Delta Tau PMAC VME, TURBO PMAC VME User Manual

^3 Programmable Multi-Axis Controller
^4 4Ax-602203-xHxx
^5 November 4, 2004
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
Copyright Information
© 2003 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained in this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not conform in every respect to former issues.
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Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Technical Support
Phone: (818) 717-5656 Fax: (818) 998-7807 Email: Website:
Operating Conditions
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or handling Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial environment, install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them from excessive or corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials. If Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products are directly exposed to hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
Table of Contents
PMAC VME E-POINT DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................1
PMAC VME Bottom Board......................................................................................................................................1
E1 - E2: Machine Output Supply Voltage Configure............................................................................................1
E3 - E6: Servo Clock Frequency Control............................................................................................................2
E7: Machine Input Source/Sink Control..............................................................................................................2
E8: RS232 Converter Power Supply Control ......................................................................................................3
E9 - E16: Serial Interface Handshake Control....................................................................................................3
E17A-E17D: Amplifier-Enable/Direction Polarity Control.................................................................................4
E22 - E23: Control Panel Handwheel Enable.....................................................................................................4
E24 - E27: Encoder Single-Ended/Differential Control......................................................................................4
E28: Warning Following Error/Watchdog Timer Signal Control.......................................................................5
E29 - E33: Phase Clock Frequency Control.......................................................................................................5
E34 - E38: Encoder Sampling Clock Frequency Control....................................................................................5
E39: Reset-From-Bus Enable...................................................................................................................................6
E40 - E43: Software Address Control .................................................................................................................6
E44 - E47: Communications Control ..................................................................................................................7
E48: RAM Wait State Control (Standard CPU Section)......................................................................................7
E48: CPU Clock Frequency Control (Option CPU Section)...............................................................................8
E49: Serial Communications Parity Control.......................................................................................................8
E50: EAROM Save Enable/Disable.....................................................................................................................8
E51: Normal/Re-Initializing Power-Up...............................................................................................................8
E52 - E53: DSP Interrupt Signal Select...............................................................................................................8
E72 - E73: Panel Analog Time Base Signal Enable............................................................................................9
E74 - E75: Clock Output Control for External Interpolation..............................................................................9
E85, E87, E88: Host-Supplied Analog Power Source Enable.............................................................................9
E89: Amplifier-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable...............................................................................................10
E90: Host-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable......................................................................................................10
E93 - E94: Compare-Equal Output Voltage Configure......................................................................................10
E96 - E97: Analog Source Isolate from Option 1V.............................................................................................11
E98: DAC/ADC Clock Frequency Control........................................................................................................11
E99: Analog Source Isolate from Option 1V......................................................................................................11
PMAC VME Option 1A Jumpers............................................................................................................................12
E17E - E17H: Amplifier Enable Polarity Control.............................................................................................12
E18 - E21: Encoder Single-Ended/Differential Control....................................................................................12
E185, E187, E188: Host-Supplied Analog Power Source Enable.....................................................................13
E189: Amplifier-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable.............................................................................................13
E190: Host-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable....................................................................................................13
E196, E197, E199: Analog Source Isolate from Main Board.............................................................................14
PMAC VME CPU BOARDS....................................................................................................................................15
Legacy PMAC Universal CPU (602705-10x).........................................................................................................15
E1: Watchdog Disable Jumper...........................................................................................................................15
E2-E3: Expansion Port Configure......................................................................................................................15
E4: Power-Up/Reset Load Source.....................................................................................................................15
E8: Expansion Port Configure ...........................................................................................................................15
Legacy PMAC VME Standard CPU Board (602398, 602271) ...............................................................................16
Legacy PMAC VME Option CPU Board................................................................................................................16
PMAC VME MATING CONNECTORS................................................................................................................17
Base Board Connectors...........................................................................................................................................17
J1 (JDISP)/Display.............................................................................................................................................17
J2 (JPAN)/Control Panel....................................................................................................................................17
J3 (JTHW)/Multiplexer Port...............................................................................................................................17
J4 (JRS422)/RS232 or 422/Serial Communications...........................................................................................17
Table of Contents i
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
J5 (JOPT)/OPTO I/O..........................................................................................................................................17
J6 (JXIO)/Expansion Board................................................................................................................................17
J7 (JEQU)/Position Compare.............................................................................................................................17
J8 (JS1)/A-D Inputs 1-4......................................................................................................................................17
P1 (JVME)/Standard VME Connector................................................................................................................17
P2 (JMACH1)/1st Machine Connector...............................................................................................................17
