The UNIT has DAB infor mation modes which are shown on the bottom lin e of the display.
Short press the INFO key to see the avai lable types.
1. progra m type
Displays the type o f station con tent being b roadcast e.g. Classic, Pop, News, etc.
2. Ensem ble Freq.
Displays the DAB stat ion frequency such as 13F 239.200MHz.
3. Audio Bit Rate
Displays the data r ate in kilo B its per seco nd and the au dio mode e.g . Stereo.
4. Ensem ble name
Displays the name of the multiplex to which the Digital1 Network current station belo ngs
5. Signa l strength
Displays the signal strength for the station being listen ed to.
6. Time/Da te
Displays current t ime and date , received off-a ir.
7. DLS ( Dynamic Link Segment)
Scrolling text wh ich inclu des mess ages suc h as Ar tist an d track name, phone numbers,
program deta ils, etc.
As and when new stations are intro duced it wi ll be neces sary to do an auto-sc an in order
to detect and s tore the new stati ons. Shor t press the Auto-tu ne button on th e rear of the
unit to star t an auto-sc an. DAB servic es are genera lly localised, so if you move the UNIT
to a different are a it will be necess ary to do an auto- scan in order to pi ck up stations in the
new local.
Manual tunin g allows you to tune directly to a DAB stati on.
1. Long pres s the ENTER button until the display sh ows ‘Manual Tune’
2. Short pr ess the UP o r DOWN key to sele ct a differen t channel num ber
Please note: You may have to wait for the UNIT to tune in to the new channel.
1. Fully extend the te lescopic ant enna.
2. Press the POWER (ON/O FF) switch to ”ON” positio n to enter st andby mode.
3. Shor t press the S TANDBY button to switch the un it on.
4. If the UNIT is in DAB mode, shor t press the FUNCTION/SNOOZE BUTTON to change
to FM.
The UNIT reme mbers the sele cted source whe n switched to S tandby and auto matically
selects it the next tim e it is switch ed on. If the power is disconne cted the UNIT will
always select DAB m ode when f irst switched on.
5. The d isplay shows the current tun ing frequency and inform ation line.
Short press the UP or D OWN BUTTON to chang e the tuning frequency.
note: Wait for a second or so between each p ress for the UNIT to re-t une.
1. Selec t an FM or DAB station as d escribed above.
2. Press and hold one of the Preset keys (for approxi mately 3s) until the display shows “Pre set
1 stored”
1. Shor t press the r equired pres et key.
Please note: 8 presets a re available in b oth DAB and FM modes.
You can overwri te any of the presets at any time by holdi ng the preset key until ‘Preset x
stored’ is shown.
Normally, the UNIT will aut omatically select M ono or Stereo m ode depen ding on what is
being broadca st and the sign al strength. However if a stereo stat ion is being re ceiv
ed and the
signal is weak, som e hiss may be audible. To reduce the hiss it is possi ble to switch the UNIT
from Auto to Mo no mode.
1. Shor t press the E NTER button to display the Audio Mode scre en.
2. Shor t press the ENT ER button to sw itch between Auto a nd Mono modes . The new setting
is shown for a short time and then the display retur ns to the Ra dio screen.
The UNIT has si x FM informati on modes which ar e shown on the bott om line of the di splay.
Short press the INFO/SE TUP button to see the availa ble types.
1. PTY ( program type)
Displays the type o f station con tent being b roadcast e.g. Classic, Pop, News, etc.
2. Signa l strength
Displays the signal strength for the station being listen ed to.
3. Time an d Date
Displays current t ime and date , received off-a ir.
4. Stati on frequency
Displays the freque ncy of the sta tion being l istened to.
5. Audio mode
Displays the curre nt audio mod e setting i.e . Auto(Stereo) or Mono.
6. Radio Text
Scrolling text which includes messages such as Artis t and track name, ph one num bers,
program deta ils, etc.
1. Conne ct the AUX connect wi re from the out jack of your Perso nal Player such as portable
MP3 player to t he AUX input jack.
2. Power on th e unit by pres sing the STANDBY button
3. Turn on yo ur Personal Pl ayer to begin pl aying, adjust the volume to desire liste ning level.
4. Adjus t the volume by pressing the Vol + or Vol – button
Note: Once the AUX jack is inserted wit h the aux plug, The FM /DAB sound is muted but the
display will n ot be change d.
With the UNIT switch ed on, or in S tandby, short press th e ALARM/SLEEP button. T he
display shows the current ALARM s ettings for 5s and then retur ns to the prev ious screen.
From Stand by, the displ ay will l ight, show the setti ngs for about 5s and then go bac k to
1. With the UNIT switched ON, o r in Standby m ode, pre ss the A LARM/SLEEP button
until the Alar m1 menu is s hown.
2. OFF or ON i s flashing to i ndicate that it can be chang ed. Short pr ess the UP or D OWN
button to ch ange between O FF and ON an d short pres s ENTER to co nfirm
3. The hour dig its are now fla shing. Use th e UP or DOWN butt on to set the required tim e
and short press the EN TER button t o confir m. Short p ress the UP or DOWN button to
change the hour se tting in one hour inc rements or long pre ss either key to scrol l quickly
to the requi red setting.
