DeLorme Topo North America 10.0, Topo North America User Manual

Topo USA User Guide
Table of Contents
Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 1
Welcome to DeLorme Topo North America ................................................................ 1
Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................... 2
How do I? ............................................................................................................ 7
Basic Functions ..................................................................................................... 9
Running DeLorme Topo North America ..................................................................... 9
Zooming In and Out .............................................................................................. 9
Panning/Centering the Map ................................................................................... 11
Copying Your Map to the Clipboard ........................................................................ 12
Saving a Map as a Bitmap or JPEG Image ............................................................... 12
Measuring Distance and Area ................................................................................ 14
Chart of Supported Coordinate Formats .................................................................. 15
Searching Tips .................................................................................................... 17
Exiting the Program ............................................................................................. 18
About the Interface ............................................................................................. 19
Tab Area ............................................................................................................ 19
Overview Map ..................................................................................................... 20
Toolbar .............................................................................................................. 21
Using the Help System ......................................................................................... 21
Help Overview .................................................................................................... 21
Using the Help System ......................................................................................... 23
Help Documentation Conventions .......................................................................... 25
Glossary Terms ................................................................................................... 26
Recreational Contacts .......................................................................................... 33
Map Legend ........................................................................................................ 43
Topo USA User Guide
Using the Toolbar ................................................................................................... 49
Showing/Hiding Toolbar Options ............................................................................ 49
To Create a New Project ....................................................................................... 49
To Open a Project ............................................................................................... 49
To Save a Project ................................................................................................ 50
To Open the Map Library ...................................................................................... 50
To Share Maps .................................................................................................... 50
To Create a Route ............................................................................................... 50
To Sync Files and Information with a Handheld GPS Device ....................................... 52
To Measure Distance ............................................................................................ 52
To Get Information About a Location ...................................................................... 52
To Create a Profile ............................................................................................... 53
To Add Images and Data to a GPS Location ............................................................. 54
To Choose Options .............................................................................................. 54
To Grab and Pan the Map ..................................................................................... 55
To Start/Stop Your GPS Connection ....................................................................... 55
To Use GPS NavMode ........................................................................................... 56
To Print ............................................................................................................. 56
To Print the Map Screen ....................................................................................... 57
Customizing the Map and Tab Display ....................................................................... 59
Display Options Overview ..................................................................................... 59
Customizing the Interface ..................................................................................... 59
Displaying Basic Map Features .............................................................................. 60
Customizing the Map Feature Preferences ............................................................... 63
Changing the Map Colors ...................................................................................... 65
Showing Hybrid Maps .......................................................................................... 65
Changing the Map Magnification Level .................................................................... 66
Table of Contents
Changing the Contour Details Preferences ............................................................... 66
Changing How POIs Display on the Map .................................................................. 67
Setting Units of Measure Preferences ..................................................................... 68
Resizing the Map and Tab Areas ............................................................................ 71
Viewing Two Maps at the Same Time ..................................................................... 73
Showing or Hiding Tabs ........................................................................................ 75
Importing/Exporting Tab Manager Preferences ........................................................ 76
Reordering the Tabs ............................................................................................ 77
Using Keyboard Shortcuts ....................................................................................... 79
Selecting a Keyboard Shortcut Scheme .................................................................. 79
Creating a New Custom Scheme ............................................................................ 79
Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts in a Custom Scheme .................................................. 80
Customizing a DeLorme Scheme ........................................................................... 82
Renaming a Custom Scheme ................................................................................ 82
Deleting a Custom Scheme ................................................................................... 83
Importing a Custom Scheme ................................................................................. 83
Exporting a Custom Scheme ................................................................................. 84
Searching For Commands ..................................................................................... 84
Viewing All of the Shortcut Keys for a Scheme ......................................................... 85
Viewing Map Data .................................................................................................. 87
