Delta DOP-EXIO14RAE User Manual

Table of Contents|DOP-EXIO Series

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Getting Started .........................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction........................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs ................................................................3-1
Chapter 4 I/O Point Indicators...................................................................................4-1
Chapter 5 Internal Memory Address .........................................................................5-1
Appendix A List of Devices......................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B List of Instructions ................................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Use of Basic Instructions......................................................................... C-1
Appendix D Use of Application Instructions ................................................................ D-1
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Chapter 1 Getting Started|DOP-EXIO Series

Chapter 1 Getting Started
Delta Extension Digital I/O Module, DOP-EXIO14RAE and DOP-EXIO28RAE (hereinafter called “DOP-EXIO series”) provided for DOP-AE series HMI only. Therefore, before using Delta Extension Digital I/O Module, the user has to open the ScrEdit (Screen Editor) programming software, click “File” > “New” to open a new project, and select the type of DOP-AE series HMI being used (see Fig. 1.1).
Fig. 1.1 New project dialog box
After selecting the type of DOP-AE series HMI, press OK button to complet the setting. Then, click “Options > “Configuration” to enter into “Other” tab in Configuration option (see Fig. 1.2). Check the box next to “Enable EXIO (Compile Ladder)” to activate the function of Delta Extension Digital I/O Module. The user can also select the digital input and output points here by using the drop down list right below the “Enable EXIO (Compile Ladder)” option (see Fig.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started|DOP-EXIO Series
Fig. 1.2 Configuration option
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Chapter 1 Getting Started|DOP-EXIO Series
Fig. 1.3 Other tab
When “Enable EXIO (Compile Ladder)” option is selected, the “Ladder Editor” icon will appear and be available for use on the toolbar (See Fig. 1.4 and 1.5). The user can click this icon and start ladder diagram editing directly or click “Tool” > “Ladder Editor” command from the menu (See Fig. 1.6).
Fig. 1.4 Toolbar before “Enable EXIO (Compile Ladder)” option is selected
Fig. 1.5 Toolbar after “Enable EXIO (Compile Ladder)” option is selected
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Chapter 1 Getting Started|DOP-EXIO Series
Fig. 1.6 Ladder Editor option
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series

Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction
Clicking the “Ladder Editor” icon can open HMI-WPLSoft editing window immediately
(see Fig. 2.1). At the same time, the window of ScrEdit (Screen Editor) will zoom out and hide automatically. Please note that HMI-WPLSoft and ScrEdit programming software cannot be used simultaneously. When the user is editing a ladder diagram and in the meantime the user wants to edit a HMI program, the user must close the window of HMI-WPLSoft and then it is possible for the user to edit a HMI program in the environment of ScrEdit programming software successfully. There is no Open and Save option provided in the ladder diagrm editing window. When the ladder diagrm editing window is closed, the ladder diagrm editing program is saved automatically.
Menu Bar
Ladder Diagram
Editing Area
Editing Area
Status Bar
Fig. 2.1 HMI-WPLSoft editing window
There are five parts in the following for the window of HMI-WPLSoft.
Menu bar
There are nine functions for selection: File(F), Edit(E), Compiler(P), Comments(M), Search(S), View(V), Options(O), Window(W), and Help(H). Each option has a pull-down menu.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
There are many icons provided for the user to execute functions by clicking the mouse directly. The followings are the available toolbar on HMI-WPLSoft.
1. Standard Toolbar
2. HMI-WPLSoft Toolbar
3. Ladder diagram Toolbar (display in Ladder Diagram Mode only)
Ladder Diagram Editing Area
This is the area for designing the editing the ladder diagram by requirement.
Instruction Editing Area
This is the area for designing the editing the instructions by requirement.
Status Bar
It is used to display messages, including replace/insert mode, the coordinate of the editing diagram or object, etc.

