DJI Phantom User Manual

AdvancedManual 
V 1.4
2013.03.22 Revision
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A1 Software and Driver Installation
Make sure to use the NAZA-M assistant software of 2.0 version (or above 2.0) to carry out firmware upgrade and parameter configuration. DO NOT use the NAZA-M assistant software bellow 2.0 version.
1. Please download the driv er DJI Driver Installe r and NAZA-M assista nt s of tw are from t he PHA NTOM page of DJI website (
2. Connect the PHANTOM and the PC via the USB cable, power on the PHANTOM system.
3. Run the DJI Driver Installer, and follow the instructions strictly to finish installation.
4. Run the assistant software installer, and follow the instructions strictly to finish installation.
A2 Configuration and Firmware& Software Upgrade
1. Power on your computer. Make sure the computer is connected to the Internet for the first time you use.
2. Switch on the transmitter first, then power on the aircraft. Connect the aircraft to the PC with the USB cable. DO NOT break the connection until configuration or upgrade is finished.
3. Please refer to the “Assembly &Configuration->Step3” section of NAZA-M Quick Start Guide to get the detail of assistant software usage.
4. Refer to the “Appendix-> Firmware & Assistant Software Upgrade” section of NAZA-M Quick Start Guide to get the detail of assistant software usage.
5. If Manual Mode is required, please select “Manual” from the drop down list of Basic->RC->Control Mode Switch in the assistant softw are. R efer t o the “F lying Test-> Step 1 Control M ode Know ledge” section of NAZA-M Quick Start Guide to get the detail about the Manual Mode.
A3 Linking the Transmitter and Receiver
The linking of the transmitter to the receiver of the PHANTOM was carried out before they left the factory. If necessary you can link the transmitter to the receiver as follows, for example you replace the transmitter. The default receiver type is PPM.
DO NOT use the PHANTOM transmitter (receiver) wit h the third party remote control equi pment.
1. Please remove the housing by referring to the section of A8 Maintenance -> Remove the Housing.
2. Locate the receiver module according to the following figure.
3. After powering on the aircraft and the transmit ter, if the LED indicator of the receiver on the co ntrol board is lit solid red, this means the receiver currently has no connection with any transmitter.
4. Press down the link button for more than tw o se conds until the LE D indi cator blinks, then r elease the button.
5. Push the throttle stick to the lowest position and turn on the transmitter. Then if the LED indicator of the receiver turns off, the l ink between the transmitter and the rec eiver has succeeded. (Linking
operation can be done only when the LED indicator of the transmitter changes to blinking red .)
If the transmitter can’t enter the linking mode, please check that the throttle stick lies in the lowest
You can use your R/C system normally only after the linking is done successfully.
Receiver Module
Indicator LED
Link Button
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