Saving Data to Your Hard Drive ............................................................................. 87
Connecting Data ................................................................................................. 87
Using Projects and Map Files .................................................................................... 89
Projects and Map Files Overview ............................................................................ 89
Creating and Deleting Projects .............................................................................. 89
Opening an Existing Project .................................................................................. 90
Topo USA User Guide
Creating Transfer Files ......................................................................................... 92
Importing Transfer Files ....................................................................................... 94
Emailing a Transfer File ........................................................................................ 95
Finding a Location on the Map .................................................................................. 97
Find Options ....................................................................................................... 97
Find Overview ..................................................................................................... 98
Performing a Basic Search .................................................................................... 98
Tips on Viewing Search Results ............................................................................ 109
Keywords for Category Searches .......................................................................... 110
MapTags: Converting, Moving, Hiding, and Deleting ................................................ 114
Using Address Book Contacts .................................................................................. 117
Manually Entering Address Book Information .......................................................... 118
Centering the Map on an Address Book Contact ...................................................... 119
Editing a Contact In Your Address Book ................................................................. 120
Relocating Address Book Contacts ........................................................................ 121
Deleting a Contact In Your Address Book ............................................................... 121
Deleting Your Entire Address Book ........................................................................ 123
Table of Contents
Printing ............................................................................................................... 125
Printing a Route and Directions ............................................................................ 126
Printing a Profile ................................................................................................ 128
Adding Text or Graphics to Your Map .................................................................... 129
Aligning Text and Graphic Items on Your Map ......................................................... 132
Snapping Text and Graphic Items on Your Map ....................................................... 133
Changing the Background Color of a Printed Map .................................................... 135
Using the Draw Tools ............................................................................................. 141
Draw File Management ........................................................................................ 146
Creating a New Draw File .................................................................................... 146
Saving a Draw File ............................................................................................. 147
Deleting a Draw File ........................................................................................... 148
Hiding Draw Files ............................................................................................... 148
Editing/Locking Draw Files ................................................................................... 149
Exporting Draw Files to Text Files ......................................................................... 149
Exporting Track Data Files to Text Files ................................................................. 150
Exporting Track or Waypoint Files to GPX Files ....................................................... 151
Importing Files to Draw Files ................................................................................ 151
Formatting a Text File to Import as a Draw File ...................................................... 154
Saving a Track as a GPS Log ................................................................................ 156
Topo USA User Guide
Changing Draw Object Types ............................................................................... 159
Creating a Direct Route from a Line Object ............................................................ 161
Copying a Draw Object From One Draw File to Another ............................................ 161
Moving a Draw Object to a Different Draw File ........................................................ 162
Deleting Draw Objects ........................................................................................ 166
Snapping Draw Objects ....................................................................................... 168
Adding Points to Draw Objects ............................................................................. 169
Deleting Points and Line Segments from Draw Objects ............................................ 170
Routable Roads, Trails, Tracks, Lines, Arcs , and Splines .......................................... 171
Drawing a Line, Arc, or Spline on the Map .............................................................. 172
Drawing a Track on the Map ................................................................................ 174
Tutorial: Convert Tracks into Trails ....................................................................... 175
Editing a Routable Road, Routable Trail, Line, Arc, or Spline ..................................... 177
Placing a Routable Road, Routable Trail, Line, Arc, or Spline at a Specific Location ....... 179
Circles, Rectangles, and Polygons ......................................................................... 181
Drawing a Circle, Rectangle, or Polygon on the Map ................................................ 181
Waypoints, Symbols, MapNotes, Text Labels, and Images ........................................ 184
Table of Contents
Adding a Waypoint, Symbol, MapNote, Text Label, or Image to the Map ..................... 184
Editing a Waypoint, Symbol, MapNote, Text Label, or Image .................................... 186
Placing a Waypoint, Symbol, Text Label, or Image at a Specific Location .................... 187
Moving and Deleting Draw MapNotes .................................................................... 188
Custom Symbols Overview .................................................................................. 189
Creating a New Symbol ....................................................................................... 190
GPS Device Custom Symbols ............................................................................... 191
Finding a Custom Symbol .................................................................................... 194
Importing a Bitmap ............................................................................................ 195
Dragging a Bitmap into XSym .............................................................................. 198
Using the Transparency Option ............................................................................. 201
Creating a New Symbol Set ................................................................................. 203
Opening a Symbol Set ........................................................................................ 203