Axis-Expansion Piggyback Board Connectors........................................................................................................18
P2A (JMACH2)/2nd Machine Connector...........................................................................................................18
J1 (JS2)/A-D Inputs 5-8 (J9 on Option 3 Front Panel)......................................................................................18
CPU Board Connectors...........................................................................................................................................18
J2 (JEXP)/Expansion (J10 on Option 3 Front Panel)........................................................................................18
J4 (JDPRAM)/Dual-Ported RAM.......................................................................................................................18
PMAC VME CONNECTOR PINOUTS.................................................................................................................19
J1 JDISP (14-Pin Connector)............................................................................................................................. 19
J2 JPAN (26-Pin Connector)..............................................................................................................................20
J3 JTHW Connector (26-Pin Connector)...........................................................................................................21
J4 JRS422 (26-Pin Connector)...........................................................................................................................22
J5 JOPT (34-Pin Connector)..............................................................................................................................23
J6 JXI0 (10-Pin Connector)................................................................................................................................24
J7 JEQU (10-Pin Connector).............................................................................................................................24
J8 JS1 (16-Pin Header)......................................................................................................................................24
P1 JVME (96-Pin Header) .................................................................................................................................25
P2 JMACH1 (96-Pin Header) ............................................................................................................................26
P2 JMACH1 (96-Pin Header) Continued...........................................................................................................27
J1 JS2 (16-Pin Header on Option 1A)................................................................................................................28
P2A JMACH2 (96-Pin Header on Option 1A)....................................................................................................28
P2A JMACH2 (96-Pin Header on Option 1A) Continued.................................................................................29
P2A JMACH2 (96-Pin Header on Option 1A)...................................................................................................29
P2A JMACH2 (96-Pin Header on Option 1A)...................................................................................................30
PMAC BASIC SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................................31
Physical Specifications............................................................................................................................................31
Electrical Specifications..........................................................................................................................................31
Memory Specifications............................................................................................................................................31
CPU Specifications .................................................................................................................................................31
Performance Specifications.....................................................................................................................................32
I/O Specifications....................................................................................................................................................33
Software Specifications...........................................................................................................................................35
Accessory 1: +5V Power Supplies and Batteries...............................................................................................37
Accessory 2: +/-15V Power Supplies ................................................................................................................37
Accessory 3: Serial Communications Cable......................................................................................................37
Accessory 4: Additional Instruction Manual.................................................................................... .................37
Accessory 6: Handwheel Encoder.....................................................................................................................37
Accessory 8: Terminal Block.............................................................................................................................38
Accessory 9: IBM PC Software .........................................................................................................................39
Accessory 12: Liquid Crystal/Vacuum Fluorescent Display..............................................................................39
Accessory-14: I/O Expansion Board ..................................................................................................................40
Accessory 16D: Control Panel And Display Box..............................................................................................41
Accessory 17: PMACAD Cad Conversion Software..........................................................................................41
Accessory 18: Thumbwheel Multiplexer Board.................................................................................................41
Accessory 20: Hand-Held Terminal..................................................................................................................42
Accessory 21: I/O Simulators and Cables.........................................................................................................42
Accessory 22: Extended Warranty.....................................................................................................................42
ii Table of Contents
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
Accessory 24: Axis Expansion Board................................................................................................................42
Accessory 25: Extended Servo Algorithm Tuning Software..............................................................................43
Accessory 26A: Serial Communications Converter...........................................................................................43
Accessory 27: Optically Isolated I/O Board.......................................................................................................43
Accessory 28: A/D Conversion Board................................................................................................................43
Accessory 29: Magnetostrictive Linear Displacement Transducer Interface Board.........................................44
Accessory 31: PMAC Demonstration Box Unit.................................................................................................44
Accessory 32: PMAC Software Upgrade/Update Kit........................................................................................44
Accessory 33: PMAC NC Software Library ......................................................................................................44
Accessory 34: Multiplexed I/O Expansion Board..............................................................................................44
Accessory 35: Multiplexer Port Line Driver and Receiver................................................................................45
Accessory 36: Analog to Digital Converter Board............................................................................................45
Accessory 39: Handwheel Encoder Converter Board.......................................................................................46
Accessory 40: On-Site Field Service and Training............................................................................................46
Accessory 41: Servo Training Systems..............................................................................................................46
Future Accessories..............................................................................................................................................46
Table of Contents iii
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
iv Table of Contents
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
PMAC VME Bottom Board
E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
B5 For future use. No jumper

