Kids Electric Ride-On
Lightning McQueen
User Manual

Kids Electric Ride-On Lightning McQueen
Table of Contents
Safety ........................................................................................................................................... 1
General Safety Reminders ................................................................................................................................. 1
Remote Control and Batt er y Safety ................................................................................................................... 2
Included Items ................................................................................................................................ 3
Set-Up .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 6
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 7
Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................... 8

Kids Electric Ride-On Lightning McQueen
General Safety Reminders
Please keep and read the i nst r ucti ons carefully before using to r educe the chance s of hurting your child
and damaging the car. For y our chi l d’ s saf et y, please pay attention to the following safety warnings:
Installation should be done by adults; Keep child away from the moving parts.
Not suitable for children less than 36 months of age due t o small parts inside.
Make sure to use the seat belt corr ectly during driving; keep away from fire!
Children cannot drive alon e w it hout adults supervising them.
Don’t let your child stand on the st ep board (or in the car).
After charging the battery by adults, your child can then use the car.
Put plastic bags away from y our c hi ld t o reduce the risk of suffocatio n.
Do not use any spare parts that ar e not officially produced by t he manufacturer.
All batteries should be pla ced in their correct polarity (+ to +, - to -).
Do not make the charger into a t oy.
The car can carry one child only with a maximum weight of 30 kg.
Suitable ages for the car is 37-96 months old.
Non-storage battery cannot be re-charged; ta ke the exhausted battery out.
Do not mix old, new or different kin ds batteries together.
Do not allow the power termina l to shor t-circuit.
The car is not allowed to be char ged more than what is recom mended.
Do not drive the car on slippery streets, roads, slop es or other dangerous places.
Do not drive the car on smooth surfaces, such as marble and floor tiles.
Do not transfer the switch “ go forward” to “go back” when dr iv ing.
Do not allow your child to stand on t he seat.
Do not make any changes to the circuitry or other elect ronic devices.
Keep the remote control and t he c ar aw ay from rain, water and fire.
Do not soak water or any other li quids on the car to avoid damagi ng t he circuitry.
When the car meets an obstacl e, it will automatically stop. You can continue driving after getting past the
Do not drive the car indoors to avoid damaging furnitur e or getting your child in an accident.
When the power is low, the car can just go forward, but not left or r ight.
When it cannot go further or it is shaking, etc., please change the battery at once.
Please turn off the power w hen not in use. If the car is not driven for a long time, please cut off the battery

Kids Electric Ride-On Lightning McQueen
Remote Control and Battery Safety
Make sure the battery has been charged for over 18 hours be fore first use, ot her w ise it w ill be permanently
Connect the charger DC plug, and then connect the charger into the power supply. Do not operate the car
when charging.
After 1 hour of use, you should charge in time. It takes 8-12 hours to charge normally.
Do not charge for more than 20 hours.
It is normal for heat to be released from the charger and batt er y when it is charging ( low er t han 60°C).
Charging in wet conditions can c ause short-circuiting.
Make sure to use the self-cont ai ning charger & batter t o avoid any damage to the circuitry. Charge the
battery once a month when car is not being used for a long time.
Please fit two AA 1.5V batter ies i nt o t he r emote battery holders, w ith t he positive and negative pole
positioned correctly.
Please remove used batteries from the battery holde rs .
Please take the batteries out if the car will not be used for long tim e.
Do not expose the remote cont r ol i n w at er /damp environments.
Do not mix old, new or different kin ds batteries together.
Please check the electrica l w ires and other parts regularly . I f damaged, do not use.
Do not allow the power termina l to shor t-circuit.
NOTE: The batteries are not toys; it should be as sembled only by an adult.
WARNING! Do not allow your child to open or change the batteries by himself.