Delta Tau TURBO PMAC PCI LITE User Manual

^2 Turbo PMAC PCI-Lite
^4 4xx-603657-THxx
^5 June 21, 2011
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
21314 Lassen Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 // Tel. (818) 998-2095 Fax. (818) 998-7807 //
Copyright Information
© 2003 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained in this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not conform in every respect to former issues.
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Operating Conditions
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or handling Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial environment, install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them from excessive or corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials. If Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products are exposed to hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
Turbo PMAC PCI-Lite
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Board Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Base Version ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Option 2: Dual-Ported RAM .............................................................................................................................. 1
Option 5: CPU and Memory Configurations ...................................................................................................... 2
Option 8: High-Accuracy Clock Crystal ............................................................................................................. 2
Option 9T: Auxiliary Serial Port ........................................................................................................................ 2
Option 10: Firmware Version Specification ....................................................................................................... 2
Option 12: Analog-to-Digital Converters ........................................................................................................... 2
Option 15: V-to-F Converter for Analog Input ................................................................................................... 3
Option 16: Battery-Backed Parameter Memory .................................................................................................. 3
Option 18: Identification Number & Real-Time Clock/Calendar Module ............................................................ 3
HARDWARE SETUP .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Power-Supply Configuration Jumpers ..................................................................................................................... 4
Clock Configuration Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 5
Encoder Configuration Jumpers .............................................................................................................................. 5
Board Reset/Save Jumpers ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Communication Jumpers ........................................................................................................................................ 6
I/O Configuration Jumpers ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Reserved Configuration Jumpers ............................................................................................................................ 7
CPU Jumper Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Resistor Pack Configuration: Flag and Digital Inputs Voltage Selection .................................................................. 8
Resistor Pack Configuration: Termination Resistors ................................................................................................ 8
Resistor Pack Configuration: Differential or Single-Ended Encoder Selection ......................................................... 8
MACHINE CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 10
Mounting ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Power Supplies ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Digital Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Analog Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Machine Port Connections (JMACH Connector) ................................................................................................... 11
Overtravel Limits and Home Switches ............................................................................................................... 11
Types of Overtravel Limits ................................................................................................................................ 11
Home Switches ................................................................................................ ................................................. 11
Incremental Encoder Connection ...................................................................................................................... 11
DAC Output Signals ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Amplifier Enable Signal (AENAx/DIRn) ............................................................................................................ 13
Amplifier Fault Signal (FAULTn) ..................................................................................................................... 13
General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (JOPTO Port) ................................................................................... 14
Control-Panel Port I/O (JPAN Port) ...................................................................................................................... 15
Command Inputs .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Selector Inputs .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Reset Input ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Handwheel Inputs ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Optional Voltage to Frequency Converter ......................................................................................................... 15
Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port (JTHW Port) ......................................................................................................... 16
Optional Analog Inputs (JANA Port) .................................................................................................................... 16
Compare Equal Outputs Port (JEQU Port) ............................................................................................................ 17
Serial Port (JRS422 Port) ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Machine Connections Example ............................................................................................................................. 19
SOFTWARE SETUP ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Communications .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Turbo PMAC I-Variables ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Operational Frequency and Baud Rate Setup ......................................................................................................... 20
Table of Contents i
Turbo PMAC PCI-Lite
HARDWARE REFERENCE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 22
Board Dimensions (Part Number 603657-100) ................................................................................................ ...... 22
Board Layout (Part Number 603657-100) ............................................................................................................. 23
Board Dimensions (Part Number 603657-105) ................................................................................................ ...... 24
Board Layout (Part Number 603657-105) ............................................................................................................. 25
Connectors and Indicators..................................................................................................................................... 26
J1 – Display Port (JDISP Port) ......................................................................................................................... 26
J2 – Control-Panel Port (JPAN Port)................................................................................................................ 26
J3 – Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port (JTHW Port) ............................................................................................... 26
J4 – Main Serial Port (JRS232/422 Port) .......................................................................................................... 26
J5 – General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (JOPTO Port) ...................................................................... 26
J6 – Auxiliary I/O Port (JXIO Port) .................................................................................................................. 26
J8 – Machine Connectors (JMACH1 Port) ........................................................................................................ 26
J9 – Compare Equal Outputs Port (JEQU Port) ................................................................................................ 26
J17 – Auxiliary Serial Port (JRS232 Port) ......................................................................................................... 26
J30 – Optional Analog to Digital Inputs (JANA Port) ........................................................................................ 26
