Suggested Minimum Equipment
to Begin Reloading
(Figure 1)
1) Powder scale
2) Dies
3) Loading manual
4) Case lubricant (for bottlenecked cases)
5) Safety glasses
6) Primer flip tray*
7) Dial calipers*
(*Not absolutely essential, but pretty handy.)
Figure 1– Minimum equipment needed to begin reloading.
Reloading Safety
At this point you’re anxious to finish your assembly
and start cranking out rounds. But for your own safety,
stop now and read the following:
Reloading small arms ammunition involves the use of
highly explosive primers and powder. Handling these
materials is inherently dangerous. You should recognize
this danger and take certain minimum precautions to
lessen your exposure to injury.
Never operate the machine without ear and eye protection on. Call our customer service department at (800) 2234570 for information on the wide variety of shooting/safety glasses and hearing protection that Dillon has to offer.
• PAY ATTENTION: Load only when you can give your
complete attention to the loading process. Don’t watch
television or try to carry on a conversation and load at the
same time. Watch the automatic systems operate and make
sure they are functioning properly. If you are interrupted
or must leave and come back to your loading, always
inspect the cases at every station to insure that the proper
operations have been accomplished.
• SMOKING: Do not smoke while reloading or allow anyone else to smoke in your reloading area. Do not allow
open flames in reloading area.
• SAFETY DEVICES: Do not remove any safety devices
from your machine or modify your machine in any way.
• LEAD WARNING: Be sure to have proper ventilation
while handling lead components or when shooting lead
bullets. Lead is known to cause birth defects, other reproductive harm and cancer. Wash your hands thoroughly
after handling anything made of lead.
• LOADS AND LENGTHS: Avoid maximum loads and
pressures at all times. Use only recommended loads from
manuals and information supplied by reliable component
manufacturers and suppliers. Since Dillon Precision has no
control over the components which may be used on their
equipment, no responsibility is implied or assumed for
results obtained through the use of any such components.
Seat bullets as close to maximum cartridge length as
possible. Under some conditions, seating bullets excessively deep can raise pressures to unsafe levels. Refer to a reliable loading manual for overall length (OAL).
• QUALITY CHECKS: Every 50-100 rounds, perform periodic quality control checks on the ammunition being produced. Check the amount of powder being dropped and
primer supply.
• RELOADING AREA: Keep your components safely
stored. Clear your work area of loose powder, primers and
other flammables before loading.
• COMPONENTS: Never have more than one type of
powder in your reloading area at a time. The risk of a mixup is too great. Keep powder containers closed.
Be sure to inspect brass prior to reloading for flaws,
cracks, splits or defects. Throw these cases away.
Keep components and ammunition out of reach of
• BLACK POWDER: Do not use black powder or black
powder substitutes in any Dillon powder measure.
Loading black powder cartridges requires specialized loading equipment and techniques. Failure to do so can result
in severe injury or death.
• PRIMERS: Never force primers. If they get stuck in the
operation of the machine, disassemble it and gently
remove the obstruction.
Never attempt to clear primers that are stuck in either
the primer pickup tube or the primer magazine tube.
Never, under any circumstances, insert any type of rod to
attempt to force stuck primers out of these tubes. Trying to
force primers out of the tube will cause the primers to
explode causing serious injury or even death.
If primers get stuck in a primer magazine or pickup
tube flood the tube with a penetrating oil (WD-40), throw
the tube in the garbage and call us for a free replacement.
Never attempt to deprime live primers – eventually one
will go off. When it does it will detonate the others in the
spent primer cup. Depriming live primers is the single
most dangerous thing you can do in reloading and can
cause grave injury or death.
• LOADED AMMUNITION: Properly label all of your
loaded ammunition (Date, Type of Bullet, Primer, Powder,
Powder Charge, etc.).