Routing ............................................................................................................... 205
Adding and Inserting Stops and Vias ..................................................................... 209
Changing the Routing Method .............................................................................. 212
Changing the Properties of a Stop Along Your Route ................................................ 213
Topo USA User Guide
Saving Route Directions as Text ........................................................................... 215
Editing a Route .................................................................................................. 217
Displaying and Centering Routes on the Map .......................................................... 220
Importing Routes ............................................................................................... 222
Tutorial: Plan a Long Distance Trip........................................................................ 222
Setting Your End of Day and Fuel Break Preferences................................................ 226
Using GPS ............................................................................................................ 229
GPS Options/Initializing GPS ................................................................................ 229
Tracking a Route with GPS .................................................................................. 241
Getting Back on Track When Off Course ................................................................ 242
Playing Back a Log File ........................................................................................ 243
Previewing a GPS Log File .................................................................................... 244
Viewing File Details for a GPS Log ......................................................................... 245
Table of Contents
Monitoring GPS Satellite Information ..................................................................... 247
About GPS ........................................................................................................ 249
Using Voice Navigation .......................................................................................... 253
Voice Overview .................................................................................................. 253
Activating and Monitoring Speech Recognition ........................................................ 254
Voice Commands ............................................................................................... 255
Voice Options .................................................................................................... 259
Voice Options .................................................................................................... 260
Training the Speech Recognition Engine ................................................................ 260
Speech Recognition Tips ...................................................................................... 261
Changing Voice Output ....................................................................................... 263
Voice Preferences ............................................................................................... 264
Geocaching .......................................................................................................... 267
Geocaching Menu ............................................................................................... 267
Geocaching Overview .......................................................................................... 268
Managing Pocket Queries .................................................................................... 269
Using Earthmate PN-Series GPS Devices .................................................................. 271
PN-Series GPS Overview ..................................................................................... 271
Syncing Maps and Data ....................................................................................... 271
Syncing Maps, Points, Routes, and Tracks .............................................................. 272
Tutorial: Add a Map to an Earthmate PN-Series GPS ................................................ 274
Tutorial: Sync Data with a PN-Series GPS .............................................................. 278
Topo USA User Guide
Creating Custom Map Packages ............................................................................ 284
Grid Size Comparisons ........................................................................................ 287
Data Zoom Level/Scale Bar Translation ................................................................. 288
Using Third-party GPS Devices ................................................................................ 291
Sending Tracks .................................................................................................. 292
Receiving a Route .............................................................................................. 294
Receiving a Track ............................................................................................... 295
Receiving Waypoints ........................................................................................... 296
Using Small-screen Devices .................................................................................... 299
Profiling Linear Objects .......................................................................................... 301
Creating a Profile ............................................................................................... 301
Viewing the Profile Elevation Graphs ..................................................................... 302
Manually Setting Minimum and Maximum Elevation ................................................. 308
Viewing Your Map in 3-D ........................................................................................ 313
Setting Your 3-D Map Preferences ........................................................................ 315
Tutorial: Fly in 3-D ............................................................................................. 317
Using NetLink and MapShare .................................................................................. 321
NetLink Overview ............................................................................................... 321
Tutorial: Share Maps .......................................................................................... 321
Table of Contents
Using GeoTagger .................................................................................................. 327
Getting Started with GeoTagger ........................................................................... 327
Tagging an Image .............................................................................................. 327
Calculate the Timestamp Offset ............................................................................ 330
Legal Information ................................................................................................. 333
DeLorme Topo North America 10.0 Single-User License Agreement ........................... 333
Important Notices .............................................................................................. 338
Apache License, Version 2.0 ................................................................................ 345
Index .................................................................................................................. 351
Getting Started
Welcome to DeLorme Topo North America
Helpful Links
DeLorme—product information and more
Technical Support—searchable knowledge base, articles, troubleshooting
Community Forums—a wealth of information from the people who use our
DeLorme Weblog—announcements, tips and tricks, and tutorials
What's New
Updated road and trail data in the US and Canada including more than 800,000 new road names in the US.
Updated with hi-detail lake, river and stream data for all 50 states.
Includes elevation data for all of Mexico and updated elevation data for Alaska.
