PREFACE UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
K. Livingston
Initial Release
K. Livingston
Pre-Release Revisions
K. Livingston
K. Livingston
ii Version 3
Revision History
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for pu rchaser's personal use.
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for pu rchaser's personal use.
PREFACE UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
iv Version 3
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual PREFACE
Version 3 v Edit a Recipe on a PC ........................................................................ 68 Save a Recipe .................................................................................... 69 Delete a Recipe ................................................................................. 69
5.4.3. Recipes and the PLC ............................................................................. 69
5.4.4. Help with Recip es ................................................................................. 69
5.5. Working with Alar ms ............................................................................... 70
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
PREFACE UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
vi Version 3
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual PREFACE
Version 3 vii
Figure 1. UltraFlex Fur nace E mergenc y Stop Locations. ............................................... 15
Figure 2. UltraFlex Infrared Firing and Drying Furnace in Manufacturing Line. ............ 16
Figure 3. UltraFlex Fur nace Machine States. ................................................................. 17
Figure 4. The UltraFlex Dr yer Transpo r ts Wafers through Multiple Chambers. ............. 22
Figure 5. Set Four Dryer Pro cess Air MFCs Using the Recipe Screen. ........................... 23
Figure 6. Despat ch VOC Ther mal Oxidizer Oper at io n. .................................................. 25
Figure 7. Typical Home Screen (UltraFlex). .................................................................. 27
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
PREFACE UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
viii Version 3
Figure 43. Recipe with Comment Dialogue Box Open. .................................................. 67
Figure 44. Recipe File Saved as CSV File. .................................................................... 68
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
Version 3 9
All rights reserved. No p art of the cont ent s of this manual may be reproduced, copied, or
transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical
methods or photocopying, recording, or info rmation storage and re trieval syst ems w ithou t
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Printed and bound in the United St at es of Amer ica.
The i nformation in this manu al is s ubje ct to change without notice and d oes not represent
a commitment on the part of Despatch Industries. Despatch Industries does not assume
any responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
In no event will Despatch Industries be liable for technic al or editorial omissions made
herein, nor for direct, indirect, spe cial, inc identa l, or consequential damages resulting
from the use or defect of this manual.
Values displayed on screens are examples only. Though
The i nformation in this doc ument is not intended t o co ver all poss i ble c ond itions and
situations that might occur. The end user must exerc ise caut ion and common sens e when
installing or maintaining Despatch Industries products. If any questions or problems
arise, call Despatch Industries at 1-888-DESPATCH or 1-952-469-5424.
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retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
those values may be typical , cont act Despatch Industries for
the final value.
Actual screens may vary from those published in this manual.
ABOUT THIS MANUALUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
This icon signifies information that describes an unsafe
A condition that may result in death, serious injury or
damage to equipment.
A condition that may result in serious injury or damage to
A condition that may res ult in da m a ge t o equipme nt or
Bold, 10pt Arial typeface indicates a specific key or butto n
on screen to click.
10 Version 3
1.2. Manufacturer
The UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace is manufact ur ed by:
Despatch Industries
8860 207th Street
Lakeville, MN 55044
1-952-469-5424 • 1-888-DESPATCH
Refer to the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace name plate for a lis t o f machine
specifications a nd t echnical support contact infor mat ion.
1.3. Organization of this Manual
The Owner’s manual c ont ains the most comprehensive set of information for the
UltraFlex™ Firing and Drying Furnace.
1.4. Conventions Used in this Manual
This icon sig ni f ies imp o rtant information.
condition that may result in death, serious injury, or damage
to the equipment.
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
Refers to:
Clean, Dry Air
Graphical User Interface
Human-Machine Interface
Liters per minute
Mass Flow Controller
Programmable Logic Controller
Solid State Rel ay
Silicon-Controlled Rectifier or Semiconductor-Controlled Rect ifier
Variable Frequenc y Drive
Volatile Organi c Com pound
Version 3 11
1.5. Acronym Identifier
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
SAFETYUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
12 Version 3
2. Safety
2.1. Safety Information
Do not wo rk on the UltraFlex D ryin g and Fir ing Furnac e without read ing and
understanding this section which contains important information and warnings. Ignoring
these warnings can result in death, serious injury or damage to the machine and product.
