^2 PMAC Quick Reference
^3 Reference Guide for PMAC Products
^4 3A0-PMACQR-xPRx
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
21314 Lassen Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 // Tel. (818) 998-2095 Fax. (818) 998-7807 //
Copyright Information
© 2003, 2009 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained in this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not conform in every respect to former issues.
To report errors or inconsistencies, call or email:
Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Technical Support
Phone: (818) 717-5656 Fax: (818) 998-7807 Email: Website:
Operating Conditions
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or handling Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial environment, install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them from excessive or corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials. If Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products are directly exposed to hazardous or conductive materials and/or environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................1
Description of PMAC................................................................................................................................................1
Types of PMAC ........................................................................................................................................................2
PMAC PC or PMAC VME Features.....................................................................................................................2
PMAC PC .............................................................................................................................................................2
PMAC Lite ............................................................................................................................................................2
PMAC VME ..........................................................................................................................................................2
PMAC STD ...........................................................................................................................................................2
PMAC Mini...........................................................................................................................................................3
PMAC2 .................................................................................................................................................................4
PMAC2 Ultralite...................................................................................................................................................4
Turbo PMAC Family ............................................................................................................................................4
PMAC Connectors and Indicators.............................................................................................................................5
Display Port Outputs (JDISP Port)......................................................................................................................5
Control-Panel Port I/O (JPAN Port)....................................................................................................................5
Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port I/O (JTHW Port) ..................................................................................................5
Serial Port Connection .........................................................................................................................................5
General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (JOPTO Port)...............................................................................5
Machine Connectors.............................................................................................................................................5
LED Indicators .....................................................................................................................................................5
Working with PMAC ................................................................................................................................................6
Hardware Setup....................................................................................................................................................6
Software Setup ......................................................................................................................................................6
Programming PMAC ............................................................................................................................................7
PMAC Tasks .............................................................................................................................................................7
Single Character I/O.............................................................................................................................................8
Commutation Update............................................................................................................................................8
Servo Update ........................................................................................................................................................8
VME Mailbox Processing .....................................................................................................................................9
Real-Time Interrupt Tasks ....................................................................................................................................9
Background Tasks.................................................................................................................................................9
Priority Level Optimization ................................................................................................................................11
PMAC EXECUTIVE PROGRAM, PEWIN...........................................................................................................13
Configuring PEWIN................................................................................................................................................13
Quick Plot Feature...................................................................................................................................................14
Saving and Retrieving PMAC Parameters ..............................................................................................................15
The Watch and Position Windows ..........................................................................................................................15
Uploading and Downloading Files..........................................................................................................................15
Using MACRO Names and Include Files ...............................................................................................................15
Downloading Compiled PLCCs..............................................................................................................................16
PID Tuning Utility ..................................................................................................................................................16
Other Features .........................................................................................................................................................19
INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING PMAC .......................................................................................................21
Jumpers Setup .........................................................................................................................................................21
Serial Connections...................................................................................................................................................21
Establishing Host Communications ........................................................................................................................22
Terminal Mode Communications........................................................................................................................22
Resetting PMAC for First Time Use ...................................................................................................................23
Power Supplies........................................................................................................................................................23
Digital Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................23
Analog Power Supply .........................................................................................................................................23
Table of Contents i
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Flags Power Supply (Optional) ..........................................................................................................................24
Overtravel Limits and Home Switches....................................................................................................................24
Disabling the Overtravel Limits Flags ...............................................................................................................24
Types of Overtravel Limits..................................................................................................................................24
Home Switches....................................................................................................................................................25
PMACPack and PMAC2 Flag Inputs .................................................................................................................25
Checking the Flag Inputs....................................................................................................................................25
Motor Signals Connections .....................................................................................................................................26
Incremental Encoder Connection .......................................................................................................................26
Checking the Encoder Inputs..............................................................................................................................26
Checking the DAC Outputs.................................................................................................................................26
DAC Output Signals ...........................................................................................................................................27
Amplifier Enable Signal (AENAx/DIRn).............................................................................................................27
Amplifier Fault Signal (FAULTn).......................................................................................................................28
General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (JOPTO Port).............................................................................28
Machine Connections Example...............................................................................................................................29
PROGRAMMING PMAC........................................................................................................................................31
Online Commands...................................................................................................................................................31
Buffered (Program) Commands ..............................................................................................................................32
Computational Features...........................................................................................................................................32
Q-Variables ........................................................................................................................................................33
M-Variables ........................................................................................................................................................34
Array Capabilities ..............................................................................................................................................35
Functions ............................................................................................................................................................36
User-Written Phase and User-Written Servo Algorithms...................................................................................37
Memory Map...........................................................................................................................................................37
