This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained in
this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not
conform in every respect to former issues.
To report errors or inconsistencies, call or email:
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain
static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or handling
Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials. Only
qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or
conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging
components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial environment,
install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them from excessive or
corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials. If Delta Tau Data
Systems, Inc. products are directly exposed to hazardous or conductive materials and/or
environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
Connectors and Indicators.........................................................................................................................................4
Inputs and Outputs LED Indicators......................................................................................................................4
Status LED Indicators...........................................................................................................................................4
7-Segment LED Indicator.....................................................................................................................................4
USB Connector .....................................................................................................................................................4
MACRO Link Connectors .....................................................................................................................................4
Relay Status LED Indictors...................................................................................................................................4
Inputs and Outputs Terminal Blocks (J4 and J5)..................................................................................................5
USB Universal Serial Bus Port .................................................................................................................................6
U17: MACRO Fiber Optic Connector (OPT A, B)...................................................................................................7
Main IO Connectors J4 and J5 ..................................................................................................................................8
ASCII Ring Order Initial Binding of the ACC-14M Station...................................................................................14
Establishing Communications with the ACC-14M Station .................................................................................14
USING ACC-14M FOR INPUTS AND OUTPUTS................................................................................................16
MI14 Mode Setting 0 or 3 (24 inputs and 24 outputs) ADD mode 1 and 2 ........................................................16
USING OPTION 1 – ADC’S, DAC’S, RELAY’S...................................................................................................18
Using the ACC-14M ADC......................................................................................................................................18
Using the ACC-14M DAC Output..........................................................................................................................19
Using the ACC-14M Amplifier Enable Outputs.....................................................................................................20
USING ACC-14M FOR SERVO FEEDBACK.......................................................................................................21
Example Turbo Encoder Conversion Table Setup for ACC-14M...........................................................................21
ECT Setup for 18-bit Encoder without Filtering ................................................................................................21
ECT Setup for 18-bit Encoder with Filtering......................................................................................................21
Absolute Encoder Setup for ACC-14M ..................................................................................................................22
ACC-14M MACRO STATION MI-VARIABLE REFERENCE..........................................................................29
Global MI-Variables ...............................................................................................................................................29
MS{anynode}, MI0 Station Firmware Version (Read Only)..............................................................................29
MS{anynode},MI1 Station Firmware Date (Read Only) ...................................................................................29
MS{anynode},MI2 Station ID and User Configuration Word ...........................................................................29
MS{anynode},MI3 (Reserved for Future Use)...................................................................................................30
MS{anynode},MI4 Station Status Word (Read Only) ........................................................................................30
MS{anynode},MI5 Ring Error Counter.............................................................................................................30
MS{anynode},MI6 Maximum Permitted Ring Errors in One Second................................................................31
MS{anynode},MI7 (Reserved for Future Use)...................................................................................................31
MS{anynode},MI8 MACRO Ring Check Period................................................................................................31
MS{anynode},MI9 MACRO Ring Error Shutdown Count.................................................................................31
MACRO IC MI-Variables.......................................................................................................................................34
MS{anynode},MI176 MACRO IC Base Address................................................................................................34
MS{anynode},MI177 MACRO IC Address for Node 14 ....................................................................................34
MS{anynode},MI178 MACRO IC Address for Node 15 ....................................................................................34
MACRO IC I/O Transfer MI-Variables..................................................................................................................34
MS{anynode},MI198 Direct Read/Write Format and Address..........................................................................35
MI198 Format Digits..........................................................................................................................................36
MS{anynode},MI199 Direct Read/Write Variable.............................................................................................38
Global MACRO Status MI-Variables .....................................................................................................................38
MS{anynode}, MI203 Phase Period ..................................................................................................................38
MS{anynode}, MI204 Phase Execution Time ....................................................................................................38
MS{anynode}, MI205 Background Cycle Time .................................................................................................38
MS{anynode}, MI206 Maximum Background Cycle Time ................................................................................38
MS{anynode}, MI208 User Ram Start...............................................................................................................38
MACRO IC MI-Variables.......................................................................................................................................39
MS{anynode},MI942 ADC Strobe Word for ADC1 and ADC2 Inputs..............................................................39
MACRO IC Setup MI-Variables.............................................................................................................................39
