2ȱ–ȱPreȱsharedȱkey) ............................................... 35
WPA/WPA2ȱPSKȱ(AcceptsȱbothȱWPAȱandȱWPA2ȱPSKȱconnections) .......................................... 36
Advanced .......................................................................................................... 37
PortȱForwarding........................................................................................................... 37
ApplicationȱRules ......................................................................................................... 39
NetworkȱFilter ............................................................................................................. 41
BlockedȱURLs.............................................................................................................. 44
DMZȱSettings .............................................................................................................. 45
Scheduling ................................................................................................................. 46
UniversalȱPlugȬnȬPlayȱ(UPnP)........................................................................................... 48
UplinkȱBandwidth ........................................................................................................ 49
UserȱPortal ........................................................................................................ 50
AdminȱInfo................................................................................................................. 50
UserȱInfo.................................................................................................................... 52
ManageȱServers ........................................................................................................... 53
ManageȱViews ............................................................................................................. 54
AddȱaȱCategory ........................................................................................................ 55
RemoveȱaȱCategory ................................................................................................... 55
Addȱnewȱreference .................................................................................................... 55
ManageȱViewsȱȬȱBlogs ................................................................................................ 57
ManageȱViewsȱ–ȱPhotos .............................................................................................. 60
ManageȱViewsȱ–ȱVideos .............................................................................................. 63
ManageȱViewsȱ–ȱMusic ............................................................................................... 65
ManageȱViewsȱ–ȱFolders.............................................................................................. 69
DesktopȱLinks ............................................................................................................. 72
CopyȱUserȱViews.......................................................................................................... 74
ExternalȱBlogs ............................................................................................................. 76
Updates..................................................................................................................... 77
Tools ............................................................................................................... 78
Admin ...................................................................................................................... 78
UserȱNameȱ/ȱPassword ............................................................................................... 78
Administration......................................................................................................... 79
Time......................................................................................................................... 80
Firmware ................................................................................................................... 82
SaveȱConfiguration ....................................................................................................... 83
RestoreȱConfiguration .................................................................................................... 84
FactoryȱDefaults ........................................................................................................... 85
Reboot ...................................................................................................................... 85
DiagnosticȱTools........................................................................................................... 86
DynamicȱDNS ............................................................................................................. 88
Status .............................................................................................................. 90
DeviceȱInfo ................................................................................................................. 90
Logs ......................................................................................................................... 91
Logout ...................................................................................................................... 92
Support ............................................................................................................ 93
APPENDIXȱA:ȱTROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................. 94
APPENDIXȱB:ȱGLOSSARY ........................................................................................... 96
APPENDIXȱC:ȱWARRANTYȱINFORMATION ................................................................. 101
APPENDIXȱD:ȱFCCȱINTERFERENCEȱSTATEMENT.......................................................... 103
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
About This Manual
This manual describes the setup and usage steps you should perform to use the DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router.
Notational Conventions
This guide uses the following notational conventions:
Notationȱ Meaningȱ
Italicsȱ Textȱinȱitalicsȱisȱusedȱforȱemphasis.ȱ
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
The DIR-430 RangeBooster G Router provides access of your home network contents through a web-based portal on a secured SSL or HTTPS connection. The DIR-430 also features an ICSA certified, advanced Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall.
In addition the DIR-430 is a perfect solution for connecting a PC (or small group of PCs) through a switch, hub or Wi-Fi to a high-speed broadband Internet connection. With the performance and security features of the DIR-430, your network will take advantage of the Internet while keeping private data secure.
