Delta Tau PMAC2 PCI User Manual

^3 PMAC 2 PCI Bus Expansion Card
^4 4XX-603486-xHxx
^5 May 26, 2004
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
Copyright Information
© 2003 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained in this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not conform in every respect to former issues.
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Operating Conditions
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or handling Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial environment, install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them from excessive or corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials. If Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products are exposed to hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
Table of Contents
Board Configuration..................................................................................................................................................1
Base Version.........................................................................................................................................................1
Option 1: Additional Four Channels Axis Interface Circuitry.............................................................................1
Option 2: Dual-Ported RAM................................................................................................................................1
Option 5xF: CPU Speed Options.........................................................................................................................2
Option 6: Extended Servo Algorithm...................................................................................................................2
Option 7: Plate Mounting....................................................................................................................................2
Option 8: High-Accuracy Clock Crystal..............................................................................................................2
Option 10: Firmware Version Specification........................................................................................................2
Option 12: Analog-to-Digital Converters............................................................................................................2
Option 16: Battery-Backed Parameter Memory..................................................................................................2
HARDWARE SETUP.................................................................................................................................................3
Piggyback CPU Board Jumper Configuration...........................................................................................................3
Watchdog Timer Jumper.......................................................................................................................................3
Dual-ported RAM Source Jumper.........................................................................................................................3
Power-Up State Jumpers......................................................................................................................................3
Firmware Load Jumper........................................................................................................................................3
Flash Memory Bank Select Jumpers.....................................................................................................................3
Base Board Jumper Configuration............................................................................................................................3
Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control............................................................................................................3
CPU Frequency Control Jumpers.........................................................................................................................4
Re-Initialization Jumper .......................................................................................................................................4
Encoder Sample Clock Source Jumpers...............................................................................................................4
Serial Port Selection Jumper................................................................................................................................4
Output Disable State Jumpers ..............................................................................................................................4
Resistor Pack Configuration......................................................................................................................................5
Termination Resistors...........................................................................................................................................5
Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors ...............................................................................................................................5
Power Supply Connection.....................................................................................................................................6
Machine Port Connections ...................................................................................................................................6
Display Port..........................................................................................................................................................6
Multiplexer Port....................................................................................................................................................7
I/O Port.................................................................................................................................................................7
Serial Ports...........................................................................................................................................................7
A/D-Converter Port ..............................................................................................................................................7
Handwheel Port....................................................................................................................................................7
COMMUNICATIONS SETUP..................................................................................................................................9
FLEX CPU BOARD JUMPER DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................................................11
E1: Watchdog Disable Jumper...............................................................................................................................11
E2: Dual-Ported RAM Port Select .........................................................................................................................11
E4 – E6: Power-Up/Reset Load Source.................................................................................................................11
E7: Firmware Reload Enable..................................................................................................................................11
E10A, B, C: Flash Memory Bank Select................................................................................................................12
PMAC2 PCI BASE BOARD JUMPER DESCRIPTIONS....................................................................................13
E2: CPU Frequency Select......................................................................................................................................13
E3: Normal/Re-Initializing Power-Up/Reset...........................................................................................................13
E4: CPU Frequency Select......................................................................................................................................13
E5 – E6: (Reserved for Future Use)........................................................................................................................14
Table Of Contents i
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
E13 - E14: Encoder Sample Clock Direction Control............................................................................................14
E17 - E18: Serial Port Type Selection....................................................................................................................14
E111-118: Command Output Disable State...........................................................................................................15
MATING CONNECTORS.......................................................................................................................................17
CPU Board Connectors........................................................................................................................................... 17
J2 (JEXP)/Expansion..........................................................................................................................................17
Baseboard Connectors.............................................................................................................................................17
J1 (JANA)/Analog (Option 12) ...........................................................................................................................17
J2 (JTHW)/Multiplexer Port...............................................................................................................................17
J3 (JIO)/Digital I/O............................................................................................................................................17
J5 (JRS232)/RS-232 Serial Communications......................................................................................................17
J5A (JRS422)/RS-422 Serial Communications...................................................................................................17
J6 (JDISP)/Display.............................................................................................................................................17
J7 (JHW)/Auxiliary Channel...............................................................................................................................17
J8 (JEQU)/Position Compare.............................................................................................................................18
J9 (JMACH1)/Machine Port 1............................................................................................................................18
J10 (JMACH2)/Machine Port 2..........................................................................................................................18
J11 (JMACH3)/Machine Port 3..........................................................................................................................18
J12 (JMACH4)/Machine Port 4..........................................................................................................................18
PMAC2 PCI BASE BOARD CONNECTOR PINOUT S.......................................................................................19
J1 (JANA) Analog Input Port Connector................................................................................................................19
J2 (JTHW) Multiplexer Port Connector..................................................................................................................20
J3 (JI/O) General Input/Output Connector..............................................................................................................21
J5 (JRS232) Serial Port Connector..........................................................................................................................22
J5A (RS422) Serial Port Connector ........................................................................................................................22
J6 (JDISP) Display Connector ................................................................................................................................23
J7 (JHW) Handwheel Encoder Connector...............................................................................................................23
J8 (JEQU) Position Compare Output Connector.....................................................................................................24
J9 (JMACH1) Connector Description.....................................................................................................................24
J9 JMACH1 Connector.......................................................................................................................................25
J9 JMACH1 Connector.......................................................................................................................................27
J10 (JMACH2) Connector Description...................................................................................................................27
J11 (JMACH3) Connector Description...................................................................................................................30
J11 JMACH3 Connector.....................................................................................................................................31
J12 (JMACH4) Connector Description...................................................................................................................33
J12 JMACH4 Connector.....................................................................................................................................34
J12 JMACH4 Connector.....................................................................................................................................35
J12 JMACH4 Connector.....................................................................................................................................36
TB1 (2/4-Pin Terminal Block)................................................................................................................................36
TB2 (3-Pin Terminal Block) ...................................................................................................................................37
BASE BOARD JUMPERS LAYOUT......................................................................................................................39
ii Table of Contents
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
The PMAC2 PCI (part number 400-603367-10x) is a member of the PMAC family of boards optimized for interface to sinewave or direct-PWM servo drives and to pulse-and-direction stepper drives. Its software is capable of eight axes of control. It can have up to eight channels of on-board axis interface circuitry. It can also support up to eight channels of off-board axis interface circuitry through its expansion port, connected to Acc-24P or Acc-24P2 ISA-format boards. Acc-24 boards in PCI format are not yet available.
The PMAC2 PCI is a full-sized PCI-bus expansion card, with a small piggyback board containing the CPU board. This piggyback board occupies part of the next slot, but ½-sized boards are permitted in this next slot. While the PMAC2 PCI is capable of PCI bus communications, with or without the optional on­board dual-ported RAM, it does not need to be inserted into a PCI expansion slot. Communications can be done through the standard RS-232/RS-422 serial port. Standalone operation is possible.
Board Configuration