Now includes park data in Canada, 38 National Parks and 100 popular Provincial
DeLorme Topo North America Features
These are just some of the many features that you can enjoy with DeLorme Topo North America:
Try our data downloads for free! Included with your purchase is a download certificate for $40 worth of data and imagery using the NetLink tab required). You can also subscribe to the DeLorme Map Library and get unlimited downloads for an annual fee of only $29.95.
Use the Handheld Export tab to create custom maps to send to your Earthmate PN- Series GPS.
Search for trails, state parks, mountain peaks, unique natural features, points of interest, and more.
View your maps in 3-D and fly over the terrain with shaded relief, detailed land
use/land cover features, and elevation contours.
Use the split-screen functionality to view two types of data for the same location at
the same time.
Topo USA User Guide
Create trail, road, or direct routes
Customize your route by adding stops and vias.
Use the toolbar to share maps, add data and images to the map, open/create/save projects, start/stop GPS, edit your preferences, and more.
Profile map items and objects you draw/add to the map to determin e c o or d inate information, linear distance, elevation, grade, and so on.
Print high quality, detailed, 2-D or 3-D single-page maps, and/or mural maps as large as 3 x 3 pages. You can even print routes, route directions, and profiles.
Create custom keyboard shortcuts or select a DeLorme shortcut scheme, such as 3-D Navigation, to navigate the program more easily than ever.
Connect your GPS device to the program and track your progress on a laptop as you
And much more!
by adding start and finish points on your map.
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions are asked most frequently by our customers. Click a question to reveal its answer. To hide the answer, click the question again.
How do I get maps from DeLorme Topo North America to my Earthmate PN-Series GPS device?
To get started, see these tutorials:
Tutorial: Add a Map to Your PN-Series GPS Tutorial: Sync Data with a PN-Series GPS
To learn how to make a custom map, see Creating a Custom Map Package. For more information, see the PN-Series GPS Help topics under Using Earthmate PN-
Series GPS Devices.
Is my GPS device supported? DeLorme software works with different types of GPS devices.
DeLorme Earthmate GPS Handheld Devices—DeLorme Topo North America 10.0 supports DeLorme Earthmate PN-30 and higher models.
DeLorme Earthmate GPS Laptop Devices—LT-40 (and previous versions) and BT-20 for laptops.
USB GPS Support—DeLorme software can use the data output from a USB GPS if the device meets one of the following criteria:
When the GPS is attached to the computer, it is recognized and displayed under Ports in the Microsoft® Windows® Device Manager.
The unit is a Garmin USB device and the Garmin drivers are installed.
Note Magellan USB devices are not currently supported.
Serial GPS Support—DeLorme software can use the data output from a serial GPS device. The device must be connected to a free COM port and output a generic NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) stream.
Bluetooth GPS Support—DeLorme software can use the data output from a Bluetooth GPS device. You must configure your Bluetooth software to create a virtual serial port.
How do I find a specific location?
Getting Started
Use DeLorme Topo North America's search tools to locate places and points of interest (POIs) in the United States and Canada and places in Mexico.
In addition, you can search for places along your route, within a certain radius of the current map center, or within a particular region.
To access the search features in DeLorme Topo North America, click the Find tab. For more information on searching for specific locations, see
Performing a Basic Search, Finding Points of Interest Near Your Current Location, Performing a POI Search, and Performing an Advanced Search.
How can I find all of the nearby points of interest? Right-click your loca tion on the map, click Find Travel POIs, and then click the
distance you want to search within (1 mile, 5 miles, or 10 miles). The points of interest display in Find tab results area.
OR If you are tracking with a GPS device, do a radar search
to locate points of interest
within a designated distance of your current GPS position.
Where do I find the map settings and other Options settings?
Click the Options button on the toolbar to modify GPS, sync, voice, map feature, display, keyboard shortcut, and 3-D preferences. For more information, see
To Choose Options
Topo USA User Guide
How do I perform an Along the Way search in the Find tab and print my results? Search for names or categories along your current route by performing an advanced
search in the Find tab. You can then print your search results using the Along the Way print option.