2.1.1. Lockout
Machine lockout places t he UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace into a zero energy state
and prevents accidental machine start up. Always fo llow the Lock out Procedure
described in this Section before cleaning, maintaining or repairing the U ltraFlex Drying
and Firing Furnace. An accidental start-up, wh ile wo rking on the Ult raFlex Drying and
Firing Furnace, can result in serious injury or death. Lockout Requirements
1. Every power source that can energ ize an y element of the UltraFlex Drying and Firing
Furnace must be shut off at the closest po ss ible power source. This includes air, wa ter
and electricity.
2. After energy sources are locked out, test to ensure circuits are de-energized. Lockout Procedure
Personnel author ized to lockout equipment must have the necessar y locks to perform the
1. Physically disconnect all electrical power to the machine or lockout the appro pr iate
breaker or disconnects.
2. Close all valves for air or water sour ces and bleed off any pressure.
3. Test for power by attempt ing a start with the machine cont rols.
Electric a l pa ne ls conta in high voltage. Disconnec t a nd loc k o ut
the power supply before working inside any electrical panels.
Failure to lock out the power supply can result in death or injury.
4. Identify the Locko ut Co nd ition with a t ag o n the electr ical disco nnect and p neu matic
shut off valve .
5. When work is complete, r emove all tags and rest ore the machine to its working state.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual SAFETY
Failure to lock out the power supply can result in death or injury.
Version 3 13
2.1.2. Doors and Covers
Doo rs and c overs on the UltraFlex D ryin g and Fir ing Furnace pr otect against the hazards
beh ind t hem. O pera tion withou t thes e sa fety devices in place creates hazards that the
doors and covers are intended to render safe for pers onne l . Inspect the U ltra Flex Drying
and Firing Furnace periodically to make sure the doo r s and covers are in place.
Electrical panels contain high v olt age. Disconnec t a nd loc k out
the power supply before working inside any electrical panels.
All doors on this machine have fast eners that latch to the frame and require a tool to
open. Panels and doo r s that req uire a too l to open are part of the safety system of the
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace. Do not open any doors while the machine is
2.2. Maintenance
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform maintenance or repair.
2.3. Electrical Power
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform electrical maintenance or electrical
• Before perfo rm ing maintenance, disco nnect all electrical power fro m the machine.
Use a padlock and lockout all disco nnect s feeding power to the machine.
• Never clean, lubricate or repair the furnace whe n in operation.
Contact with energized electrical sources may result in serio us
injury or death.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
SAFETYUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
14 Version 3
• Unauthorized alterations o r modifications to UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace are
strictly forbidde n. Never modify any electrical circuits. Unaut ho r ized mod ifications
can impair the funct ion and saf e ty of the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace.
Systems equipped with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
may require that the UPS be powered OFF manually to
disconnect all elect rical power.
2.4. Fire
Keep the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace clean and free o f scrap mat er ials, oil or
solvents to pre vent the poss i bility of f ire. In the eve nt o f fire, use a fire extinguisher as
1. De-energize the machine immediately by pushing an Emergency Stop push button
2. Turn off the remote main disconnect (customer supplied disco nnect ) .
3. Extinguish the f ire.
2.5. Equipment Lockout Requirements
2.5.1. Emergency Stop
Always disconne c t a ll power before extinguishing a fire.
Attempting to extinguish a fire in a machine connected to
electrical power can result in serious injury or death!
To prevent injury or equipment damage during inspection or repair, the UltraFlex Drying
and Firing Furnace must be locked out.
When a risk of personal injury or d amage to the Ult r aFlex Drying and Firing Furnace
exists, push an Emergency Stop operator. This shuts off all electrical power to the
machine. Figure 1 shows lo ca tion of Emergency Stop operators.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
Figure 2. Ultra Flex Infrared Firi ng and Dryi ng Furnace in Manufact uri ng Line.