Base Version

The base version of the PMAC2 PCI provides a 1-1/2-slot board with:
40MHz DSP563xx CPU (Option 5AF, 80MHz 56002 equivalent)
128k x 24 0-wait-state flash-backed SRAM
512k x 8 flash memory for user backup & firmware
Latest released firmware version
RS-232/RS422 serial interface, PCI bus interface
Four channels axis interface circuitry, each including:
Three output command signal sets, configurable as either:
Two serial data streams to external DACs, 1 pulse-and-direction Three PWM top-and-bottom pairs
3-channel differential/single-ended encoder input
Nine input flags, two output flags
Interface to two external serial ADCs, 8 to 18 bits
Two channels supplemental interface circuitry, each including:
2-channel differential/single-ended encoder input
One output command signal set, configurable as
pulse-&-direction or PWM top-and-bottom pair
Display, MACRO, muxed I/O, direct I/O interface ports
PID/notch/feedforward servo algorithms
1-year warranty from date of shipment
One manual per set of one to four PMACs shipped
(Cables, mounting plates, mating connectors not included)

Option 1: Additional Four Channels Axis Interface Circuitry

Option 1 provides an additional four channels of on-board axis interface circuitry, identical to the
standard first four channels. The key components on the board are the DSPGATE1 IC at U7 and connectors J11 and J12.