User Buffer Storage Space..................................................................................................................................38
Encoder Conversion Table......................................................................................................................................38
Conversion Table Structure................................................................................................................................39
Further Position Processing...............................................................................................................................39
PMAC Position Registers........................................................................................................................................40
Homing Search Moves............................................................................................................................................41
Command and Send Statements..............................................................................................................................42
MOTION PROGRAMS............................................................................................................................................43
How PMAC Executes a Motion Program ...............................................................................................................43
Coordinate Systems.................................................................................................................................................44
Axis Definitions...................................................................................................................................................44
Axis Definition Statements..................................................................................................................................45
Writing a Motion Program ......................................................................................................................................45
Running a Motion Program.....................................................................................................................................46
Subroutines and Subprograms.................................................................................................................................47
Passing Arguments to Subroutines .....................................................................................................................48
G, M, T, and D-Codes (Machine-Tool Style Programs).....................................................................................48
Linear Blended Moves ............................................................................................................................................49
Circular Interpolation ..............................................................................................................................................54
Splined Moves.........................................................................................................................................................56
PVT-Mode Moves...................................................................................................................................................56
Other Programming Features ..................................................................................................................................58
Rotary Motion Program Buffers.........................................................................................................................58
Internal Time Base, the Feedrate Override ........................................................................................................58
ii Table of Contents
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
External Time Base Control (Electronic Cams) .................................................................................................59
Position Following (Electronic Gearing) ...........................................................................................................59
Cutter Radius Compensation..............................................................................................................................59
Synchronous M-Variable Assignment.................................................................................................................60
Synchronizing PMAC to Other PMACs..............................................................................................................60
Axis Transformation Matrices ............................................................................................................................60
Position-Capture and Position-Compare Functions ..........................................................................................60
Learning a Motion Program...............................................................................................................................60
PLC PROGRAMS.....................................................................................................................................................61
Entering a PLC Program .........................................................................................................................................62
PLC Program Structure ...........................................................................................................................................63
Calculation Statements............................................................................................................................................63
Conditional Statements............................................................................................................................................63
Level-Triggered Conditions................................................................................................................................63
Edge-Triggered Conditions ................................................................................................................................63
WHILE Loops.........................................................................................................................................................64
COMMAND and SEND Statements.......................................................................................................................64
Timers .....................................................................................................................................................................65
Compiled PLC Programs.........................................................................................................................................66
Resetting PMAC to Factory Defaults......................................................................................................................67
The Watchdog Timer (Red LED)............................................................................................................................67
Establishing Communications.................................................................................................................................68
General ...............................................................................................................................................................68
Bus Communications ..........................................................................................................................................69
Serial Communications.......................................................................................................................................69
Motor Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................69
Motion Programs.....................................................................................................................................................70
PLC Programs .........................................................................................................................................................71
APPENDIX A – PMAC ERROR CODE SUMMARY...........................................................................................73
I6, Error Reporting Mode:.......................................................................................................................................73
APPENDIX B – PMAC I-VARIABLES SUMMARY............................................................................................75
APPENDIX C – PMAC ON-LINE (IMMEDIATE) COMMANDS......................................................................81
APPENDIX D – PMAC PROGRAM COMMAND SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................87
APPENDIX E – MOTOR SUGGESTED M-VARIABLE DEFINITIONS..........................................................91
APPENDIX F – I/O SUGGESTED M-VARIABLE DEFINITIONS....................................................................95
APPENDIX G – ACC-8D/8P PINOUT DESCRIPTIONS.....................................................................................99
Table of Contents iii
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
iv Table of Contents
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Description of PMAC
PMAC, pronounced Pe’-MAC, stands for Programmable Multi-Axis Controller. It is a family of high­performance servo motion controllers capable of commanding up to eight axes of motion simultaneously with a high level of sophistication.
There are five hardware versions of PMAC: the PMAC PC, the PMAC Lite, the PMAC VME, the PMAC STD and the PMAC Mini. These cards differ from each other in their form factor, the nature of the bus interface, and in the availability of certain I/O ports.
Motorola’s Digital Signal Processor (DSP) DSP56k is the CPU for PMAC and it handles all the
calculations for all eight axes.
The registers in PMAC’s DSPGATE Gate-Array ICs are mapped into the memory space of PMAC’s
processor. Each DSPGATE contains four consecutively numbered channels; there may be up to four DSPGATEs in a PMAC system, for up to 16 channels.
There are two types of servo DSPGATE Gate-Array ICs: The PMAC type that allows only the
control of analog amplifiers with ±10V command signals and the PMAC2 type that is capable also of digital direct PWM or stepper command signals.
Each PMAC channel provided by a PMAC DSPGATE has one DAC output, one encoder input and
four dedicated flag inputs: two end-of-travel limits, one home input and one amplifier fault input.
Any PMAC can control up to eight motors or axis as long as enough channels are provided. Every
PMAC contains one DSPGATE, which has channels 1 through 4 (PMAC Mini has only two channels). If Option 1 is ordered (not available on PMAC Lite or PMAC Mini), a second DSPGATE is provided, which has channels 5 through 8. If Acc-24 is ordered (not available on PMAC STD), a third DSPGATE is provided which has channels 9 through 12. If Acc-24 Option 1 is ordered as well (not available on PMAC STD), a fourth DSPGATE is provided, which has channels 13 through 16.
PMAC has its own memory and microprocessor. Therefore, any version of PMAC may run as a
standalone controller or a host computer may command it either over a serial port or a bus port.
Introduction 1
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Types of PMAC
PMAC PC or PMAC VME Features
Standard Features
Motorola DSP 56k digital signal processor Linear and circular interpolation Four output digital-to-analog (DAC) converters 256 motion programs capacity Four full encoder channels Asynchronous PLC program capability 16 general purpose I/O, OPTO-22 compatible Rotating buffer for large programs Multiplexer port for expanded I/O 36-bit position range (+/- 64 billion counts) Overtravel limit, home, amplifier fault/enable flags 16-bit DAC output resolution Display port for LCD and VFD displays S-curve acceleration and deceleration Bus and/or RS-422 control Cubic trajectory calculations, splines Stand-alone operation Electronic gearing G-code command processing for CNC Advanced PID servo motion algorithms
Optional Features
Up to 16 digital-to-analog (DAC) converters outputs Yaskawa absolute encoders inputs Up to 16 full encoder channels Analog feedback inputs 8Kx16 dual-ported RAM MLDTs feedback inputs Flash memory (no battery) Parallel binary feedback 40, 60 or 80 MHz CPU Optically isolated encoder inputs Extended (pole-placement) servo algorithm RS-232 or RS-422 serial communication converters Super-high accuracy clock crystal (<10 ppm) Analog-to-digital converted inputs Voltage-to-frequency (V/F) converters On-board voltage to frequency converter 12-bit resolver-to-digital converter inputs Up to a total of 2048 multiplexed I/O points Sinusoidal encoder feedback inputs Up to 100 meters remote I/O operation
Recommended for applications with more than four channel requirements in either a PC based or stand alone environment. More than four channels can be used for more than four motors operation, dual­feedback axis (two encoder input each) or commutated motors (two DACs each). For three or four channels applications, the PMAC Lite board is suggested instead.
