1.1 - Players.
These installation instructions covers the installation of the KeyMaster for DVD players manufactured by:
Denon DVD-1000
Please note: This installation manual will be updated later regar-
ding the installation in the Denon DVD F100.
All names, logos etc. are trademarks of their respective companies. All rights reserved. The
information in this document is subject to change without notice.

2.1 - Disclaimer! Read this throroughly.
Before installing the KeyMaster which is able to make your DVD
player codefree, you should read through these warnings
Ÿ We are not responsible for any illegal use of the KeyMaster.
Ÿ We offer no warranty on your DVD-player.
Ÿ The installation of the KeyMaster is at your own risk.
Ÿ By installing the KeyMaster you may invalidate the warranty of
your DVD-player.
Ÿ If the manufacture of the DVD-player makes changes we can’t
guaranty the functionality of the KeyMaster.
Ÿ The KeyMaster is to be installed inside your DVD-player and it is
therefore necessary to be familiar with soldering, otherwise you
should get a service center to do the installation for you.
w Remember to disconnect the DVD-player from the mains, before
opening the DVD-player.