Option 2: Dual-Ported RAM

Dual-ported RAM provides a very high-speed communications path for bus communications with the host computer through a bank of shared memory. DPRAM is advised if more than 100 data items per second are to be passed between the controller and the host computer in either direction.
Option 2 provides an 8k x 16 bank of dual-ported RAM. The key component on the board is U28.
Introduction 1
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual

Option 5xF: CPU Speed Options

Option 5CF: 80MHz DSP563xxx CPU (160MHz 56002 equivalent)
Option 5EF: 160MHz DSP563xxx CPU (320MHz 56002 equivalent)
Option 5AF: 40MHz DSP563xx CPU (80MHz 56002 equivalent) Default configuration provided
automatically if no CPU option ordered.

Option 6: Extended Servo Algorithm

The standard PID servo algorithm with feedforward and notch filter is suitable for most applications. Systems with difficult dynamics, especially with significant flexibility, may require a more powerful servo algorithm, such as the Extended Servo Algorithm (ESA).

Option 7: Plate Mounting

Option 7 provides a mounting plate connected to the PMAC2 PCI with standoffs. It is used to install
the PMAC2 PCI in standalone applications.

Option 8: High-Accuracy Clock Crystal

The PMAC2 PCI has a clock crystal (component Y1) of nominal frequency 19.6608MHz (~20MHz). The standard crystal’s accuracy specification is +/-100 ppm.
Option 8A provides a nominal 19.6608MHz crystal with a +/-15 ppm accuracy specification.

Option 10: Firmware Version Specification

Normally the Turbo PMAC2 PCI is provided with the newest released firmware version. A label on the U10 flash memory IC on the CPU board shows the firmware version loaded at the factory.
Option 10 provides for a user-specified firmware version.

Option 12: Analog-to-Digital Converters

Option 12 permits the installation of 8 or 16 channels of on-board multiplexed analog-to-digital
converters. 1 or 2 of these converters are read every phase interrupt. The analog inputs are not optically isolated, and each can have a 0 – 5V input range, or a +/-2.5V input range, individually selectable.
Option 12 provides an 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter. The key components on the board are U28
and connector J1.
Option 12A provides an additional 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter. The key component on the board
is U29.

Option 16: Battery-Backed Parameter Memory

The contents of the standard memory are not retained through a power-down or reset unless they have been saved to flash memory first. Option 16 provides supplemental battery-backed RAM for real-time parameter storage that is ideal for holding machine state parameters in case of an unexpected power­down. The battery is located at component BT1.
Option 16 provides a 16k x 24 bank of battery-backed parameter RAM in components U6, U9, and
U15 on the CPU board.
2 Introduction
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
Piggyback CPU Board Jumper Configuration

Watchdog Timer Jumper

Jumper E1 on the Turbo CPU board must be OFF for the watchdog timer to operate. This is an important safety feature, so it is vital that this jumper be OFF in normal operation. E1 should be put ON only to debug problems with the watchdog timer circuit.

Dual-ported RAM Source Jumper

Jumper E2 must connect pins 1 and 2 to access dual-ported RAM from the baseboard. To use Option 2 DPRAM on the baseboard, jumper E2 must be in this setting.
Jumper E2 must connect pins 2 and 3 to access dual-ported RAM through the JEXP expansion port. To use DPRAM on an external accessory board, jumper E2 must be in this setting.