16 Version 3
3. Theory of Operation
The Despatch UltraFlex fur nace is a second generation in-line (co nveyor ized) furnace
(following the Despatch C F/CDF series). It is designed for use in photovoltaic
manufacturing lines for the express purpose of drying and firing metalized paste to
silicon substr ates. The furnace process immediate ly follows the last scr een printing step
(typical manufacturing process ste ps sho wn in Figure 2).
The UltraFlex furnace is avai la ble as a firing fur nace alone (Model FF) or wit h a n
inte gral dryer (Model DFF). The func tion of the dryer portion of the machine is to
liberate Volatile Orga nic Compounds (VOCs) from the scree n printed substrate to
prevent firing ano malies. I nfrared r adiation and resistant heaters pro vide the heat source
for the drying process. T he U ltraF lex dr yer inco r porates a self-co ntained oxidation
system that incinerates VOCs at the point of evacuat ion or exhaust. VOCs are exhausted
near the entrance and exit o f the dryer d irect ly into individua l Thermal Oxidizers. Each
Ther ma l Ox id iz er is ind ep e nd e ntly mo nit o r e d and cont rolled to ensure t emperature and
flow are maintained within proper limits to achieve VOC destruction.
The function of the furnace is to sinter t he screen-printed and dried paste to the
silicon substr ate as the final manu fact u r ing step in producing a solar cell. T he furnace
uses infrared r adiation as a heat source and a combination rad iant/convective chiller to
remove heat from the product and belt prior to exiting the machine.
From beginning to end the drying/firing process entails drying, binder (polymer)
burn-out, sinte ring and co ol-down. Production speeds are approximately 457.2- 698.5
cm per minute (180-275 inches per min ute ).
Both the dryer and furnace use an in d u s trial pro gr am mab le logic controller (PLC)
and Microsoft Windows t ouc h s c reen PC (human-machine interface, or HMI) as the
primary control platform and human/machine inter face respectively. All so ftwar e is
proprietar y to Despatch Industries.
UltraFlex Drying
and Firing
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Figure 3. UltraFlex Furnace Machine States.
Version 3 17
3.1. UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Machine States
The UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace operates using a series of seven modes. The
tool dries and diffuses wafers using the Production Mode (Figure 3).
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
18 Version 3
3.1.1. Power Off
Tool is OFF. Power the tool ON at the main breaker.
3.1.2. Initialization Mode
Initial entry state when st arting the pro gram. During Initialization, t he system performs
startup sequences such as:
• Diagnostic routines check for hardware er rors
• System checks for local/remote I /O st atu s. If necessar y, erro r messages display and
program remains in Initialization Mode.
• The Human Machine Interface (HMI) and t he Pro gra mmable Logic Controller (PLC)
are both powered u p into the “Run” state. Recipe values are matched and the last
running recipe is loaded. Note that a default recipe is de fined at t he first start up
• After successful diagnostic rout ines and checks, the system sets displays and o utputs
to defa ult co nd itions and ente rs t he Idle Mode
3.1.3. Idle Mode
The Idle Mode allows for recipe creation, editing and selection, withou t need to run the
entire system. Idle Mode includes these conditions:
• The t o ol is idl e .
• If alarm conditions exist (for instance wait ing because of E-stop, high temperat ur e
limit or power low), those conditions must be acknowledged before starting the tool.
In fa c t, exception condit io ns may cause t he syst em to switch to the Stabilization or
Cooldown states. A separat e HMI “E-STOP Reset” sets a relay output that re sets the
safety circuit.
• All alarms are enabled
3.1.4. Loading Recipe Mode
The Loading Recipe Mode simply begins the load ing process for the selected recipe.
After loading a recipe, t he user can star t Production Mode.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Version 3 19
3.1.5. Stabilization Mode
In Stabilizat ion Mode the system monitor s the process values until they a re within a
defined window and then proceeds to the Product io n Read y stat e when the system is
3.1.6. Production Mode
Production Mode is the machine state used for production and maintains process values
status with respect to r ecipe-specified target set points and deviation limits.
• Deviatio n exceptions and physical input exception conditions may cause the system
to automatically switch t o t he St ab ilization or Cooldown states.
• If the user selects to stop the process using the HMI console, the system enters the
Cooldown state.