MS{anynode},MI970-MI973 (Reserved for Future Use)...................................................................................39
MS{anynode},MI1974 Station Display Status (Read Only)...............................................................................39
MS{anynode},MI977 Motor Nodes Reporting Ring Break................................................................................39
MS{anynode},MI978-MI989 (Reserved for Future Use)...................................................................................40
MACRO IC MI-Variables.......................................................................................................................................40
MS{anynode},MI992 MaxPhase Frequency Control.........................................................................................40
MS{anynode},MI993 Hardware Clock Control Handwheel Channels..............................................................40
MS{anynode},MI994 PWM Deadtime / PFM Pulse Width Control for Handwheel........................................42
MS{anynode},MI995 MACRO Ring Configuration/Status................................................................................42
MS{anynode},MI996 MACRO Node Activate Control ......................................................................................43
MS{anynode},MI997 Phase Clock Frequency Control .....................................................................................45
MS{anynode},MI998 Servo Clock Frequency Control......................................................................................45
MS{anynode},MI999 Handwheel DAC Strobe Word (Not Used)......................................................................46
Other ACC-14M MACRO Station Mm & MP-Variables.......................................................................................46
ii Table of Contents
Accessory 14M
ACC-14M MACRO STATION MACPLCCS.........................................................................................................46
Arithmetic Data Types ............................................................................................................................................46
MACRO MI Integer Variables (n = 0 – 1099)........................................................................................................46
MACRO MM and MP Integer Variables (n = 0 – 511) ..........................................................................................46
Direct Memory Addressing for Integer Ln & Ln[] Variable Definitions............................................................46
Standard MACRO Program Commands .................................................................................................................47
Valid Math, Assignment and Conditional Operators ..............................................................................................47
Valid Expressions and Arrays.................................................................................................................................47
Example Program...............................................................................................................................................47
MAC PLCC Related ASCII Commands .................................................................................................................48
ACC-14M MACRO STATION SERIAL COMMANDS.......................................................................................48
Serial Commands ....................................................................................................................................................48
$$$ Station Reset ...............................................................................................................................................48
$$$*** Station Re-initialize...............................................................................................................................48
CID Report Card ID Number ............................................................................................................................48
CLRF Clear Station Faults................................................................................................................................48
DATE Report Firmware Date............................................................................................................................48
DISABLE PLCC or CNTRL D Disables PLCC .................................................................................................49
MI{constant} Report Station MI-Variable Value...............................................................................................49
MI{constant}={constant} Set Station MI-Variable Value .................................................................................49
MM{constant} Report Station MM-Variable Value...........................................................................................49
MM{constant}={constant} Set Station MM-Variable Value .............................................................................49
MP{constant} Report Station MP-Variable Value.............................................................................................49
MP{constant}={constant} Set Station MP-Variable Value...............................................................................49
MM{constant}-> Report Station MM-Variable Definition................................................................................49
MM{constant}->{X/Y:offset,width,format} Set Station MM-Variable Definition..............................................49
R{address} Read Station Address......................................................................................................................49
SAVE Save Station MI-Variables.......................................................................................................................50
SID Reports Serial Identification Number.........................................................................................................50
VERS Report Firmware Version........................................................................................................................50
VID Report Vendor ID Number.........................................................................................................................50
W{address},{value} Write Value to Station Address .........................................................................................50
PMAC TYPE 1 ACC-14M MACRO STATION COMMANDS ...........................................................................52
MS Command .....................................................................................................................................................52
MS Variable Read...............................................................................................................................................53
MS Variable Write ..............................................................................................................................................53
MS Variable Read Copy .....................................................................................................................................53
MS Variable Write Copy.....................................................................................................................................54
Turbo PMAC PLC Commands for Type 1 ACC-14M MACRO Stations ..............................................................55
MS Variable Read Copy .....................................................................................................................................55
MS Variable Write Copy.....................................................................................................................................55
ACC-14M MACRO STATION MEMORY AND I/O MAP..................................................................................57
Open Memory .........................................................................................................................................................57
The ACC-14M can be used with a TURBO PMAC2 Ultralite or UMAC MACRO for either general
purpose digital I/O, direct connection to Opto22 style boards, or as high speed latched inputs for servo
loop position or velocity feedback. The ACC-14M can also run a Delta Tau PLCC program that allows
the user to process their IO in real time using its on-board processor without adding overhead to the Ring
Master controller.