Use the following steps to search for a name/category along your current route and print the results:
1. Click the Find tab and then click Advanced. The Advanced dialog area displays.
2. Select Category from the From drop-down list .
3. Select Current Route from the Within drop-down list.
4. Type the appropriate keyword in the Keywords text box.
5. Type the distance in the Distance text box.
6. Click Search. The search results display in the dialog area.
7. Click the Print tab and then click Route. The Route dialog area displays.
8. Select the Along the Way check box.
9. Click Print Now. The search results print.
How do I submit a data update or fix the roads on my map?
If you find there is a missing local road, you can add it to the current Draw
layer using the Routable Roads Draw tool. For more information, see Drawing Routable Roads or Trails on the Map.
To report an error to DeLorme:
1. Click the NetLink tab.
2. Click the Support subtab.
3. In the Map Corrections box, click the Submit Correction link.
4. Use the Customer Revisions wizard to submit the change.
What is a project? You can save all of your work as a single workspace so you can open it again later.
These saved workspaces are called projects. A project is made up of the following items: coordinates of the map center, current
zoom level, current magnification, map display preferences, any added items: such as draw layers, routes, and so on. As you create new routes or draw layers, change
Getting Started
preferences or the map center, and so on, they are added to the current project. You can save or discard changes.
To learn how to create a project, see Creating and Deleting Projects
What is the difference between a stop and a via? When routing in DeLorme Topo North America, you have the option of
adding/inserting stops or vias
in the route. A stop is a location in a route where you want to stop and then proceed from. A via is a location on the map that you want the route to use.
For example, if you create a route between Portland, Maine, and Yarmouth, Maine, with no stops or vias, the r oute directions will tell y o u to take I-295. However, if you want to take US Route 1 instead, you can place vias in the route on US Route 1 to force the route to go by way of US Route 1. If you plan on stopping in Falmouth Foreside for lunch, you will want your route directions to reflect that stop. When you add a stop, you can recalculate to include it.
This map shows the area between Portland, Maine, and Yarmouth, Maine, with two vias and one stop.
What's the difference between adding and inserting a stop or via?
Topo USA User Guide
The Insert Stop/Via function arranges stops/vias geographically in the route. The Add Stop/Via function adds stops/vias in the order you add them to the route. For more information, see Adding and Inserting Stops and Vias
Why did my route fail to calculate? Your route will fail to calculate if you create a route:
With a route start, stop, via, or finish point in an area that you have
designated as a Route Avoid
That includes route points outside the United States. If you have the North American version of DeLorme Topo North America, for routes that include points outside of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
On an island without roads. In this case, DeLorme Topo North America looks for the nearest road to that island to place the route point. If the nearest road is not routable (for example, it is the only road on the island and/or the island does not have ferry access), you will get an error message saying, "Route failed to calculate."
Why do X marks sometimes display on the map when I calculate a route?
When you place a route point in a location that isn't on a street, DeLorme
Topo North America finds the closest street to that location, marks the space between the point you clicked and the street with X marks, and starts the route at the street.
If you search for an address that is on a walkway and place a route point on it, DeLorme Topo North America finds the closest street to that location, marks the space between the point the clicked and the street with X marks, and starts the route at the street.
Why is the tab area and control panel so narrow?
DeLorme Topo North America was designed for resolutions of 800 x 600 or higher. If you are using a very high resolution (such as 1920x 1200), the tab area and control panel may appear to be very narrow. You can
modify the size of the map and tab
area or use the Windows® Control Panel to adjust your display settings.
What's the best way to measure the distance of a road or trail?
Getting Started
The best way to determine the distance of a particular road or trail is to create a route. You can create a route using right-click functionality, the too lbar, or the Route tab. For more information, see Creating a Route
What's the best way to measure a large area on the map? The best way to measure a large area on the map is with the area tools on the Draw
tab (such as the polygon tool). When you draw an area object on the map, the area displays next to the object on the map. If you click off the object, you can view the area again by clicking the Select tool in the Draw tab and then clicking the area object on the map. For more information about drawing area objects, see Drawing a Circle, Rectangle, or Polygon on the Map.
What's the best way to measure a short distance on the map? The best way to measure a short distance (that is not made up of a road/trail) on the map is to use the Measure tool on the toolbar. You can measure linear distance
and area on the map based on the units chosen in the Display tab of the Options dialog box. For instructions on using the measure tool, see
Why won't 3-D billboards display?