Power-Up State Jumpers

Jumper E4 on the Turbo CPU board must be OFF, jumper E5 must be ON, and jumper E6 must be ON, in order for the CPU to copy the firmware from flash memory into active RAM on power-up/reset. This is necessary for normal operation of the card. (Other settings are for factory use only.)

Firmware Load Jumper

If jumper E7 on the CPU board is ON during power-up/reset, the board comes up in bootstrap mode, which permits the loading of new firmware into the flash-memory IC on the board. When the PMAC Executive program tries to establish communications with a board in this mode, it will detect automatically that the board is in bootstrap mode and ask what file to download as the new firmware.
Jumper E7 must be OFF during power-up/reset for the board to come up in normal operational mode.

Flash Memory Bank Select Jumpers

The flash-memory IC in location U10 on the Flex CPU board has the capacity for eight separate banks of firmware, only one of which can be used at any given time. The eight combinations of settings for jumpers E10A, E10B, and E10C select which bank of the flash memory is used. In the factory production process, firmware is loaded only into Bank 0, which is selected by having all of these jumpers OFF.
Base Board Jumper Configuration

Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control

Jumper E1 should be off if the board is using its own internally generated phase and servo clock signals. In this case, these signals are output on spare pins on the J5A RS-422 serial-port connector, where they can be used by other PMAC controllers set up to take external phase and servo clock signals.
Jumper E1 should be on if the board is using externally generated phase and servo clock signals brought in on the J5A RS-422 serial port connector. In this case, another PMAC controller generates the clock signals and output is on its serial port connector. Commonly, serial communications are also shared over a multi-drop RS-422 cable, with software addressing of the cards matching the I0 serial card number for each controller. Alternately, the phase and servo clock signals can come from clock signals involved in the process.
If E1 is on for external phase and clock signals, and these clock signals are not brought in on the serial port connector, the watchdog timer will trip immediately and shut down the board.
Hardware Setup 3
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
In order to change the state of the card between use of internal clock and use of external clock, the card must be re-initialized (either powered up with jumper E3 on, or given the $$$*** command) with jumper E1 in the new state. Before the card is reset again, a SAVE command must be issued to store the new internal settings.

CPU Frequency Control Jumpers

If variable I46 is set to the default value of zero, jumpers E2 and E4 on the base PMAC2 PCI board control the frequency at which the CPU will operate (or attempt to operate). Generally this will be the highest frequency at which the CPU is rated to operate.
If jumpers E2 and E4 are both OFF, the CPU will operate at a 40MHz frequency.
If E2 is ON and E4 is OFF, the CPU will operate at a 60MHz frequency.
If E2 is OFF and E4 is ON, the CPU will operate at an 80MHz frequency.
If I46 is set to a value greater than zero, E2 and E4 are not used. The CPU frequency is set to 10MHz

Re-Initialization Jumper

If E3 is off during power-up/reset, the controller will load its last saved set-up parameters from flash memory into active memory. This is the setting for normal operation.
If E3 is on during power-up/reset, the controller will load its factory-default set-up parameters from firmware into active memory. Generally, this is done only if communications cannot be established with the card when it comes up in normal operational mode.

Encoder Sample Clock Source Jumpers

Jumpers E13 and E14 control the source of the SCLK encoder-sampling clock for each servo IC. The default setting no jumper installed means that the SCLK signal comes from the servo IC and is output on the JMACH connectors. This setting is suitable for all but a few very special applications.

Serial Port Selection Jumper

Jumpers E17 and E18 control which serial-port connector is used. If E17 and E18 connect their pins 1 and 2, the 10-pin RS-232 port connector J5 is used. If E17 and E18 connect their pins 2 and 3, the 26-pin RS-422 port connector J5A is used. The RS-422 port must be used if several cards are to be daisy­chained together on a single multi-drop cable.