The ACC-14M can be used as follows:
24 24 0 Default. J4 is Input Port and J5
is Output Port. Uses one IO
0 48 1 Uses two IO nodes
48 0 2 Uses two IO nodes
24 24 3 J4 is Output Port and J5 is
Input Port. Uses one IO node
Whatever your intent, this manual is equipped with the necessary examples and descriptions to allow for a
rapid setup. While setup of the Acc-14M is easy for all its’ purposes it is a bit easier to setup the board
for the purpose of machine I/O than it is for the purpose of servo control. This is because configuring the
board for closed loop servo data requires a few more jumper settings, the setup of various I-variables in
the encoder conversion table, and if used for power on position the setup of certain power-on position
The encoder conversion table is setup on the controller side using variables I8000 through I8191.
Encoder conversion types are $2 and $3 for the ACC-14M and are described in the Turbo PMAC
Software Reference Manual.
If option 1 is ordered a set of analog inputs, analog outputs, and relay contacts are installed. These can be
used to control, for example, one or two inverter drives through the MACRO link.
This accessory works only with a Turbo PMAC2 controller, either in Ultralite or UMAC format.
• Two 24-bit IO ports configured as Inputs or Outputs. OPTO 22 compatible
• One 24-bit Gray Code to Binary Conversion for J4 port only
• Latching inputs
• Output Clock for Binary or Gray code encoder synchronization
o Two 12-bit DAC outputs with 0-10 V voltage range
o Two 16-bit ADC inputs with 0-10 V voltage range
2 Introduction
Accessory 14M
Mechanical Layout
ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer 3
Accessory 14M
Board Layout
Connectors and Indicators
Inputs and Outputs LED Indicators
Each of the 24 input and 24 INPUT/OUTPUT lines has an associated LED that displays its state, either
active or inactive, in the front panel of the unit.
Status LED Indicators
+24V: When lit, this LED indicates that 24V is applied to the unit.
PWR: When lit, this LED indicates that proper power is applied to the logic circuits
WD: When lit, this LED indicates that the watchdog safety circuit is activated, indicating a
failure condition.
7-Segment LED Indicator
This indicator reports the status of the unit with respect to the MACRO link. These are the possible status
0: Ring Active with no errors
1-9: NA
a: NA
b: Ring-break fault
c: Configuration change fault
d: Ring data-error fault
e: NA
f: Momentary ring fault
USB Connector
This connector is used to perform some software diagnostic procedures, or to download the operational
firmware. This connector is used in conjunction with the PEWIN32-Pro or equivalent software package.
24V Input Connector
Power is applied to the unit through this connector. The power requirement for logic is 300mA @
24VDC. The power requirement for the outputs is 50mA per each, 2.4A if all 48 are used.
MACRO Link Connectors
The unit can be ordered to use either RJ45 connectors with twisted pair copper wires or a fiber optic
connection. In either case, there will be an input and an output connector, and both are used to connect to
the MACRO link. The input connector is tied to the MACRO output connector of the previous device on
the link. The output connector connects to the input MACRO connector of the next device on the link.
DB-15 Option-1 Connector
When OPT-1 is ordered this connector provides the lines for two relay contact outputs, two 16-bit DAC
outputs with 0-10 V voltage range and two 16-bit ADC inputs with 0-10 V voltage range.
Relay Status LED Indictors
RLY1: When lit, this indicates that the first amplifier enable relay is activated.
4 ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer
Accessory 14M
RLY2: When lit, this indicates that the second amplifier enable relay is activated.
Inputs and Outputs Terminal Blocks (J4 and J5)
Allows for the 48 bit Inputs/Outputs connections, their clocking, and errors. Each connector is a 50-pin
IDE header that allows for direct connection to Opto22 style boards.