Measuring Distance and
If you receive a message saying that 3-D billboards cannot be displayed, ensure that you have a 32 MB video card with the most recent drivers and that it supports DirectX and transparencies.
How do I?
Click a question to open the related Help topic. See also, Frequently Asked Questions.
Controlling the Map
How do I pan the map? How do I zoom the map in and out? How do I change the map view to show the left map view, right map view, or both?
Display Preferences
How do I change the map colors?
Draw Tools
How do I add a road or trail to my map?
Topo USA User Guide
Earthmate PN-Series GPS
How do I use my mapping app lication with my PN-Series GPS?
Searching for a Location
How do I search for a location?
How do I start tracking with my GPS device?
Map Data
How do I work without the DVD? How do I switch the data that displays in the left map windo w?
Map Files
What is a project?
How do I create a route? How do I track a route with my GPS receiver? How can I automatically recalculate my route when I'm off course? How can I avoid a specific area when routing?
How do I print a map?
How do I view a profile of a route I've created?
1. Center the route you want to profile on the map.
2. Click the Profile tab.
3. Select a route on the map to generate its profile. When the object is selected, it is highlighted and the Profile graph displays in the Profile dialog area.
How do I generate a 3-D map? How can I expand my 3-D map to fit the entire screen?
Getting Started
Basic Functions Running DeLorme Topo North America
After you install the program, you can run it with the DVD to use the data without installing it to your computer's hard drive. For more information on installing data to your hard drive, see Saving Data to Your Hard Drive
To Access Data from the DVD
Choose one of the following ways to access the data using the DVD.
If you installed a desktop shortcut, insert a DeLorme Topo North America DVD into your computer's DVD drive and then double-click the DeLorme Topo North America 10.0 icon.
Insert a DeLorme Topo North America DVD into your DVD drive. Click Start, point to Programs > DeLorme > Topo North America 10.0, and then click DeLorme Topo North America 10.0.
Zooming In and Out
You can use the drag and zoom feature, zoom tools, or the data zoom level(Data zoom level is the relationship between what you see in a map view and how it exists in reality. It is the amount of geographic data displayed on a computer monitor. The data zoom level is similar to the traditional fractional relationship expressed on paper maps. For example, 1:24,000, 1:100,000, 1:500,000, and so on.) to quickly change the zoom level of the map view.
Increase the data zoom level number to show a smaller geographic area at greater detail.
Decrease the data zoom level number to show a larger geographic area at lesser detail.
If you view both the right (primary) and left (secondary) maps at different data zoom levels, a box (or lines, depending on the current data zoom level) displays on the map that is zoomed out the furthest. The box/lines indicate th e area that is in view on the other map.
If you view the right and left maps at the same data zoom level but they are not equally represented on the screen (50/50), a box (or lines) displays on the map that
Topo USA User Guide
is covering the most screen area. The box/lines indicate the area that is in view on the other map.
To Drag and Zoom In
Use the following steps to zoom in either the right or left map.
1. Click and hold down the left mouse button as you drag the mouse in a down-right direction on the map to encompass the area you want to display. A view box displays on the screen and changes dimension as you move the mouse. A label displays the data zoom level at the current map center.
2. Once you reach the map area or data zoom level you want to display, release the mouse button. The area you selected fills the map window, the map re-centers, and the map view adjusts to show the appropriate level of detail.
Tip To move the view box to another location, press the SHIFT key at any time.
To Drag and Zoom Out
Use the following steps to zoom in either the right or left map.
1. Click and hold down the left mouse button as you drag the mouse in an up-left direction on the map. A staircase with a small circle displays on the screen.
2. Continue dragging the mouse in an up-left direction. The small circle moves up the steps, one step per data zoom level. A label displays the data zoom level to t he bottom-right of the staircase.
3. Once you reach the data zoom level you want to display, release the mouse button. The map view adjusts to display the appropriate level of detail. The map center is retained on your screen.
To Zoom In/Out Using the Zoom Tools
There are two sets of zoom tools. The zoom tools for the right map are located in the
Control Panel
. The zoom tools for the left map are located at the top of the left map view.