J31 – Optional Universal Serial Bus Port (JUSB Port) ...................................................................................... 26
J32 – Expansion Port (JEXP Port) .................................................................................................................... 27
JS1 – External A/D Port (JS1 Port) ................................................................................................................... 27
TB1 – Power Supply Terminal Block (JPWR Connector) ................................ ................................................... 27
LED Indicators ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Fuse ................................................................................................ ................................................................. 27
E-POINT JUMPER DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 28
E0: Reserved for Future Use ................................................................................................................................ 28
E1 - E2: Machine Output Supply Voltage Configure ............................................................................................ 28
E3 - E6: Servo Clock Frequency Control ............................................................................................................. 29
E7: Machine Input Source/Sink Control ............................................................................................................... 30
E10A, B, C: Flash Memory Bank Select .............................................................................................................. 30
E17A-D: Amplifier Enable/Direction Polarity Control ......................................................................................... 30
E18 – E20: Power-Up/Reset Load Source ............................................................................................................ 31
E21: Power-Up/Reset Load Source ...................................................................................................................... 31
E22 - E23: Control Panel Handwheel Enable ....................................................................................................... 31
E28: Following Error/Watchdog Timer Signal Control ......................................................................................... 31
E29 - E33: Phase Clock Frequency Control .......................................................................................................... 32
E34A - E38: Encoder Sampling Clock Frequency Control ................................ .................................................... 32
E40-E43: Phase Servo Clock Direction Control ................................................................................................... 32
E44-E50: Reserved for Future Use ....................................................................................................................... 33
E51: Normal/Re-Initializing Power-Up ................................................................................................ ................ 33
E55 - E65: Host Interrupt Signal Select ................................................................................................................ 33
E72 - E73: Panel Analog Time Base Signal Enable .............................................................................................. 34
E74 - E75: Clock Output Control for External Interpolation ................................................................................. 34
E85: Host-Supplied Analog Power Source Enable ................................................................................................ 34
E87 - E88: Host-Supplied Analog Power Source Enable ...................................................................................... 35
E89: Amplifier-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable .................................................................................................. 35
E90: Host-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable ......................................................................................................... 35
E98: DAC/ADC Clock Frequency Control ........................................................................................................... 36
E100: Output Flag Supply Select ......................................................................................................................... 36
E101 - E102: Motors 1-4 Amplifier Enable Output Configure .............................................................................. 36
E109: Reserved for Future Use ............................................................................................................................ 37
E110: Serial Port Configure ................................................................................................................................. 37
E111: Clock Lines Output Enable ........................................................................................................................ 37
E119: Watchdog Disable Jumper ......................................................................................................................... 37
E122: XIN Feature Selection ............................................................................................................................... 37
MATING CONNECTORS ................................................................................................................................. 38
Base Board Connectors......................................................................................................................................... 38
ii Table of Contents
Turbo PMAC PCI-Lite
J1 (JDISP)/Display ........................................................................................................................................... 38
J2 (JPAN)/Control Panel .................................................................................................................................. 38
J3 (JTHW)/Multiplexer Port ............................................................................................................................. 38
J4 (JRS422)/RS232 OR 422/Serial Communications.......................................................................................... 38
J5 (JOPT)/OPTO I/O ........................................................................................................................................ 38
J6 (JXIO)/Expansion Board .............................................................................................................................. 38
J8 (JMACH1)/1st Machine Connector............................................................................................................... 38
JS1/A-D Inputs 1-4 ........................................................................................................................................... 38
JEQU/Position Compare .................................................................................................................................. 39
JANA/Analog Inputs Option .............................................................................................................................. 39
CONNECTOR PINOUTS .................................................................................................................................. 40
J1: Display Port Connector .................................................................................................................................. 40
J2: Control Panel Port Connector ......................................................................................................................... 40
J3: Multiplexer Port Connector ............................................................................................................................ 41
J4: Serial Port Connector ..................................................................................................................................... 42
J5: I/O Port Connector ......................................................................................................................................... 43
J6: Auxiliary I/O Port Connector ......................................................................................................................... 44
J8: Machine Port 1 Connector ................................................................ .............................................................. 45
J9 (JEQU): Position-Compare Connector ............................................................................................................. 47
J30 (JANA) Analog Input Port Connector (Optional) ............................................................................................ 47
J31 (JUSB) Universal Serial Bus Port (Optional) .................................................................................................. 48
JS1: A/D Port 1 Connector................................................................................................................................... 48
TB1 (JPWR) ........................................................................................................................................................ 48
Table of Contents iii
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
ICs U140, U143, and U147 are installed in the Turbo version of the PMAC Lite PCI board.