The PMAC Lite is recommended for applications with three or four channel requirements in either a PC based or stand alone environment. The term Lite stands for the limitation of only one DSPGATE Gate­Array IC on board. The number of channels can always be expanded from 4 to 12 through the use of an Acc-24P. The PMAC Lite board is provided also in a stand-alone box, the PMAC Pack, complete with power supplies and connectors. For one or two channels applications, the PMAC Mini board is suggested instead.
With the same features as the PMAC PC, the PMAC VME is the only option for VME based applications. The PMAC VME can be ordered with either four or maybe eight axes (Option 1). The dual­ported RAM option in a PMAC VME is on-board.
With the same features as the PMAC PC, the PMAC STD is the only option for STD based applications. The dual-ported RAM option is not available for the PMAC STD and it is limited to eight channels, no Acc-24 is available for it.
2 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Turbo PMAC2 3U
UMAC Turbo System
Turbo PMAC2 PC Ultralite
Turbo PMAC2 PC
The PMAC Mini is recommended for applications with one or two channel requirements in either a PC based or stand alone environment.
The dual-ported RAM option in a PMAC Mini is on-board. Two extra full encoder channels (for a total of four on-board) can be used for dual feedback applications or with the two optional voltage-to­frequency (V/F) converters, for stepper drivers or hybrid amplifiers control. There is no control panel port or bus interrupt in the PMAC Mini board. The PMAC Mini board is provided also in a stand-alone box, the Mini Pack, complete with power supplies and connectors.
Introduction 3
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
PMAC2 is available in either PC, PCI, or VME formats. It is suggested for applications that require a digital amplifier control (direct PWM signals) or applications with a combination of analog and digital axis. PMAC2 is recommended also for the use of its built-in features that are optional in PMAC (1): pulse and direction outputs, MLDT inputs, optional 12-bits analog to digital inputs, two extra encoder inputs, improved position compare/capture feature and one channel of parallel feedback.
The PMAC2 is available with four or eight axes, with only four axes as the PMAC2 Lite and with only two axes as the PMAC2 Mini.
PMAC2 Ultralite
The term Ultralite stands for no DSPGATE Gate-Array ICs on board of this kind of PMAC2. The ASICs are located in a different set of boards, usually remotely located from PMAC2, referred as MACRO stations. In fact, the PMAC2 Ultralite in combination with the MACRO station can be seen as a PMAC2 divided in two halves: the central processing portion that contains the DSP processor and the distributed circuitry that connects to motors, amplifiers and different I/O points.
The PMAC2 Ultralite and the MACRO (Motion And Control Ring Optical) stations are linked with a fiber optic or twisted pair connection. This clever distribution of components brings many benefits: drastic reduction of wiring complexity, elimination of interference by electromagnetic noise and long distance connections (3000 m, ~2 miles with glass fiber).
Turbo PMAC Family
The Turbo PMAC is based in the 56300 Motorola DSP processor. Its power and speed allows handling up to 32 axes in up to 16 different coordinate systems. Compared with other PMACs, the Turbo PMAC has a highly improved lookahead feature that allows tighter control of acceleration and more accurate cornering profiles.
Motion programs and PLCs developed for other versions of PMAC are compatible with Turbo PMAC. The main difference in the setup is the increased number of variables necessary to control up to 32 axes. The main Turbo PMAC board has the necessary hardware to connect up to eight channels. The number of channels could be expanded from 8 to 40 by means of either the Acc-24P or Acc-24P2 for PMAC style or PMAC2 respectively. The Turbo PMAC2 is also provided in a 3U format and it is the main component of the UMAC (Universal Motion and Automation Controller) products.
4 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
PMAC Connectors and Indicators
Display Port Outputs (JDISP Port)
The JDISP connector (J1) connects the PMAC to the Acc-12 or Acc-12A liquid crystal displays, or of the Acc-12C vacuum fluorescent display. Both text and variable values may be shown on these displays through the use of the DISPLAY command, executing in either motion or PLC programs.
Control-Panel Port I/O (JPAN Port)
The JPAN connector (J2 on PMAC PC, Lite, VME, and top board of PMAC STD) is a 26-pin connector with dedicated control inputs, dedicated indicator outputs, a quadrature encoder input, and an analog input. The control inputs are low true with internal pull-up resistors. They have predefined functions unless the Control Panel Disable I-Variable (I2) has been set to 1. If this is the case, they may be used as general-purpose inputs by assigning an M-Variable to their corresponding memory-map locations (bits of Y address $FFC0).
Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port I/O (JTHW Port)
The Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port, or Multiplexer Port, on the JTHW (J3) connector has eight input lines and eight output lines. The output lines can be used to multiplex large numbers of inputs and outputs on the port, and Delta Tau provides accessory boards and software structures (special M-Variable definitions) to capitalize on this feature. Up to 32 of the multiplexed I/O boards may be daisy-chained on the port, in any combination.