E-Point Jumper Description
Refer to the layout diagram of ACC-14M for the location of the jumpers on the board.
Table 1: E-Point Jumper configuration and settings
Jumper Config Description Settings
E1 1-2 Watchdog Disable ON to disable watchdog
OFF for normal operation
E2 1-2-3 BootStrap 1-2 for bootstrap mode
2-3 for normal operation
E3 1-2 Buadrate ON for 9600 Baud for USB to Serial Coverter
OFF for 38400 Baud for USB to Serial Coverter
E5 1-2-3 Output clock polarity 1-2 OCLK is sample clock-
2-3 OCLK is sample clock+
E6 1-2-3 Latch clock polarity 1-2 ENA_CLK is sample clock+
2-3 ENA_CLK is sample clock-
E7 1-2 Input latch signal for
bits 0-23
E8 1-2 Error latch signal for
bits 0-23
E9 1-2 Input latch signal for
bits 24-47
E10 1-2 Error latch signal for
bits 24-47
JP1 1-2 Board Type Reserved for ACC-65M/ACC-68M OFF
JP2 1-2 Board Type Install jumper for ACC-14M 1-2
JP3-JP6 - Reserved OFF
JP7 1-2 Re-initialization ON for re-initialization to factory defaults at power up
The E7, E8, E9, and E10 jumpers are pulled up to 5V if not using ICLK or ERR inputs from the encoder. If you are
NOT using the ICLK or ERR inputs to the ACC-14M, then you will need to jumper E7 and E8 when using J4
connector port for inputs and/or E9 and E10 when using the J5 connector port for inputs.
ON passes the ICLK1 0V input from J4 to latch Inputs 0-23
OFF passes the ICLK1 5V input from J4 to latch Inputs 0-23
ON allows a low ERR1/ input to latch Inputs 0-23
OFF allows a high ERR1/ input to latch Inputs 0-23
ON passes the ICLK2 0Vinput from J5 to latch Inputs 24-47
OFF passes the ICLK2 5Vinput from to latch Inputs 24-47
ON allows a low ERR2/ input to latch the Inputs 24-47
OFF allows a high ERR2/ input to latch the Inputs 24-47
This connector is only used to change the operational firmware, or to perform basic software diagnostic
operations. The user can user a serial port terminal window such as Microsoft HyperTerminal to
communicate to the MACRO Device. You should set your serial port communication settings as follows:
Buad Rate: 38400 for E3 not jumpered or 9600 for E3 jumpered
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
If you have installed PEWIN Pro software, then the USB device should be recognized by your operating
system. If the device is not recognized by Windows, please contact the factory and we can assist you.
24VDC Input
Symbol Function
+24V +24V
This connector is used to power the unit with a 25A @ 24VDC power supply.
The cable used for MACRO wired connections is CAT5 verified straight-through 8 conductor. The input
connector is tied to the MACRO INPUT/OUTPUT connector of the previous device on the link. The
INPUT/OUTPUT connector connects to the input MACRO connector of the next device on the link.
MACRO Fiber Optic Connector
U17: MACRO Fiber Optic Connector
(OPT A, B)
(2 Socket SC-Style)
Front View
Pin # Symbol Function Description Notes
1 RX Fiber Input MACRO Ring Receiver
2 TX Fiber Output MACRO Ring Transmitter
1. The fiber optic version of MACRO uses 62.5/125 multi-mode glass fiber optic cable terminated in an SC-style
connector. The optical wavelength is 1,300nm.