Output Disable State Jumpers

Jumpers E111 through E118 control the hardware state of the digital command output signals for each channel when the amplifier enable signal for that channel is in the disable state (false). Jumper E11n (n = 1 to 8) controls the output signals for channel n on the board.
If E11n is off (default), the command output signals for channel n are still active when the amplifier enable signal is in the disable state. The Turbo PMAC software should be commanding a net zero command to be output on these signals and the amplifier enable signal should be used by the amplifier so that no command output will cause action if it is receiving a disable signal. The off setting should be used when DAC output format is selected for the channel.
If E11n is on, the command output signals for channel n are tri-stated when the amplifier-enable signal is in the disable state. This setting is used only with direct-PWM power-block amplifiers that do not use amplifier enable to gate the PWM signals, and in which the zero-command format of 50% top on-time, and 50% bottom on-time cannot be tolerated in the disable state.
4 Hardware Setup
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
Resistor Pack Configuration

Termination Resistors

The PMAC2 PCI provides sockets for termination resistors on differential input pairs coming into the board. As shipped, there are no resistor packs in these sockets. If these signals are brought long distances into the PMAC2 PCI board and ringing at signal transitions is a problem, SIP resistor packs may be mounted in these sockets to reduce or eliminate the ringing.
All termination resistor packs have independent resistors (no common connection) with each resistor using two adjacent pins. The following table shows which packs are used to terminate each input device:
Input Pack Pack Size Input Pack Pack Size
Encoder 1 RP46 6-pin ADC 1 & 2 RP60 8-pin Encoder 2 RP50 6-pin ADC 3 & 4 RP61 8-pin Encoder 3 RP47 6-pin ADC 5 & 6 RP121 8-pin Encoder 4 RP51 6-pin ADC 7 & 8 RP122 8-pin Encoder 5 RP107 6-pin Fault 1 & 2 RP63 6-pin Encoder 6 RP111 6-pin Fault 3 & 4 RP64 6-pin Encoder 7 RP108 6-pin Fault 5 & 6 RP124 6-pin Encoder 8 RP112 6-pin Fault 7 & 8 RP125 6-pin
SCLK12&34 RP52 6-pin SCLK56&78 RP113 6-pin

Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors

The differential input signal pairs to the PMAC2 PCI have user-configurable pull-up/pull-down resistor networks to permit the acceptance of either single-ended or differential signals in one setting, or the detection of lost differential signals in another setting.
The ‘+’ inputs of each differential pair each have a hard-wired 1 kohm pull-up resistor to +5V. This cannot be changed.
The ‘-’ inputs of each differential pair each have a hard-wired 2.2 kohm resistor to +5V; each has another
2.2 kohm resistor as part of a socketed resistor pack that can be configured as a pull-up resistor to +5V, or a pull-down resistor to GND.
If this socketed resistor is configured as a pull-down resistor (the default configuration), the combination of pull-up and pull-down resistors on this line acts as a voltage divider, holding the line at +2.5V in the absence of an external signal. This configuration is required for single-ended inputs using the ‘+’ lines alone; it is desirable for unconnected inputs to prevent the pick-up of spurious noise. It is permissible for differential line-driver inputs.
If this socketed resistor is configured as a pull-up resistor (by reversing the SIP pack in the socket), the two parallel 2.2 kohm resistors act as a single 1.1 kohm pull-up resistor, holding the line at +5V in the absence of an external signal. This configuration is required if encoder-loss detection is desired; or if complementary open-collector drivers are used. It is permissible for differential line-driver inputs even without encoder loss detection.
If Pin 1 of the resistor pack (marked by a dot on the pack) matches Pin 1 of the socket (marked by a wide white line on the front side of the board and a square solder pin on the back side of the board), then the pack is configured as a bank of pull-down resistors. If the pack is reversed in the socket, it is configured as a bank of pull-up resistors.
Hardware Setup 5
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
The following table lists the pull-up/pull-down resistor pack for each input device:
Device Resistor Pack Device Resistor Pack
Encoder 1 RP43 ADC/Fault1&2 RP58 Encoder 2 RP48 ADC/Fault3&4 RP59 Encoder 3 RP44 ADC/Fault5&6 RP119 Encoder 4 RP49 ADC/Fault7&8 RP120 Encoder 5 RP104 SCLK12&34 RP62 Encoder 6 RP109 SCLK56&78 RP123 Encoder 7 RP105 Encoder 8 RP110