Chapter 1 Introduction
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
ȡ AbilityȱtoȱpublishȱcontentȱonȱtheȱHomeȱNetworkȱtoȱtheȱInternet,ȱcontentȱbeingȱphotos,ȱ
videos,ȱmusic,ȱfilesȱandȱblogsȱstoredȱonȱnetworkȱfileȱshares.ȱAnȱexternalȱblogȱmayȱalsoȱbeȱ referred.ȱ
ȡ Abilityȱtoȱcontrolȱwhoȱmayȱviewȱwhatȱcontent.ȱAdministratorȱcanȱprovideȱaccessȱ
ȡ AbilityȱtoȱprovideȱsecureȱremoteȱaccessȱtoȱPCȱdesktopsȱinȱtheȱhomeȱnetworkȱ(RDPȱ&ȱ
ȡ ProtectsȱyourȱPCsȱfromȱ50ȱkindsȱofȱattacksȱknownȱinȱtheȱInternetȱworldȱlikeȱPingȱofȱ
ȡ LȱkeywordȱFiltering.ȱMaximumȱofȱ10ȱkeywordsȱwithȱeachȱofȱsizeȱupȱtoȱ32ȱ
ȡ FacilitatesȱwebȬhostingȱorȱanyȱsuch
ȡ SupportsȱUniversalȱPlugȬnȬPlay.ȱ
ȡ EasyȱconfigurationȱthroughȱaȱWebȱBrowserȱfromȱanyȱPCȱconnected.ȱ
ȡ AdministerȱandȱUpgradeȱyourȱGatewayȱFirmwareȱremotelyȱoverȱtheȱInternet.ȱ
computerȱonȱtheȱInternet,ȱTraceȱRouteȱ–ȱutilityȱtoȱrecordȱrouteȱbetweenȱGatewayȱan specifiedȱdestinationȱcomputerȱonȱthe addressȱofȱtheȱgivenȱdomainȱname.ȱ
ȡ ConfigureȱyourȱGatewayȱasȱDHCPȱserverȱtoȱserveȱyourȱinternalȱne
ȡ Supportsȱsynchronizationȱofȱtimeȱwi
ȡ SupportsȱeventȱLogging,ȱstatistics.ȱ
ȡ GatewayȱUserȱcanȱblockȱspecificȱinternalȱuserȇsȱInternetȱaccessȱwithȱfiltering.ȱ
ȡ SupportsȱDHCP,ȱPPPoE
ȡ FacilitatesȱQoSȱsuppor
ȡ Supportsȱmulticasting.ȱ
ȡ SupportsȱsoftȬreboot.ȱ
ȡ ProvidesȱcomprehensiveȱsecurityȱwirelessȱaccessȱpointȱbasedȱonȱIEEEȱ802.11iȱstandard.ȱIt
ȡ ActsȱasȱDNSȱserverȱtoȱtheȱinternalȱnetwork.ȱ
ȡ Allowsȱ stingȱofȱWebȱandȱotherȱserver’sȱandȱsupportsȱDynamicȱDomainȱNameȱServiceȱ
ȡ PortȱTriggering,ȱPortȱforwardingȱandȱdefaultȱhostȱconfigurationȱsecurityȱfeature.ȱ
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
LANs and WANs
Your DIR-430 is a network device that connects two networks; Local Area Network (LAN) (the group of PCs in your home or office) and the Wide Area Network (WAN), that is, the Internet. The Gateway processes and regulates the data that travels between these two networks.
Your DIR-430 is "equipped" with firewall software that protects your local area network of PCs so that users on the Internet cannot hack into your PCs, hence keeps your local PCs secure. The DIR-430 protects your network by inspecting the first packet coming in through the WAN connection before delivery to the final destination on Local PCs. The DIR-430 inspects Internet port services like the web server, ftp server, or other Internet applications, and, if allowed, it will forward the packet to the appropriate PC on the LAN side.
DIR-430 ports connect to two sides: your 10/100 LAN ports and the Internet WAN port. The WAN and LAN ports can transmit data at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Static & Dynamic IP Addresses
IP stands for Internet Protocol. All IP based network devices like PCs, print servers, Gateways, and routers have IP addresses that are independent of the type of network interface. The IP address denotes the identity of the device on the IP networks, both LAN and WAN. IP addresses can be assigned manually to a device, or dynamically through a central server.
Static IP address is a fixed, and manually assigned to a PC or any other device on the network. They retain their address until you change it. This type of addressing is useful especially for the hosts/routers/Gateways that offer services (Web, FTP, printer), and you may want to access them using their known static IP address. If your ISP provides with static IP address, please use the static IP settings for the Internet Access Connection Mode.
Dynamic IP address is assigned for temporary usage, issued by a server (DHCP Server can be PC, Gateway or any other network service) in the network. The IP address obtained this way is not guaranteed to be constant. After a certain time period, they expire and may change. The DHCP server is notified of the expiry, and may assign the same or different IP address to a network device. This is used in the cases; where there is a constraint on the number of IP addresses, or to reduce the configuration on the network devices and keeping the IP addressing configuration centrally located.