2. It is possible to "adapt" wire to fiber operation when using OPT B.
ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer 7
Accessory 14M
Main IO Connectors J4 and J5
J4 (50 Pin Header)
Pin Symbol Function Description
1 MI/O23 In/out I/O at base address, bit 23
2 GND Common PMAC common
3 MI/O22 In/out I/O at base address, bit 22
4 GND Common PMAC common
5 MI/O21 In/out I/O at base address, bit 21
6 GND Common PMAC common
7 MI/O20 In/out I/O at base address, bit 20
8 GND Common PMAC common
9 MI/O19 In/out I/O at base address, bit 19
10 GND Common PMAC common
11 MI/O18 In/out I/O at base address, bit 18
12 GND Common PMAC common
13 MI/O17 In/out I/O at base address, bit 17
14 GND Common PMAC common
15 MI/O16 In/out I/O at base address, bit 16
16 GND Common PMAC common
17 MI/O15 In/out I/O at base address, bit 15
18 GND Common PMAC common
19 MI/O14 In/out I/O at base address, bit 14
20 GND Common PMAC common
21 MI/O13 In/out I/O at base address, bit 13
22 GND Common PMAC common
23 MI/O12 In/out I/O at base address, bit 12
24 GND Common PMAC common
25 MI/O11 In/out I/O at base address, bit 11
26 GND Common PMAC common
27 MI/O10 In/out I/O at base address, bit 10
28 GND Common PMAC common
29 MI/O9 In/out I/O at base address, bit 9
30 GND Common PMAC common
31 MI/O8 In/out I/O at base address, bit 8
32 GND Common PMAC common
33 MI/O7 In/out I/O at base address, bit 7
34 GND Common PMAC common
35 MI/O6 In/out I/O at base address, bit 6
36 GND Common PMAC common
37 MI/O5 In/out I/O at base address, bit 5
38 GND Common PMAC common
39 MI/O4 In/out I/O at base address, bit 4
40 GND Common PMAC common
41 MI/O3 In/out I/O at base address, bit 3
42 GND Common PMAC common
43 MI/O2 In/out I/O at base address, bit 2
44 ERR1 Input Error signal
45 MI/O1 In/out I/O at base address, bit 1
46 ICLK1 Input
47 MI/O0 In/out I/O at base address, bit 0
48 OCLK1 Output
49 +V Output 5V power
50 GND Common
8 ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer
Accessory 14M
J5 (50 Pin Header)
Pin Symbol Function Description
1 MI/O47 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 47
2 GND Common PMAC common
3 MI/O46 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 46
4 GND Common PMAC common
5 MI/O45 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 45
6 GND Common PMAC common
7 MI/O44 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 44
8 GND Common PMAC common
9 MI/O43 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 43
10 GND Common PMAC common
11 MI/O42 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 42
12 GND Common PMAC common
13 MI/O41 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 41
14 GND Common PMAC common
15 MI/O40 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 40
16 GND Common PMAC common
17 MI/O39 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 39
18 GND Common PMAC common
19 MI/O38 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 38
20 GND Common PMAC common
21 MI/O37 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 37
22 GND Common PMAC common
23 MI/O36 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 36
24 GND Common PMAC common
25 MI/O35 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 35
26 GND Common PMAC common
27 MI/O34 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 34
28 GND Common PMAC common
29 MI/O33 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 33
30 GND Common PMAC common
31 MI/O32 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 32
32 GND Common PMAC common
33 MI/O31 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 31
34 GND Common PMAC common
35 MI/O30 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 30
36 GND Common PMAC common
37 MI/O29 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 29
38 GND Common PMAC common
39 MI/O28 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 28
40 GND Common PMAC common
41 MI/O27 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 27
42 GND Common PMAC common
43 MI/O26 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 26
44 ERR2 Input Error signal
45 MI/O25 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 25
46 ICLK2 Input
47 MI/O24 In/Out I/O at base address, bit 24
48 OCLK2 Output
49 +V Output 5v
50 GND Common
ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer 9
Accessory 14M
OPT-1: DB-15 Connector
Pin # Symbol Function
When OPT-1 is ordered this connector provides the lines for two relay contact outputs, two 12-bit DAC
outputs with 0-10 V voltage range and two 16-bit ADC inputs with 0-10 V voltage range.
10 ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer
Accessory 14M
Typically, the MACRO Slave Device and MACRO Master IC (Ultralite) can support up to eight AXIS
nodes (0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, and 13) and up to six I/O transfer nodes (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11). This data
exchange goes through a MACRO IC at both points (master and slave) on the MACRO Ring. There are
three types of I/O transfers allowed that send information between the Turbo Ultralite and a MACRO
Device. These are, 48-bit I/O background data transfer, 72-bit phase rate I/O node transfer, and 48-bit
ASCII transfer.