The Turbo PMAC PCI Lite is a member of the Turbo PMAC family of boards optimized for interface to traditional servo drives with single analog inputs representing velocity or torque commands. Its software is capable of 32 axes of control. It can have up to four channels of on-board axis interface circuitry. It can also support up to 32 channels of off-board axis interface circuitry through its expansion port, connected to Acc-24P or Acc-24P2 boards.
The Turbo PMAC PCI Lite is a full-sized PCI-bus expansion card. While the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite is capable of PCI bus communications, with or without the optional dual-ported RAM, it does not need to be inserted into a PCI expansion slot. Communications can be done through an RS-232 or RS-422 serial port. Standalone operation is possible.
The same circuit board with some ICs not installed produces a (non-Turbo) PMAC PCI Lite controller. The above diagram shows the key components installed in the Turbo configuration only.
Board Configuration
Base Version
The base version of the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite provides a 1-1/2-slot board with:
80 MHz DSP56303 CPU (120 MHz PMAC equivalent) 128k x 24 SRAM compiled/assembled program memory (5C0) 128k x 24 SRAM user data memory (5C0) 1M x 8 flash memory for user backup & firmware (5C0) Latest released firmware version RS-232/422 serial interface, 33 MHz PCI (PC) bus interface Four channels axis interface circuitry, each including:
16-bit +/-10V analog output 3-channel differential/single-ended encoder input Four input flags, two output flags Interface to external 16-bit serial ADC
Display, control panel, muxed I/O, direct I/O interface ports PID/notch/feedforward servo algorithms Extended "pole-placement" servo algorithms 1-year warranty from date of shipment One manual per set of one to four PMACs in shipment
(Cables, mounting plates, mating connectors not included)
Option 2: Dual-Ported RAM
Dual-ported RAM provides a very high-speed communications path for bus communications with the host computer through a bank of shared memory. DPRAM is advised if more than 100 data items per second are to be passed between the controller and the host computer in either direction.
Option 2 provides an 8k x 16 bank of dual-ported RAM in component. The key component on the
board is U1.
Introduction 1
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Option 5: CPU and Memory Configurations
The various versions of Option 5 provide different CPU speeds and main memory sizes integrated on the main board. Only one Option 5xx may be selected for the board.
The CPU is a DSP563x IC as component U127. The CPU is available in different speeds and with different internal memory sizes.
The compiled/assembled-program memory SRAM ICs are located in U141, U144 and U148. These ICs form the active memory for the firmware, compiled PLCs, and user-written phase/servo algorithms. These can be 128k x 8 ICs (for a 128k x 24 bank), fitting in the smaller footprint, or they can be the larger 512k x 8 ICs (for a 512k x 24 bank), fitting in the full footprint.
The user-data memory SRAM ICs are located in U140, U143, and U147. These ICs form the active memory for user motion programs, uncompiled PLC programs, and user tables and buffers. These can be 128k x 8 ICs (for a 128k x 24 bank), fitting in the smaller footprint, or they can be the larger 512k x 8 ICs (for a 512k x 24 bank), fitting in the full footprint.
The flash memory IC is located in U146. This IC forms the non-volatile memory for the board’s firmware, the user setup variables, and for user programs, tables, and buffers. It can be 1M x 8, 2M x 8, or 4M x 8 in capacity.
Option 5C0 is the standard CPU and memory configuration. It is provided automatically if no Option
5xx is specified. It provides an 80 MHz DSP56303 CPU (120 MHz PMAC equivalent), 128k x24 of compiled/assembled program memory, 128k x 24 of user data memory and a 1M x 8 flash memory.