2.1 File

The “File” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Print(P) Ö Print current file (only print current window, i.e. one of ladder diagram or
instruction mode).
Method 1: Click “File(F)” > “Print (P)”.
Method 2: Click the icon from the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (P).
After the editing is completed, the user can use the icon or click “File” > “Print (P)”
to print the editing program or instrucation and relevant data. In the different editing
window, the user can use Print(P) function to print the ladder diagram or instruction data.
Please refer to the following descriptions.
Print Ladder Diagram
In Ladder Diagram Mode (when the ladder diagram editing window is opened), click the
icon on toolbar or choose “Print(P)” command from the “File” menu, the print
selection dialog box will open allowing the user to set the print options, configure printed
diagrams layout and print the ladder diagrams shown on the screen. When the print
selection dialog box is opened, the user can choose “Whole Range” to print all ladder
diagrams displayed on the screen or choose “Step Range Specification” to print the
range specified by the user (Start and End). Also, the user can determine if the title,
page numbers and cover are printed or not. Click “Preview” button is to show the ladder
diagrams as they would look if printed. Click “Printer setup” button is to setup the printer
and configure the layout of the printed ladder diagrams.
The ladder diagrams displayed in the ladder diagram editing window is the same as the
printed file. It indicates that the comments will be printed also if there are comments
displayed on the ladder diagrams.
Print Instruction
In Instruction Mode (when the instruction editing window is opened), click the icon
on toolbar or choose “Print(P)” command from the “File” menu, the print selection dialog
box will open allowing the user to set the print options, configure printed instruction
layout and print the instructions. When the print selection dialog box is opened, the user
can choose “Whole Range” to print all instructions displayed on the screen or choose
“Step Range Specification” to print the range specified by the user (Start and End). Also,
the user can determine if the title, page numbers and cover are printed or not. Click
“Preview” button is to show the instructions as they would look if printed. Click “Printer
setup” button is to setup the printer and configure the layout of the printed instructions.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Printer Setup(Q) Ö Select and set printer.
Method 1: Click “File” > “Printer Setup(Q)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Q).
Exit(X) Ö End HMI-WPLSoft
Method 1: Click “File(F)” > “Exit(X)”.
Method 2: Click the icon at the right upper corner of the window.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Alt) + (X).
File Explanation:
There are six saved files which each one of them has different extension names created
simutaneously after finishing program editing and compiler. If the user wants to copy a
complete program (including all comments and settings in the program) to other disk or
another directory, it is recommended to copy all six saved files with different extension names.
If the user wants to make a complete backup copy of the program file, the following six
different files should be saved all together.
Extension Name Explanation
* .DLP
* .LAD
* .LMT
* .LAB
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The instruction file for DOP-EXIO series.
Ladder diagram file
The file used to record ladder diagram segment comments.
The file used to record label P and I.
Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Extension Name Explanation
* .RCM
* .DOP*
The default comment file for special D/special M.
HMI ScrEdit (Screen Editor) file.

2.2 Edit

The “Exit” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
Undo(U) Ö Undo the most recent actions (the system allows the user to perform
undo action for max. 10 times)
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Undo(U)”.
Method 2: Click the icon
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Z).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Undo” in the
pop-up menu.
on the toolbar.
Redo(R) Ö Redo the undo action.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Redo(R)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (Z).
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Redo” in the
pop-up menu.
Select All(A) Ö Select everything in a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Select All (A)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (A).
Delete Ö Delete a selection (selected block or data) where the cursor is.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Delete”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing key (Delete).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Delete” in the
pop-up menu.
Cut(T) Ö Cut a selection (selected block or data) in a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Cut(T)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (X).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Cut” in the
pop-up menu.
Copy(C) Ö Copy a selection (selected block or data) from a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Copy(C)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (C).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Copy” in the
pop-up menu.
Paste(P) Ö Paste a selection (selected block or data) on a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Paste(P)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (V).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Paste” in the
pop-up menu.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Insert Block(O) Ö Insert a selection (selected block or data) into a program file (This
function is valid for Ladder Diagram Mode only.).
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Insert Bock(O)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Ins).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Insert Block” in
the pop-up menu.
Insert Row(I) Ö Insert a blank row into a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Insert Row(I)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (I).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Insert Row” in
the pop-up menu.
Delete Row(L) Ö Delete a row from a program file.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Delete Row(L)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Y).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Delete Row” in
the pop-up menu.
Delete Vertical Line(D) Ö Delete the vertical lines from a program file(This function is
valid for Ladder Diagram Mode only.).
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Delete Vertical Line(D)”.
Method 2: Click the icon
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (D).
Method 4: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Delete Vertical
Line” in the pop-up menu.
on the toolbar.
Program Title(S) Ö The information of program title, file name, company name and
designer are shown here and can be printed as an easy cover.
Method 1: Click “Edit(E)” > “Program Title(S)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (T).
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series

