First of all, the Dillon RL 550B is a remarkably simple
machine–a little care and thought while setting up will
save you time and give you thousands of trouble free
Suggested Minimum Equipment:
1) Loading Manual 2) Powder Scale
3) Safety Glasses 4) Primer Flip Tray *
5) Dial Caliper * (* Indicates items that are not
absolutely essential, but are pretty darned handy!)
Mounting the RL 550B to your bench.
Place your RL 550B on the edge of sturdy bench or table.
Give yourself about 12 inches of work space on each side of
the machine to allow room for components.
Using the machine itself as a template, mark and drill
four one-quarter inch holes in your bench and bolt your RL
550B securely to it, Fig. 1. Next, mount the cartridge
collection bin bracket (#13803) onto your bench, Fig. 2,
allowing approximately one-eighth inch clearance between
the platform (#13781) and the ejected cartridge chute.
Using two screws or bolts, secure the bracket to your
bench. The cartridge collection bin (#13839) simply slides
on the bracket, Fig. 3, and will be in the proper position to
catch ejected loaded rounds. Bolt the operating handle in
place as shown in the schematic.
Safety Points to Know Before you Begin
Reloading ammunition involves the use of highly
explosive primers and powder. Handling these materials is
inherently dangerous. You should recognize this danger
and take certain minimum precautions to lessen your
exposure to injury.
Never operate the machine without ear and eye
protection on. Call our customer service department at
(800) 223-4570 for information on the wide variety of
shooting/safety glasses and hearing protection that Dillon
has to offer.
• PAY ATTENTION: Load only when you can give your
complete attention to the loading process. Don’t watch
television or try to carry on a conversation and load at the
same time. Watch the automatic systems operate and make
sure they are functioning properly. If you are interrupted
or must leave and come back to your loading, always
inspect the cases at every station to insure that the proper
operations have been accomplished.
• SMOKING: Do not smoke while reloading or allow
anyone else to smoke in your reloading area. Do not allow
open flames in reloading area.
• SAFETY DEVICES: Do not remove any safety devices
from your machine or modify your machine in any way.
• LEAD WARNING: Be sure to have proper ventilation
while handling lead components or when shooting lead
bullets. Lead is known to cause birth defects, other
reproductive harm and cancer. Wash your hands
thoroughly after handling anything made of lead.
* Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion
chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for.
Fig. 2 - This photograph shows the correct mounting
position of the cartridge collection bin bracket in relation
to the machine.
Fig. 1 - Using the machine as a template, mark and drill
four 1/4 inch holes allowing 12 inches on each side for
your work area.
Fig. 3 - The cartridge collection bin (#13839) simply slides
onto the bracket and will be in the proper position.