Option 5C3 provides an 80 MHz DSP56303 CPU (120 MHz PMAC equivalent) with 8k x 24 of
internal memory, an expanded 512k x 24 of compiled/assembled program memory, an expanded 512k x 24 of user data memory, and a 4M x 8 flash memory.
Option 5E0 provides a 160 MHz DSP56311 CPU (240 MHz PMAC equivalent) with 128k x 24 of
internal memory, 128k x 24 of compiled/assembled program memory, 128k x 24 of user data memory and a 1M x 8 flash memory.
Option 5E3 provides a 160 MHz DSP56311 CPU (240 MHz PMAC equivalent) with 128k x 24 of
internal memory, 512k x 24 of compiled/assembled program memory, 512k x 24 of user data memory and a 4M x 8 flash memory.
Option 8: High-Accuracy Clock Crystal
The Turbo PMAC PCI Lite has a clock crystal (component Y1) of nominal frequency 19.6608 MHz (~20 MHz). The standard crystal’s accuracy specification is +/-100 ppm.
Option 8A provides a nominal 19.6608 MHz crystal with a +/-15 ppm accuracy specification.
Option 9T: Auxiliary Serial Port
Option 9T adds an auxiliary RS-232 port on the CPU piggyback board. The key components added are IC U22 and connector J8 on the CPU board.
Option 10: Firmware Version Specification
Normally the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite is provided with the newest released firmware version. A label on the U146 flash memory IC shows the firmware version loaded at the factory.
Option 10 provides for a user-specified firmware version.
Option 12: Analog-to-Digital Converters
Option 12 permits the installation of 8 or 16 channels of on-board multiplexed analog-to-digital converters. One or two of these converters are read every phase interrupt. The analog inputs are not optically isolated and each can have a 0 – 5V input range, or a +/-2.5V input range, individually selectable.
2 Introduction
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Option 12 provides an 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter. The key components on the board are U20
and connector J30.
Option 12A provides an additional 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter. The key component on the board
is U22.
Option 15: V-to-F Converter for Analog Input
The JPAN control panel port on the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite has an optional analog input called Wiper
(because it is often tied to a potentiometer’s wiper pin). Turbo PMAC PCI Lite can digitize this signal by
passing it through an optional voltage-to-frequency converter, using E-point jumpers to feed this into the Encoder 4 circuitry (no other use is then permitted), and executing frequency calculations using the time base feature of the encoder conversion table.
Option 15 provides a voltage-to-frequency converter in component U18 that permits the use of the
Wiper input on the control panel port.
Option 16: Battery-Backed Para meter Memory
The contents of the standard memory are not retained through a power-down or reset unless they have been saved to flash memory first. Option 16 provides supplemental battery-backed RAM for real-time parameter storage that is ideal for holding machine state parameters in case of an unexpected power­down. The battery is located at component BT1.
Option 16A provides a 32k x 24 bank of battery-backed parameter RAM in components U142, U145,
and U149, fitting in the smaller footprint for those locations.
Option 18: Identification Number & Real-Time Clock/Calendar Module
Option 18 provides a module that contains an electronic identification number, and possibly a real-time clock/calendar.
Option 18A provides an electronic identification number module.
Introduction 3
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
+5V (PIN1) (PIN2)
P1(BUS) / TB1
(PIN 9)
(PIN 9)
Input Flags
3 1 1 3
On the PMAC, there are many jumpers (pairs of metal prongs), called E-points. Some have been shorted together; others have been left open. These jumpers customize the hardware features of the board for a given application and must be setup appropriately. The following is an overview of the several PMAC jumpers grouped in appropriate categories. For a complete description of the jumper setup configuration, refer to the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite E-Point Jumper Descriptions section of this manual.
Power-Supply Configuration Jumpers
E85, E87, E88: Analog Circuit Isolation Control These jumpers control whether the analog circuitry on the PMAC is isolated from the digital circuitry, or electrically tied to it. In the default configuration, these jumpers are off, keeping the circuits isolated from each other (provided separate isolated supplies are used).