E1 - E2: Machine Output Supply Voltage Configure

E Point and
Physical Layout
The jumper settings for both E1 and E2 must match the type of driver IC, or damage to the IC will result.
Location Description Default
A5 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply +V (+5V to 24V)
to pin 11 of U33 (should be ULN2803A for sink output configuration) JOPTO Machine outputs M01-M08.
Jump pin 2 to 3 to apply GND to pin 11 of U33 (should be UDN2981A for source output configuration).
A5 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply GND to pin 10 of
U33 (should be ULN2803A for sink output configuration).
Jump pin 2 to 3 to apply +V (+5V to 24V) to pin 10 of U33 (should be UDN2981A for source output configuration).
1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions 1
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E3 - E6: Servo Clock Frequency Control

The servo clock (which determines how often the servo loop is closed) is derived from the phase clock (see E29 - E33) through a "divide-by-N" counter. Jumpers E3 through E6 control this dividing function.
E3 E4 E5 E6 Servo Clock = Phase
Clock Divided by N
ON ON ON ON N = divided by 1
OFF ON ON ON N = divided by 2
ON OFF ON ON N = divided by 3
OFF OFF ON ON N = divided by 4 Only E5 and E6 ON
ON OFF ON ON N = divided by 5
OFF ON OFF ON N = divided by 6 Only E4 and E6 ON (option 5 only)
ON OFF OFF ON N = divided by 7
OFF OFF OFF ON N = divided by 8
ON ON ON OFF N = divided by 9
OFF ON ON OFF N = divided by 10
ON OFF ON OFF N = divided by 11
OFF OFF ON OFF N = divided by 12
ON ON OFF OFF N = divided by 13
OFF ON OFF OFF N = divided by 14
ON OFF OFF OFF N = divided by 15
OFF OFF OFF OFF N = divided by 16 The setting of I-variable I10 should be adjusted to match the servo interrupt cycle time set by E98, E3 -- E6, E29 -- E33, and the crystal clock frequency. I10 holds the length of a servo interrupt cycle, scaled so that 8,388,608 equals one millisecond. Since I10 has a maximum value of 8,388,607, the servo interrupt cycle time should always be less than a millisecond (unless you want to make your basic unit of time on PMAC something other than a millisecond). To have a servo sample time greater than one millisecond, the sampling may be slowed in software with variable Ix60.
Frequency can be checked on J4 pins 21 and 22. It can also be checke d fr o m software by typing RX:0 in the PMAC terminal at 10-second intervals and dividing the difference of successive responses by
10000. The resulting number is the approximate servo clock frequency in kHz. If E40-E43 are set up so that the card has a software address other than @0, the servo clock signal must be
received over the serial port from card @0, so these jumpers have no effect. All versions of the PMAC except Option 5 (30MHz), have a 19.6608MHz ("20MHz) clock crystal, even the
40 and 60 MHz CPU versions.
Default and Physical Layout
E3 E4 E5 E6
Location: B4 B4 B5 B5

E7: Machine Input Source/Sink Control

E Point and
Physical Layout
2 PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions
Location Description Default
A4 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply +5V to input reference
resistor sip pack; this will bias MI1 to MI8 inputs to +5V for off state; input must then be grounded for on state.
Jump pin 2 to 3 to apply GND to input reference resistor sip pack; this will bias MI1 to MI8 inputs to GND for off state; input must then be pulled up for on state (+5V to +24V).
1-2 Jumper installed
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E8: RS232 Converter Power Supply Control

E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
A4 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply +5V to J4 pin 2 (JRS422);
this can be used to power optional RS422 to RS232 converter module which requires +5V for operation.
Jumper installed