For DSL connections, many ISPs may require you to log on with a user name and password to have access to the Internet. The technology used is Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), which is similar to (PPP) dial-up connection, with no telephone number dialling involved, provides dynamic IP address.
Firewall – Its need
With a rapid growth in the Internet around the world, and because of its open nature of the Internet Protocol standard, network security has become a major concern to the companies around the world. Once you are connected to the Internet, you are physically connecting your network to few thousands of unknown networks and their users. This enables all the Internet users around the world to share the information. But the idea opens up the possibility of confidential information being leaked out to Internet users who are involved in unlawful activities.
There are various types of attacks on the Internet; few for example, Denial-of­service attacks, SMURF, SYN flooding, ping of death attacks, Application layer attacks. To protect a private network from all these type of attacks, firewall came into existence. Your RGS Pro Gateway has firewall that provides a single point of defence between two networks and can secure your Local Network.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Chapter 2 Getting to know the DIR-430
The DIR-430 Back Panel
WAN Port: The WAN (Wide Area Network) port is where you connect your
cable or DSL modem through an Ethernet Cable.
Your DSL/Cable modem connection must be connected only to this port.
LAN Port: The Local Area Network port is where you will connect networked device such as PC, Laptop, switch, hub and anything other network element you want to put on your network.
USB Port: The USB port is reserved for future usage.
Power: The port to which you will connect the power adapter.
Reset: Explain the Reset button activity.
The DIR-430 Front Panel
Power: The Power LED will be solid when the DIR-430 is powered on.
Status: The Status LED will blink to indicate readiness.
Internet: The Internet LED will illuminate when connected to the Internet.
WLAN: The WLAN LED will blink to indicate WLAN function.
USB: The USB LED will illuminate to indicate a good USB connection.
LAN 1-4: The LAN1 LED will illuminate when connected and blink with
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Chapter 3 Connecting the DIR-430
DIR-430 setup requires little more than Hub or Switch setup. PCs on your local network should be configured to obtain an IP address (or TCP/IP address) from the DIR-430 (the DIR-430 also needs to get an IP address). Please consult your Internet Service provider (ISP) for the method used in getting IP address for the DIR-430.
Connecting Hardware together and booting up
1. Make sure you power down all of your hardware including the DIR-430, PCs, hubs, switches and cable or DSL modem.
2. As in figure 3-1, Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to one of the LAN ports (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4) on the back of the Gateway, and the other end to a standard port on a network device, e.g., a PC, Laptop, hub or switch.
Repeat the above step to connect more PCs or Network devices to the Gateway.
3. Connect the Internet Cable from your cable or DSL modem to the DIR-430 WAN port on the back panel, as shown in the figure 3-2. This is the only port that will work for your cable/DSL modem connection.
4. Connect the power adapter to the Power port on the back panel of the DIR-430, and then plug the power adapter into a power outlet as shown in the figure 3-3.
The Power LED should illuminate indicating a proper connection to power. If the Power LED fails to illuminate check the connection.
5. Turn on the cable or DSL modem and PC or switch.
The DIR-430 hardware installation is now complete.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Chapter 4 Configuring your PCs
This chapter helps you configure commonly used Microsoft Windows computer to be able to communicate with the DIR-430. Users with computers running other operating systems can look through respective user manuals.
Before you try making your PC obtain an IP Address automatically, you need to know the operating system of your PC. This section covers configuration for PCs running Windows 95, 98, Millennium, 2000, XP, and 2003.
If you are running Windows 95, 98, Millennium, 2000, XP, or 2003 then you can Click on the Start button and then go to Settings option (does not exist for Windows XP, 2003). Then click on Control Panel button to open a window with all the tools.
You may need to do this for each computer you are connecting the DIR-430 through the switch or a hub. If a single PC is connected directly to the DIR-430, then doing it on the PC is sufficient.
The next few pages take you through step-by-step procedure to configure your network settings based on the type of operating system. Make sure that Ethernet card or adapter has been successfully installed in each PC you will configure.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Configuring Windows 95, 98 and Millennium PCs
From the Control Panel window you just opened, double-click Network icon.