2.3 Compiler

The “Compiler” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
Ladder => Instruction(I) Ö Convert ladder diagrams to instruction codes.
Method 1: Click “Compiler(P)” > “Ladder => Instruction(I)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (F9).
Instruction => Ladder(L) Ö Convert instruction codes to ladder diagrams.
Method 1: Click “Compiler(P)” > “Instruction => Ladder(L)”.
Method 2: Click the icon
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (F10).
on the toolbar.


The “Comments” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Edit Device Comments(D) Ö Insert a comment for every operand of the device
where the cursor is positioned.
Method 1: Click “Comment(M)” > ” Edit Device Comments(D)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (D).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Edit Device
comments” in the pop-up menu.
Edit Segment Comments(B) Ö Insert a segment comment in the blank row (This
function is valid for Ladder Diagram Mode only.).
Method 1: Click “Comment(M)” > "Edit Segment Comments(B)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (B).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Edit Segment
Comments” in the pop-up menu.
Edit Row Comments(L) Ö Insert a row comment after output coil or instruction of
each row (This function is valid for Ladder Diagram Mode only.).
Method 1: Click “Comment(M)” > ” Edit Row Comments(L)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (L).
Method 3: Right click the mouse to get a pop-up menu and select “Edit Row
comments” in the pop-up menu.

2.5 Search

The “Search” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Go to(J) Ö Jump to the designated location (unit: Step).
Method 1: Click “Search(S)” > ”Go to(J)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (J).
Search/Replace(F) Ö Search or replace the device name and instruction of the
designated device.
Method 1: Click “Search(S)” > ”Search/Replace(F)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Method 3: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (F).
Go to the Start(T) Ö Jump to the start of the program.
Method 1: Click “Search(S)” > ”Go to the Start(T)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (Home).
Go to the End(N) Ö Jump to the end of the program.
Method 1: Click “Search(S)” > ”Go to the End(N)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl) + (End).

2.6 View

The “View” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Toolbars(T) Ö Display a list of the toolbars available in HMI-WPLSoft, including
Status Bar, Standard, PLC and Ladder Diagram toolbars.
~ Status Bar: display or hide status bar.
Method: Click “View(V)” > “Toolbars(T)” > “Status Bar”.
~ Standard: display or hide standard toolbar.
Method: Click “View(V)” > “Toolbars(T)” > “Standard”.
~ PLC: display or hide HMI-WPLSoft toolbar.
Method: Click “View(V)” > “Toolbars(T)” > “PLC”.
~ Ladder Diagram toolbar: display or hide Ladder Diagram toolbar (display in
Ladder Diagram Mode only).
Method: Click “View(V)” > “Toolbars(T)” > “Ladder Diagram”.
Zoom(Z) Ö Let the user change and reduce the magnification level of the program.
Zoom In function is used to get a closer look of the program and Zoom Out
function is used to see more of the program. The default settings for zooming
provided by the system are Auto, 50 %, 75 %, 100 %, 125 %, 150 %, 175 % and 200 %.
Method 1: Click “View(V)” > “Zoom (Z)”.
Method 2: Zoom In. Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Shift) + (Alt) + (I)
or click the icon on the toolbar to zoom in.
Method 3: Zoom Out. Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Shift) + (Alt) +
(O) or click the icon on the toolbar to zoom out.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Instruction List(I) Ö Change to Instruction Mode.
Method 1: Click “View(V)” > “Instruction List(I)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.
Ladder Diagram(L) Ö Change to Ladder Diagram Mode.
Method 1: Click “View(V)” > “Ladder Diagram(L)”.
Click the icon on the toolbar.
List of Used Device(U) Ö Display all device usage status.
Method 1: Click “View(V)” > “List of Used Device(U)”.
Method 2: Use keyboard shortcuts by pressing keys (Ctrl)+ (Alt) + (U).
Show Comments(M) Ö Display or hide device comments.
Method 1: Click “View(V)” > “Show Comments(M)”.
Method 2: Click the icon on the toolbar.