E9 - E16: Serial Interface Handshake Control

E9 to E16 jumpers control whether the RS-422 serial port will be in DCE or DTE format. The default configuration permits straight-across connection to a PC DB-25 serial port.
E Point and
Physical Layout
E9 E10
E11 E12
E13 E14
E15 E16
Location Description Default
A3 Jump, E9-1 to E9-2 to allow RD- to be input on J4-
3; jump E10-1 to E10-2 to allow SD- to be output on J4-5.
Jump E9-1 to E10-1 to allow RD- to be output on J4-3; jump E9-2 to E10-2 to allow SD- to be input on J4-5.
A3 Jump E11-1 to E11-2 to allow RD+ to be input on
J4-4; jump E12-1 to E12-2 to allow SD+ to be output on J4-6.
Jump E11-1 to E12-1 to allow RD+ to be output on J4-4; jump E11-2 to E12-2 to allow SD+ to be input on J4-6.
A4 D5 jump E13-1 to E13-2 to 1-2 allow CS+ to be
input jumper on J4-7; jump E14-1 to installed E14­2 to allow RS+ to be output on J4-9.
Jump E13-1 to E14-1 to allow CS+ to be output on J4-7; jump E13-2 to E14-2 to allow RS+ to be input on J4-9.
A4 D5 jump E15-1 to E15-2 to allow CS- to be input
on J4-8. Jump E16-1 to E16-2 to allow RS- to be output on
J4-10. Jump E15-1 to E16-1 to allow CS- to be output on
J4-8; jump E15-2 to E16-2 to allow RS- to be input on J4-10.
1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions 3
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E17A-E17D: Amplifier-Enable/Direction Polarity Control

E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
Low-true enable is the fail-safe option because of the sinking (open-collector) ULN2803A output driver IC.
B2 Jump 1-2 for high TRUE AENA (1-4).
Remove jumper for low TRUE AENA (1-4).
C2 Jump 1-2 for high TRUE AENA (1-4).
Remove jumper for low TRUE AENA (1-4).
C2 Jump 1-2 for high TRUE AENA (1-4).
Remove jumper for low TRUE AENA (1-4).
C2 Jump 1-2 for high TRUE AENA (1-4).
Remove jumper for low TRUE AENA (1-4).
No jumper installed
No jumper installed
No jumper installed
No jumper installed

E22 - E23: Control Panel Handwheel Enable

E Point and
Physical Layout
With these jumpers ON, no encoder should be wired into ENC2 on JMACH1. Jumper E26 must connect pins 1-2, because these are single-ended inputs. This function is unrelated to the encoder brought in thr ough Acc­39 on J2.
Location Description Default
C2 Jump pin 1 to 2 to obtain handwheel encoder signal
from front panel at J2-16 for CHB2 (ENC2-B).
C2 Jump pin 1 to 2 to obtain handwheel encoder signal
from front panel at J2-22 for CHA2 (ENC2-A).
No jumper
No jumper

E24 - E27: Encoder Single-Ended/Differential Control

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
D2 ENC 4 through 1:
Jump pin 1 to 2 to tie complementary encoder inputs to 2.5V.
D2 Jump pin 2 to 3 to tie complementary encoder
inputs to 5V. For no encoder connection: Jump pin 1 to 2.
D2 For single-ended encoders: Jump pin 1 to 2.
For differential line-driver encoders: Do not care.
D2 For complementary open-collector encoders: Jump
pin 2 to 3.
1-2 Jumper installed for E24 ­E27.
E24: ENC 4 E25: ENC 3 E26: ENC 2 E27: ENC 1
4 PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E28: Warning Following Error/Watchdog Timer Signal Control

E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
B3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow warning following error
(Ix12) for the selected coordinate system to control FEFCO/ on J8-57.
Jump pin 2 to 3 to cause Watchdog timer output to control FEFCO/ (low true output in either case).
2-3 Jumper installed

E29 - E33: Phase Clock Frequency Control

Jumpers E29 through E33 control the speed of the phase clock, and, indirectly, the servo clock, which is divided down from the phase clock (see E3 - E6). No more than one of these five jumpers may be on at a time.
E29 E30 E31 E32 E33
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 2.26 kHz 3.39 kHz
OFF ON OFF OFF OFF 4.52 kHz 6.78 kHz OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 9.04 kHz 13.55 kHz OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 18.07 kHz 27.10 kHz OFF OFF OFF OFF ON 36.14 kHz 54.21 kHz
1. True for standard 20 MHz PMAC and those with Options 4A, 5A, and 5B
2. True only for PMACs with Option 5
Phase Clock Frequency
19.6608 MHz Master Clock See Note 1
29.4912 MHz Master Clock See Note 2
If jumper E98 has been changed to connect pins 2-3 (default is 1-2), the phase clock frequency is exactly 1/2 that shown in the above table.
Default and
Physical Layout
E33 E32 E31 E30 E29
Location: All B4
If E40-E43 are set so that the card has a software address other than @0, the phase clock signal must be received over the serial port from card @0, so these jumpers have no effect.