On the configuration Tab, as shown in Error! Reference source not found., select the TCP/IP for the applicable Ethernet adapter. Do not choose the entries with names DUN, PPPoE, Dialup Adapter, VPN, or AOL. If the word TCP/IP alone appears on a line, select it. Click on Properties button. If no TCP/IP line is listed, click on Windows Start button, click on Help button to open help pages. In the Index tab, type TCP/IP in the edit box. Press Enter key to show you the list of options. Select a topic that is related to installation of TCP/IP and follow the guidelines.
Click on IP Address tab and select Obtain an IP address automatically, as shown in the figure below.
Click on Gateway tab to ensure that the installed gateway field is left blank. Click on OK button as shown in the figure on the following page. This closes the TCP/IP Properties window.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
5. Click OK on Network window to be closed. Windows may ask you the original Windows installation disk or CD-ROM. Supply them. Supply them the correct file location, such as c:\windows\options\cabs, D:\win9x (where x is 5 or 8, and D may be your CD-ROM drive)
6. Windows may ask you restart your PC. Click the Yes button. Even if Windows does not ask you to restart, restart your computer anyway.
Move on to Next Chapter, "Configuring your Gateway".
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Configuring Windows 2000 PCs
From the Control Panel window you just opened, double-click the Network and Dial-up Connections icon.
Double-click Local Area Connection icon to show Local Area Connection Status Window. Click on the Properties button as shown in the figure below.
Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) tab and click on Properties button. This opens up Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window as shown in the figure below.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
As shown in the figure below, select the radio button, obtain an IP address
automatically. Then select the button, Obtain DNS server address automatically. Click OK button to close the window.
Windows may ask you restart your PC. Click the Yes button.
Move on to Next Chapter, "Configuring your Gateway".
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Configuring Windows XP PCs
If the Windows XP has a classic Interface (This has similar user interface as Windows 2000), then follow "Configuring Windows 2000 PCs". The following details in this section are exclusive to Windows XP with default Interface.
From the control panel window, double-click Network connections icon to open different window, where you have to double-click Local Area Connection icon. This opens up the Local Area Connection Status window as shown in the following figure.
Click on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option, then on the Properties Button as shown in the following figure.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
As shown in the figure below, select the radio button, obtain an IP address
automatically. Then select the button, Obtain DNS server address automatically. Click OK button to close the window.
Windows may ask you restart your PC. Click the Yes button.
Move on to Next Chapter, "Configuring your Gateway".
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Configuring Windows 2003 PCs
Click on Windows Start button would open up a menu, click on Control Panel menu to open up another menu, where Network Connections is found. Click on Local Area Connection to open Local Area Connection properties window.
On the configuration Tab, as shown in the figure above, select the TCP/IP for the applicable Ethernet adapter. Do not choose the entries with names DUN, PPPoE, Dialup Adapter, VPN, or AOL. If the word TCP/IP alone appears on a line, select it. Click on Properties button. If no TCP/IP line is listed, click on Windows Start button, click on Help button to open help pages. In the Index tab, type TCP/IP in the edit box. Press Enter key to show you the list of options. Select a topic that is related to installation of TCP/IP and follow the guidelines.
Click on IP Address tab and select Obtain an IP address automatically, as shown in the following figure.
Click on Gateway tab to ensure that the installed gateway field is left blank. Click on OK button. This closes the TCP/IP Properties window.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Click OK on Network window to be closed. Windows may ask you the original Windows installation disk or CD-ROM. Supply them. Supply them the correct file location, such as c:\windows\options\cabs, D:\win9x (where x is 5 or 8, and D may be your CD-ROM drive)
Windows may ask you restart your PC. Click the Yes button. If Windows does not ask you to restart, restart your computer anyway.
Move on to Next Chapter, "Configuring the DIR-430".
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Chapter 5 Configuring the DIR-430
This chapter guides you through the configuration of your DIR-430 to make it function in your network and gain access to the Internet through your ISP.
Accessing the DIR-430 configuration
Once connections are made as shown in Section 3 "Connecting the DIR-430", the DIR-430 can be configured using an HTML browser, Internet Explorer 6.0 on your PC. At the address line, enter HTTP URL, figure below, where is the DIR-430 Internal IP address (You may give different IP address if configured differently, refer to Local Area Network configuration). Subnet mask for all the machines on the local network is All the PCs connected to the Local Network ports can reach the Gateway device at the address specified.
as shown in the
The user is prompted for the username and password for the DIR-430 as shown in the figure below. The default user name is admin. The factory setting for the password is <blank>. The user is expected to change password (optionally username) to protect the DIR-430 configuration from an unauthorized manipulation. Enter the changed password if it was already modified.