Click the up arrow to zoom out one minor data zoom level at a time. Click the down arrow to zoom in one minor data zoom
level at a time. Map Controls
Click the Zoom In 1 tool to increase the detail number to the
next full level.
Click the Zoom Out 1 tool to decrease the detail number to t he
Getting Started
next full level.
Click the Zoom Out 3 tool to decrease the detail number by
three full levels.
Click the plus button to increase the detail number to the next
full level. Left
Click the minus button to decrease the detail number to the Map
next full level. Controls
The data zoom level of the left map displays in the text area to
the left of the buttons.
Press ALT+PAGE UP on your keyboard to zoom out to the next full data zoom level. Press ALT+PAGE DOWN on your keyboard to zoom in to the next full data zoom level.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom the map in and out. Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in by individual data zoom level steps or hold the SHIFT key while rotating t he mouse wheel to zoom to the next full data zoom level.
Panning/Centering the Map
Use any of the following methods to pan (move) or center the map.
Click anywhere on the map. The point you click becomes the new map center.
When you point near the map edge, a white hand displays. Drag the hand to move
the map in that direction.
With your cursor anywhere on the map, press the CTRL key on your keyboard—the cursor becomes a white hand. Hold down your left mouse button to drag the map to a new location.
Click the Map Panning button on the toolbar to drag/pan the 2-D or 3-D map in any direction.
Click anywhere on the overview map center. This allows you to traverse greater distances with each mouse click than you can within the main map.
. The point you click becomes the new map
Topo USA User Guide
Point anywhere on the black view box in the overview m a p wind ow. When the pointer becomes a , drag the view box to the new location.
Use the search features on the Find tab to center the map on a particular location.
Assign shortcut keys
to pan the map up, down, left, or right in small increments.
Copying Your Map to the Clipboard
Click the Copy to Clipboard button on the Print tab to copy your map to the clipboard. You can then paste it into another program.
You can also right-click anywhere on the map and click Copy Map to Clipboard.
Saving a Map as a Bitmap or JPEG Image
You can save the current map view as a bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) image in all page layout formats: Single, 2 x 2, and 3 x 3. If you select a multi-page format, all the active pages are saved as individual bitmaps or JPEGs. The file name is the specified file name with an incremental page number at the end.
See Printing a Map
To Save a Map as a Bitmap or JPEG
Use the following steps to save a map as an image.
1. Locate the area on the map that you want to save as an image.
for information about printing a map without saving it as a file.
2. Click the Print tab and then click the Map subtab (if it is not already selected).
3. Under Map, select Left, Right, or Both.
4. Under Print Layout, select Page(the map print area is based on the paper size
specified in the Setup options) or Screen(the map print area is based on the screen size).
The print area for a Page map displays as a red box and the print area for a Screen map displays as a blue box on the overview map.
5. If you selected Page in step 4, the follow ing options are available.
Getting Started
Under Print Layout, select a layout option (Single, 2 x 2, or 3 x 3). The print area displays on both the Map and the Overview Map. In the example below, 2 x 2 is selected. This means the print area encompasses four standard pages at whatever paper size you specified in the Setup options. You can assemble a multi-page map
into a large map.
If you selected 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 and do not want to save all the pages in the multi-page map on the map layout graphic, click each page you do not want to save. The page appears dimmed or gray. In the example below, page 4 will not print.
Verify this is the location and photo zoom you want to save. If not, pan the map to the location and zoom to the level you want. Note Changing the photo zoom enlarges/reduces the map features and changes the map area that you save as an image. If you increase the photo zoom level, map text, lines, symbols, etc. are larger and your map area is reduced. If you decrease the photo zoom level, map text, lines, symb o ls, etc. are smaller and your map area is enlarged. The reduction/enlargement percentages for your photo zoom level display under the Photo Zoom drop­down list.
If you want to use other tabs and functions but not lose your current print area, print photo zoom, or other settings, select the Lock Print Center check box. This locks the print area and changes the tab label to red.
Add text or graphics to your map
Topo USA User Guide
Select the Print Preview check box to zoom the map and view the entire area that will be saved as a bitmap image. Clear the check box to return to your previous data zoom level.