Serial Port Connection
For serial communications, use a serial cable to connect the PC’s COM port to PMAC’s serial port connector (J4 on PMAC PC, Lite, and VME; J1 on PMAC STD’s bottom board). Delta Tau provides cables for this purpose: Acc-3D connects PMAC PC or VME to a DB-25 connector; Acc-3L connects PMAC Lite to a DB-9 connector; and Acc-3S connects PMAC STD to a DB-25 connector. Standard DB­9-to-DB-25 or DB-25-to-DB-9 adapters may be needed for a particular setup.
General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (JOPTO Port)
PMAC’s JOPTO connector (J5 on PMAC PC, Lite, and VME) provides eight general-purpose digital inputs and eight general-purpose digital outputs. Each input and each output has its own corresponding ground pin in the opposite row. The 34-pin connector was designed for easy interface to OPTO-22 or equivalent optically isolated I/O modules. Delta Tau’s Acc-21F is a six-foot cable for this purpose. The PMAC STD has a different form of this connector from the other versions of PMAC. Its JOPT connector (J4 on the base board) has 24 I/O, individually selectable in software as inputs or outputs.
Machine Connectors
The primary machine interface connector is JMACH1 (J8 on PMAC PC, J11 on PMAC Lite, P2 on PMAC VME, J4 on PMAC STD top board). It contains the pins for four channels of machine I/O: analog outputs, incremental encoder inputs, and associated input and output flags, plus power-supply connections. The next machine interface connector is JMACH2 (J7 on PMAC PC, P2A on PMAC VME, J4 on the middle board of an 8-channel PMAC STD, not available on a PMAC Lite). Essentially it is identical to the JMACH1 connector for one to four more axes. It is present only if the PMAC card has been fully populated to handle eight axes (Option 1), because it interfaces the optional extra components.
LED Indicators
PMACs with the Option CPU have three LED indicators: red, yellow, and green. The red and green LEDs have the same meaning as with the standard CPU: when the green LED is lit, this indicates that power is applied to the +5V input; when the red LED is lit, this indicates that the watchdog timer has tripped and shut down the PMAC.
Introduction 5
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
The new yellow LED located beside the red and green LEDs, when lit, indicates that the phase-locked loop that multiplies the CPU clock frequency from the crystal frequency on the Option CPU is operational and stable. This indicator is for diagnostic purposes only; it may not be present on all boards.
Working with PMAC
When used for the first time, the card must be configured for a specific application, using both hardware and software features, in order to run that application properly. PMAC is shipped from the factory with defaults set in hardware and software set up to be satisfactory for the most common application types. Working with PMAC is very simple and its ease of use and power is based in the following features:
A clever interrupt-driven scheme allows every task, each motion program and PLC, to run
independently of each other.
Pointer M-Variables allow monitoring virtually any register in PMAC’s memory from different
sources: motion programs, PLCs or the host computer.
Communications are activated continuously. At any moment, any variable or status command could
be interrogated.
Up to eight axes could be either synchronized together, controlled individually or in any combination
in between.
Data gathering and reporting functions allows saving data such as motion trajectories, velocity
profiles or any set of variables for later analysis and plot.
Hardware Setup
On the PMAC, there are many jumpers (pairs of metal prongs), called E-points (on the bottom board of the PMAC STD they are called W-points). Some have been shorted together; others have been left open. These jumpers customize the hardware features of the board for a given application. Check each jumper configuration using the appropriate hardware reference for the particular PMAC being set. Further instructions for the jumper setup can be found in the PMAC User manual. After all the jumpers have been properly set, PMAC can be installed either inside the host computer or linked with a serial cable to it.
Software Setup
PMAC has a large set of Initialization parameters (I-Variables) that determine the personality of the card for a specific application. Many of these are used to configure a motor properly. Once setup, these variables may be stored in non-volatile EAROM memory (using the SAVE command) so the card is always configured properly (PMAC loads the EAROM I-Variable values into RAM on power-up).
The easiest way to program, setup and troubleshoot PMAC is by using the PMAC Executive Program PEWIN and its related add-on packages P1Setup and PMACPlot. PEWIN has the following main tools and features:
The terminal window is the main channel of communication between the user and PMAC
Watch window for real-time system information and debugging
Position window for displaying the position, velocity and following error of all motors on the system
Several ways to tune PMAC systems
Interface for data gathering and plotting
In PEWIN, the value of an I-Variable may be queried simply by typing in the name of the I-Variable. For instance, typing I900<CR> causes the value of the I900 to be returned. Change the value by typing in the name, an equals sign, and the new value (e.g. I900=3<CR>). Remember that if any I-Variables are changed during this setup, use the SAVE command before powering down or reset the card, or the changes that have been made will be lost.
6 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Programming PMAC
Motion or PLCs programs are entered in any text file and then downloaded with PEWIN to PMAC. PEWIN provides a built-in text editor for this purpose but any other text editor could be used conveniently. Most PMAC commands can be issued from any terminal window communicating with PMAC. Online commands allow, for example, to jog motors, change variables, report variables values, start and stop programs, query for status information and even write short programs and PLCs. In fact, the downloading process is just a sequence of valid PMAC commands sent line by line by PEWIN from a particular text file.
PMAC Tasks
As an example, a 40 MHz PMAC could perform the following tasks with the estimated percentage of the total computational power as indicated:
Introduction 7
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Single Character I/O
Bringing in a single character from, or sending out a single character to, the serial port or host port (PC or STD) is the highest priority in PMAC. This task takes only 200 nsec per character, but having it at this high priority ensures that the host cannot outrun PMAC on a character-by-character basis. This task is never a significant portion of PMAC’s total calculation time. Note that this task does not include processing a full command; that happens at a lower priority (see the Background Tasks section).
