Package Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Getting To Know Your VisualStreamTM PC Camera-----------------------------------2
Features and Benefits------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
How to Use Your D-Link VisualStreamTM Camera ---------------------------- 2
How to Install MSN Messenger -------------------------------------------------------- ----3
Using Your PC Camera with MSN Messenger---------------------------------------------4
How to Install VP –EYE4.0------------------------------------------------------------------4
Application Panel settings---------------------------------------------------------------------5
Managing video data---------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Monitoring a view (Video Monitor 2.0)-----------------------------------------------------5
Recording a Video (Video E-Mail)-----------------------------------------------------------6
Playing with your camera (Video Games)---------------------------------------------------7
Black Jack----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Making a photo album (Photo EZ)------------------------------------------------------------8
Sending a greeting card (Photo Greeting Cards)--------------------------------------------9
Having fun with your photos (Photo Special Effects)--------------------------------------9
Video Movie Studio----------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Digital Movie Producer------------------------------------------------------------------------10

PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteennttss
Contents of Package
z D-Link DSB-C320 330K Pixel PC Camera
z USB 1.1 Cable
z CD-ROM (containing Drivers, Installation Guide, Manual, Application Software and
War ran ty )
z D-Link Quick Installation Guide
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
System Requirements
z Pentium III 500 MHz, Celeron, AMD Athlon processor, or higher
z 64MB RAM (or minimum OS requirement whichever is higher)
z Microsoft Windows XP/2000/ME/98SE
z Microsoft DirectX 8.1b or higher
z Update Service Pack
z 200MB free hard drive space
z CD-ROM drive
z USB Port (USB specification version 1.1)
z 24Bit color display adapter
z Windows compatible sound card and speakers (full duplex sound card recommended)
Thank you for purchasing the D-Link DSB-C320 PC Camera. The DSB-C320 is a complete
audiovisual solution for all of your e-communications. Talk to your family, friends, and
colleagues face-to-face over the Internet, create videos, digital photo albums, and more, all the
software needed to start creating digital content and enabling video communication is included.
This manual will guide you through the features of your new PC Camera and provides step by step
instructions for getting you started with the bundled VP-EYE 4.0.

Getting To Know Your VisualStreamTM PC Camera
Features and Benefits
z High Resolution 640x480 Pixels
z Snapshot Button For Easy Still Image Capture
z Built-In Audio Microphone
z Versatile Clip Base Design For Notebook, LCD Panel Monitor & Desktop PC
z VP-EYE 4.0 Software Included
z Video Chat and Conferencing Capability with MSN Messenger
z Add Video Messages to Your Email
z Create Digital Photo Albums & Photo Greeting Card
z Video Monitor Security
How to Use Your D-Link VisualStreamTM Camera
z Press the snapshot button located on top of the camera to call out the device of D-Link