6. Click the Save button . The Save 2D Map Image dialog box opens.
7. Type the file name in the File Name text box, select to save the file as a .bmp or .jpg from the Save as Type drop-down list, select the DPI (dots per in ch) value (optional), and click Save.
Measuring Distance and Area
Use the Measure tool on the toolbar to measure linear distance and area on the map based on the units chosen in the Display tab of the Options dialog box.
The snap function snaps (attaches) the point of a measurement line to a point on a road or another measurement object. This ensures a more accurate measurement of distance or area. To measure area, you must completely enclose the area by snapping your finish point to your starting point.
The Measure tool is the best way to measure short distances on the map. If you want to measure the distance of a road, try creating a route area on the map, use the area object tools in the Draw tab.
To disable the auto-snap function, hold down the ALT key on your keyboard while using the Measure tool.
Measure objects (lines and areas) are saved with the current map project. When you create a new map project, the measure objects do not display. If you want the same measure objects on your new project, you must recreate them.
To view information about a measurement line, right-click it and click Info. The measurement information is automatically displayed in the Info tab.
. If you want to measure a large
To Measure Distance or Area
Use the following steps to measure linear distance or area on the map.
1. Verify you have the correct units of measure selected in the Display tab of the Options dialog box. For more information, see Setting Units of Measure Preferences
2. On the toolbar, click the Measure tool . The pointer changes to .
Getting Started
3. Click point-by-point to draw a measurement line on the map. A text box displays next to your pointer indicatin g the total distance of the measurement taken. Note When you pass over a point in a road, measurement line, or measurement area to which you can snap, a yellow circle defines the snap point. Click to snap the point of the measure line to the road or measurement object's point coordinate.
4. To end a measurement line, double-click the last point of the measurement line.
OR Click the last point of your measure line or area and then click the Measure tool on the toolbar. The measure line is a two-pixel wide yellow line and the total length of the line is displayed in a label at each endpoint of the line.
5. To end a measure area, hover over the starting point until the yellow snap circle displays, and then double-click the last point to the starting point. The closure area is transparently shaded, and the area and perimeter measurements display.
Chart of Supported Coordinate Formats
These are the supported search formats. Sample coordinates are for Yarmouth, Maine. Tip Examples of search formats are listed in the Advanced search drop-down text boxes
along with a history of your most current search criteria.
Coordinate Format
Latitude/Longitude N 43 48 30, W70 9 52 N 43 48 30 W70 9 52
QuickSearch Advanced Search
N 43 48.4910, W 070
N434829.4600, W0700950.6400
N43-48-30, W70-9-52 N43-48-30 W70-9-52
N 43 48.4910 W 070 09.8440
N434829.4600 W0700950.6400
N 43:48:29.46, W 70:9:50.64
4348, -7009 4348 -7009
N 43:48:29.46 W 70:9:50.64
Topo USA User Guide
4348N, 7009W 4348N 7009W
N4348, W7009 N4348 W7009
4348n, 7009w 4348n 7009w
n4348, w7009 n4348 w7009
4348 N, 7009 W 4348 N 7009 W
N 4348, W 7009 N 4348 W 7009
4348 n, 7009 w 4348 n 7009 w
n 4348 w 7009 n 4348 w 7009
434829, -700950 434829 -700950
4348.491, -7009.844 4348.491 -7009.844
4348.491, -7009.844 4348.491 -7009.844
434829.46, -700950.64 434829.46 -700950.64
43.80818333, -
43 48.4910 N, 70 09 50.64 W 43 48.4910 N 70 09 50.64 W
43 48.4910 n, 70 09 50.64 w
N 43 48.4910, W 70 09
434829.46 N, 700950.64 W 434829.46 N 700950.64 W
43, -70 43 -70
MGRS/USNG 19TDJ 06354 51187
43.80818333 -70.16406667
43 48.4910 n 70 09 50.64 w
N 43 48.4910 70 09 50.64 W
Same as QuickSearch
19TDJ0635451187 (NAD27)*
19TDJ06355109 19TDJ064511
+ 339 hidden pages