2.7 Options

The “Options” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
Prompt to Edit Device Comment(H) Ö If this option is selected, in Instruction Mode
or Ladder Diagram Mode, the system will ask the user to enter the corresponding device comment at the same time when the user uses the instruction code to edit a DOP-EXIO series program.
Method: Click “Options(O)” > “Prompt to Edit Device Comment(H)”.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series
Language Setup(L) Ö Allow the user to change the display language of
HMI-WPLSoft by requirement. There are three available languages for selection, Tranditional Chinese, Simplied Chinese and English.
Method: Click “Options(O)” > “Language Setup(L)”.

2.8 Window

The “Window” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
Cascade(C) Ö Arrange windows in an overlapping way.
Method: Click “Window(W)” > “Cascade(C)”.
Title Horizontally(H) Ö Arrange the file in a horizontal way.
Method: Click “Window(W)” > “Title Horizontally(H)”.
Title Vertically(V) Ö Arrange files in a vertical way.
Method: Click “Window(W)” > “Title Vertically(V)”.
The current files list Ö e.g. Instruction Mode and Ladder Diagram Mode.
Method: In HMI-WPLSoft editing window, activate Instruction Mode and Ladder
Diagram Mode and click “Window(W)”, and then the user can see
them show in Window drop-down menu.
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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series

2.9 Help

The “Help” function is shown as follows, including pull-down menu options:
About HMI-WPLSoft(A) Ö This command shows the version information of
Method: Click “Help(H)” > “About HMI-WPLSoft(A)”.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series

Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs
Activate HMI-WPLSoft, and then the system will enter into Ladder Diagram Mode as shown as the Fig. 3.1 below.
Menu Bar
Ladder Diagram
Editing Area
Editing Area
Status Bar
Fig. 3.1 Ladder Diagram Mode
There is a ladder diagram toolbar shown on the top of the Ladder Diagram Mode window. To create and edit a ladder diagram, the user can click the icon on toolbar directly by the mouse or move the editing block to the proper position and enter instructions. Besides, the user also can press F1 ~ F12 function keys on the keyboard to create and edit the ladder diagram. Please refer to the following sections for how to create and edit ladder diagram.

3.1 Basic Operation

Example: Create the diagram shown below.
Using the mouse and F1 ~ F12 function keys on the keyboard.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
1. Click the Normally Open Contact icon on the toolbar or press F1 function key.
2. The “Device Input” dialog box will appear. The user can select device name (e.g. M) , device number (e.g. 10), and enter comments (e.g. Internal Relay). Then, press the button “OK” to save the settings.
3. Click the Output Coil icon on the toolbar or press F7 function key. The “Device Input” dialog box will appear next. The user can select device name (e.g. Y), device number (e.g. 0), and enter comments (e.g. Output Relay). Then, press the button “OK” to save the settings.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
4. Click Application Instruction icon or press F6 function key. Choose “Function” from the “Function” drop-down menu and select “END” instruction from the “Application Instruction” drop-down menu. The user can also type in “END” instruction directly in the field of "Application Instruction". Then, press the button “OK” to save the settings.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
5. Click the icon to compile the ladder diagram and convert it to instruction codes.
After compiler action is completed, the numbers of steps will show on the left-hand side of the start of the ladder diagram.
6. If the ladder diagram is not correct, an error message dialog box will appear and point out the exact erroneous rows and addresses after the compiler action is completed.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
Keyboard Operation
1. Place the editing block at the start of the program (Row: 0, Col: 1), and type in “LD
M10” by using the keyboard. Then, press the Enter key on the keyboard, or click the “OK” button to complete the settings.
2. Type in “OUT Y0” by using the keyboard and press Enter key on the keyboard. Then,
type in “END” by using the keyboard and press Enter key on the keyboard. Finally,
click the icon to compile the completed ladder diagram.
If the user wants to edit the comments at the same time when input an instruction by using keyboard, the user can click the “Prompt to Edit Device Comment(H)” under the “Options” menu. Then, the “Comment” dialog box (see the figure below) will appear for the user to enter and edit the corresponding comments after an instruction is input correctly.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series