4. The minutes can now be set , as describ ed above and the n short pres s ENTER butt on to
5. Alarm source (BEEP1,BEEP2,FM or DAB) is now flashing. Short press the UP or DOWN
button to selec t and short press ENTER bu tton to confi rm. The display continues to
show the
ALARM settin gs for a sho rt time and then exits th e Alarm menu.
1. With the U NIT switched ON, or in Standby mode , press the ALARM/SLEEP button 2
times until the Alarm2 men u is shown.
2. OFF or ON i s flashing to i ndicate that it can be chang ed. Short pr ess the UP or D OWN
button to ch ange between O FF and ON an d short pres s ENTER butt on to conf irm
3. The hour dig its are now fla shing. Use th e UP or DOWN butt on to set the required tim e
and short press the EN TER button t o confir m. Short p ress the UP or DOWN button to
change the hour se tting in one hour inc rements or long pre ss either key to scrol l quickly
to the requi red setting.
4. The minutes can now be set , as describ ed above and the n short pres s ENTER butt on to
5. Alarm source (BEEP1,BEEP2,FM or DAB) is now flashing. Short press the UP or DOWN
button to selec t and short press ENTER bu tton to confi rm. The display continues to
show the ALARM se ttings for a short time and then exit s the Alarm me nu.
Note: The ALARM1 or ALARM2 symbol is sh own in the t op right hand corner of t he
display when th e unit is in Standby mode.
In sta ndby mode, the alarm (BEE P1,BEEP2,FM o r DAB) will so und automatic ally at
your desried alarm setti ng time.
The Alarm soun d on the UNI T can be chan ged to an el ectronic beep tone if pre ferred.
1. At step 5 (above) i.e. when FM is flashing, s hort press either the UP or DOWN b utton
to change t he setting t o BEEP tone1 or BEEP to ne2. Short press the E NTER button to
If you have selected a DAB sta tion as the Alarm sound and for any reason the stat ion is
not available e. g. is off-air, t he BUZZ sound will be hea rd when the Alar m activates.
With the Alarm set to ON, it will sound each day at th e set time. To turn the Alarm OF F,Short
press the AL ARM/SLEEP b utton and while the Alar m settings are still on screen , press t he
UP or DOWN butt on to select alarm OFF t hen press ENT ER button to confirm .
This can be done with th e UNIT switche d ON or in S tandby mode.
To cancel the Alarm when it has activated. Press ALARM/SLEEP butto n or STANDBY button
to stop the alarm sound .
The Alarm will a utomatically switch o ff after 59 mun ites unle ss cancel led or switched off
The UNIT inc ludes a 9 mi nute snooze t imer.
When the Alar m activates, short press the FUNCTI ON/SNOOZE bu tton to sta rt the Sno oze
timer. The UNIT g oes to Standby.
With the UNIT sw itched ON, pre ss and hold th e ALARM/SLEEP b utton to view t he current
Sleep timer settings.
1. With t he UNIT switched ON and playing any of th e inputs i.e. DAB, FM or AUX, long
press the SL EEP key until the Sleep me nu is shown.
2. The minutes are now flashing. Shor t press ALARM/SLEEP button to change the Sleep time
(such as 15m ins, 30mins ,45mins, 60mi ns & 90mins)
3. Available Sleep ti me is 15 to 90 minutes , in 15 min utes increme nts. Set the required t ime
and short p ress ENTER b utton to conf irm.
4. The display conti nues to show the set tings for 3s and then returns t o the Radio scre en. The
UNIT plays for the selecte d time and th en switches t o Standby.
1. With t he UNIT switched ON and playing any of th e inputs i.e. DAB, FM or AUX, long
press the SL EEP key until the Sleep me nu is shown.
2. The minutes are now flashing. Shor t press ALARM/SLEEP button to change the Sleep time
to OFF.
System Reset can be used to clear the station list, the presets and all Alarm and Sleep se ttings.
This is useful if you move the UNIT to a different location (when you move house for instance)
as some stat ions may not b e available in th e new area.
1. In DAB & FM mode , long press th e FUNCTION/SN OOZE button unt il the display sh ows
“Press Enter Key to Reset” .
2. Short pr ess the ENTE R button. The d isplay now shows ‘ System Reset’ .
3. The UNIT wi ll now clear th e internal memory and a utomatically s tart a quic k scan.
Electric and electronic equipment contains mater ials, components and substances
that can be h azardous to yo ur health and the environment , if the waste material
(discarded e lectric and electronic eq uipment) is not handled c orrectly.
Electric and electro nic e quipment is marked with the crossed out trash can
symbol, seen below. This symbol signifi es that electric and electroni c equipment
should not be dispos ed of wit h other ho usehold wast e, but sh ould be d isposed
of separately.
All cities have estab lished coll ection poin ts, where electr ic a nd e lectron ic
equipment can ei ther be submitte d free of charge at re cycling station s and other
collection s ites, or be c ollected from the househol ds. Additional i nformation i s
available at the technical d epartment of your city.
DAB-43 PLUS (English_2014) (495 x 150 mm) • 10 Feb 2014 • AT
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DK-8250 Egaa
Denmark /denverelectron ics