3.1.7. Cooldown Mode
In the Cooldown state, dr yer and furnace heating is disabled while other systems
(including coo ling water, airflow, and oxidizer) hold the t hresho ld temperature.
• When heat zones have cooled below the Cooldown thres hold, the system shuts
everything off and enters t he Idle Mode.
• Using the Rapid Cool option, the system opens the chamber to approximately one
inch for rapid cooling. Quick Cooldown Mode
In quick Cooldown mode, the chamber opens slightly for more rapid cooling. Quick
Cooldown mode follows this process:
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
20 Version 3
3.1.8. Maintenance Mode
Manually select Maintenance Mode to serv ice the too l:
• Maintenance state is open loop control mode only. 0-100% power control is
• User inputs are blocked to ensure safe oper ation of the tool.
• General alarms (for instance, temperatu re hi gh and low) are
not active in Maintenance Mode.
•Safety interlocks remain active in Maintenance Mode.
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform
maintenance or repai r
Access to Maintenance Mode is available only when the
chamber temperature is below the Cooldown threshold.
3.2. Optimized Recipes and Thermal Profiling
The UltraFlex furnace optimizes hea t transfer for firing so s etpoints may be lower
compared to other furnaces. During UltraFlex furnace fast firing and cooling profiles
(those greater than 125°C/second), a wafer measured with a light gauge thermocouple
spring typicall y under-reports true wafer temperature. Contact Despatch Global
Headquarters for:
• A method to optimize the efficiency of a wafer through design o f experiments
• The Despatch measure me nt to ol that more reliably reports wafer temperature
3.2.1. Thermal Profiling Process
Thermal profiling co nsist s o f these general steps:
1. Determine the pro file windo w. What needs to be accomplished with each wafer as it
mo v es f r om drying to burnout to firing to cooling?
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Version 3 21
2. Determine process speeds: Conveyor maximum and minimum speeds based on the
entire line as well as the paste manufactu r er ’s process window.
3. Determine the number o f firing zones req uired for the profile.
4. Determine airflow rates (dryer and furnace), cooling r at es and burno ut t emperature.
Due to the use of Microzone™ technology, conventiona l high
temperatures and fast bel t speeds are not required.
While eight zones using Microzone technology are available,
typical profiles make use of three to four zones.
Additio n al s teps may include:
• Adjusting Micro zone™ technology to optimize the profile
• Adjusting the final wafer t emperat ur es
• Testing the process using thermoco u ple assemb lies and samp les
• Reviewing cell electrical results, adjusting settings and rerunning the process
Refer to Recipe Setup and Optimization (4.3) for specific setup instructions.
3.3. UltraFlex Dryer
3.3.1. Overview
To achieve the desired rheo log ica l and other compositional qualities, all photovoltaic
(PV) metallization pastes contain volatile organ ic co mpounds ( VOC) . After printing with
these pastes, the printed ce lls must be properly dried to avoid the release of hazardous
fumes into the furnace, to avo id excessive equipment contamination and to achieve
VOCs max imum cell pe rformanc e .
The UltraFlex Dryer tr anspo rts printed cells (wafers) through multiple integrated,
independently-controlled heating chambers using a variable-speed conveyor (Figure 4).
The wafers are heated to a temperat u r e that liberat es volatiles from the paste and
evacuates the VOCs fro m the heat ing chamber us i ng a c losed-loop control process gas
system. The VO Cs are then exhausted into the integr ated thermal oxidizer where they are
destroyed leaving only CO and HO byproducts. The wafer is then transferred d irectly
into the firing furnace for furt her pr ocessing.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
Figure 4. The UltraFlex Dryer Transports Wafer s t hrough Multi ple Chambers.