Commutation Update
The commutation (phasing) update is the second highest priority on PMAC. In a 20 MHz PMAC, this task takes 3 µsec per update cycle for each motor commutated by PMAC (Ix01=1). The master clock frequency and jumpers E98, E29-E33, determines the frequency of this task. The default update frequency is 9 kHz (110 µsec cycle). At the default, the commutation of each motor takes approximately 3% of PMAC’s computational power.
Servo Update
The servo update – computing the new commanded position, reading the new actual position, and computing a command output based on the difference between the two – is the third highest priority on PMAC. In a 20 MHz PMAC, this task takes 30 µsec per update cycle for each activated motor (Ix00=1) plus about 30 µsec for general servo tasks such as the encoder conversion table. The master clock frequency and jumpers E98, E29-E33, E3-E6 determine the frequency of this task. The default update frequency is 2.26 kHz (442 µsec cycle). At the default, the servo update of each motor takes approximately 7% of PMAC’s computational power.
8 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
VME Mailbox Processing
Reading or writing a block of up to sixteen characters through the VME mailbox registers is the fourth highest priority in PMAC. The host controls the rate at which this happens. This never takes a significant portion of PMAC’s computational power.
Real-Time Interrupt Tasks
The real-time interrupt (RTI) tasks are the fifth highest priority on PMAC. They occur immediate after the servo update tasks at a rate controlled by parameter I8 (every I8+1 servo update cycles). There are two significant tasks occurring at this priority level: PLC 0 / PLCC0 and motion program move planning.
PMAC will scan the lines of each program running in the different coordinate systems and will calculate the necessary number of move commands.
The number of move commands of pre-calculation can either be zero, one or two and depending on the type of motion commands and the mode in which the program is being executed.
Non-move commands are executed immediately as they are found. The scan of any given motion program will stop as the necessary number of moves is calculated. It resumes when previous move commands are completed and more move-planning calculations are required.
In the execution of a motion program, if PMAC finds two jumps backward (toward the top) in the program while looking for the next move command, PMAC will pause execution of the program and not try to blend the moves together. It will go on to other tasks and resume execution of the motion program on a later scan. Two statements can cause such a jump back: ENDWHILE and GOTO (RETURN does not count).
C.S. program running?
Next coordinate
Read next line of
contains move
end of program?
decrement the
watchdog register
End of Interrupt
I5=1 or I5=3? Yes
the motion program
Yes No
calculate move execute line
Yes No
by 8
Background Tasks
In the time not taken by any of the higher-priority tasks, PMAC will be executing background tasks. There are three basic background tasks: command processing, PLC programs 1-31,
I5=2 or I5=3? Yes
and housekeeping. The frequency of these background tasks is controlled by the computational load on PMAC: the more high­priority tasks are executed, the slower the background tasks will cycle through; and the more background tasks there are, the slower they will cycle through.
Each PLC program executes one scan (to the end or to an ENDWHILE statement) uninterrupted by any other background task (although it can be interrupted by higher priority tasks). In
perform safety checks:
end of travel limits
amplifier faults following error
sets watchdog register
to 4095
command response
between each PLC program, PMAC will do its general housekeeping, and respond to a host command, if any.
Introduction 9
Execute next enabled PLC
Execute first
enabled PLCC
Execute next
enabled PLCC
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
All enabled PLCC programs execute one scan (to the end or to an ENDWHILE statement) starting from lowest numbered to highest uninterrupted by any other background task (although it can be interrupted by higher priority tasks). At power-on\reset, PLCC programs run after the first PLC program runs.
The receipt of a control character from any port is a signal to PMAC that it must respond to a command. The most common control character is the carriage return (<CR>), which tells PMAC to treat all the preceding alphanumeric characters as a command line. Other control characters have their own meanings, independent of any alphanumeric characters received. Here PMAC will take the appropriate action to the command, or if it is an illegal command, it will report an error to the host.
Between each scan through each background PLC program, PMAC performs its housekeeping duties to keep itself properly updated. The most important of these are the safety limit checks (following error, overtravel limit, fault, watchdog, etc.) Although this happens at a low priority, a minimum frequency is ensured because the watchdog timer will trip, shutting down the card, if this frequency gets too low.
PMAC has an on-board watchdog timer circuit whose job it is to detect a number of conditions that could result in dangerous malfunction. At the default settings, if the RTI frequency were to drop below about 50 Hz, or the background cycle is not performed at least every 512 RTI cycles the timer would trip. The purpose of this two-part control of the timer is to make sure all aspects of the PMAC software are being executed, both in foreground (interrupt-driven) and background. If anything keeps either type of routine from executing, the watchdog will fail quickly.
PLC0 or PLCC0 are meant to be used for only a very few tasks (usually a single task) that must be done at a higher frequency than the other PLC tasks. The PLC 0 will execute every real-time interrupt as long as the tasks from the previous RTI have been completed. PLC 0 is potentially the most dangerous task on PMAC as far as disturbing the scheduling of tasks is concerned. If it is too long, it will starve the background tasks for time. The first thing to notice is that communications and background PLC tasks will become sluggish. In the worst case, the watchdog timer will trip, shutting down the card, because the housekeeping task in background did not have the time to keep it updated.
Although it is very rare for a motion program to cause a watchdog failure, this does happen on occasion. If there is an empty (no-motion) loop, the motion program acts much like a PLC 0 during this period. These empty loops, which are used usually to wait for a certain condition, provide fast response to the change in condition, but their fast repetition occupies a lot of CPU time, and can starve the background tasks for time. Particularly if several coordinate systems are executing empty loops at the same time, serious background time limitations can be created which can be severe enough to trip the watchdog timer.
If there are a huge number of lines of intensive calculations (e.g. 100) before any move or dwell is encountered, there can be such a long time before background calculations are resumed (more than 512 RTI cycles) it is possible to trip the watchdog timer. If this problem occurs, the calculations should be split apart with short DWELL commands to give other tasks time to execute.
