* Indicates a caliber specific part – see the caliber conversion
chart on page 19 for the caliber you are loading for.
Seat bullets as close to maximum cartridge length as
possible. Under some conditions, seating bullets
excessively deep can raise pressures to unsafe levels.
Refer to a reliable loading manual for overall length
• QUALITY CHECKS: Every 50-100 rounds, perform
periodic quality control checks on the ammunition being
produced. Check the amount of powder being dropped
and primer supply.
• RELOADING AREA: Keep your components safely
stored. Clear your work area of loose powder, primers
and other flammables before loading.
• COMPONENTS: Never have more than one type of
powder in your reloading area at a time. The risk of a
mix-up is too great. Keep powder containers closed.
Be sure to inspect brass prior to reloading for flaws,
cracks, splits or defects. Throw these cases away.
Keep components and ammunition out of reach of
• BLACK POWDER: Do not use black powder or black
powder substitutes in any Dillon powder measure.
Loading black powder cartridges requires specialized
loading equipment and techniques. Failure to do so can
result in severe injury or death.
• PRIMERS: Never force primers. If they get stuck in
the operation of the machine, disassemble it and gently
remove the obstruction.
Never attempt to clear primers that are stuck in
either the primer pickup tube or the primer magazine
tube. Never, under any circumstances, insert any type of
rod to attempt to force stuck primers out of these tubes.
Trying to force primers out of the tube will cause the
primers to explode causing serious injury or even death.
If primers get stuck in a primer magazine or pickup
tube flood the tube with a penetrating oil (WD-40),
throw the tube in the garbage and call us for a free
Never attempt to deprime live primers – eventually
one will go off. When it does it will detonate the others
in the spent primer cup. Depriming live primers is the
single most dangerous thing you can do in reloading
and can cause grave injury or death.
• LOADED AMMUNITION: Properly label all of your
loaded ammunition (Date, Type of Bullet, Primer,
Powder, Powder Charge, etc.).
• BE PATIENT: Our loading equipment is
conservatively rated and you should have no trouble
achieving the published rates with a smooth, steady
hand. If something doesn’t seem right, stop, look and
listen. If the problem or the solution isn’t obvious,
call us.
The reloading bench is no place to get into a hurry.
We have done everything we know how to make
your machine as safe as possible. We cannot, however,
guarantee your complete safety. To minimize your risk,
use common sense when reloading and follow these
basic rules.
• REMEMBER: If your machine does not perform to
your expectations, or if you are having technical
difficulties, give us a call. Technical Support (800) 223-
How the RL1050 Works
Stations 1 - 8 (counterclockwise)
Station 1: In this station the empty cases are
automatically inserted into the shellplate via the electric
Station 2: Here the spent cartridge cases are resized
and deprimed.
Station 3: This station is totally unique. The case is
supported from the inside and slightly expanded (not
belled) while simultaneously a swager is driven into the
primer pocket to remove any crimp.
Station 4: In this station a new primer is installed.
The spring driven primer slide is extremely smooth. The
steel shrouded primer magazine is capped with an
electronic Early Warning Device to let you know when
you’re down to approximately three primers.
Station 5: Here the case is belled and powder is
dropped by the case activated powder measure. It is
extremely accurate and will not drop powder unless a
case is present. Dillon Precision offers an optional
accessory to be utilized with the automatic powder
measure at this station – Dillon’s Low Powder Sensor
provides an audible and visual reminder when it’s time
to refill the powder reservoir.
Station 6: This station is open to allow for case
Station 7: In this station the bullet is seated to its
proper depth.
Station 8: In this station the bullet is crimped into
place. The cartridge is then automatically ejected into a
collection bin.
Your dies have been adjusted at the factory. Before
you change anything, try it the way it is, once you
thoroughly understand the machine’s operation, make
whatever adjustments to the dies you feel necessary.
Reminder: There may be some variation due to
RL1050 Assembly
Your new RL1050 has been assembled at the factory.
All of the adjustments necessary to reload have already
been made, in fact we’ve even adjusted the dies to
reload the caliber you have chosen. However, before
you can reload you must do some minor assembly.
Due to variations in components, check all stations
for proper settings before loading ammunition. It is
absolutely necessary that you read the following