22 Version 3
3.3.2. Transport System
The wafer transport syste m co ns ists of a me sh b e lt, drive motor, progra mma ble logic
controller (PLC), variable fre que ncy drive s (VFDs), encoders, wafer senso r s, prec ision
gu ides and an internal s upport syst em. The mesh be lt is desig ned to contact the wafers
o n l y a t the outer extre m ities, minimizing surface damage and allowing uniform heating
w ith out inf lue nce from belt contact. Belt speed is cont rolled with a clo sed loop syste m
including the PLC, VFD, motor and encoder. The transport system is designed t o operate
from 64-635 cm/min with an accuracy of ± 0.5%. The conveyor is supported within the
chamber by a series o f quartz rods secured by glass plates within the refractory. Wafer
sensor photo-eyes are secured on the entrance and exit of the chamber t o ensure sa fe
operation of the machine below the lower explosive limit of the pro cessed VOCs.
3.3.3. Heating System
The heating s ys tem includes three separat e yet integ r ated systems. The lower portion of
the chamber has resistance-coil heating for preheating t he process gas introduced in the
chamber. The dryer upper chamber contains infrar ed ( IR) lamps to heat t he wafers to the
point of solvent evacuation as they pass through the chamber. T he o xidizer resistance coil
heaters destro y the VOCs remo ved from the wafer in the process. All three heat ing
syste ms are close-loop controlled via PLC, thermocouples, SSR and SCRs. T he typical
operation temperatu r e of the lower cha mber pr ehe ater is approximately 350 °C. IR lamp
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Figure 5. Set Four Dryer Process Air MFCs Using the Rec ipe Scree n.
Version 3 23
heaters operat e in a typical range of 200-550 °C and the oxidizer operates at 760 °C.
Set points and toleranc es for a ll heating systems are a function of setting the recipe.
3.3.4. Process Gas System
Process gas is delivered using a cont rol system made up of the PLC, mass f low
controllers (MFC), proportioning valves and monito r ing pressure transducers. Air i s
introduced into the upper and lower dryer heating chambers by the M FCs, whe re it is
preheated and delivered t o t he chamber ca vity. MFCs provide exhaust air flow to each
dryer zone to clear the VOCs. O xidizer s evacuate contaminated p ro cess a ir at t he ends of
the chambers and destro y the VOCs, leaving only CO2 and H2O byproducts.
• Two proportioning valves are facto r y set to achieve and maintain the required flow
for oxidizer air. Tw o additional facto ry-set proportioning valves provide dryer
entrance and exit air sparges (air curtains).
• Set any of the four dryer process air MFCs by using the Recipe screen (Set Four
Dryer Pr ocess Air MFCs U sing the Recipe Screen.).
• The PLC uses pressure transducers (there are several) to convert pressure to flow
numbers for control, display and alarm purposes.
Only Despatch personnel are permitted to change proportionin g
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
24 Version 3
3.3.5. Oxidizer Airflow Settings
The exhaust set-point adjusts with the Oxidizer flow set-point
The dryer is shipped with factory airflow and pressure settings which produce balancedconditions, that is, the dryer is ba lanc e d from end to end—equal amounts of exhaust
flow t hrough ea ch oxidizer, and the dr yer runs at a very slig ht negat ive pressure
compared to the r oom. Keep the dryer in a balanced condition by always using the
factory settings.
and does not require separate ad ju stment .
Consult Despatch for assistance befo re using non-standard
oxidizer airflow settings.
3.4. Wafer Throu g hp ut
The UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace is designed for a specific solvent load. Dilution
air volume dictat es the a mount o f flammable solvent that can be safely processed in the
furnace. The dr yer is equipped wit h an airflow safety switch to ensure the introduction of
the minimum volume of d ilu tion air. The MF C ensures the introduct ion of the proper
volume of dilution air.
As the tool moves into P ro d uct ion Mode, scr eens pro mpt t he user to ent er infor mat ion
necessary for det ermining the proper LEL (lower explosive limit) le vels. See S ection 5.2
for more information.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Figure 6. Despatch VOC Thermal Oxidizer Operat i on.
Version 3 25
3.5. VOC Thermal Oxidizer
Paste used in the metallizat ion pro cess can pro d uce harmful byproducts cont aining
volatile organic co mpounds (VOCs) that vaporize into t he at mosphere. In the Unit ed
Sta tes, the Environmental Protection Agency (E P A) requires effective abateme nt of
The Despatch VOC Thermal Oxid izer was des ig ned to eliminat e o ver 99% of VOCs
from gasses exhausted during solar cell manufacturing. Destroying the VOCs using the
Oxidizer eliminates the need to collect and dispose of this waste in a separate process.