The PMAC2 PCI can be mounted in one of two ways: in the PCI bus, or using standoffs.
PCI bus: To mount in the PCI bus, simply insert the P1 card-edge connector into the PCI socket. If
there is a standard PC-style housing, a bracket at the end of the PMAC2 PCI board can be used to screw into the housing to hold the board down firmly.
Standoffs: At each of the four corners of the PMAC2 PCI board, there are mounting holes that can be
used to mount the board on standoffs.

Power Supply Connection

The standard PMAC2 PCI requires only 5V power: 3A in a 4-channel configuration, 4A in an 8-channel configuration (with Option 1). If the Option 12 A/D converters are installed, a –12V supply is also required. In this case, a +12V supply also can be passed through the card and out to the analog devices feeding the A/D converters.
The power can be provided in several ways:
Bus connector: If the PMAC2 PCI is mounted in an electrically active PCI bus slot, it automatically
draws its 5V and +/-12V power from the bus.
Terminal block: The TB1 2/4-point terminal block can be used to bring in 5V power, especially in
standalone applications. Point 1 is GND; Point 2 is +5V. Points 3 and 4 are needed only if the Option-12 A/D converters are ordered.
JMACH connectors: Up to 2A may be brought in through each 100-pin JMACH connector from an
Acc-8 board or its equivalent, provided the cable is 500mm (20 inches) or less in length.

Machine Port Connections

The PMAC2 PCI has a 100-pin high-density header for each pair of servo interface channels. Through this connector pass all of the digital signals to and from the amplifier, encoder, and flags for the two channels. Typically, this header is connected with a matching Delta Tau Acc-8 family 2-channel breakout board or equivalent through a provided 100-pin flat cable.
The machine port connectors are:
J9 (JMACH1) Board Channels 1 and 2
J10 (JMACH2) Board Channels 3 and 4
J11 (JMACH3) Board Channels 5 and 6 (Option 1 required)
J12 (JMACH4) Board Channels 7 and 8 (Option 1 required)

Display Port

The J6 (JDISP) display port provides a 14-pin IDC header for connection to the Acc-12 family of displays. Flat cables are provided with each of these displays for direct connection between the display and this port.
6 Hardware Setup
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual

Multiplexer Port

The J2 (JTHW) multiplexer port provides eight TTL-compatible 5V CMOS inputs and eight TTL­compatible 5V CMOS outputs on a 26-pin IDC header. These can be used directly as general-purpose digital I/O, or with PMAC2’s special M-variable support (TWB, TWD, TWR, and TWS formats), they can be used to support hundreds, or even thousands of multiplexed I/O points on accessory boards.
Delta Tau provides the following accessory boards that can be connected to the multiplexer port. Each comes with a flat cable for direct connection to the port.
Acc-8D Option 7 Resolver-to-Digital Converter Board
Acc-18 Thumbwheel Board
Acc-34 family of Digital I/O Boards
Acc-35A and B Extender Boards

I/O Port

The J3 (JIO) I/O port provides 32 TTL-compatible 5V CMOS I/O points on a 40-pin IDC header. Direction is selectable by byte. These are used as general-purpose digital I/O points. Acc-21A provides a convenient connections adapter from this port to OPTO-22 style boards.

Serial Ports

The PMAC2 PCI has two serial-port connectors. Only one of these can be used in an application. J5 is a 10-pin IDC header for RS-232 communications. It can be connected to a standard DB9 RS-232 connector on a host computer or terminal via a flat cable such as the Acc-3L. A commercially available DB9-to-DB25 adapter can be added to this flat cable if the host computer or terminal has a DB25 serial connector. Jumpers E17 and E18 on the PMAC2 PCI must connect pins 1 and 2 to use this port.
J5A is 26-pin IDC header for RS-422 communications. It can be connected to a standard DB25 RS-422 connector on a host computer or terminal via a flat cable such as the Acc-3D. Jumpers E17 and E18 on the PMAC2 PCI must connect pins 2 and 3 to use this port.