If the username, password combination is entered incorrectly three times, the login session will be locked for a minute. This is for security reasons.
In rest of the document, the term user is used for the person who configures the DIR-430.
The Reset button on this page clears off the password field for the user to re­enter it. Clicking on Login button leads to the DIR-430 configuration welcome page as shown in the following figure.
If you enter an incorrect password 3 times consecutively, the DIR-430 configuration pages will be locked for one minute. It is strongly advised to wait
for one minute before re-attempting login.ȱ
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
As shown above, the welcome page represents the status of the various parameters of the DIR-430. The Top pane shown in the figure provides the sections of the DIR-430 configuration. The left pane shown in the figure provides the relevant sub-sections of DIR-430 configuration. Each section gets expanded when clicked to show few hyperlinks. Each hyperlink allows you to configure certain parameters of the Gateway.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Saving and Activating the Configuration
The user can save the current configuration to exist after the next reboot irrespective of any configuration changes done to the Gateway. This allows the user to configure the Gateway for customized behavior.
Changes made to the configuration of the DIR-430 will be effective immediately. Once a stable configuration exists on the DIR-430 it should be saved to the non­volatile memory. Click on Tools on the top panel and then click on Save Configuration on the left hand menu. In the resulting page as shown above, you will be prompted to press Save or Cancel buttons for saving the configuration.
By pressing save button, the configuration will be saved onto the DIR-430 for next reboot overriding the configuration saved earlier. Press Cancel button to cancel the operation.
If the DIR-430 is rebooted and the changes that were made prior to reboot were not saved, the DIR-430 will revert to the state of configuration that existed prior to the changes made.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Top Panel
The DIR-430 Management UI Top pane shown in the figure below provides the following categories to make configuration changes.
ȡ Setup
ȡ Advanced
ȡ User Portal
ȡ Tools
ȡ Status
ȡ Support
From the DIR-430 configuration home page, find the Setup hyperlink on the Top Panel of the DIR-430 Management UI. The Setup section contains configuration options pertaining to the Network li
nk to the Quick Setup Wizard.
Interfaces (WAN, LAN and Wi-Fi) as well as a
uick Setup Wizard
If this is the first time logging in to the DIR-430 Management Wizard Page, which allows the Quick Setup Wizard to be run.
The Quick Setup Wizard will allow you to configure the administrator login and password, the Time and Date Settings, MAC Cloning, and Internet Connection Settings. You may skip certain parts of the configuration if you are unsure or do not wish to make changes to that to
the selected portion any time.
portion. You can always revisit the setup or go
UI you will see the
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
The WAN section allows the configuration of Internet Connection Settings. Internet Connection types supported are: Static IP, Dynamic IP, PPPoE, and PPTP. Contact your ISP for specific information regar needed for your broadband
Internet Connection.
ding the type and parameters
WAN Page configurations:
Prioritization – Enable or Disable
Mac Cloning – Enable or Disable
Internet Connection – Enable or Disable
onnection Type – Static, DHCP, PPPoE, or PPTP
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Prioritization will streamline traffic bound for the Internet based on configurations made in the Network Filter Section (within the Advanced Configuration Menu). In order for Prioritization to work properly you must know the Uplink Bandwidth of
our ISP connection. Prioritization may be enabled or disabled on the WAN page.
AC cloning settings
Some times, the Internet Service provider requires your PC and its hardware address to be registered with their network. Typically, they provide with an installation CD with software to be installed on your PC. ISP once registers the MAC address, allows the Internet access only to the computer with the hardware address (MAC) it registered. To make ISP transparent about your DIR-430, you have to clone your PC's MAC address on to your DIR
-430. This allows the DIR-430
to use cloned MAC address to communicate to ISP.
nternet Connection Settings
The DIR-430 allows you to access the Internet in four different ways: DHCP, Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP protocols as show
n in below. DHCP is the default protocol
for the DIR-430 to access the Internet.
Connectivity to the Internet may be disabled on the WAN page (if connected).
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
HCP client
If the option selected is DHCP client, the DIR-430 tries to get the IP address automatically from the Internet. This requires a DHCP Server running on the network connected to your Internet Port. You should no
t disturb the
configuration while the progress bar is displayed on your browser.