The exhaust exiting from t he VOC Oxidizer c ontains only CO2 and water vapor.
The Despatch VOC (Figure 6)
uses elevated temperatures to
cause organic compounds to
co mbust when exposed to
oxygen. Thermal destruction
of most organic compounds
takes place at 350 °C to 450
°C. Thermal oxidizers
typ ic all y maintain a
temperature of 760 °C to
ensure destruc tion of all
VOCs. The process releases
heat and so contributes to
maintaining the t emperat ur e
of the oxidizer.
3.6. Chamber Lift Mechanism
The chamber lift mechanism is o per ated by a pneumatic cylinder and a set of lift c hains
which lift t he chamber into place and seal the upper and lower casings. The pneu matic
cylinder applies a lower pressure to lift the casing. When the casing is within roughly 50
mm, the cylinder applies a higher pressure to seal the casing. Pr essure is c ontinuousl y
applied to the casing while the tool is in Production Mode.
Use of the pneumatic cylinder t o close and op en the chamber
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONUltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
26 Version 3
Operation of the chamber lift is accomplished through the scree ns provided (Section 5.7).
Operating the Chamber Lift mechanism requires that the tool
Warnings and alerts for the chamber li ft mec hanis m inc lu d e:
• Audible and on-screen warning before opening
• Alert if the chamber opening or closing does not complete the cycle
be in Maintenance Mode.
If the chamber is open, neither heaters nor conveyor will run
(except in Cooldown mode when casing opens 80 mm).
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual SOFTWARE &HARDWARE SETUP
Version 3 27
4. Software & Hardware Setup
Always read and underst and Section 2—Safety before
4.1. Operation Overview
The Ho me Scree n of the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace is the system d ef ault
screen, the screen that app ear s after boot-up ( Figure 7). Navigat e fro m the Home Scr een
to all other screens and modes (including Ready, Stabilization, Cooldown and Idle) used
to operate the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace (Figure 8).
installing, performing maintenance or adjusting the UltraFlex
Drying and Firing Furnace.
Figure 7. Typical Home Screen (UltraFlex).
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual SOFTWARE &HARDWARE SETUP
UltraFlex Furnace
Security Level
Load Recipes/Run S yste m
Acknowledge Alarms
Change Languages
Edit Recip es
Mainte nance Mod e
Open Chamber
Enable Remote Access
Edit Data logging
Expo rt/I mport Use rs
Export/Import Calibrations
Exit System
Export/I mport Machine
Edit P ID Va lues
Version 3 29
4.2. Managing Users
After launching the UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace, login to g a in access to syst em
4.2.1. Security Levels
Security to the various functions of the UltraFlex fur nace (Table 1):
Table 1. UltraFlex Security Levels.
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.
SOFTWARE &HARDWARE SETUP UltraFlex Drying and Firing Furnace Owner’s Manual
Figure 9. Press Setup and
User Information.
Figure 10. Enter or Change User Information with the Setup/User Admini stration Screen.
30 Version 3
4.2.2. Adding a User or Changing User Privileges
Adding a user or changing user privileges requires use of the user administration
functions. Adding or changing functions includes user names, passwords, user group
identification a nd s pecifying a lo goff time.
The UltraFlex Drying and Firing furnace keeps an audit trail
1. From the Home screen, press Setup (Figure 9).
2. Press Users in the User Administrat ion section of the Setup
a. Press Help at any time for more I n formation
3. Using arrow keys go to the last row on the screen.
4. Double-click (or press Enter) on that row until the blinking
cursor appears
which requires that every change be logged in by a user with a
val id user name.
then Users to Add or Change
a. Ente r Use r name
b. Use t he full first and last name for t he User name entry.
c. Enter New password and Confirmat ion
5. Passwords must be at least four characters
a. Under Group, assign the group appro pr iate to t he tasks required for t he user.
All rig hts reserved. No part of th e contents of th is m anual may b e r ep roduced, copied or t r ans mi t t ed i n any for m or b y any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries , unless for purchaser's personal use.