E89-E90: Input Flag Supply Control If E90 connects pins 1 and 2 and E89 is ON, the input flags (+LIMn, -LIMn, HMFLn, and FAULTn) are supplied from the analog A+15V supply, which can be isolated from the digital circuitry. If E90 connects pins 1 and 2 and E89 is OFF, the input flags are supplied from a separate A+V supply through pin 9 of the J9 JEQU connector. This supply can be in the +12V to +24V range and can be kept isolated from the digital circuitry. If E90 connects pins 2 and 3, the input flags are supplied from the digital +12V supply and isolation from the digital circuitry is defeated.
E100: AENA/EQU Supply Control If E100 connects pins 1 and 2, the circuits related to the AENAn, EQUn, and FAULTn signals will be supplied from the analog A+15V supply, which can be isolated from the digital circuitry. If E100 connects pins 2 and 3, the circuits will be supplied from a separate A+V supply brought in on pin 9 of the J9 JEQU connector. This supply can be in the +12V to +24V range, and can be kept isolated from the digital circuitry.
4 Hardware Setup
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Clock Configuration Jumpers
E3-E6: Servo Clock Frequency Control – The jumpers E3 – E6 determine the servo-clock frequency by controlling how many times it is divided down from the phase-frequency. The default setting of E3 and E4 OFF, E5 and E6 ON divides the phase-clock frequency by four, creating a 2.25 kHz servo-clock frequency. This setting is seldom changed.
E29-E33: Phase Clock Frequency Control – Only one of the jumpers E29 – E33, which select the phase-clock frequency, may be on in any configuration. The default setting of E31 ON, which selects a 9 kHz phase-clock frequency, is seldom changed.
E34-E38: Encoder Sample Clock – Only one of the jumpers E34 – E38, which select the encoder sample clock frequency, may be on in any configuration. The frequency must be high enough to accept the maximum true count rate (no more than one count in any clock period), but a lower frequency can filter out longer noise spikes. The anti-noise digital delay filter can eliminate noise spikes up to one sample-clock cycle wide.
E40-E43: Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control Jumpers E40 E43 determine the direction of the phase and servo clocks. All of these jumpers must be ON for the card to use its internally generated clock signals and to output these on the serial port connector. If any of these jumpers is OFF, the card will expect to input these clock signals from the serial port connector, and its watchdog timer will trip immediately if it does not receive these signals. The card number (0 – 15) for serial addressing of multiple cards on a daisy-chain serial cable, set by these jumpers on older controllers, is determined by the Turbo PMAC variable I0. See the Software Setup section of this manual for details.
E98: DAC/ADC Clock Frequency Control Leave E98 in its default setting of 1-2, which creates a
2.45 MHz DCLK signal, unless connecting an Acc-28 A/D-converter board. In this case, move the jumper to connect pins 2 and 3, which creates a 1.22 MHz DCLK signal.
Encoder Configuration Jumpers
Encoder Complementary Line Control – The selection of the type of encoder used, either single ended or differential is made through the resistor packs configuration and not through a jumper configuration, as on older controllers.
E22-E23: Control-Panel Handwheel Enable Putting these jumpers ON ties the handwheel-encoder inputs on the JPAN control-panel port to the Channel 2 encoder circuitry. If the handwheel inputs are connected to Channel 2, no encoder should be connected to Channel 2 through the JMACH1 connector.
E72-E73: Control Panel Analog Input Enable Putting these jumpers ON ties the output of the Option 10 voltage-to-frequency converter that can process the Wiper analog input on the JPAN control panel port to the Channel 4 encoder circuitry. If the frequency signal is connected to Channel 4, no encoder should be connected to Channel 4 through the JMACH1 connector.
E74-E75: Encoder Sample Clock Output Putting these jumpers ON ties the encoder sample-clock signal to the CHC4 and CHC4/ lines on the JMACH1 port. This permits the clock signal to be used to synchronize external encoder-processing devices like the Acc-8D Option 8-interpolator board. With these jumpers ON, no encoder input signal should be connected to these pins.
Hardware Setup 5
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Board Reset/Save Jumpers
E50: Flash-Save Enable/Disable Control If E50 is ON (default), the active software configuration of the PMAC can be stored to non-volatile flash memory with the SAVE command. If the jumper on E50 is removed, this Save function is disabled, and the contents of the flash memory cannot be changed.