E34 - E38: Encoder Sampling Clock Frequency Control

Jumpers E34 - E38 control the encoder sampling clock (SCLK) used by the gate array ICs. No more than 1 of these 5 jumpers may be on at a time.
E34 E35 E36 E37 E38
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 9.8304 MHz 14.7456 MHz OFF ON OFF OFF OFF 4.9152 MHz 7.3728 MHz OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 2.4576 MHz 3.6864 MHz OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 1.2288 MHz 1.8432 MHz OFF OFF OFF OFF ON External clock 1 to 30 mhz maximum
1. True for standard 20 MHz PMAC and those with Options 4A, 5A, and 5B
2. True only for PMACs with Option 5.
SCLK Clock Frequency
19.6608 MHz Master Clock
See Note 1
input on CHC4 & CHC4/
29.4912 Mhz
Master Clock
See Note 1
Default and
Physical Layout
E34 E35 E36 E37 E38
Location: All B4
PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions 5
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual
E39: Reset-From-Bus Enable
E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
B5 Jump pin 1 to 2 to p ermit VME bus reset
line to reset PMAC VME. Remove jumper so that the VME bus reset
line does not reset PMAC VME.
1-2 jumper installed

E40 - E43: Software Address Control

Jumpers E40-E43 control the software address of the card, for serial addressing and for sharing the servo clock over the serial connector. Card @0 sends the clock and cards @1-@F receive the clock.
Card Address Control E-Points Default and
Physical Layout
E40 E41 E42 E43 Card Address
ON ON ON ON @0 @0
OFF OFF OFF OFF @F The card must either be set up as @0, or receiving clock signals over the serial port from another card that is set up as @0, or the Watchdog timer will trip (red light ON) and the card will shut down.
E40 E41 E42 E43
Location; All D3
6 PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E44 - E47: Communications Control

Jumpers E44 - E47 control what baud rate to use for serial communications. Any character received over the bus causes PMAC to use the bus for its standard communications. The serial port is disabled if E44­E47 are all on.
Baud Rate Control E-Points Baud Rate
E44 E45 E46 E47
Option 4A Standard,
Option 5A
ON ON ON ON Disabled Disabled Disabled
OFF ON ON ON 300 600 900
ON OFF ON ON 400* 800* 1200
OFF OFF ON ON 600 1200 1800
ON ON OFF ON 800* 1600* 2400
OFF ON OFF ON 1200 2400 3600
Option 5, Option 5B
Default and
Physical Layout
E44 E45 E46 E47
Location: All D3 Picture is for a PMAC with a Standard or Option 5A CPU
ON OFF OFF ON 1600* 3200* 4800
OFF OFF OFF ON 2400 4800 7200
ON ON ON OFF 3200* 6400* 9600 Options 5, 5B
OFF ON ON OFF 4800 9600 14400 Std., Opt. 5A
ON OFF ON OFF 6400* 12800* 19200
OFF OFF ON OFF 9600 19200 28800 Option 4A
ON ON OFF OFF 12800* 25600* 38400
OFF ON OFF OFF 19200 38400 57600
ON OFF OFF OFF 25600* 51200* 76800
OFF OFF OFF OFF 38400 76800 115200
These jumpers are used only to set the baud rate at power-on/reset. * Non-standard baud rates

E48: RAM Wait State Control (Standard CPU Section)

E48 controls the memory wait states only on PMACs with a standard CPU section using battery backup. This CPU section is used on PMACs ordered with no CPU or memory options and Option 5 (not Opt 4A, 5A, or 5B).
E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
C2 Jump pin 1 to 2 for zero wait state
operation; remove jumper for one wait state operation.
No jumper installed (standard configuration)
Jumper installed (Option 5)
PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions 7
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E48: CPU Clock Frequency Control (Option CPU Section)

E48 controls the CPU clock frequency only on PMAC with an option CPU section using flash memory backup (no battery). This CPU section is used on PMACs ordered with Opt 4A, 5A, or 5B (not Option 5).
E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
It may be possible to operate a board with 40 MHz components (Option 5A) at 60 MHz under some conditions by changing the setting of jumper E48. However, this operates the components outside of their specified operating range, and proper execution of PMAC under these conditions is not guaranteed. PMAC software failure is possible, even probable, under these conditions, and this can lead to very dangerous machine failure. Operation in this mode is done completely at the user’s own risk; Delta Tau can accept no responsibility for the operation of PMAC or the machine under these conditions.
C2 Jump pins 1 and 2 to multiply crystal
frequency by 3 inside CPU for 60 MHz operation.
Remove jumper to multiply crystal frequency by 2 inside CPU for 40 MHz operation.
Jumper installed (Option 5, 5B)
Jumper not installed (Standard, Option 4A, 5A)