A/D-Converter Port

If the Option 12 A/D converters are ordered, the J1 (JANA) analog-input port is provided on the PMAC2 on a 20-pin IDC header. Option 12 provides eight analog inputs at 0 – 5V, or +/-2.5V levels. Option 12A provides eight additional analog inputs at these levels. The +12V and –12V supplies can either be brought in on this connector, or brought out on it for the external analog circuitry, if they have been brought in through TB1 or P1.

Handwheel Port

The J7 (JHW) handwheel port provides two limited supplemental channels, each with a 2-channel encoder input, and a pulse-and-direction or PWM top-and-bottom pair output. All inputs and outputs are digital 5V differential line-driver pairs.
Hardware Setup 7
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
8 Hardware Setup
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
Delta Tau provides communication tools that take advantage of the PCI bus Plug and Play feature of 32­bits Windows in PEWIN32 version 2.32 and newer, a PMAC2 PCI board plugged in a PCI bus slot will be recognized by the operating system when the computer is booted up. The available PCI address, dual-ported RAM address and Interrupt lines are set automatically by the operating system and can be checked (but not modified) in the MOTIONEXE.EXE application.
The PMAC2 PCI board may have the optional on-board dual-ported RAM circuitry, which is ordered through Option-2. If the dual-ported RAM circuitry is not on-board, manually disable its automatically assigned use through the setup page of MOTIONEXE:
based computers. Starting with MOTIONEXE.EXE version 10.32.00, which is included
Open MOTIONEXE and press Setup for the PCI device desired
MOTIONEXE version number
Disable Interrupts and Dual-ported RAM if not used
The MOTIONEXE application will look first for PMAC PCI boards on the PCI bus and will assign device numbers sequentially from Device0 to each PMAC PCI until all the PMAC PCI boards found have a device number assigned. Then, manually add other devices for either ISA bus or Serial port communications.
After each PMAC has a device number assigned to it, communications through the PCI bus are identical to the ISA bus. Any application written for the ISA bus using the Delta Tau provided 32-bits communication libraries provided will not require any further change and the process is transparent.
Communications Setup 9
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
For example, if a Device0 for serial RS-232 communications was defined before a PMAC PCI board was installed in the computer, its setup information will be overwritten by the MOTIONEXE application when the PMAC2 PCI board is found. Therefore, it is very important to take note of the all the devices and their parameters defined in MOTIONEXE before installing a new PMAC board in the computer.
10 Communications Setup
PMAC2 PCI Hardware Reference Manual
E1: Watchdog Disable Jumper
E Point and
Description Default
Physical Layout
Jump pin 1 to 2 to disable Watchdog timer (for test purposes only).
Remove jumper to enable Watchdog timer.
E2: Dual-Ported RAM Port Select
E Point and
Physical Layout
Jump pin 1 to 2 to access DPRAM from baseboard. Jump pin 2 to 3 to access DPRAM through JEXP expansion
Description Default
E4 – E6: Power-Up/Reset Load Source
E Point and
Physical Layout
Remove jumper E4; Jump E5 pin 1 to 2; Jump E6 pin 2 to 3; to read flash IC on power-up/reset
Other combinations are for factory use only; the board will not operate in any other configuration.
Description Default
No jumper installed
Pins 1 and 2 jumpered
No E4 jumper installed;
E5 and E6 jump pin 1 to 2
E7: Firmware Reload Enable
E Point and
Physical Layout
Jump pin 1 to 2 to reload firmware through serial or bus port Remove jumper for normal operation.
Flex CPU Board Jumper Descriptions 11
Description Default
No jumper installed
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