E51: Re-Initialization on Reset Control If E51 is OFF (default), PMAC executes a normal reset, loading active memory from the last saved configuration in non-volatile flash memory. If E51 is ON, PMAC re-initializes on reset, loading active memory with the factory default values.
Communication Jumpers
PCI Bus Base Address Control – The selection of the base address of the card in the I/O space of the host PC's expansion bus is assigned automatically by the operating system and it is not selected through a jumper configuration.
E49: Serial Communications Parity Control – Jump pin 1 to 2 for NO serial parity. Remove jumper for ODD serial parity.
E55-E65: Interrupt Source Control These jumpers control which signals are tied to interrupt lines IR5, IR6 and IR7 on PMAC’s programmable interrupt controller (PIC), as shown in the interrupt diagram. Only one signal may be tied into each of these lines.
E110: Serial Port Configure Jump pin 1 to 2 for use of the J4 connector as RS-232. Jump pin 2 to 3 for use of the J4 connector as RS-422.
E111: Clock Lines Output Enable – Jump pin 1 to 2 to enable the Phase, Servo and Init lines on the J4 connector. Jump pin 2 to 3 to disable the Phase, Servo and Init lines on the J4 connector. E111 on positions 1 to 2 is necessary for daisy-chained PMACs sharing the clock lines for synchronization.
I/O Configuration Jumpers
A wrong setting of these jumpers will damage the associated output IC.
E1-E2: Machine Output Supply Configure – With the default sinking output driver IC (ULN2803A or
equivalent) in U13 for the J5 JOPTO port outputs, these jumpers must connect pins 1 and 2 to supply the IC correctly. If this IC is replaced with a sourcing output driver IC (UDN2981A or equivalent), these jumpers must be changed to connect pins 2 and 3 to supply the new IC correctly.
E7: Machine Input Source/Sink Control With this jumper connecting pins 1 and 2 (default) the machine input lines on the J5 JOPTO port are pulled up to +5V or the externally provided supply voltage for the port. This configuration is suitable for sinking drivers. If the jumper is changes to connect pins 2 and 3, these lines are pulled down to GND. This configuration is suitable for sourcing drivers.
E17A - E17D: Motors 1-4 Amplifier-Enable Polarity Control Jumpers E17A through E17D control the polarity of the amplifier enable signal for the corresponding motor 1 to 4. When the jumper is ON (default), the amplifier-enable line for the corresponding motor is low true so the enable state is low­voltage output and sinking current, and the disable state is not conducting current. With the default ULN2803A sinking driver used by the PMAC on U37, this is the fail-safe option, allowing the circuit to fail in the disable state. With this jumper OFF, the amplifier-enable line is high true so the enable state is not conducting current, and the disable state is low-voltage output and sinking current. Generally, this setting is not recommended.
E28: Following-Error/Watchdog-Timer Signal Control With this jumper connecting pins 2 and 3 (default), the FEFCO/ output on pin 57 of the J8 JMACH1 servo connector outputs the watchdog timer
6 Hardware Setup
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
signal. With this jumper connecting pins 1 and 2, this pin outputs the warning following error status line for the selected coordinate system.
E101-E102: Motors 1 - 4 AENA/EQU voltage configure
A wrong setting of these jumpers will damage the associated output IC.
The U37 driver IC controls the AENA and EQU signals of motors 1 - 4. With the default sinking output driver IC (ULN2803A or equivalent) in U37, these jumpers must connect pins 1 and 2 to supply the IC correctly. If this IC is replaced with a sourcing output driver IC (UDN2981A or equivalent), these jumpers must be changed to connect pins 2 and 3 to supply the new IC correctly.
E122: XIN7 Feature Selection Jump 1-2 to bring the PowerGood signal into register XIN7 at Y:$070801 bit 7.
Reserved Configuration Jumpers
E0: Reserved for future use E44-48 Reserved for future use (no jumper installed) E109: Reserved for future use
CPU Jumper Configuration
E10A-E10C: Flash Memory Bank Select Jumpers The flash-memory IC in location U146 on the Turbo PMAC PCI Lite board has the capacity for eight separate banks of firmware, only one of which can be used at any given time. The eight combinations of settings for jumpers E10A, E10B, and E10C select which bank of the flash memory is used. In the factory production process, firmware is loaded only into Bank 0, which is selected by having all of these jumpers OFF.