3.2 Editing Example

Ladder Diagram
Operation steps for editing the Ladder Diagram
Input by clicking the Icon on the
Row: 0, Column: 1 *Footnote 1
Row: 0, Column:2 *Footnote 2
Row: 1, Column: 1
Row: 1, Column: 2
Row: 1, Column: 2
Row: 2, Column: 1
Row: 3, Column: 1
Device Name: X Device Number: 1
Device Name: Y Device Number:0
Device Name: X Device Number:2
Device Name: Y Device Number:2
Device Name: X Device Number:1
Device Name: M Device Number:0
Input by using the
LD X1 or A X1
OUT Y0or O Y0
LD X2 or A X2
OUT Y2 or O Y2
LD X1 or A X1
LD M0 or A M0
MOV Instruction Operand 1: D Device
Row: 3,
Column: 2 *Footnote 3
MOV D1 D2 Operand 2: D Device Number:2
Row: 4,
Column: 0
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Double click the
P0 mouse and enter P0
Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
Row: 4, Column: 1
Row: 4, Column: 2
Row: 4, Column: 2
Row: 5, Column: 1
Row: 6, Column: 1
Input by clicking the Icon on the
Device Name: M Device Number:1
CNT Instruction Operand 1: C Device Number: 0 Operand 2: K Device Number: 100
Device Name: M Device Number: 1
END Instruction
Input by using the
LDP M1 or + M1
CNT C0 K100
LDF M1 or – M1
After the ladder diagram is completed, the user can compile and convert the completed ladder diagram to instruction codes. The ladder diagram which has been converted to instruction codes is shown as the figure below.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
*Footnote 1: Input Basic Instruction
1. Click the icon on the toolbar or press the F1 function key on the keyboard
and the “Device input” dialog box will appear. Then, the user can enter device name, device number, and edit comments in this dialog box.
2. For example, select the device name “X” and device number “1” from the drop-down menu or type in the device name “X” and device number “1” by using the keyboard. Then, press Enter key on the keyboard or click the “OK” button to save the settings.
*Footnote 2: Input Output Coil
1. Click the icon on the toolbar or press the F7 function key on the keyboard
and the “Device input” dialog box will appear. Then, the user can enter device name, device number, and edit comments in this dialog box.
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Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Programs|DOP-EXIO Series
2. For example, select the device name “Y” and device number “1” from the drop-down menu or type in the device name “Y” and device number “1” by using the keyboard. Then, press Enter key on the keyboard or click the “OK” button to save the settings.
*Footnote 3: Input Application Instruction
1. Click the icon on the toolbar or press the F6 function key on the keyboard
and the “Application Instructions” dialog box will appear.
2. First, choose one selection from the “Function List” drop-down menu (including all application instructions and output commands, etc.). Then, select the “API Number” and “Application Instruction”. The user can also type in the desired instruction, e.g. MOV in the "Application Instruction" drop-down menu directly. After all settings are completed, press Enter key on the keyboard.
3. Select “Transfer and Compare” from the “Function List” drop-down menu and type in “MOV” in the field of "Application Instruction" directly (or choose “MOV” instruction from the “Application Instruction” drop-down menu). Then, press Enter key on the keyboard, and the user can see the figure below on the screen.
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