E49: Serial Communications Parity Control

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
D3 Jump pin 1 to 2 for NO serial parity.
Remove jumper for ODD serial parity.
Jumper installed

E50: EAROM Save Enable/Disable

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
D3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to enable save to EAROM.
Remove jumper to disable save to EAROM.
Jumper installed

E51: Normal/Re-Initializing Power-Up

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
D3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to re-initialize ON power-
up/reset. Remove jumper for NORMAL power-up/reset.
No jumper installed

E52 - E53: DSP Interrupt Signal Select

E Point and
Physical Layout
8 PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions
Location Description Default
B5 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow LIRQ0 to interrupt
local DSP-CPU at IRQB.
B5 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow MI3 to interrupt local
Jumper installed
No jumper installed
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E72 - E73: Panel Analog Time Base Signal Enable

E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
With these jumpers ON, no encoder should be wired into ENC4 on JMACH1. E27 must connect pins 1 to 2 because these are single-ended inputs. Variable I915 should be set to 4 to create a positive voltage (frequency) number in PMAC.
C3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow V to F converter
FOUT derived from wiper input on J2 to connect to CHA4.
C3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow V to F converter
FOUT/ derived from wiper input on J2 to connect to CHA4/.
No jumper installed
No jumper installed

E74 - E75: Clock Output Control for External Interpolation

E Point and
Physical Layout
SCLK out permits synchronous latching of analog encoder interpolators such as Acc-8D Opt 8.
Location Description Default
C3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow SCLK/ to output on
C3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow SCLK to output on
No jumper installed
No jumper installed

E85, E87, E88: Host-Supplied Analog Power Source Enable

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
B2 Jump pin 1 to pin 2 to allow A+14V to come
from P1 (ties amplifier and PMAC VME power supply together. Defeats OPTO coupling.)
Note that if E85 is changed, E88 and E87 must also be changed.
Also, see E90.
D1 Jump pin 1 to pin 2 to allow analog GND to
come from P1 (ties amplifier and PMAC VME GND together. Defeats OPTO coupling.)
Note that if E87 is changed, E85 and E88 must also be changed.
Also, see E90.
A2 Jump pin 1 to pin 2 to allow A-14V to come
from P1 (ties amplifier and PMAC VME power supply together. Defeats OPTO coupling.)
Note that if E88 is changed; E87 and E85 must also be changed.
Also, see E90.
No jumper
No jumper
No jumper
PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions 9
PMAC VME Hardware Reference Manual

E89: Amplifier-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable

E Point and
Location Description Default
Physical Layout
A2 Jump pin 1 to 2 to supply flags from A+15V
input (P2 pin C30). E90 must jump pins 1 to 2 to bring power to flags.
Jump pin 2 to 3 to supply flags from A+V input on option 1V (P2 pin C30). E90 must jump pins 1 to 2 to bring power to flags.
See also E85, E87, E88, E89 and PMAC VME power supply connection diagram.

E90: Host-Supplied Switch Pull-Up Enable

E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
D1 Jump pin 1 to 2 to allow A+15V/OPT+V on
P2 or P2A (JMACH) pin C30, (also see E89) to supply flags.
Jump pin 2 to 3 to allow +12V from VME bus connector to supply flags. Optical isolation is then lost.
See also E85, E87, E88, E89 and PMAC VME power supply connection diagram.

E93 - E94: Compare-Equal Output Voltage Configure

1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description Default
A3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply +V (+5V to +24V)
to pin 11 of U28 (should be ULN2803A f or sink output configuration).
Jump pin 2 to 3 to apply GND to pin 11 of U28 (should be UDN2981A for source output configuration).
Also, see E2
B3 Jump pin 1 to 2 to apply GND to pin 10 of
U28 (Should be ULN2803A for sink output configuration).
Jump pin 2 to 3 to apply +V (+5V to +24V) to pin 10 of U28 (Should be UDN2981A for source output configuration).
Also, see E1
A3 Reserved for future use. No jumper
1-2 Jumper installed
1-2 Jumper installed
10 PMAC VME E-Point Descriptions
+ 36 hidden pages