The 48-bit I/O transfer occurs on node 15 of the MACRO ring and the 48-bit ASCII transfer occurs on
node 14 using the broadcast feature of MACRO. The 72-bit node transfer is used to exchange all
hardware I/O on the card, the 48-bit I/O transfer for MI variables and the 48-bit ASCII for Ring Order
setup of the Station. (The ACC-14M does not have switches that bind it to a certain Master and Node so
it uses Ring Order for initial binding to a Master and Node.) The Turbo PMAC2 Ultralite and the
MACRO Station enable transfer of 72 bits per I/O node with the I6841 and MI996 type variables.
Once the first node number has been established the Turbo Ultralite can control the Acc-14M through a
single I/O node, two consecutive I/O nodes, or an AXIS node depending on the type of control desired.
The data exchange format is described in the following table:
ACC14M MACRO 72-Bit Node (24 Inputs / 24 Outputs) FORMAT w/ Outputs high 24-bit word
1st X or Y: I/O Node (MI14.0 = 0, MI14.1 = 0) - One (1) I/O Node (Default)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to
Acc-14M Station
Feedback from
Acc-14M Station
Outputs, bits 24 – 47 DAC 1
(Channel 1)
Inputs, bits 0 – 23 ADC 1 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 1)
(Channel 2)
ADC 2 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 2)
Flag Command
Flag Status
ACC14M MACRO 72-Bit Node (48 Outputs) FORMAT
1st X or Y: I/O Node (MI14.0 = 1, MI14.1 = 0) - Two (2) I/O Nodes (Two consecutive nodes must be enabled in MI996)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to I/O
Feedback from MI/O
2nd I/O Node (Always the next consecutive X or Y: Node)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to I/O
Feedback from MI/O
Outputs 0 – 23 DAC 1
(Channel 1)
Not used ADC 1 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 1)
Outputs 24 – 47 Not used Not used Not used
Not used Not used Not used Not used
(Channel 2)
ADC 2 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 2)
Flag Command
Flag Status
ACC14M MACRO 72-Bit Node (48 Inputs) FORMAT
1st X or Y: I/O Node (MI14.0 = 0, MI14.1 = 1) - Two (2) I/O Nodes (Two consecutive nodes must be enabled in MI996)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to I/O
Not used DAC 1
(Channel 1)
(Channel 2)
Flag Command
ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer 11
Accessory 14M
Feedback from MI/O
2nd I/O Node (Always the next consecutive X or Y: Node)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to I/O
Feedback from MI/O
Inputs 0 – 23 ADC 1 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 1)
Not used Not used Not used Not used
Inputs 24 – 47 Not used Not used Not used
ADC 2 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 2)
Flag Status
ACC14M MACRO 72-Bit Node (24 Outputs / 24 Inputs) FORMAT w/ Outputs low 24-bit word
1st X or Y: I/O Node (MI14.0 = 1, MI14.1 = 1) - One (1) I/O Node (Default)
Register # 0 ( 24 – bit ) 1 ( 16 – bit ) 2 ( 16 - bit ) 3 ( 16 - bit )
Command to I/O
Feedback from MI/O
Note the 72-bit I/O can be done on a Y-Axis or X:IO Node
Outputs 0 – 23 DAC 1
(Channel 1)
Input 24 – 47 ADC 1 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 1)
(Channel 2)
ADC 2 (08-23 bits)
(Channel 2)
Flag Command
Flag Status
FLAG(s) Command Register
B09 - Reserved for future ring protocol control
B10 - Reserved for future ring protocol control
B11 - Reserved
B12 - Reserved
B13 - The Slave detected a MACRO Ring Break MRB & became a Ring master (Note 3)
B14 - Reserved
B15 – When B13 = 1 then B15 = 1 is a Station Fault.