It is possible to use compiled PLCC programs for faster execution. The faster execution of the compiled PLCs comes from two factors: first, from the elimination of interpretation time, and second, from the capability of the compiled PLC programs to execute integer arithmetic. The space dedicated to store up to 32 compiled PLC programs, however, is limited to 15K (15,360) 24-bit words of PMAC memory; or 14K (14,336) words if there is a user-written servo as well.
In between each scan of each individual background interpreted PLC program, PMAC will execute one scan of all active background compiled PLCs. This means that the background compiled PLCs execute at a higher scan rate than the background interpreted PLCs. For example, if there are seven active background interpreted PLCs, each background compiled PLC will execute seven scans for each scan of a background interpreted PLC.
10 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Most of the housekeeping functions are safety checks such as following error limits and overtravel limits. Since compiled PLCCs are executed at the same rate as the housekeeping functions, code to complement or replace these functions could be placed in a compiled PLCC. If, for example, an extra input flag is wanted for position capturing purposes either the end-of-travel limit inputs or the amplifier fault input could be used. The automatic check of the input flag could be disabled by an appropriate setting of the corresponding Ix25 variable and replaced by a PLCC code that will check a general purpose input where the amplifier fault or end-of-travel limit would be connected instead.
On power-up\reset, PLC programs are executed sequentially from 1 to 31. This makes PLC1, the first code executed, the ideal place to perform initialization commands like other PLCs disabling, motors phasing and motion programs start. After its execution, PLC1 could disable itself with the command DIS PLC1, running only once on power-up\reset.
Bits of the first word returned from the global status bits request command, ???:
Bit 22 Real-Time Interrupt Re-entry: This bit is 1 if a real-time interrupt task has taken long enough so that it was still executing when the next real-time interrupt came (I8+1 servo cycles later). It stays at 1 until the card is reset, or until this bit is changed manually to 0. If motion program calculations cause this, it is not a serious problem. If PLC 0 causes this (no motion programs running) it could be serious.
Bit 20 Servo Error: This bit is 1 if PMAC could not complete its servo routines properly. This is a serious error condition. It is 0 if the servo operations have been completed properly.
Priority Level Optimization
Usually, PMAC will have enough speed and calculation power to perform all of the tasks asked of it without worry. Some applications will put a large demand on a certain priority level and to make PMAC run more efficiently. When PMAC begins to run out of time, problems such as sluggish communications, slow PLC/PLCC scan rates, run-time errors, and even tripping the watchdog timer can occur.
The active part of the Encoder Conversion Table is ended by the first Y word that is equal to all zeros. For an application with less than eight encoders (the default table converts the eight incremental encoder registers on the base PMAC), a last entry with all zeros in the Y word could be defined as necessary.
Check to see if everything performed in the Real Time Interrupt (RTI) is necessary or if some of it could be moved to a lower priority or slowed down. PLC0 could be done as PLCC1, or the RTI could be done every fourth or fifth servo cycle setting I8=3 or higher.
Large PLC programs can be split into a few shorter PLC programs. This increases the frequency of housekeeping and communications by giving more breaks in PLC scans.
Motion program WHILE (condition)WAIT statements can be done as follows:
This will give more time to other RTI jobs such as Move Planning and PLC/PLCC0.
If routines of lower priority than the servo loop are not executing fast enough, consider slowing down the servo update rate (increasing the update time). The PMAC may be updating faster than is required for the dynamic performance needed. If so, processor time is being wasted on needless extra updates. For example, doubling the servo update time from 442 µsec to 885 µsec, virtually doubles the time available for motion and PLC program execution, allowing much faster motion block rates and PLC scan rates. This frequency change could be executed either by jumpers or individually per motor by means of the Ix60 variable.
Introduction 11
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
A faster than 20 MHz PMAC will perform calculations faster, in proportion to the corresponding clock rate increase. In general, a clock rate increase is used to increase the real time interrupt (RTI) share of the total computational time available. These cases include applications where large move calculations are involved (small-moves contouring), maintaining the same servo-loop rate and therefore the same control performance.
20 MHz PMAC, 8 commutated servo-motors
40 MHz PMAC, 8 commutated servo-motors
20 MHz PMAC, 8 non-commutated servo-motors
40 MHz PMAC, 8 non-commutated servo-motors
Servo Cycle
Phase Cycle
12 Introduction
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
With PEWIN, PMAC can be configured and controlled. PEWIN is designed as a development tool for creating and managing PMAC implementations. It provides a terminal interface to the PMAC and a text editor for writing and editing PMAC motion programs and PLC programs. Additionally, PEWIN contains a suite of tools for configuring and working with PMAC and its accessories including interfaces for jogging motors, extensive system utilities, screens for viewing various PMAC variables and status registers.
Configuring PEWIN
1. Define a new device using the MOTIONEXE.EXE application provided.
2. Open PEWIN and select the Open Terminal menu. Select the device created in the previous step.
3. The colors and different options can be set through the Preferences command present in the Options menu. Disable the automatic status-reporting feature by un-checking the Enable Terminal Status Bar from the Terminal preferences.
PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN 13
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Quick Plot Feature
To run the quick plot feature:
1. Press ALT+P and press Enter.
2. Select the motors and the feature to gather.
3. Select what to plot from the possible choices and then press Add to left or Add to right.
4. Press the Define Gather Buffer button.
5. Press the Begin Gathering button.
6. Click on the terminal part of the screen and run the motion program or Jog command.
7. Press the End Gathering button when the motion is completed.
8. First press the Upload Data button and then the Plot Data button.
The Plot feature relies on the PMAC gathering functions. It is useful for analyzing motion profiles and trajectories. Simulating an X-Y plot graphically can be an important aid in understanding the set of parameters involved in a circular interpolation move.