Once successful, your quick setup is complete. You are ready to use the Gateway. Proceed to Advanc
ed Configuration section in this document for custom control
over the Gateway.
Once DHCP client successfully receives the IP address from the ISP, the HT configuration dis
plays IP address information as shown in the following image.
Insert pic here
In case the Gateway fails to get an IP address, it shows an error on the screen. You may press <Previo
us button and try again, or change the mode of the
Internet access setting.
MAC cloni required.
ng is disabled by default. Please see Section on MAC cloning if
After the DIR-430 gets the new IP information, you are allowed to change ISP
hyper-link. Once you
served DNS server IP addresses at any time by clicking click on the h
yper-link, it is prompted to enter new DNS server IP address as
shown below.
This facility helps yo server inf
u add custom DNS servers, or if ISP doesn’t not provide DNS
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
tatic IP
User can choose to set the External Network address to be static IP address, when the ISP offers you static/permanent IP address through a cable modem, DSL or a dial-up connection. The IP address does not have to change upon the rebooting of the device. As shown in the figure below, fill i
n the details, IP
address, subnet mask and Gateway IP address as given by ISP.
Some DSL service providers use PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) for Internet access for their end-users. Please check with your ISP whether PPPoE is used for your Internet access. Provide PPPoE u
ser name, password given by your
ISP in the configuration page as shown below.
Once configured, the DIR-430 is always connected to the Internet. If you would like to have Internet access to be available only on Demand, you can select the option "Connect on Demand" on this page. By default, the Maximum idle time allowed before the Gatew
ay disconnects the Internet is 10 seconds. You may
configure your own value.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Your Gateway periodically checks for the Internet connection, for every Keep Alive Time. If your Gateway finds the Internet connection does no e
stablishes the connection. The default period the Gateway verifies the Internet
onnection is 30 seconds. You may configure it to a different value.
t exist, it re-
As the name indicates PPTP does tunnel the PPP (protocol used for dialup Internet connection) packets over IP ne
twork. Some ISPs use this protocol for a secured connection establishment. Please check with your ISP whether they are supporting PPTP connections.
As shown in the figure below, provide the PPTP user name and password provided by your ISP.
Once configured, the DIR-430 is always connected to the Internet. If you would like to have Internet access to be available only on Demand, you can select the option No for the question, Do you want the Internet connection to be
on? on this page. By default, the Maximum idle timeout allowed before
the Gateway disconnects the Internet is 10 seconds. You may configure your own value.
The DIR-430 periodically checks for the Internet connection, for every Keep Alive Time. If the DIR-430 finds the Internet connection does not
exist, it re­establishes the connection. The default period the DIR-430 verifies the Internet connection is 300 seconds. You may configure it to a different value.
User account info is also required get P IS
P, and place it in the field. WAN IP and WAN subnet mask information can be
btained from Internet Service provider.
PTP server IP address information from
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
nternet Failure Detection
Your Gateway is intelligent enough to detect Internet connection failure automatically. While browsing the Internet using Internet Explorer, if the DIR-430 finds any problem with Internet con
nectivity, your browser will display the
appropriate error page on the screen.
For example, if Internet cable is physically disconnected while you brows Internet, an error message is displayed on your HTML browser as shown
Also, if your Gateway is not configured for Internet address, it redirects your browser to Gateway configuration that allows you to set Internet address through
Quick setup w
izard after the logging into the Gateway configuration page as
shown below.
DIR-430 RangeBooster G Wireless Router User’s Guide Version : 1.0ȱ
Lo k
cal Area Networ
Router Settings
The DIR-430 by default has a LAN IP address of This may be changed to any address within a Cla
ss C Network (except the Network or
Broadcast Addresses).
DHCP Server
By default, the DIR-430 is already set to offer IP addresses for machines on the local network automatically. If you would like to change the configuration of Gateway for DHCP server, click on Setup on the top pane, a
nd click on LAN to
show the DHCP server related configuration as shown below.
The default configuration is shown above when you open this
page for the first
time. User may restrict the range of the IP addresses offered.
Gateway IP address should be sp
ecified same as the internal IP address of the
DIR-430 ( by default).
You may specify WINS server IP address, which handles DNS requests on the Local network for Mic b
e offered for a PC.
rosoft PCs. Lease duration, is the time of the IP address to
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