E18-E20: Power-Up State Jumpers Jumper E18 must be OFF, jumper E19 must be ON, and jumper E20 must be ON, in order for the CPU to copy the firmware from flash memory into active RAM on power-up/reset. This is necessary for normal operation of the card. (Other settings are for factory use only.)
E21: Firmware Load Jumper If jumper E21 is ON during power-up/reset, the board comes up in bootstrap mode, which permits the loading of new firmware into the flash-memory IC on the board. When the PMAC Executive program tries to establish communications with a board in this mode, it will automatically detect that the board is in bootstrap mode and ask what file to download as the new firmware.
Jumper E21 must be OFF during power-up/reset for the board to come up in normal operational mode.
E119: Watchdog Timer Jumper - Jumper E119 must be OFF for the watchdog timer to operate. This is an important safety feature, so it is vital that this jumper be OFF in normal operation. E1 should only be put ON to debug problems with the watchdog timer circuit.
Hardware Setup 7
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Resistor Pack
Flags 1
Flags 2
Flags 3
Flags 4
Resistor Pack
Pack Size
Encoder 1
Encoder 2
Encoder 3
Encoder 4
Resistor Pack Configuration: Flag and Digital Inputs Voltage Selection
The PMAC is provided with 6-pin sockets for SIP resistor packs for the input flag sets. Each PMAC is shipped with no resistor packs installed. If the flag or digital inputs circuits are in the 12V to 15V range, no resistor pack should be installed in these sockets. For flags or digital inputs at 5V levels, quad 1k SIP resistor packs (1KSIP6C) should be installed in these sockets. The following table lists the voltage selection resistor pack sockets for each input device:
Resistor Pack Configuration: Termination Resistors
The PMAC provides sockets for termination resistors on differential input pairs coming into the board. As shipped, there are no resistor packs in these sockets. If these signals are brought long distances into the PMAC board and ringing at signal transitions is a problem, SIP resistor packs may be mounted in these sockets to reduce or eliminate the ringing.
All termination resistor packs are the types that have independent resistors (no common connection) with each resistor using two adjacent pins. The following table shows which packs are used to terminate each input device:
Resistor Pack Configuration: Differential or Single-Ended Encoder Selection
The differential input signal pairs to the PMAC have user-configurable pull-up/pull-down resistor networks to permit the acceptance of either single-ended or differential signals in one setting, or the detection of lost differential signals in another setting.
The ‘+’ inputs of each differential pair each have a hard-wired 1 k pull-up resistor to +5V. This cannot be changed.
The ‘-‘ inputs of each differential pair each have a hard-wired 2.2 k resistor to +5V. Each also has another 2.2 k resistor as part of a socketed resistor pack that can be configured as a pull-up resistor to +5V, or a pull-down resistor to GND.
If this socketed resistor is configured as a pull-down resistor (the default configuration), the combination of pull-up and pull-down resistors on this line acts as a voltage divider, holding the line at +2.5V in the absence of an external signal. This configuration is required for single-ended inputs using the ‘+’ lines alone. It is desirable for unconnected inputs to prevent the pick-up of spurious noise. It is permissible for differential line-driver inputs.
8 Hardware Setup
Turbo PMAC PCI Lite
Pack Size
Encoder 1
Encoder 2
Encoder 3
Encoder 4
If this socketed resistor is configured as a pull-up resistor (by reversing the SIP pack in the socket), the two parallel 2.2 k resistors act as a single 1.1 k pull-up resistor, holding the line at +5V in the absence
of an external signal. This configuration is required if encoder-loss detection is desired. It is required if complementary open-collector drivers are used. It is permissible for differential line-driver inputs even without encoder loss detection.
If Pin 1 of the resistor pack (marked by a dot on the pack) matches Pin 1 of the socket (marked by a wide white square solder pin on the front side of the board), then the pack is configured as a bank of pull-down resistors. If the pack is reversed in the socket, it is configured as a bank of pull-up resistors.
The following table lists the pull-up/pull-down resistor pack for each input device:
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