B16 - Reserved for future ring protocol control
B17 - Reserved for future ring protocol control
B18 - Reserved for future ring protocol control
B19 - Fast User Defined Command Flag (UserCmd1) AENA_1 INPUT/OUTPUT
B20 - Fast User Defined Command Flag (UserCmd2) AENA_2 INPUT/OUTPUT
B21 - Fast User Defined Command Flag (UserCmd3)
B22 - Fast User Defined Command Flag (UserCmd4)
B23 - Fast User Defined Command Flag (UserCmd5)
12 ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer
Accessory 14M
FLAG(s) Status Register
B08 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B09 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B10 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B11 - Reserved
B12 - Reserved
B13 - This Node detected a MACRO Ring Break MRB (Note 3)
B14 - Reserved
B15 - Station or Real Time Data Node Fault
B16 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B17 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B18 - Reserved for future ring protocol status
B19 - Fast User Defined Status Flag (UserSatus1) AENA_1 INPUT/OUTPUT
B20 - Fast User Defined Status Flag (UserSatus2) AENA_2 INPUT/OUTPUT
B21 - Fast User Defined Status Flag (UserSatus3)
B22 - Fast User Defined Status Flag (UserSatus4)
B23 - Fast User Status Flag(UserSatus5)
To use this card the user will have to establish communications using the ring order method to activate the
nodes at MACRO Slave Device (ACC-14M). The user must also activate the nodes at the MACRO
Master Device (typically an Ultralite) to allow communications from the Master to the Slave. Once
communications is working properly the user can then setup the inputs and outputs or feedback devices.
The following sections will show the user how to setup:
• Ring Order Method of Communications
• General Purpose Inputs and outputs on ACC-14M
• Setting up Feedback Devices on ACC-14M
ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer 13
Accessory 14M
ASCII Ring Order Initial Binding of the ACC-14M Station
To initially bind the ACC-14M to a MACRO Master, the Ring Order method is used. When this is used
the Ring Controller sends a command out on the Ring in the ASCII communication protocol. It is asking
to talk to the first MACRO Station that does not have a Station Number (MI11=0 or STN=0). When this
communication state is entered, the Ring Controller is now talking to the MACRO Station in an ASCII
data exchange mode. That Station can be either another Turbo PMAC MACRO Station or Slave Station
like the ACC-14M. Once communication is established, the developer at the Ring Controller binds the
Station to a Master and Node (It sets the Slave Station’s MI996). It is now setup for the normal 72-bit
and 48-bit I/O exchange between the Master and Slave Station (the ACC-14M). To come back and
communicate with this Station in the ASCII data exchange, its station number (STN) is set normally to its
order on the Ring. Once this is done, the Ring Order attempts to find the next station on the Ring that has
not been setup for Ring Order (STN=0). Control T is entered. It terminates the ASCII communication
transfer between the Ring Controller and the Station and returns to normal communication with the Ring
At a minimum, the user must set the following I-variables to enable MACRO ASCII mode
I6840=$4030 ;to enable MACRO IC0 as sync-master and node 14 for auxiliary communications
I6841=$0FCxxx ;to enable node 15 and 14. If activating nodes 0,1,4,5 we would set I6841=$0FC033
I79=32 ;Timeout value for Node 14 Auxiliary communications
If the customer is using more than one MACRO IC, then they will setup I6890, I6891, I6940, I6941, I6990,
and I6991 appropriately. Once the communication variables are modified, they must be saved to the memory
of the controller with the save command and then reset the controller with either a “$$$” command or power
cycle the controller.
The PMAC Controller will be able to communicate to the MACRO Device in
MACRO ASCII communication mode after the unit has been reset with the
changes saved to its memory. This can be done by cycling power or by ussuing
the following commands:
mssav2 ;save settings to Macro station which has node 2 activated
ms$$$2 ;reset Macro station which has node 2 activated
Establishing Communications with the ACC-14M Station
After hooking up the Ring and 24VDC power, the user can try to read and write to the IO Device.
1. Ring Order (at the Ring Controller), enter MACSTA255. Now you can assign it a Station number by
entering STN=n where n is the Station number. If a Macro I/O error is received, make sure I6840,
I6841 and I79 are set correctly. Also make sure that the Unit has not been already assigned a Station
If the Station has already been assigned a Station number, there are two options:
a) Find out the station number n and enter MACSTA<n>, where n is the station number, to initiate
MACRO ASCII communication with the Station.
b) Reset the station number of all the stations by entering MACSTA0 and then enter STN=
c) Note:
14 ACC-14M MACRO Station I/O Transfer
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