14 PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Saving and Retrieving PMAC Parameters
It is important to save the complete set of PMAC parameters in the host computer periodically. In case of a failure or replacement, a single file created this way will allow restoring all the variables and programs necessary for the particular application. To activate this function click on the terminal window, press CTRL+B for the Backup menu, select Save Configuration and Global Configuration. Select a name to be saved as. Usually, the date is included as part of the file name for later identification. For example, PMAC0112 has four digits for the application identifier and four digits for the date.
After the file is saved, verify it with the feature part of the same pull-down menu. This will make sure PMAC’s memory matches the recently saved file and therefore that it is a valid restoring file.
To restore a configuration simply select Restore from the same Backup menu. Verify PMAC’s memory after the restore function as well.
The Watch and Position Windows
The position window is accessed through the POSITION command of the View menu, or ALT+V and P from the terminal window. It is a convenient way to check PMAC parameters continuously, such as position velocity and following error. Right clicking on this window allows the items selections as well as its format and update period.
The Watch window of the same View menu performs a similar function. Instead of the motion-related parameters, any variable value in PMAC can be displayed constantly. Right clicking on this window allows selecting the display format from hexadecimal, decimal and binary reporting values.
Uploading and Downloading Files
These functions are accessible through the File menu. The uploading function is of great importance. With these functions, it is possible to open a text editor with the contents of the requested PLC, Motion Program, M-Variables definitions or values, I-Variables values, etc. With this function, what commands or values PMAC has in memory can be checked and IF conditions and WHILE loops are indented, making the program flow better. The File menu also activates a more interactive and complete editor utility, providing a way (also by the communication functions) to compile PLCs and download files including MACRO names.
Using MACRO Names and Include Files
PEWIN allows using custom names in place of the common names for variables and functions that PMAC expects (P, Q, M, I):
File downloaded Uploaded translated PMAC code
#define PUMP P1
Make sure the Support MACROs/PLCCs option is checked before downloading. The MACRO must be defined before it can be used. In general, MACRO definitions are at the beginning of the text file. MACROs must be up to 255 valid ASCII characters and cannot have spaces in between (the underscore “_” is suggested in place of a space).
The MACRO definitions or any PMAC code can be placed in a separate file and be included with a single line in the text file. The file name must include a full path in order for PEWIN to find it.
PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN 15
#include "c:\deltatau\files\any.pmc"
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Downloading Compiled PLCCs
PLCCs are compiled by PEWIN in the downloading process. Only the compiled code gets downloaded to PMAC. Therefore, save the ASCII source code in the host computer separately since it cannot be retrieved from PMAC. Compiled PLCs are firmware dependent and must be recompiled when the firmware is changed in PMAC.
If more than one PLCC is programmed, all the PLCC code must belong to the same ASCII text file. PEWIN will compile all the PLCC code present on the file and place it in the appropriate buffer in PMAC. If a single PLCC code is downloaded, all the other PLCCs that might have been present in memory will be erased, remaining only the last compiled code.
The multiple-file download feature of the PEWIN File menu allows the PLCC codes to be in different files. They will be combined by PEWIN in the downloading process.
PID Tuning Utility
This function is accessible from the terminal window by pressing ALT+C from the Configure menu and T for Tuning. The Autotuning feature finds the PID parameters with virtually no effort. In most cases, the parameters are very close to optimal, and in some cases require further fine-tuning.
In this screen, press the Page-Up or Page-Down keys on the keyboard to select the motor number.
1. Select the Auto Tune feature. This is the first interaction to find a starting bandwidth parameter.
16 PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
a. Make sure to read the PEWIN manual section related to the safety issues of this procedure.
b. Perform a DAC calibration if necessary.
c. Select the type of amplifier being tuned.
d. Let the Auto Tune select the bandwidth by checking Auto Select bandwidth.
e. Do not activate any feed forward parameters in this first pass.
f. Do not activate the integral action component in this first pass.
g. Start the first Auto Tuning interaction. Most likely the motor will move after Begin is clicked.
Second Interaction
h. The calculated bandwidth can be increased up to three times. Uncheck the Auto Select
Bandwidth this time.
i. Add the feed forward parameters as necessary. j. Add the integral actions function as necessary.
k. Perform the second pass of the Auto Tuning. After it is completed, select Implement Now to
activate the selected parameters.
2. After the Auto Tuning is completed, the PID parameters can be changed for a final fine-tuning if necessary.
3. Perform a step response and use the following guidelines for the selection of the appropriate I­Variables:
Ideal Case
The motor closely follows the commanded position
PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN 17
Cause: friction or constant force / system limitation Fix: Increase KI (Ix33) and maybe use more KP(Ix30)
Position Offset
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Sluggish Response Cause: Too much damping or too little proportional gain Fix: Increase K
(Ix30) or decrease KD (Ix31)
Cause: Too little damping or too much proportional gain Fix: Decrease K
Overshoot and Oscillation
(Ix30) or increase KD (Ix31)
4. Perform a parabolic move and use the following guidelines for the selection of the appropriate I-
Ideal Case The following error is reduced at minimum and is concentrated in the center, evenly along the move
High acc \ FE correlation Cause: Integral lag Fix: Increase K
High vel \ FE correlation Cause: damping and friction Fix: Increase K
High vel \ FE correlation Cause: damping Fix: Increase K
High vel \ FE correlation Cause: friction Fix: Increase Integral gain (Ix33) or Friction Feedforward (Ix68)
High acc \ FE correlation Cause: Physical system limitations Fix: Use less sudden acceleration
Negative vel \ FE correlation Cause: Too much velocity FF Fix: Decrease K
High acc \ FE correlation Cause: Too much acc FF Fix: Decrease K
High vel\FE and acc\FEcorrelation Cause: Integral lag and friction Fix: Increase K
18 PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Other Features
Setup of the PMAC encoder conversion table
Setup of the Notch and Low Pass Filter parameters
Coordinate systems configurations
Access to P1Setup and P2Setup (packages provided separately). These setup utilities provide a user-
friendly approach for setting up and tuning PMAC (1), with P1Setup, or PMAC2 using P2Setup
Online PMAC Software and Hardware help files
Jog Ribbon and connector status
Screens to display, organize or change I, P, Q and M variables
Firmware downloading (through MOTIONEXE) for PMACs with flash memory.
PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN 19
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
20 PMAC Executive Program, PEWIN
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Jumpers Setup
On the PMAC, there are many jumpers (pairs of metal prongs), called E-points (on the bottom board of the PMAC STD they are called W-points). Some have been shorted together; others have been left open. These jumpers customize the hardware features of the board for a given application. Each jumper configuration should be checked using the appropriate hardware reference for the particular PMAC being set. Further instructions for the jumper setup can be found in the PMAC User manual. After all the jumpers have been properly set, PMAC can be installed either inside the host computer or linked with a serial cable to it.
Serial Connections
For serial communications, use a serial cable to connect the PC’s COM port to the PMAC’s serial port connector (J4 on PMAC PC, Lite, and VME; J1 on PMAC STD’s bottom board). Delta Tau provides cables for this purpose: Acc-3D connects PMAC PC or VME to a DB-25 connector; Acc-3L connects PMAC Lite to a DB-9 connector; and Acc-3S connects PMAC STD to a DB-25 connector. Standard DB­9-to-DB-25 or DB-25-to-DB-9 adapters may be needed for a particular setup.
If using the Acc-26 Serial Communications converter, connect from the PC COM port to Acc-26 with a standard DB-9 or DB-25 cable and from Acc-26 to PMAC using the cable provided with Acc-26. Since the serial ports on PMAC PC and PMAC VME are RS-422, this accessory can be useful to provide the level conversion between RS-232 and RS-422 (communications is possible without this conversion, but at reduced noise margin). Because the conversion is optically isolated, the accessory also helps prevent noise and ground loop problems.
If a cable must be made, the easiest approach is to use a flat cable prepared with flat-cable type connectors as indicated in the following diagrams:
Do not connect
wire #10
Do not connect
wire #26
Installing and Configuring PMAC 21
PMAC Quick Reference Guide
Establishing Host Communications
Either the Executive or Setup program can be used to establish initial communications with the card. Both programs have menus that tell the PC where to expect to find the PMAC and how to communicate with it at that location. If telling it to look for PMAC on the bus, also tell it PMAC’s base address on the bus (this was set up with jumpers on PMAC). If telling it to look for PMAC on a COM port, tell it the baud rate (this was set up with jumpers or switches on the PMAC). Once the program knows where and how to communicate with PMAC, it will attempt to find PMAC at that address by sending a query command and waiting for the response. If it gets the expected type of response, it will report that it has found PMAC. If it does not get the expected type of response after several attempts, it will report that it has not found PMAC.
Terminal Mode Communications
Once the program reports that it has found PMAC, the program should be in terminal emulation mode, so that the PC is acting as a dumb terminal to PMAC. Check to see if a response is received by typing I10<CR>. (<CR> means carriage return — the Enter or Return key). PMAC should respond with a six or seven digit number. If the expected results are not received, check the following:
1. Make sure the green LED (power indicator) on PMAC’s CPU board is ON. If it is not, find out why PMAC is not getting a +5V voltage supply.
2. Make sure the red LED (watchdog timer indicator) on PMAC’s CPU board isOFF. If it is ON, make sure PMAC is getting very close to 5V supply – at less than 4.75V, or the watchdog timer will trip, shutting down the card. The voltage can be probed at pins 1 and 3 of the J8 connector (A1 and A2 on the PMAC VME). If the voltage is satisfactory, follow these steps:
Turn off PMAC or the Host computer where it is plugged into.
Place the Jumper E51 (the hardware re-initialization jumper) and turn PMAC back on.
If PMAC is in bootstrap mode, send a <CONTROL-R> character to PMAC to bypass the
firmware download.
If communications are successful type $$$*** and SAVE in the terminal window.
Turn off PMAC, remove the jumper E51 and try communications again.
Bus Communications
3. Make sure that the bus address jumpers (E91-E92, E66-E71) set the same address as the bus address on the Executive program.
4. If there is something else on the bus at the same address, try changing the bus address to see if communications can be established at a new address. Usually, address 768 (300 hex) is open.
Serial Communications
5. Verify that the proper port on the PC is being used. Make sure that the Executive program is addressing the COM1 port, which is cabled out of the COM1 connector.
6. The baud rate specified in the Executive program should match the baud rate setting of the E44-E47 jumpers on PMAC.
7. With a breakout box or oscilloscope, make sure there is action on the transmit lines from the PC as while typing into the Executive program. If not, there is a problem on the PC end.
8. Probe the return communication line while giving PMAC a command that requires a response (e.g. <CONTROL-F>). If there is no action, change jumpers E9-E16 on PMAC to exchange the send and receive lines. If there is action, but the host program does not receive characters, RS-232 might be receiving circuitry that does not respond at all to PMAC’s RS-422 levels. If there is another model of PC available, try using it as a test (most models accept RS-422 levels quite well). If the computer still will not accept the signals, try a level-conversion device, such as Acc-26.
22 Installing and Configuring PMAC
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